Author Topic: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Graveyard Please  (Read 23352 times)

Offline Tiamet

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-The First Bundle
« Reply #45 on: May 14, 2016, 05:17:20 AM »
Pip, I mean this most sincerely, I love your brand of crazy!  Why can't Olivander be a wand maker though?   :'(
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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-The First Bundle
« Reply #46 on: May 14, 2016, 08:53:24 AM »
Welcome Olivander! Good idea to name them after their mothers, I'm always looking at my notes to see who is the child of who pollinator.

And Odessa is very endearing in her strange way of being. I particularly loved the the greeting "Hi honeycakes!  Hi honeycakes' temporary sweetie!" She has more common sense that  her companions give her credit for.

Love the update.

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-The First Bundle
« Reply #47 on: May 14, 2016, 10:56:10 AM »
I finally read through this. Love Thayne and Odessa's oddity. If only Olivander had been a witch  ;)
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-The First Bundle
« Reply #48 on: May 14, 2016, 10:24:07 PM »
Welcome Olivander!
Let's see, there's Olive, Odessa, and Olivander!
Lot's of O's to go around! =)

Oh Thayne, best keep in touch with mother-dearest. She's the best at finding you more baby-mamas. :D
What a fantastic update, I'm always laughing whenever I read your updates!
I noticed all the O's as well.  Largely because I kept typing Odessa and Olive's names in place of each other and had to keep fixing it.
Glad you're enjoying the silliness!

Pip, I mean this most sincerely, I love your brand of crazy!  Why can't Olivander be a wand maker though?   :'(
Why, thank you!  It's high praise to have one's own brand of crazy!  If only wand-making was a skill Sims could have...

Welcome Olivander! Good idea to name them after their mothers, I'm always looking at my notes to see who is the child of who pollinator.

And Odessa is very endearing in her strange way of being. I particularly loved the the greeting "Hi honeycakes!  Hi honeycakes' temporary sweetie!" She has more common sense that  her companions give her credit for.

Love the update.
Yeah, I can't buy the whole idea of the spouse in these challenges never catching on, so I'm just working the crazy angle with Odessa.  She knows, she just thinks it's amusing...or some type of food...

I finally read through this. Love Thayne and Odessa's oddity. If only Olivander had been a witch  ;)
Yeah, story progression didn't want Olive to be a witch, though I hadn't really thought of using Olivander as a name until shortly before he was born anyway.  It's just a nifty name!

Offline PeregrineTook

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The I'm Your Daddy Project-Adding Some Aging
« Reply #49 on: May 27, 2016, 11:11:37 PM »

Pippin:  It seems like some random child came over and is having a birthday.

Olivia:  Happy birthday, Nervous!
Pippin:  Oh, that's right!  We abducted lovingly brought in this small child to be a support Sim important member of the family.

Odessa:  Look!  That boy just exploded like a confetti cake!
Thayne:  Pretty sure those don't actually explode...?
Odessa:  They do if you eat them correctly.
Thayne:  Well, speaking of exploding correctly, will you marry me?

Odessa:  I've never been so happy this whole afternoon...except when we were watching Judge Judy eat fried chicken.
Thayne:  Yeah, she is adorable.  So is that a yes?
Odessa:  It's more than a yes, it's an I suppose!
Thayne:  Good enough for me. 

Pippin:  And as they head off to celebrate, someone else has something to celebrate.

Mai:  Remind me to punch Thayne in the face later!
Pippin:  Sure thing, dear, just breathe...or stay calm...or whatever it is that Sims do...

Pippin:  Aww, it's another little boy...born exactly one day after Olivander.
Mai:  I'm going to call him Mal.
Odessa:  That's convenient since it's his name.
Pippin:  But Mal wasn't the only one having a birthday.

Pippin:  Olive aged up that night while Mai cheered her on of the babies...watched on from the safety of the crib.  Anyway, a new addition was added to the house in the form of this basement level.

Pippin:  And a new addition to the household was discovered in the front yard.

Thayne:  Hi there.  I'm Thayne.
Lilibao:  I'm Lilibao.  Why are we whispering?
Thayne:  Isn't it charming?  Or alluring?
Lilibao:  Aren't you married?  Or engaged?
Pippin:  Oooo, I like this one!  Let's keep her.

Thayne:  So, maybe you'd like to join our household and be the mother of my child? 
Lilibao:  Don't you mean your next child?
Thanye:  Oh, Olivander and Mal are Olive and Mai's sons.
Lilibao:  And who's their father?
Pippin:  Yes.  We're keeping her.
Thayne:  So...that's a no then?
Lilibao:  Oh no, I'm staying.  I just want you to be aware that I know what's going on.
Pippin:  Soooooooo keeping her!!!  And eventually it came time for Olivander to age up (finally since nooboos are boring in this challenge).

Pippin:  Hey, who's that weird teen with the ponytail?
Olive:  That's my son, Nervous.
Pippin:  Oh, support Sim helpful friend.  Why isn't he fishing?

