Author Topic: The Starr Legacy  (Read 16165 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #45 on: March 10, 2016, 06:51:56 PM »
What a beautiful house! I love it! I can't wait to see the other changes you plan to put in with wardrobes!

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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2016, 08:29:09 PM »
The house is adorable! I have/use to have some of the custom content in the house. It looks great!  :D

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The Starr Legacy-New Clothes and the Second Floor
« Reply #47 on: March 11, 2016, 09:58:40 PM »
Sorry it took me so long to put this up. Here's the family from youngest to oldest, excluding Katrina, of course.

Marcus Starr

I finally found a hair that suits Marcus! I think it looks incredibly cute on him, despite the odd coloring of his hair.

Adriana Starr

I have to admit, the toddler hair for girls is extremely limited. Even if you get CC, most of them have really long hair that looks ridiculous on a toddler. So I went with this. It looks pretty dull, but at least she doesn't look that awful.

Alexander Starr

I still think he looks like his mother.

Boyd looks like a stud, really.
As promised, the second floor of the new house.

The posting of regular chapters should resume after this, so don't worry about that.
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The Starr Legacy-The Girl With No History
« Reply #48 on: March 12, 2016, 03:04:01 AM »

School had just let out for Alexander, his afterschool activities and everyday schoolwork complete for the time being. Any normal child would want to go home right about then, maybe even a bit earlier, but Alex didn't feel the need to. He wouldn't go home, not yet. He'd sit on his bench for an hour, maybe three, and no one would tell the difference.
He might've been incorrect in saying so, but Alexander was almost positive that his parents wouldn't know he was gone even if he were to stay out for several days. It wasn't their fault, he knew that. Twins had to be a handful, and taking care of three at a time might just be impossible for them. It was just as well that Alex got out of their hair for a few hours.

His bench-sitting had become somewhat of a ritual for Alex. Everyday worked like clockwork for him. He'd get up, go to school, go to a boy scouts meeting, and then watch the day go by simply from the view that he got from the old bench outside the school entrance. It was boring, sure, but it wasn't any different from the conditions at home. At least here he had some quiet away from the noisy toddlers that seemed to take up every minute of his parent's time.

It wasn't uncommon for young Alex to get lost in his thoughts during these little camp-outs at the school, as he did now. It was pleasant, the feeling of just swimming in one's thoughts, not having to be concerned with anything beyond the realms if one's mind.

So absorbed was he in his mind that he neglected to notice that he wasn't alone on his bench.

"Hello?" asked the girl tentatively, and though it took him a bit to hear her, Alex eventually looked over to her, startled and a bit confused.

No one had really ever noticed him at school, nor had Alex ever done anything to be noticed in the first place. For someone, let alone a stranger, to walk up to him all out of the blue and start talking to him, it was unthinkable.

Despite the newness of the situation, Alexander couldn't help but find it comforting.

Though, it seemed he had forgotten to reply to the stranger, and so he hastily replied to fill the void in the conversation, " Oh, um, hello there." he blurted awkwardly.

The girl looked at him quizzically, but soon shrugged it off and smiled lightly at her new acquaintance.

"Mind me asking, what are you doing here all alone? I'd of thought that most kids would've practically knocked over the bus to get home." said the girl, not in an unfriendly way.

Alex was surprised at the question, once again being knocked off balance by the girl's words.

"Nothing really. Just not much in the mood to go home lately."

"Oh, okay then. I guess I can understand that." she murmured politely, settling back into her chair as to get comfortable. She seemed satisfied for the time being, and said nothing more for a few minutes.

The two sat quietly as the snow fell down on them, a blessed sense of peace taking over as they did nothing but enjoy the company of one another.

"What's your name?" said Alexander said at last, breaking the silence in favor of a question.

The girl grinned, and laughed happily at the newest revelation, "Alexis. Alexis Zepeda. That should be my name, friend."

Alex decided that he liked the odd girl, who seemed to be happy and content with her life, and was so undemanding towards others. It was a personality type that he liked, and he had never had a friend before, which made it all the more memorable, this meeting in the snow.

"Well, what's your name, then?"

Alex jumped. He had completely forgotten that the not-so-stranger Alexis might actually want to know a bit about him, too.

"Alexander...Yes, it's Alex." Alex said, a bit uncertain on whether to give her his full name or the shortened version.

"That's a nice name." hummed Alexis, a grin still present on her lips.

"If I'm not being too forward in asking, where do you live?"

