Author Topic: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Graveyard Please  (Read 23393 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Bad News
« Reply #75 on: June 09, 2016, 02:41:16 PM »
I think Thayne would not mind if Odessa started a new life! :D

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Bad News
« Reply #76 on: June 09, 2016, 04:42:40 PM »
Oh, I'm sorry to see this go but looking forward to the kids aged up. I'd love for Odessa to be the next founder, if anyone can win a challenge it's her =D
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Bad News
« Reply #77 on: June 09, 2016, 04:49:32 PM »
I think Thayne would not mind if Odessa started a new life! :D
Oh, I'm sorry to see this go but looking forward to the kids aged up. I'd love for Odessa to be the next founder, if anyone can win a challenge it's her =D

I do adore Odessa (as if anyone questioned that), but I may have a horrid, horrid scheme based on bad puns for the founder of the decadynasty.  It's not set in stone, so feel free to throw other founder ideas my way, but I kind of like (and am not publically airing just in case I do use it) my current idea.
To do full justice to Thayne, I may have him go ahead and woo the next few ladies that were on my/his list so we can see what those babies would have looked like.  Maybe.

Offline PeregrineTook

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The I'm Your Daddy Project-Cheating Cheaters Who Cheat
« Reply #78 on: June 09, 2016, 04:52:39 PM »

Pippin:  We rejoin the Grisbunch household where Odessa is...swimming?

Odessa:  I'm sushi!
Pippin:  But she was poorly behaved sushi that upset the entire household when she spontaneously did this.

Pippin:  That is not how wishing for fortune works!  Your husband will be mortified!

Thayne:  So, did I mention that purple's my favorite color?
Pippin:  (sigh) Nevermind.  Actually, everyone in the household was upset by Odessa kissing the genie except for Thayne.
Thayne:  I'm no hypocrite.
Pippin:  Anyway, Odessa did wish for fortune...

Pippin:  and the increased finances let this happen.

Pippin:  The fountain of youth!  Only Thayne, Odessa, and Lilibao are allowed to drink from it.  I also added a basement and got this.

Thayne:  Good heavens!  This microwave is so complicated!
Pippin:  And speaking of Thayne and Odessa as well as Lilibao, our favorite alien did this.

Mal:  Pippin, pay attention to me!
Pippin:  Why?  Are you doing something important?

Pippin:  Oooooooh, a teen romantic interest.  Well done!
Odessa:  It burns!  It burns!!!

Pippin:  And the courting has begun...

Pippin:  And done!  Now just make honor roll and we'll age you up!
Mal:  Or maybe I could enjoy my childhood? 
Pippin:  Do you have to?
Mal:  Probably, I only have a B right now.
Pippin:  Dang it!

Pippin:  So, both boys are simply waiting for honor roll status.  Olivander is with Carmela, a babysitter Lilibao was clever enough to call.  Mal is with...some random girl he met at school.  Isn't Carmela lovely and glorious?
Annie:  Nice sensitivity , Pippin.

Annie:  And by the way, I'm pregnant.
Pippin:  Aww, you're absolutely glowing, dear.
Annie:  It's true.  I am.
Pippin:  And speaking of baby children...

Pippin:  This one is way less baby now.

Lilibao:  Look at my handsome boy!
Pippin:  Yeah, he's a boy.  Not a girl.
Lilibao:  Stop whining, Pippin.
Pippin:  ...okay...let's just go check in on Annie.  Surely she's just taking it easy as she's all sorts of pregnant and stuff.

Annie:  Everybody do the smustle!
Pippin:  Are you sure you should be dancing during your pregnancy?
Annie:  Oh, it's fine.  In fact, it helps with AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pippin:  Baby time?
Annie:  Baby time!!

Pippin:  Awww, it's a sweet little girl!  We'll name her Anastacia!
Annie:  Hey, that sounds a whole lot like my name.
Pippin:  Really?  What a coincidence.  And as Thayne teaches toddler skills to his 3rd son, Annie takes Thayne's 1st daughter to her crib.