Pippin:  Anyway, baby Olivander became toddler Olivander just in time for a bachelor party that he was still to young to enjoy.

Pippin:  Such a great sense of fashion!

Pippin:  And a cheerleader party dancer.  Or party cheerer?  I'm not sure.

Pippin:  Odessa has passed out and a guest has stripped down to her underwear.  Now it's a party.  The best part of this shindig was the second party dancer.

Pippin:  She's lovely.  Mayhaps a future babymama?  If so, I'll have to actually remember her name...

Pippin:  Thayne and Olive have shared the role of teaching Olivander his toddler skills.  Granted, this is largely because he needs to learn all the skills and be best friends with both parents to be caked and so we don't fail the challenge.
Thayne:  That's just good parenting right there!

Pippin:  And apparently I forgot to take a picture of Mal aging up.
Thayne:  That's not good parenting right there.
Pippin:  Hey!
Nervous:  I went to prom and ended up getting a girlfriend!  Come meet her!

Cora:  I can't stay long, though.
Pippin:  Cora Flynn.  Wow, those would be some interesting genetics to...
Thayne:  Hello, little girl, what's your rush?  You're missing all the flowers.  The sun won't set for hours.
Cora:  And how do you do, Mr. Wolf?
Pippin:  And that's how we keep things G-Rated.  Thank you, Stephen Sondheim.  She'll be important when she gets older.  Speaking of getting older, we end with a birthday.

Thayne:  Hooray!  You're finally aging up to child and we can give your mom the boot!
Olive:  Wait.  What?

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Adding Some Aging
« Reply #50 on: May 28, 2016, 02:19:44 AM »
Oh Pip, I was laughing out loud that was great.
"Some random child came over to celebrate their birthday... oh wait he's part of the household!"
Then the confetti cake comment? It was too much.
I'm excited to get some Alien genes in this challenge!
Also, it sounds to me like you've got some challenging rules ahead of you. Good luck! =)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Adding Some Aging
« Reply #51 on: May 29, 2016, 05:15:25 AM »
Oh, Cora Flynn has been dragged into this, run while you can!  :P I'm glad at least Lilibao knows what's up. Shame Odessa passed out, I'd have loved to hear her comments on the party guests.
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Adding Some Aging
« Reply #52 on: May 31, 2016, 02:34:41 PM »
Oh Pip, I was laughing out loud that was great.
"Some random child came over to celebrate their birthday... oh wait he's part of the household!"
Then the confetti cake comment? It was too much.
I'm excited to get some Alien genes in this challenge!
Also, it sounds to me like you've got some challenging rules ahead of you. Good luck! =)
Yeah, I've kind of ignored poor Nervous thus far as his main job had been fishing to ensure deathfish for ambrosia, though I've actually changed my plan for aging (laughs maniacally to emphasize that he just mentioned a diabolical scheme).
I actually rather lucked out in that a female alien randomly showed up and was delighted that I got Thayne out there quickly enough to meet her before she ran off!  I think she's particularly lovely (as aliens go).

Oh, Cora Flynn has been dragged into this, run while you can!  :P I'm glad at least Lilibao knows what's up. Shame Odessa passed out, I'd have loved to hear her comments on the party guests.
Yeah, I had fun writing Lilibao that way.  She has some nice sass to balance out Odessa's silliness.
Adding Cora's genes to the mix will be pretty glorious, I'm sure  :=)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Adding Some Aging
« Reply #53 on: May 31, 2016, 02:42:26 PM »
I have been reading along from the start without commenting.
Just wanted to say that I love your sense of humor and that I'm really enjoying this story! :D

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Adding Some Aging
« Reply #54 on: May 31, 2016, 03:07:14 PM »
I have been reading along from the start without commenting.
Just wanted to say that I love your sense of humor and that I'm really enjoying this story! :D
Aww, thanks for chiming in, Oshizu!  I'm glad you are enjoying the silliness that I pass off as a story  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The I'm Your Daddy Project-Wedding and Weeding Out
« Reply #55 on: May 31, 2016, 03:08:35 PM »

Pippin:  And after aging up, Olivander quickly finds a role within the household.

Olivander:  So, you just had to give me the neat trait, huh, Pippin?
Pippin:  Well, Someone has to clean this place.  And it can't be your father as he's busy teaching your brother his toddler skills so we can age him up early just like we did with you.

Pippin:  But before that happens, we have the wedding party.  As in the party for the wedding, not as in the bridesmaids and groomsmen.  Of course, we didn't invite any men over, so....

Thayne:  So, if things had been different, I might have married you.
Annie:  There's still time to change your mind, right?
Thayne:  No, but maybe you could move in anyway?  Not for any particular reason or anything...

Pippin:  Yeah, I kind of liked the purple hair idea, but ho can you go wrong with Odessa, right?