"Oh, here, there, everywhere." said the girl, pausing but quickly moving on.

"However, if it were up to me, I'd like to live in a castle. You know, like the ones in the books. It'd be really big, with a ton of rooms and stuff." Alexis chirped, imagination getting ahead of her as she talked.

"I'm sure that there'd be lots of people living there, too. Like knights and kings and queens and other things that any proper castle should have." At this point, she was talking so fast that Alex didn't really even know if she was breathing between her sentences.

"It'd be on a steep hilltop, with long stairs winding up to reach it. The sky would be an amazingly bright blue, and the grass just as green as it is from far away." she went on, describing it in great detail. Alexander honestly didn't know how the conversation came to be, starting out as a simple exchange between children and ending as a an elaborate conversation between friends.

"What do you think, Alexander?" she said seriously all of the sudden, looking him directly in the eyes.

Truth is, he didn't really know what he thought, so instead of making up his mind, he stated simply, "I think it'd be beautiful."

He might've thought the girl to be a bit beautiful as well.
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Offline TheUnspecified

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The Starr Legacy-Some Background on Alexis
« Reply #49 on: March 12, 2016, 04:02:48 AM »
In the last chapter, you may have noticed the new character introduced, going by the name of Alexis Zepeda. Well, I actually found her on another save of mine. She was one of the homeless sims in Sunset Valley, and she caught my attention. If you look at her, she's actually pretty cute, don't you think? Anyway, she's mostly here because all of the current children are...not the best looking. I have no idea what happened with the genetics, but things clearly did not go well.
 So, yeah, that's all you need to know for know. Obviously, it wasn't very much, but it's there.
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Offline mpart

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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #50 on: March 12, 2016, 01:00:53 PM »
I love hearing from Alexander. He is an interesting sim.  :)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #51 on: March 12, 2016, 01:51:08 PM »
Aw! Alex and Alex! How cute. ;)
I really love getting to hear how each Sim feels. Katrina and Boyd have their hands full and where does that leave Alexander? He's handling it so well, and I think he's got a great friend (and maybe more?) from Alexis! What a beautiful little girl! I had no idea that gem was hiding in Sunset Valley.

By the way, I love the makeovers you did, toddler hairs really aren't that great, but I love what you did with Marcus! What a cutie!
Who knew Boyd had such nice genetics (though I'm still firmly believing that it's all from beautiful Katrina).

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The Starr Legacy-Sort of Update?
« Reply #52 on: March 12, 2016, 09:39:20 PM »
I never knew getting the pictures for this story would be so hard! Really, it was easy when it was just Katrina, but now that I'm trying to work in several characters that aren't in the immediate household, I just can't seem to keep it up. For instance, in the next chapter, Susan's coming back, if only for a few paragraphs. I've gotten most of the pictures for that part, but the things I had to do to get them, yeesh! Once my game crashed, and twice I had to restart because I somehow messed something up. It wouldn't be too bad for most people, but I have a slow computer, so having to go back and forth from household to household is not an easy feat.

Er, might've forgotten what I was actually trying to say, which was that I don't think Janny's going to come in until her young adult years. I know, I know, kind of irrelevant, but I can't be sure, someone might be interested.

I should be getting back to trying to post chapters, but for some reason I can't stop creating large vampire families to put in the neighborhood. I think it's that the child vampires are just so cute. I can't get over the glowing eyes.

I should end this here, this sort of update, before it gets too out-of-hand, but I've gotten quite a few of the necessary pictures for the next bit, only one segment is left to go.

Also, here's that picture of Janny that I've been meaning to get out:

She's now a coward in addition to genius and athletic. Kind of an odd combination, but okay.

So, yeah, that's all for now. Expect another chapter in, what, about another twenty minutes or so? Should be around that, at least.
Just you wait, I'm going to post some useless crap on the internet.

Offline TheUnspecified

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The Starr Legacy-Think Nothing of It
« Reply #53 on: March 12, 2016, 11:51:10 PM »

Boyd woke up early, the covers of his bed rustling lightly despite his efforts to keep quiet. The sounds of his wife's breathing comforted him, but was not enough to placate his mind. Something had been weighing on him recently, and it had become too insistent to ignore.

The house groaned every so often with the wind, a result of the winter weather that never seemed to stick, and every creak caused Boyd to jump, fearing that someone might hear something and come running. He remembered doing something similar to this the morning after Katrina told him she was pregnant with Alexander, only this time she was pregnant with their fourth child and they were living in a much more stable condition than they were back then.

