Author Topic: The Starr Legacy  (Read 16162 times)

Offline TheUnspecified

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The Starr Legacy-Something Lost And Yet Still Gained
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2016, 12:59:33 PM »
 That night was a mistake, it had to be. A meaningless roll in the hay that should never have come to pass. Katrina...she had to believe that. There was no way she'd do such a thing if there were undesired consequences. And yet, how could she not regret it? It was a stupid thing to do, so why?
 These thoughts, desperately hanging on to a single, dying hope, were my only clues as to what Katrina really wanted, and so far I think I was right in my analysis of the situation. How could I not be? Just look at the two.

 Katrina threw herself into her garden. Not literally, of course, but I think she wanted to. I figured that it was a temporary fix. Just a distraction until this whole thing sorted itself out. It wouldn't, though. They'd soon realize that. They really didn't have a choice in the matter.
 Boyd was no different, but his method was a bit more direct. Heading to Susan's house became a regular thing for him. He'd spend days, even weeks with her, caring for her. He didn't go just for that, even if he swore to the heavens and back that he loved her and that's why he was doing this. I'm sure he did love her, or did at one time, but a darker reality was in that place. He savored the guilt that he felt every time he saw Susan. It was a reminder that he still had a conscience, or something of the sort. He was a good husband, to an extent.

Susan was none the wiser. Boyd had been like this when they had first met, simple and always helpful. A nice man, a different man than the one that had been here for the longest time. The way she thought about it, Boyd was finally making an attempt to mend their marriage. Their was hope for them yet, as far as she was concerned. I'm sure she'll be convinced otherwise very soon.

Katrina wasn't her best

As she rushed outside, Katrina knew deep down what this meant, and she regretted ever coming across Boyd Wainwright at all. She had succumb to the guilt that had pervaded the house ever since that night. Hope was waning.

Another extremely short chapter, but I'm going to make the next one a longer one to make up for it. This chapter and the last one were kind of just ways to get everyone on the same page with what's going on.
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The Starr Legacy-Life Is Something Not To Be Trifled With
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2016, 02:43:58 PM »
It was late in the evening before Katrina could be sure she wasn't imagining things, her mind making up difficult scenarios with no obvious solution. She wasn't surprised, really, just sad that it had to happen so soon and at such a bad time. Something had to be done, though, and it had to be done before it became impossible to hide her and Boyd's relationship. So Katrina invited Boyd out to a nice fishing spot, a quiet one where few people would be watching.

"What'd you bring me out here for again?" Boyd asked, his eyes weary from lack of sleep as they arrived at their destination, his steps slow with doubt.

"Boyd, you have to tell her, and you have to tell her soon." Katrina said. It was more of a command than a request, and Boyd knew something was off for her to act this way towards him.

"No, I can pull it off for a few more days, trust me." He replied almost hopefully, looking for any reason to keep his wife safe and clueless in his old home.


"I'm pregnant." Boyd looked understanding at first, but his expression soon turned to one of worry as the information registered in his brain.

"No, you can't be. Are you sure?!" Panic caused his voice to raise towards the end, and Katrina felt herself reach out for him in a desperate attempt to hold on to one of the only things keeping her in this town.

"Boyd, please. Just tell her." she was close to tears at this point, her heart breaking little by little as she stared at the man she had come to love tear himself apart from the inside out.

Boyd turned away from her, mumbling incoherent speech under his breath, but Katrina wouldn't let him get away that easily. Not when it had come this far.

"Katrina, I'll be going now." he breathed, voice numb with the weight of his world crashing down on him. Katrina got in front of him, blocking his way, and in a moment of absolute certainty, Katrina embraced him, willing to go to any length to keep him here with her.

"Please." she practically choked, unable to say anymore than that at the moment.

This seemed to snap Boyd out of it through one way or another, and though hesitation still lurked in his eyes, he looked at her and felt that he'd finally have a real chance at having a family, one that's not made of fake smiles and lies meant for only keeping the whole thing afloat.

When Katrina looked up at him, she could only see the love that he felt for her, and she was thoroughly relieved that she wouldn't lose him yet.

