Author Topic: The Starr Legacy  (Read 16164 times)

Offline TheUnspecified

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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #30 on: February 28, 2016, 11:58:52 AM »
Alexander is a really nice combination of his parents.
Your wedding venue was lovely. Much better than my bathrooms and front porches.

Yeah, I really like the way Alexander turned out. As for the wedding, that was actually the first time I've ever planned one. I plan on using the same lot for every generation's marriage, sort of like a tradition, plus I don't really want to make another 10+ wedding venues for every child.
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The Starr Legacy-Janny Wainwright
« Reply #31 on: February 28, 2016, 12:40:37 PM »
Behold the genetic glory of Janny Wainwright

Name: Janny Wainwright
Traits: Genius, Athletic
Favorites: Songwriter, Pancakes, Gray
Sign: Libra
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The Starr Legacy-A New Family Meant To Last
« Reply #32 on: February 28, 2016, 04:53:07 PM »
This is an extremely short chapter, another one of those kinds that are just used to brief people on what's going on.
The Starrs were a good family. Katrina was excited to have finally gotten her life underway and Boyd was a dedicated father, trying to right all the wrongs he had done in the past and do better with his child than he had with Blair. Katrina also did her best with her little Alex, though she could only do so much.

"It's time for bed, Buggy-Boo." she said softly, patting the little boy's head as she did so.

"Ma, it's 3am."

Katrina spent most of her time having fun around the house.

"Fun. Yeah." Katrina replied dully as she went to fix the shower.
However, there was also something more important to do.

"Are you sure? I mean, we just recently had Alexander, and one kid's a pretty big job by itself." Boyd asked skeptically, but he did seem in favor of it.

"I agree with Boyd. One is enough to occupy me for the time being. Besides, I wasn't exactly in the best mood during the whole thing." Katrina grimaced in memory of the constant trips to the bathroom.

(C'mon, guys. What kind of family stops at one kid?)

"Yeah, we know. But I want to hear Katrina's opinion on it first." Boyd said, always good to Katrina before himself.

Katrina looked from Boyd to the empty air, sighed, then agreed.

(Alright, have fun you two.)

And that's that. I didn't try all that hard on this chapter, but several children were needed, and this was the best way I could put it. I would think this couple would want to wait a bit before having another kid, but Katrina's almost an adult, and I want to use that time for skills and such rather than being stuck on maternity leave for all of eternity.
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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #33 on: February 28, 2016, 07:18:52 PM »
Wow, beautiful wedding and babies!
Alexander is a cutie-pie. :)

Congrats to the happy couple! I love those wedding gifts - they can really make a difference!

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The Starr Legacy-Costumes Can't Hide It All
« Reply #34 on: February 28, 2016, 08:54:34 PM »
Boyd was busy the next few days, developing his handiness and gardening skills for his career. He would be going back to work soon, as the free days that he and Katrina when they married were drawing to a close. Alexander's birthday was nearly there, and with Boyd out of the picture for a while, Katrina took it upon herself to take care of him.

"Say 'Mommy'" Katrina said, perking up as she watched him mouth the words.

"No." Katrina frowned at that.

Teaching him to talk took a while, and it was made even longer with the constant interruptions.

(You okay there, sport?)

Katrina grimaced, "Are you sure it wasn't this bad last time?"

(You'll get through it.)

Alexander eventually learned all of the necessary skills, and Katrina spent most of the time sleeping after that.

Boyd was invited to Agnes's feast party, and readily accepted, bringing his whole family along. Boyd rocked a stylish hotdog costume the whole time he was there.

Sadly, none of the other family members got into costumes. This was a tad bit disappointing, but there was always next year.

Alexander just sat outside the whole time, being the cute little darling he is.

I sent Boyd over to Agnes's telescope, something he didn't have access to at home. I left him over there for a while, and he managed to get to level four when Katrina switched into her maternity clothes.

"You sure this is all they had?" Katrina said, looking down towards her rather drab clothes.

(Well, they don't really give me the option to decide.)

Katrina wished to have a boy, and for no discernible reason, had a sudden craving for the apples conveniently placed in her inventory.

A few minutes later, they left Agnes's house and went towards home. Alexander's birthday was tomorrow, and they had to be sure they were ready. Boyd found an old book of his to read to the little tike, and settled in to read his little boy to sleep for the last time during toddlerhood.

He was still in his hotdog costume, making it all the more memorable.