Thinking about it now, it was amazing how far they had come, and as Boyd pulled on his coat to leave, he smiled a bit, marveling about how things could change so quickly.

Boyd drove to his destination in his own car, a slight change from the past's taxi cab, but a welcome one. It did nothing for his nerves, though, and he gripped the steering wheel tightly as he threaded his way through the streets of Sunset Valley.

Boyd walked slowly up the pavement towards the home that he had lived in so long ago. It was just the way he had left it, and distant memories of Susan's smiling face resurfaced, memories that Boyd would never regret keeping hold of.

It was still unsettling, though, to be met with the sight where everything happened that led to where he was today. Should he have given in to Susan, stayed with her to raise their child, they might have been able to grow old together.

Of course, that was impossible. Their marriage had been in disrepair long before he had met Katrina, and he knew that, but he still longed to have been able to raise his other child, the one that still probably didn't know the conditions of her birth.

It wasn't long before he reached the door, not even needing to knock before someone stood before him to let him inside.

He was met by a young girl in a cowgirl hat, with vivid red hair and blue eyes to match. To say she looked like him would be an understatement, and Boyd could deduce that this girl was his daughter quickly, the one of which he hadn't seen since she was a toddler, and Boyd allowed his eyes to soften just a bit as he committed her to memory. He was about to say a greeting, perhaps ask why she wasn't in school, but quickly after opening the door she ran back inside, turning into a hallway and disappearing from his line of sight.

It was odd, but nonetheless Boyd stepped inside after her, wondering if he had done something but was quickly halted by the aged but still beautiful woman sitting on the couch near the entrance.

Boyd's heart ached to see her. He still loved her after all this time, and had never stopped. Even if their marriage was dead and gone, or that he was living with another woman nowadays, he still valued her just as much as the day he met her, but he couldn't find a way to voice that.

His eyes lingered on the fact that the wedding ring he had given her all those years before was still on her finger, a symbol of her commitment to the broken marriage and the love she still held for Boyd.

This brought Boyd both comfort and sorrow. Comfort for that he had never made a mistake in marrying Susan, sorrow for that Susan would die a divorced woman, with no chance at love in plain view. He had clearly ruined her life, and Boyd was all too sorry for that.

"Boyd." Susan said solemnly, lips pressed into a crisp line as she stared directly into his eyes. No sign of malice or scorn was hidden in her voice, and it might've even sounded grateful if anything else.

"Susan." Boyd whispered in return, barely able to muster even that.

She appeared to have heard him, and her face looked relieved as she stood from her place on the couch and started walking towards him.

"We'll talk about this outside, Boyd. I don't want to upset Janny."

Safely outside and away from the door, Boyd confronted Susan, pleading to know but not actually wanting to be there.

"Susan...I'm guessing you know why I'm here."

Susan heaved a sigh and looked towards him, and for whatever reason Boyd though Susan might've looked happy, which was surely impossible for someone in her position.

"Yes, I know. And you don't even have to ask." she said, seemingly kind in her words

Boyd started to speak, but Susan quickly hushed him.

"Boyd, you gave me the best years of my life. You gave me the love of a family and the familiarity of someone who's been in the same boat as me.  You gave me happiness, even in the worst depths of our marriage, and I will always love you for it. However, I also know that what we had wasn't right for us, and it wouldn't last forever. I'm glad that at least you still have someone to take care of you. Now, Boyd, is there anything else you want to ask?"

It was blunt, it was beautiful, and it was the reason he had married her. Susan had always been the only one to understand him. Even now, even with Katrina, that was still true. Boyd smiled lightly at her before his expression faded back into seriousness.

"What are you going to do with Janny?"

That was it, that was the question. The one that even Susan feared. Susan wasn't going to last forever, and when she finally passed on, Janny had to go somewhere.

However, Susan had also planned for this and spoke with absolute certainty in her words.

"There's this man, Harold McNair. He lives alone in the house across the street, and since you've gone, he's been my only company besides Janny."

Boyd nodded, understanding where this was going.

"I've done my research on the man, and he seems nice enough to at least house her for a short amount of time." she said lightly, just as Boyd expected. Susan was smart enough not to just hand their daughter to a stranger, at the very least.

"She's leaving tonight, and no later. She's been packing the entire day."

That explained why she was home, but Boyd was unaccepting and unwilling to let Susan live out her remaining time on earth alone and uncared for.

