Author Topic: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Graveyard Please  (Read 23370 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-A Super-Cool Start
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2016, 11:04:48 AM »
Sorry I've been away for a bit.  I've got more time for Simming again and should have another update before too long.  Thayne, his eyebrows, and the kilt will be back soon!

Offline PeregrineTook

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The I'm Your Daddy Project-Olives and Carrots
« Reply #31 on: May 06, 2016, 08:25:41 AM »

Pippin:  And with his F- achieved, our hero returns home.

Thayne:  Wow, I had forgotten I don't even own furniture.  I need a place to sleep.
Pippin:  I think your mom's got that under control

Yvette:  Oh, here he is.  Thayne!  Come over here, please.  There's someone I'd like you to meet.
Pippin:  Well done, Yvette. 

Thayne:  Hi, Olive, I'm Thayne.  What do you do for a living?
Olive:  I'm a cook.
Thayne:  Excellent!  That's on my list.
Olive:  On your list?
Thayne:  No, you misheard me.  I're very pretty.
Pippin:  Smooth recovery.

Pippin:  Oh.  Extremely smooth recovery!  And Thayne got an early start the next day.

Thayne:  Hi!  My name's Thayne.  I'm just randomly going door to door meeting potential babymamas.
Eliza:  Potential babymamas?
Thayne:  No, you misheard me.  I said...neighbors.
Eliza:  Oh.  That makes sense.  Please, come inside.

Pippin:  And so he does come inside, and then into the bedroom...

Pippin:  You know, Thayne, you aren't going to accomplish that master romancer lifetime wish just by sleeping in the same bed as potential babymamas.
Thayne:  Well, my mom said I should accomplish that goal other ways and not offend any potential partners for the challenge.
Pippin:   Hmmm, that's really smart.  Thanks, Yvette.
Yvette:  (shouting from a fair distance away) You're welcome!
Pippin:  So...if it's not ladies here in town helping you out, how are you going to...?

Thayne:  Hey look, a random friend from college came to visit.  Come, friend from college, let me show you the nice house my friend Olive has.

Pippin:  Well.  That escalated quickly.

Thayne:  Thanks, Olive!
Olive:  Sure thing!
Pippin:  I can't believe you just...

Thayne:  Hey look!  A random friend from college came to visit!
Pippin:  Again?
Thayne:  Let me take you on a tour of city hall.
Randomfriendfromcollege:  Okay!

Pippin:  Well, two down and that much closer to achieving your lifetime wish.  What are you going to do with all those lifetime happiness points?
Yvette:  (yelling from a long distance off) Buy things like above reproach!!
Pippin:  Oh.  Yes.  That's really smart.  Wait, where did Thayne go?

Thayne:  Come back, beautiful lady!  You're my one true love!
Pippin:  Oh.  I know where she lives.
Thayne:  Take me there!

Pippin:  So, should I just wait here in the cab, Thayne?  Thayne?

Thayne:  Hi, I'm Thayne.
Odessa:  My sweater is orange-ish!  Like a carrot!

Thayne:  You may be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen!
Odessa:  If a carrot is the same color as my sweater, you really shouldn't eat it.  It's gone bad.  Or it might actually be my sweater.
Pippin:  And the next day...

Odessa:  ...because pickles don't even have feet!
Thayne:  That's delightful, but I have to ask, would you like to...move in with me?
Cedrick:  Yes!  Please!  Take her away!
Pippin:  And with her brother's consent, Odessa moves in...this can't possibly go well...

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Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Olives and Carrots
« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2016, 10:57:29 AM »
Awesome update. Thayne is very quick. I think he will beat the challenge in no time.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Olives and Carrots
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2016, 12:51:34 PM »
The RETURN of the great Peregrine Took! I'm so excited to see an update for your story!

A redhead? You must have quite the fondness for them. ;)

I love Yvette. Mom's gotta help somehow, right?

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Olives and Carrots
« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2016, 01:23:07 PM »
I think it's going to go wonderfully well for me.
And I do hope you continue to find it going well  :=)

Awesome update. Thayne is very quick. I think he will beat the challenge in no time.
Well, his part may move quickly, but the kiddos will take a while to grow up and accomplish their LTW's before I can move them out and clear space for more.