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The Starr Legacy-Update
« Reply #35 on: March 02, 2016, 04:13:34 PM »
   So, as you may have seen from the previous chapter, Alexander will be aging up soon, and I for one can't wait to see what he looks like. Susan's aged up to an elder, but Boyd seems to have gotten lucky, and still has fifteen days. I've been trying to figure out a way to incorporate Janny into the story- I mean, we can't just leave her out, can we? Janny's probably going to be a child on the day after Alex's birthday, so I'll try to get her photo in at the end. Also, ignore that bit in the last chapter about wanting a boy. It seems that trick didn't work this time around, and, well, I'm spoiling too much.Eventually I'll probably have some kind of epic storyline picking up around the third generation, seeing as how just documenting the actions my sims take in a story-like manner can get kind of boring.
   And one other thing- I plan on Katrina having three children, but don't expect them to come about for any other reason besides that they were needed. I suspect that if I were to be looking at a couple in the real world in such a situation, they'd want to have children when they were ready, with years in between each one so as to be able to spend as much time with them as they can. However, this is The Sims, and it doesn't give us all that much an advantage in being able to time things.
   I plan on giving The Watcher in this story a background, too, as it doesn't make sense to just have this person talking to Katrina who you have no knowledge about, plus I need something to start on for that whole 'epic storyline' thing. It might be a bit pg-13, though, because I kinda like tragedies, and I don't know how to write anything as a tragedy if I can't reference something of a bit more mature taste. It won't be that bad though, so don't expect full-on, rated R content. Not even sure if this warning thing's necessary, but I'm putting it in just in case.
   I hope you're enjoying my story, by the way. It's my first one, and so far I've gotten some pretty good responses. I'm a bit worried that people might be confused as to what's happening because I had that whole mix-up on where to write the newest chapters. I put links to the previous ones on the first chapter I wrote in this section, but over a hundred people have been on this post and only about thirty on the two before it.
   And about that Grayer Legacy thing. You know, that whole Perfect Genetics post that I put up a few days ago? Don't worry about that one. By no means am I abandoning it- I've actually got two chapters worth of pictures, and will be getting to it soon.
   Yeah, so this ended up being a pretty long update, but now you see why I needed one. Again, hope you're enjoying my story, and I'd appreciate all the replies I can get, good or bad. Sorry for keeping you so long, and I'll get back to writing the newest chapter, yeah?
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Offline KRae

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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #36 on: March 02, 2016, 04:18:41 PM »
Just keep writing and I'll keep reading. I may not always comment, but know I am here.

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Offline TheUnspecified

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The Starr Legacy-It's A Girl...And A Boy? A Birthday, Too
« Reply #37 on: March 04, 2016, 05:41:37 PM »
This chapter is basically a bunch of pictures, but what can you do with such an eventful chapter?

The day was finally here. There was a birthday cake on the counter and two happy parents nearby as Alexander blew out the candles on his birthday cake, and Alex was particularly excited to see that he was finally growing up.

In just a few seconds, Alexander was a child, and just in time, too, because half a minute later and Katrina was in labor.

'Course, they weren't much help.

Because of lag, Katrina took way longer than she should have, and ended up having a little accident before it was over.

Anyway, she pulled through as gracefully as she could, and two beautiful nooboos came into the world.

This is Adriana

And Marcus. While both were born with the genius trait, Adriana got the grumpy trait while Marcus had hydrophobic. With every benefit comes its downfalls, I guess.

Of course, I wasn't expecting twins, so I had to completely rework the nursery I had prepared.

It was pretty crappy, but even still. You can also see a nice shot of Alex's room, outfitted with all that is necessary for a kid.

That's Adriana's room. I think it's rather cute, no? Great for cultivating a genius.

And there's Marcus's room. They kinda look the same, but I figured that could pass, as they are twins, after all. Not much else can be said about that.
Short chapter. Too many pictures and too little time, I guess. I'll post the twin's and Alex's appearances in a later post, but I figure this'll do for now.  Janny also needs some attention. There's bound to be conflict between the two families, maybe I should make it come back in the later generations as a rivalry? I'd like some suggestions on that, if no one minds, because I plan on holding on to it. It'd make for a good break to introduce that new storyline I was talking about. Anyway, I'll keep track of Janny, but in the meantime I've got to get a new thrilling filler to pass generation two's childhood. Again, sorry this chapter was so rushed, but the game crashed right after I saved, so I wasn't really in the mood to keep going.
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Offline TheUnspecified

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The Starr Legacy-Alexander, Adriana, and Marcus Starr
« Reply #38 on: March 06, 2016, 02:09:16 PM »

Name: Marcus Starr
Traits: Genius, Hydrophobic

So, Marcus kind of has weird looking hair. Looks a bit green. I'm sure it'll look better as he grows older, but if not, I'll change it.

Name: Adriana Starr
Traits: Genius, Grumpy

Adriana turned out well, I think. She has her mother's looks.

