Pippin: And after aging up, Olivander quickly finds a role within the household.
Olivander: So, you just had to give me the neat trait, huh, Pippin?
Pippin: Well, Someone has to clean this place. And it can't be your father as he's busy teaching your brother his toddler skills so we can age him up early just like we did with you.
Pippin: But before that happens, we have the wedding party. As in the party for the wedding, not as in the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Of course, we didn't invite any men over, so....
Thayne: So, if things had been different, I might have married you.
Annie: There's still time to change your mind, right?
Thayne: No, but maybe you could move in anyway? Not for any particular reason or anything...
Pippin: Yeah, I kind of liked the purple hair idea, but ho can you go wrong with Odessa, right?
Pippin: And so the ceremony begins.
Thayne: I know you can't hold out forever
waiting on a diamond and a tether
from a boy who won't swim
but who will dip his toe in
just to keep you here with him.
Pippin: Wedding vows by Deathcab for Cutie. Nice touch.
Odessa: You're like the sandwich to my cumquats.
Pippin: Ummm, okay.
Pippin: Poor Annie, wishing she was the bride. And poor Cornelia, thinking this was a swimwear party. And now that we've had a wedding, let's do some weeding out of unnecessary household members...
Olive: Well, I guess it's time for me to move into a random cheap local house and make room for the purple haired girl and an alien baby.
Pippin: Good perspective there, Olive.
Olive: Just take good care of Olivander and Nervous for me.
Pippin: Olivander and who?
Olive: My oldest son?
Pippin: Oh. Right. Him. Sure thing.
Thayne: Hmmm, this random lamp in my inventory seems dirty.
Thayne: Gee golly! It's a genie. A girl genie!
Pippin: Just wish for money. We'll get you another girl genie later.
Odessa: Look! She splattered grape jelly on the wall! She's my favorite!
Pippin: And after wishing for fortune, Thayne took Lilibao to city hall.
Lilibao: So, this is where your wife wor...Oh MY!
Thayne: Want to tour city hall with me? Me explore some of the secret, out of the way places?
Lilibao: Sure, maybe we could have a baby while we're at it to further your challenge.
Pippin: Such a keeper!
Pippin: But apparently not very sneaky.
Lilibao: Yeah, that was kind of my bad. Sorry. Of course, they could have given us our clothes back instead of kicking us out into a very public setting fully nude. Just sayin'.
Thayne: Want to go try again?
Lilibao: Uh, yeah. Of course. Duh.
Pippin: Meantime, Mal aged up to child (making Mai no longer necessary).
Olivander: Nice undies, bro.
Mal: Nice level of sensitivity, bro.
Odessa: So, the weird green girl's going to have a weird green baby?
Thayne: Umm, yeah. Maybe.
Odessa: BROCCOLI!!!
Pippin: And so, there's an available spot in the house with Mai moving out and only one baby needed. Is it time to move in Annie?
Thayne: Hey there, older sister of Cora Flynn. I'll bet you have a name and it's as lovely as you.
Pippin: Ummm...moving Annie in so we can have a purple-haired baby?
Thayne: Fine!
Pippin: And while Thayne was busy with his social responsibilities,
Lilibao: Well, looks like my genes will be joining the Sims history books.
Pippin: Indeed! And now we need to find relaxing things for you to do to ensure a smooth, easy pregnancy.
Pippin: Well, that seems about right.
Lilibao: Well, Thayne, looks like we're going to have a baby.
Pippin: Perhaps the most enthusiastic thumbs up of all time.
Thayne: So, Annie, I've got a spare spot in the household, you want to move in so we can have a baby before you age up to elder?
Annie: I'm sorry, what?
Thayne: I said, you should totally move in. Shaka bra!
Annie: Shaka bra! I'm in!
Pippin: Yeah, you're in for it alright.