Pippin:  And so the ceremony begins.
Thayne:  I know you can't hold out forever
waiting on a diamond and a tether
from a boy who won't swim
but who will dip his toe in
just to keep you here with him.
Pippin:  Wedding vows by Deathcab for Cutie.  Nice touch.
Odessa:  You're like the sandwich to my cumquats.
Pippin:  Ummm, okay.

Pippin:  Poor Annie, wishing she was the bride.  And poor Cornelia, thinking this was a swimwear party.  And now that we've had a wedding, let's do some weeding out of unnecessary household members...
Olive:  Well, I guess it's time for me to move into a random cheap local house and make room for the purple haired girl and an alien baby.
Pippin:  Good perspective there, Olive.
Olive:  Just take good care of Olivander and Nervous for me.
Pippin:  Olivander and who?
Olive:  My oldest son?

Pippin:  Oh.  Right.  Him.  Sure thing.
Thayne:  Hmmm, this random lamp in my inventory seems dirty.

Thayne:  Gee golly!  It's a genie.  A girl genie!

Pippin:  Just wish for money.  We'll get you another girl genie later.
Odessa:  Look!  She splattered grape jelly on the wall!  She's my favorite!
Pippin:  And after wishing for fortune, Thayne took Lilibao to city hall.
Lilibao:  So, this is where your wife wor...Oh MY!

Thayne:  Want to tour city hall with me?  Me explore some of the secret, out of the way places?
Lilibao:  Sure, maybe we could have a baby while we're at it to further your challenge.
Pippin:  Such a keeper!

Pippin:  But apparently not very sneaky.
Lilibao:  Yeah, that was kind of my bad.  Sorry.  Of course, they could have given us our clothes back instead of kicking us out into a very public setting fully nude.  Just sayin'.
Thayne:  Want to go try again?
Lilibao:  Uh, yeah.  Of course.  Duh.
Pippin:  Meantime, Mal aged up to child (making Mai no longer necessary).

Olivander:  Nice undies, bro.
Mal:  Nice level of sensitivity, bro.

Odessa:  So, the weird green girl's going to have a weird green baby?
Thayne:  Umm, yeah.  Maybe.
Odessa:  BROCCOLI!!!
Pippin:  And so, there's an available spot in the house with Mai moving out and only one baby needed.  Is it time to move in Annie?

Thayne:  Hey there, older sister of Cora Flynn.  I'll bet you have a name and it's as lovely as you.
Pippin:  Ummm...moving Annie in so we can have a purple-haired baby?
Thayne:  Fine!
Pippin:  And while Thayne was busy with his social responsibilities,

Lilibao:  Well, looks like my genes will be joining the Sims history books.
Pippin:  Indeed!  And now we need to find relaxing things for you to do to ensure a smooth, easy pregnancy.

Pippin:  Well, that seems about right.
Lilibao:  Well, Thayne, looks like we're going to have a baby.

Pippin:  Perhaps the most enthusiastic thumbs up of all time.
Thayne:  So, Annie, I've got a spare spot in the household, you want to move in so we can have a baby before you age up to elder?
Annie:  I'm sorry, what?
Thayne:  I said, you should totally move in.  Shaka bra!

Annie:  Shaka bra!  I'm in!
Pippin:  Yeah, you're in for it alright.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Wedding and Weeding Out
« Reply #56 on: May 31, 2016, 03:35:31 PM »
Oh man, I love Odessa.
Such a trooper. Forget about the other gals, Odessa's where it's at. She can successfully mention food at any point and it's always the right answer. You're making some good progress in this challenge. Do you plan to keep the household full always?

Have you had any trouble with jealousy in your household at all?
This story is such fun to read! I can't imagine trying to do this challenge on my own. It would seem so daunting!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Wedding and Weeding Out
« Reply #57 on: May 31, 2016, 03:38:37 PM »
Oh man, I love Odessa.
Such a trooper. Forget about the other gals, Odessa's where it's at. She can successfully mention food at any point and it's always the right answer. You're making some good progress in this challenge. Do you plan to keep the household full always?

Have you had any trouble with jealousy in your household at all?
This story is such fun to read! I can't imagine trying to do this challenge on my own. It would seem so daunting!
I had Thayne accomplish his LTW and buy above reproach and no jealousy, so he actual has the eternally faithful moodlet, as ridiculous as that may seem.
I do plan to keep the household full as it helps to fend off unexpected twins or triplets.  That helps make the challenge less daunting than it might otherwise be  :=)
Must say, I've got a super-soft spot for Odessa as well.

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Wedding and Weeding Out
« Reply #58 on: May 31, 2016, 04:05:08 PM »
You're making this look like fun. It kind of makes me want to try it, and that's more than a little scary.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Wedding and Weeding Out
« Reply #59 on: May 31, 2016, 08:31:57 PM »
You're making this look like fun. It kind of makes me want to try it, and that's more than a little scary.
Yes!!  Absolutely do it!!  Tip:  Micromanage your founder so he doesn't pick up ANY skills other than charisma and science!