And here's Alexander! He gained the party animal trait to add to couch potato and brave. Remember when I said he took after his father? I take that back. This kid is all his mother.
 Okay, so you would've noticed that the last chapter I posted was crap. At the very least, it was extremely rushed and full of bad writing, not that there was very much writing to begin with. Sorry about that. At the time, my game was extremely laggy, and there wasn't much to go on. Besides that, I really don't have an excuse. The chapter was kind of a mess, and I apologize.
 I also added in a bunch of new families after my game recovered. Some witches, some werewolves, just something to keep the supernatural population going. I always find that Sunset Valley is extremely lacking in supernatural, and some were needed for the storyline. Speaking of which, I think I'll get that started soon. See, I found this girl, Alexis Zepeda, and I think she'll be perfect for getting it started. I've been looking for a means to do that, and Alexis seems to be the best way to do that.
 I really should have mentioned all this in the update I did recently, but now I at least have a way to make this story more exciting, yeah?
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Offline TheUnspecified

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The Starr Legacy-Time Is A Blessing Often Misunderstood
« Reply #39 on: March 06, 2016, 03:06:09 PM »
Yeah, so after I fixed Adriana's and Marcus's clothes, the game crashed. That's why they're wearing different clothes from before. Not many pictures were taken for this chapter, either.
Life was relatively easy after the twins were born. Alex settled into the school life easily, and Boyd went back to work after having a week off. That meant that Katrina was in charge of preparing Adriana and Marcus for the life of a child.

She was a very dedicated mother, and now that she got to spend more time with her children, she was all the better for it. As for Boyd, he was mostly absent from the twin's lives, but by no means was he neglectful. He spent most of his days off with the little ones, teaching them both as best he could.

Meanwhile, Alexander learned to occupy himself, which was no problem for someone like him.

"Y'know, I'm really not sure if it's good for him." said Katrina one night, worried that her firstborn might be feeling a bit left out, a feeling she had shared when she was growing up.

Boyd shared her concerns, but said nothing in reply. He loved Alexander as much as she did, but there really wasn't much else they could do for Alex. He seemed to be doing well for the time being, and the twins needed more attention with every coming day.

"Boyd? We can't just leave him like this. He's a growing boy, and he needs his parents." Katrina sighed, her own thoughts swirling with what might happen should Alexander be left to his own devices.

"I know, I know. It's awful that we can't spare any time for him, but the twins need just as much, if not more care." he really never wanted to do this, to have to choose between which child he would care for the most. It was an awful thing, and in the past he had hated it when he had seen other households doing it. Now he was doing the same exact thing, and it sickened him.

"Oh, Boyd. We're stuck, aren't we?"
However, at the end of the day, they both wanted another child. They knew that doing so would force them to stretch their time even further, but wishes were wishes and Watcher approved. If only the consequences wouldn't leave their children starving for attention, then maybe they wouldn't have felt so guilt-ridden afterwards.
So there goes the three children limit. I wasn't expecting it to last, anyway.

Yet another short chapter. I'm kinda bad at that.
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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #40 on: March 06, 2016, 04:16:15 PM »
The kids really do look like their mother, especially their eyes
It's nice seeing Boyd. In my game the family was just notified that he'd died from electrocution. In your game, he's just going to be babied to death.

Offline TheUnspecified

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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #41 on: March 09, 2016, 08:47:01 PM »
Just a warning... I may have gotten the lifetime inheritance reward... three times. I also may have completely bulldozed the old house and put a new, better one up. And I may have given some wardrobe changes to Katrina and the gang. I'll post pictures, of course, but expect a lot of CC, yeah? A lot more house, too. I had 90,000 simoleons on hand after this, so that's a lot of money to blow on a house. I was never good at saving, so...yeah.
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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #42 on: March 09, 2016, 08:51:05 PM »
I love custom content! I'm excited to see the new house! The kids are adorable.  :)

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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #43 on: March 10, 2016, 12:15:27 AM »
The kids are super cute, and I can't wait to see what they look like when they grow up. I'm also excited for the new baby, but I worry about what the stress will do to the parents...

I'm disproportionately happy to see that Alexander inherited his father's hair color. Boyd has cool hair.

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The Starr Legacy-The New House
« Reply #44 on: March 10, 2016, 06:30:34 PM »
I'm happy to see all the good responses lately! I really was worried that this story wouldn't make it past the early stages, but this community has been so nice about the whole thing.
House Exterior-Front

House Exterior-Back

First Floor- Kitchen, Dining Room, Garden, Garage, Living Room, Entryway, Playground & Pool Area

Second Floor: Bathroom, Computer Room, Lounge Room, Katrina and Boyd's Room

Er. I might've forgotten to take a picture of this part. I'll post it at the end of the next chapter, yeah?

Third Floor, Lounge Room, Bathroom, Unfurnished Kid's Room, Alexander's Room, Adriana and Marcus's Room

I said I'd switch up the wardrobe of my sims, remember? Well, don't expect Katrina to be among those few. The clothes she's wearing now are just so perfect for her, and I'm far too sentimental to let them go.
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