When they finally pulled apart, they were sure that things would work out, whether this whole thing led to tears or to new horizons. They weren't going to give up just yet, and that was just the way it was going to be.

Under that night lit by the full moon, the two fell asleep easily to the sounds of the others breathing, comforted by the thought of the new family they were starting, despite all the troubles they had faced and the ones that were still yet to come.

Boyd woke to the sound of his own labored breathing, terrified of the thought of what awaits him at his old home. Whichever way it went, someone would leave heartbroken. He could only hope that Susan would forgive him.

The ride there was uncomfortable, to say the least. The air was thick with tension, and Boyd thought that if he moved, he might die from the nervousness emanating off of him.

"Excuse me? I get off here." Boyd said when they got to their destination. Boyd wordlessly opened the door, his own apprehension making him afraid to speak. He had to be harsh with her. He knew that. If he were to show weakness, she might think there was hope, and, well, he couldn't have that.

Susan opened the door, and her face lit up when she saw him. "Boyd! I have to tell you something!" she looked delighted, and Boyd thought he might abandon his mission right then and there to go inside and see what she had to say.

"I have something to tell you, too." Boyd said, attempting to smile but it came out all wonky and wrong.

"Yeah? Well, let me go first." Susan asserted, and invited him inside.

"Boyd," she started, pausing for dramatic effect. "I'm pregnant."

Boyd froze.
Okay, so I have no idea how Susan got pregnant, but she is. I wasn't planning on this at all. I don't know if it's story progression or what, but Susan is pregnant.
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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2016, 04:42:08 PM »
I've just found this story! What a compelling chapter! I really feel for Katrina, and Boyd is being a little sleezey by not really leaving his wife while being with her... but I hope he makes up his mind soon and that it all turns out for the best.
Of COURSE story progression would throw a wrench into that! Haha. I'll be reading!

Offline TheUnspecified

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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2016, 04:50:46 PM »
Story progression dramatics! I love it!

Story progression does well to spice up a story, doesn't it?
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The Starr Legacy-And The Truth Comes Out
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2016, 05:25:28 PM »
Warning: Longs walls of text will be present in this chapter. Sorry for not getting enough pictures.
Boyd froze.

"What did you say?" he asked reluctantly. He had heard her, loud and clear, but it just couldn't be true.

"I'm pregnant." Susan said again, eyes aglow as she waited for his response.

How could this have  happened? Boyd was an idiot to think he could get out of this mess so easily, especially when he had been so hopeful for a fresh start. He had a family right here, and yet he had disregarded it to chase some dream of a better life. At least then there was a chance he could be happy.

"Boyd?" Susan looked at him anxiously, afraid that the announcement hadn't been received well. "Is something wrong?"

Boyd shook his head slightly and looked up at her, "No, nothing."

Susan smiled softly at him and went to speak again, "I'm just so happy. We never really had a chance to take care of Blair, but here's our ticket to starting over. Wouldn't that be nice? A second chance, Boyd. Think about it." Susan took his hand in hers, not knowing how much those words meant to Boyd. He had a second chance, but it wasn't here. It was with Katrina. But saying that now just seemed so... cruel. Besides, what was keeping him from going back to his old life? He could say goodbye to Katrina, to the lack of money, to that drafty house that never seemed to look finished. He could raise another child, alone with his wife. However, Boyd knew that wasn't an option. Things had gone too far for that.

"Actually, there is something." Boyd said, his voice cracking a bit but still managing to get through the sentence.

"Yes, honey?" Susan said not unkindly, but it was still enough to make him hesitate in his next words.

"I...I've been with another woman these past few days." At this, Susan looked a bit startled, but that oon faded.

"Of course you have. You've been living with that one girl, Katrina, right? Helping to pay the rent?" she said hopefully, but doubt clouded her eyes as her mind grasped the possibility hat he could mean something different.

"No, no, not like that." Boyd struggled to find a way to word that awful sentence, and decided to just come out with it.

"Susan, I've been cheating on you." he looked away quickly, unable to face her in those next few moments.