Pippin:  And if anyone's wondering, here's what Annie currently thinks of Thayne.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Cheating Cheaters Who Cheat
« Reply #79 on: June 09, 2016, 04:59:13 PM »
A girl at last ^-^ Oh, Odessa, was it true love or was the genie's name food related? That shot of her 'swimming' is awesome.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Cheating Cheaters Who Cheat
« Reply #80 on: June 09, 2016, 07:26:32 PM »
Odessa would make a wonderful decadynasty founder. I would recommend Dragon Valley. I always recommend Dragon Valley...for everything.
Edit: Wait a minute. I forgot you have to start with a townie household. Nevermind. Dragon Valley.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Cheating Cheaters Who Cheat
« Reply #81 on: June 09, 2016, 08:18:50 PM »
A girl at last ^-^ Oh, Odessa, was it true love or was the genie's name food related? That shot of her 'swimming' is awesome.
I have no idea what prompted her random smooching, but it was probably something to do with food.
I actually thought of doing the swimming sot through the window so she looked more like she was "in" the water, but the fish were obscuring her face from that angle.

Odessa would make a wonderful decadynasty founder. I would recommend Dragon Valley. I always recommend Dragon Valley...for everything.
Edit: Wait a minute. I forgot you have to start with a townie household. Nevermind. Dragon Valley.
So, you'd vote for a Dragon Valley deca?  Any specific Sims you think would be great for a founder?  I've played in Dragon Valley, but always with my own Sims as founders of things rather than townies.

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Cheating Cheaters Who Cheat
« Reply #82 on: June 09, 2016, 08:26:49 PM »
The couple that are the tributes to Robin Hood and Maid Marian! (Robin and Marian Dooley, I believe) English folklore heroes whether male or female are the answers to those sorts of questions, unless it is in Sunset Valley and the answer to all those questions are Aggie C :D

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Cheating Cheaters Who Cheat
« Reply #84 on: June 09, 2016, 08:58:14 PM »
The couple that are the tributes to Robin Hood and Maid Marian! (Robin and Marian Dooley, I believe) English folklore heroes whether male or female are the answers to those sorts of questions, unless it is in Sunset Valley and the answer to all those questions are Aggie C :D
Ava and Sean Kelly have interesting coloring.
Both very interesting suggestions.  I'll have to look into each of those couples and see if I think I can really do justice to their respective stories.
Feel free to keep throwing thoughts my way.  I'm basically still not entirely settled on a founder, much less a world, at this point.

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Cheating Cheaters Who Cheat
« Reply #85 on: June 09, 2016, 09:50:20 PM »
Sad to hear that. The challenge/story was going great. Anyway, good luck with your dynasty. Sunset Valley will be good for a decadynasty in my opinion.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Cheating Cheaters Who Cheat
« Reply #86 on: June 10, 2016, 12:22:42 AM »
I'm sorry to hear about the challenge Pip! For what it's worth I really enjoyed everything you had going! I'll happily follow whatever next challenge you move on to! Though I'll greatly miss the adventures of Thayne and Odessa!

Not sure if you're finished deciding yet, but I also adore Dragon Valley - it's one of my favorite towns! Obviously I'd have to vote Quinn Flanagan for great genetics, but (shrugs) I'm totally biased on that one. ;)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Cheating Cheaters Who Cheat
« Reply #87 on: June 10, 2016, 11:18:39 AM »
Sad to hear that. The challenge/story was going great. Anyway, good luck with your dynasty. Sunset Valley will be good for a decadynasty in my opinion.
I did actually think it might be nice to head back to Sunset Valley.  It has a sentimental place for me as the first Sims world I EVER played in.

I'm sorry to hear about the challenge Pip! For what it's worth I really enjoyed everything you had going! I'll happily follow whatever next challenge you move on to! Though I'll greatly miss the adventures of Thayne and Odessa!

Not sure if you're finished deciding yet, but I also adore Dragon Valley - it's one of my favorite towns! Obviously I'd have to vote Quinn Flanagan for great genetics, but (shrugs) I'm totally biased on that one. ;)
Hmmm, Dragon Valley is getting a lot of love here.  I know there's lots of great opportunity for great skin tones and hair colors and it's really pretty.  Maybe I'll have to go in game and just explore it a bit more later today.

Offline PeregrineTook

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The I'm Your Daddy Project-The Next Mourning
« Reply #88 on: June 10, 2016, 11:19:25 AM »

Pippin:  We join a Grisbunch household that is in mourning.