"Isn't it going a bit fast? You should spend a bit more time with her before she leaves, I'm sure you have a few days."

Susan shook her head slowly, almost mournfully, "No, I don't."

Boyd didn't even have time to contemplate this before she gripped him by the shoulders and forced him to look her in the eye, hands trembling despite her unfaltering resolve.

"Boyd, promise me one thing."

Boyd nodded, unperturbed by her sudden change in attitude. Mood shifts weren't uncommon in the Wainwright house, perhaps a result of all the indecision that had gone on between them in the years of their marriage.

"Don't tell Janny about what happened between us."

Boyd knew it was for the best, and agreed after a few moments.

With that, Susan pushed him away.

"Goodbye, Boyd."

Boyd did as he was told, unbeknownst to the full weight of those last words. Susan stared after him, eyes tinged with both sadness and complacency, and some of the between. There was nothing more for her to do.
Susan Wainwright shook hands with Grim that night, finally at rest with her life. Boyd was happy, her child safe, and Susan looked up into the night sky for one last time, heart swelling with joy at the thought of what she had acheived before following Grim to her final end.
Well, okay, that was a bit longer than expected. Took way more than twenty minutes, at the very least.
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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #54 on: March 13, 2016, 01:19:32 AM »
I've started up a family tree!

It's still in it's early stages, but it's up!
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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #55 on: March 13, 2016, 04:00:49 AM »
I just had this great idea with what I wanted to do with this story, but I'm not sure if I should use it for this particular story or for the next one I write. It's at this moment that I really wish I had someone to bounce ideas off of. Any volunteers?
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #56 on: March 13, 2016, 10:34:49 AM »
What a sad parting with Susan! That's really broke my heart!  :'( it was also really sad the way you portrayed Boyd's relationship with her. I'm glad their daughter is taken care of. Did you move her yourself or did that just happen?
Also, I'm all ears if you ever need someone to chat about storylines with!

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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #57 on: March 13, 2016, 10:51:41 AM »
What a sad parting with Susan! That's really broke my heart!  :'( it was also really sad the way you portrayed Boyd's relationship with her. I'm glad their daughter is taken care of. Did you move her yourself or did that just happen?
Also, I'm all ears if you ever need someone to chat about storylines with!

No, I moved her myself. I didn't want her to disappear when Susan died, and I guess it was really lucky that I decided to do it that day, because Susan died pretty much right after.

Also, I'll definitely take you up on that offer. I've got just about a million ideas but I'm not sure if any of them are actually good. Thanks for that.
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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #58 on: March 13, 2016, 10:59:58 AM »
Secrets like that have a way of slipping out. This was a really good chapter, by the way.

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The Starr Legacy-Days Gone Past
« Reply #59 on: March 22, 2016, 05:30:03 PM »
Excuse the odd lighting changes, but it took forever and a day to get these screenshots, and I wasn't in the mood to go through this long, difficult process just because it was the wrong time of day.

Annoyance cast a shadow over Alexander's features, his mind turning over thought after thought about what he could be doing instead of heading out for some cause that he could care less about. Alexander had woken up early that morning, much to his dismay. It wasn't that he wanted to, that much was clear, but Alexis had told him to come to the park for some important event or something. The town itself had just started to wake up, with buses bringing in the first round of children to be shipped off to school. Other people were out, too, some heading to work and others going out for a stroll in the crisp morning air. Alex had no idea how those people did it, not only waking up at this time everyday but also being awake enough to go about their daily chores as normal. Alex yawned, even the thought of it causing sleep to take hold, and Alex quickly shook the thought out of his head to stay focused on the task at hand.

School was in about half an hour. Should Alexis wish to occupy him any longer than fifteen minutes, he would most undoubtedly be late, and he couldn't have that. His grades were already in an unstable state, and he didn't wish to worsen them further. Whatever this 'important event' may be, he was sure that it wasn't worth failing school, and he resolved to make it no later than when the bell first rang, nodding his head in a silent confirmation.

He slowed his steps as he approached the park, and fell into a light jog. Seeing as how Alexis was already there, he made to catch her attention, which was currently focused on what looked to be a small yellow envelope with small, cursive-based scrawling on the front.

"Alexis?" he said, shivering in the newfound cold and looking up to see that a light snow had suddenly begun to fall, the gray clouds giving way to the clusters of tiny snowflakes that were now drifting lazily through the wind.