Susan looked as if she were about to cry, all thoughts of new possibilities dying instantly as she anxiously stepped from one foot to the other. "Boyd, surely you're joking. We were supposed to raise this child together. We were supposed to do it right this time. How could you have done this to us?" By the end, she was practically screaming at him, tears welling up in her eyes as she did so.

That's right. Boyd had done this to them. Boyd had done this, and it was all his fault that this was happening to them. Just when Susan was going to finally do something right, Boyd had pulled the rug out from under her and she could never forgive him.

Boyd looked just as distraught, if not more so. His hands were clenched at his sides and he squeezed his eyes shut as his wife attacked him for all he had done in the past few years.

"Remember our wedding? How happy we were? I'm not so sure about you, but I'll always remember it as the best day of my life! How can you just sit there and do nothing?" Boyd really was sorry, but he couldn't do much else. What he had done was of his volition, and he would accept responsibility for it. He shouldn't have let it go on for as long as it did, he knew that, but he wasn't about to apologize for it, either.

"I don't regret it."

"Don't regret what? Betraying my trust? Cheating on me for some woman I don't even know?" Susan couldn't help it as she listed all the times he had done her wrong, and Boyd didn't realize exactly how many times that was.

"I still love you, okay?! Is that what you want to hear?! But the truth is, Katrina's more important to me!" Boyd shouted, anger causing the words to pierce more deeply than they should have. It was true, though. Katrina was more important to him than any other person her had met. He hated hurting Susan in this way, but she was a good woman and deserved better. So did Katrina. But this whole thing was just too complicated and Boyd didn't care to sort his thoughts out.

"This isn't going to work out." Susan said softly, finally surrendering to the inevitable.

"No, it isn't." Boyd agreed, his voice equally as quiet as the words sunk in. After a few moments of mutual acceptance, Susan spoke up.

"Boyd, it's time for you to leave." Susan barely looked at him as she said this, her voice distant. Boyd did as he was told, head bowed low and arms loose at his sides. What he did was awful. Boyd was awful. And at home, no one was there to hear as he wept.

Author's Note: I had meant for there to be some interaction between Boyd and Katrina this chapter, but then Boyd and Susan's conversation got really long and I just didn't think it to be appropriate.
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Offline TheUnspecified

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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2016, 05:30:08 PM »
Okay, so you would've noticed how many chapters I've had lately, and that there isn't much time between them. That's because the story is actually way behind the actual gameplay, and I've been working to get it caught up. I've just finished uploading about 100 screenshots to Photobucket for use in future chapters, and I still need to sort through them. In short, just expect the chapters to come out with not much time in between, yeah?
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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2016, 06:13:54 PM »
Wow! That was a great plot twist!

Offline TheUnspecified

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The Starr Legacy-New Beginnings
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2016, 02:14:12 AM »
Boyd returned home a bit before Katrina got home from work, and Katrina could see that he had done as he had promised. It obviously hadn't gone well, which, while Katrina knew it was unlikely to go any other way, it still pained her to see Boyd so distressed. However, there was also another topic which needed to be pressed, and as much as she wanted to avoid it, it was impossible to do so.

"Boyd?" Katrina asked tentatively.

"Yeah?" Boyd answered from the kitchen, if you could call it that.

"We need to talk."

Boyd walked into their rather barren living room, somewhat irked that she had interrupted his meal.

"We have to do something about this."

"About what?" questioned Boyd, but he knew full well what she was talking about, and he'd much rather veer off to another subject than talk about that.

Katrina looked at Boyd anxiously, afraid that he might think it too sudden and back off right away. "We need to make it official."

Now, Boyd was all for it. He really was. However, he had just had a very messy divorce and I imagine that he wouldn't want to jump back into a marriage so soon. "I would love to, Katrina, but don't you think we can wait a bit?"

"Boyd, look at me. I don't think this baby's going to wait. I know you're still recovering, but I don't even think we have a day at this point."

Boyd nodded, but didn't entirely agree. He knew they needed to do this now, he just couldn't accept it. Katrina saw this and gave an attempt to comfort him.

"C'mon, we've made it this far. We can't let it all fall apart because you're getting cold feet." Katrina said softly, pulling away and looking him directly in the eyes.