Lilibao:  Actually, Pippin, we're all celebrating Lyle aging up to child.
Pippin:  Yes, which means you'll be moving out.  Hence mourning.
Lilibao:  Awww, that's sweet.

Thayne:  Well, looks like the green kid's bigger now.
Odessa:  This brussel has sprouted!!
Thayne:  Maybe we'll need to do a farewell trip before you leave, Lilibao?
Lilibao:  I'm in!
Pippin:  So off they went to France...

Pippin:  where Thayne learned to levitate?
Thayne:  I don't know how I'm doing this and it kind of scares me.
Lilibao:  I'm staring straight up your nose.  It kind of scares me.

Thayne:  Maybe I could wish for fortune gain and we could get you a nice big house and I could come and visit you...
Lilibao:  Why, Thayne, are you asking me to be your mistress?  How not-exactly-romantic.
Pippin:  Eh for Sims logic, that's fairly sentimental.
Lilibao:  True.  I accept.
Pippin:  And so, Lilibao spent some of their vacation time doing this...

Pippin:  while Thayne did this...

Pippin:  Yep, gotta make sure he finishes that foreign cluster.
Lilibao:  Okay, enough of your sampling the local cuisine.  It's my turn, mister.

Lilibao:  This is what I call pillow talk.

Pippin:  Their plaid skirts look so cute together.
Lilibao:  Actually, mine is a kilt.
Pippin:  Shouldn't Thayne have said that?
Thayne:  No, this is just a skirt.
Pippin:  And with such disturbing thoughts in mind, we leave France behind and Lilibao moves into Olive's old house.
Lilibao:  Score!
Pippin:  And Thayne brings in the next babymama.

Thayne:  Hey, Seelah, I notice you're a mermaid.  How about moving in with me and having a baby out of wedlock to get me closer to finishing my challenge.
Seelah:  Okay!
Thayne:  I mean...wait, what?
Pippin:  Hmmm, no need for smooth recovery with the evil Sim, I guess.  And this evil Sim is Mai's policewoman partner.  That's not awkward.

Thayne:  So, you wanna go tour city hall?  My wife works there and...
Seelah:  Maybe we could woohoo in her office!
Thayne:  I'm glad you're being so cooperative with this.

Seelah:  Hey, don't you also have a hot tub?
Thayne:  Yep.
Seelah:  Well, we'd better go make sure this trying for baby thing is working.  Never hurts to try again.  Multiple times.
Thayne:  Umm...yeah!

Pippin:  Well, she's very thorough in her attention to detail.  That's helpful.  Speaking of helpful, Annie and Thayne helped young Anastacia learn her toddler skills in record time (or at least quickly), so this happened...

Anasticia:  Ugh.  I have plant hair.  You must fix this.
Pippin:  Hahahahahaha.  I mean, okay.  Of course I will.  Because I'm all caring and stuff.   Hahahahahaha.
Anastacia:  I hate you.

Pippin:  Like me better now?
Anastacia: (Glares)  Yes.
Pippin:  And the aging up of babies and attempts to make babies put Thayne in the mood to have more babies.

Pippin:  Too bad his household's full.
Lilibao:  Mine has a built-in nursery.  It's almost like you planned this.
Pippin:  What?  Me?  (Feigns innocence).  Anyway, both Olivander and Mal advance into adulthood.

Pippin:  Don't worry, Carmela and...whoever Mal's dating...are still around.  They're way more faithful young men than their father raised them to be.

Seelah:  you know, you could go ahead and break her heart and then I could enjoy her suffering.
Carmela:  Oh, Miss Seelah, you are such a hoot!
Seelah:  A hoot?  Yes.  That's me in a nutshell.

Seelah:  Nevermind.  The hoot has ended.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-The Next Mourning
« Reply #89 on: June 10, 2016, 12:03:27 PM »
Lol, sounds like Seelah is really into helping Thayne out with the challenge!
I'm glad that he's keeping Lilibao nearby.

In the shot of the horses, where are they? One of them has a no-access thought bubble...

I'm glad you're having Thayne finishing his clusters.

*raises hand....I also vote for Dragon Valley!