Alexis turned, her face lighting up when she saw him. "Alex! You came at just the right time!" she exclaimed, "Isn't the snow beautiful?"

Alex would've played along with whatever she was planning, but he really didn't have much time before he had to leave. "Can you tell me why I'm here?" Alexander questioned, still in the dark about why he was called here. Alexis looked at him, confused, but-

Katrina looked up with a pained expression, emotions warring between pride and sadness. She wanted this child, she knew she did... But she also wanted to care for her current children to the best of her best ability, and that was becoming increasingly impossible with every passing moment. Katrina so longed to be a good mother, the one that her children deserved, but no matter what she did, it all fell to ruin when the time came down to it.

Sighing, she opened the bathroom door, a hint of worry lingering in her eyes. Outside, she locked eyes with Boyd, exchanging a few silent words before she broke away, turning into the hallway and heading up the stairs.
that soon went the way of a forced smile.

"Really? I can't believe you forgot!" her words had a sourness to them, Alex decided, though he had no idea.

"Forgot what?" Alex didn't think there was anything going on today, at least, nothing that could've brought this on.

"It's your birthday tomorrow, isn't it?" she said, giving a laugh that seemed all too fake. Alexander had difficulty grasping what had caused this sudden change in mood, but didn't like it.

"Is that it?" Alex said, not sure how any of this impacted their current situation. It was just a birthday, and there was plenty of time for those.

Alexis glared at him, reprimanding him for a reason he had yet to grasp, "Well, if your going to be like that, maybe I shouldn't have invited you at all." she teased, though Alex could see that his words had left a lasting impression on her.

Alexander was suddenly brought back to reality, her words doing well at least in that. School had to have started a while ago, and Alexander had completely forgotten.

"Alexis, can we please get to school now? It's kind of getting late..." he muttered uncertainly, taking a look around the park to make sure no one was watching.

"Not a chance. There was a reason I called you out here, and it wasn't just to remind you of your birthday." Her playful mood had made a sudden reappearance, and her voice had a hidden undertone of excitement.

"Which was?"

"We're skipping, of course. If you're going to have a birthday, you're going to do it right."  she said, giving him a little half-smile before grabbing his arm and tugging him towards the direction of the nearest concession stand.

"C'mon, Alex! There's only so much time in a day!"

As much as Alex wanted to, he made no attempt to leave. It was nice to have someone do something nice for him, and Alexis had done more of that than anyone else. School could wait for today, and Alexander was sure to enjoy his day off.
Katrina carefully shut the door behind her, breathing softly so as to not wake her children with the noise of her arrival. She didn't need to come here, but it was a nice place to think, quiet and comfortable. The strain of today's events had done their job on her, and at the moment she just wanted some time to herself.
The rocker nearby was an open invitation to her, and she gratefully sat down. For the moment, she just needed to clear her head. The Watcher had been uncharacteristically quiet, leaving Katrina alone when she was feeling the most conflicted. Unfair was the word for Katrina's situation, and she had to try hard not to go blaming it on someone else. She... She just wanted to have her family be happy, something that looked to be so easy from afar.

Why couldn't she just live in a fairytale? It'd be so much more easier than real life. Boyd and her would be happy, Alex would have all the love that he deserved, and her other children would be just as well off. A dream come true, but it was just that, a dream. A fleeting dream that was so fantastic that even the most eccentric wiseman would never dare believe it.

Katrina laughed to herself. Surely, things weren't that bad? She still had her family, still had the means to make things right. All she had to do was try a bit harder.

And that was her last thought as she drifted off to sleep, content.

Alexis and Alexander had been at the park for a long time, and the sky was beginning to reveal the first glimmers of stars up above. The two had taken to skating at this late hour, but weren't having much luck in their endeavors. Alexis had fallen about three times now, and Alex had to focus hard not to join her. They were quiet, mostly, aside from the sound of skates on ice, and were just enjoying what they could as the time to leave approached.

"Alex?" said Alexis softly, not wanting to break the silence, but deciding it was necessary before their time together came to an end.

"Yeah?" he replied, still keeping his eyes trained on his skates so he didn't fall.

"You don't regret not going to school, do you?"

"I'd have to say not." Alex said in return to her question. He really didn't, and was happy that he had stayed with Alexis at the park.

"Good." she said, skating closer to him.

The two held hands.
I would've continued this, but-

Don't ask...

Don't worry about the dead guy, that was just Iqbal. No worries there, and I'll be posting the appearances soon after this.
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