"I know, I know. Let's get this out of the way, then." Even Boyd couldn't help but smile at this point, all his regrets gone for the moment as he sank down onto one knee.

"Katrina Starr, will you marry me?"

Katrina had been expecting this, but she was still delighted that she would finally be able to make their relationship official.

"I do believe I will."

Extremely rushed chapter. Sorry about that, but I wanted to show off where they were getting married and whatnot, and I couldn't do that without establishing that they were getting married in the first place.
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The Starr Legacy-Wedding Location And Attire
« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2016, 02:22:17 AM »
Here's all the things to be included in the wedding, which I made all of except maybe what the sims wear. I couldn't really change Katrina's formalwear anyway, seeing as she's still in maternity wear.
Wedding Venue:

Boyd's Formalwear:

Katrina's Formalwear:

Yeah, I know. It's exceedingly plain, but it could've been worse.
And that's that. I really loved planning the wedding, though, and it took a lot more time than you might think.
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The Starr Legacy-A Wedding And A Show
« Reply #25 on: February 28, 2016, 03:21:47 AM »
Warning: Prepare for a mass amount of pictures.

After proposing to his beloved, Boyd scheduled a wedding party at the place Katrina requested, the time being two hours from now. They wasted no time buying a cake and serving food at the buffet tables, and looked on happily as their guests began to arrive. They had overcome many trials, and now finally had a chance to really get their lives going. Needless to say, they quickly took to their places after sharing a quick embrace.

Katrina was very pregnant at this point, but she still looked beautiful as they exchanged their vows.

It was impossible not to feel proud of myself at this point. I had created a beautiful backdrop for the couple's wedding, and the stars shone brilliantly as the two solidified their marriage.

Really, I can't help but notice how perfect they are for each other.

Katrina cut the cake, and the two could finally look at each other as husband and wife.
So, I couldn't help but snap a few pictures of Thornton Wolff at the wedding, and here they are:

The Many Faces Of Thornton Wolff

Also, this sim. Anyone up for a legacy with her?

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The Starr Legacy-It's A Boy!
« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2016, 04:48:35 AM »
Boyd and Katrina were exhausted when they got home. They had had a long day of party planning, and were finally considered each other husband and wife. They went to sleep almost immediately, and I'm sure they enjoyed the comfort that having everything sorted out brought them.

Katrina woke up before Boyd, and had meant to start her day fresh and clean by taking a shower when the contractions started. It took her a bit to get out of the shower, and she broke it on the way, but that was soon forgotten as she realized what was happening.


Now, calling for Boyd was pretty much useless, and he did what most sims would do during the situation.

This, of course, was not very helpful, so I sent him to get the mail instead.

(Thank you, Boyd.)

In the mail there were two gifts, both of which were of considerable value, and so I sold them right away. I managed to get 7,000 out of that, and went to work on the house while the newlyweds were still occupied.

Afterwards, Katrina gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Alexander, who I immediately aged up into a toddler because babies are boring.

He has the couch potato and brave traits, along with his mother's eyes.

While Katrina was pretty much miserable after the experience, Boyd was surprisingly okay. This led to some fun toddler training time.

He has a very focused look to him. He takes after his dad a lot. However, after that whole fiasco, the household was relatively peaceful, and I left them to enjoy probably the last few moments of quiet they'd ever get.
Another short chapter. I swear, I'll have an extra long chapter up soon, but now I finally can get into the whole legacy thing! I mean, it was fun writing Katrina's story, but I'm excited to see what generation two is like!
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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #27 on: February 28, 2016, 06:42:55 AM »
Update: Susan just gave birth to a new baby girl named Janny. I'll post a picture as soon as I can get a hold of her.
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The Starr Legacy-Alexander Starr
« Reply #28 on: February 28, 2016, 06:53:07 AM »

Name: Alexander Starr
Traits: Couch Potato, Brave
Favorites: Geek Rock, Spaghetti, Red
Sign: Aquarius
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Re: The Starr Legacy-A Long Way To Paradise
« Reply #29 on: February 28, 2016, 09:42:15 AM »
Alexander is a really nice combination of his parents.
Your wedding venue was lovely. Much better than my bathrooms and front porches.