The RETURN of the great Peregrine Took! I'm so excited to see an update for your story!
A redhead? You must have quite the fondness for them. ;)
I love Yvette. Mom's gotta help somehow, right?
The "great" Peregrine Took?  You flatterer!
Yes, I suppose you could say I have a fondness for redheads (if you enjoy understating things).
It was just super convenient that the first girl he goes to see is already being chatted up by Yvette, so I went with it  :=)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Olives and Carrots
« Reply #36 on: May 08, 2016, 07:08:40 AM »
Just been re-reading from the start.  That degree is pretty impressive  ;).

I loved this:
Thayne:  I'm going to end up with lots of money.
Random University Girl:  I just noticed how cute you are...or will be.

Incidentally, I hadn't noticed the part about Thayne only learning charisma and science before.  How are you going to stop him picking up social networking points from playing with his phone?

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Olives and Carrots
« Reply #37 on: May 08, 2016, 07:23:13 PM »
Just been re-reading from the start.  That degree is pretty impressive  ;).

I loved this:
Thayne:  I'm going to end up with lots of money.
Random University Girl:  I just noticed how cute you are...or will be.

Incidentally, I hadn't noticed the part about Thayne only learning charisma and science before.  How are you going to stop him picking up social networking points from playing with his phone?
I micromanage him.  His que is always full.  Others can have some free will, but Thayne is just my puppet boy  :=)

In other news, the file had some weird glitch and the first pregnancy simply disappeared.  I saved, then reloaded the file and the previously pregnant Sim was no longer pregnant, though still had her wishes to buy child stuff and to have a girl.  I've continued forward with a re-impregnation and am watching like a hawk to make sure this is a one-time anomaly.  If pregnancies are on the fritz for this particular project, I may have to start a new file for it and just redo the beginning.
Fingers crossed, but it's looking like a one-time thing so far.

Offline PeregrineTook

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The I'm Your Daddy Project-The City of Romance?
« Reply #38 on: May 09, 2016, 08:36:11 PM »
Pippin:  After Odessa won over poor Thayne's heart, she set off to enjoy the meager possessions their combined wishes had prompted them to buy.

Odessa:  These are the best potatoes EVER!
Pippin:  That's yogurt.
Odessa:  You bet it is!   Best.  Potatoes.  EVER!
Pippin:  And Thayne set off to do more logical things.

Thayne:  ...and we could use your money to build more of a house and have your kid be a support Sim and use your cooking skill to make me ambrosia and you could be my first babymama.
Olive:  What now?
Thayne:  I said, you're my bestie and I'd love to have you as a housemate.
Olive:  Oh, that's so sweet!  We'll move in right now.
Pippin:  Smooth recovery!
Nervous Subject:  Actually, before we move...

Nervous:  did anyone remember it's my birthday?!?!
Thayne:  Oh good, he can start learning to fish and paint!
Odessa:  I like samiches!
Pippin:  And you'll be eating samiches in this lovey new two-story home!

Thayne:  We can do that after we return from our not-yet-honeymoon-as-I-haven't-popped-a-marriage-wish-yet.

Thayne:  Ah, here we are in France, the city of romance.
Pippin:  France is a country, not a city.
Thayne:  Stop ruining the moment.
Odessa:  Lollipops!

Odessa:  Where to find lollipops...where to find lollipops...?
Pippin:  And so, Odessa accidentally stumbled into a great outing as an explorer while Thayne managed to meet lots of people and get a tent.

Odessa:  Not lollipops!  Very unlolli!!!
Pippin:  And her hero came to her rescue.

Thayne:  The bugs are all gone, right?
Odessa:  Your eyes are like oranges that aren't even a color!
Thayne:  ...thanks?

Odessa:  You're welcome!
Pippin:  And not only did we learn a bit more about the local culture,

Pippin:  but we also learned that Odessa is overly affectionate to strangers during a full moon.

RandomFrenchGuy:  Bonjour!
Odessa:  You smell like blueberry gravy!
Pippin:  No possible way this could negatively impact the challenge, right?  Anyway, the duo returned home and learned two very significant things about Olive:  she has the coolest chef's outfit of all time,

Pippin:  and she really likes tents.

Thayne:  So, that was amazing.  How about we just be friends?
Olive:  WHAT?!?!?
Pippin:  Smooth recovery time.  And a short while later...

Odessa:  You look like a jelly-filled banana sandwich!
Olive:  Well, I am pregnant. (glares at Thayne)
Thayne:  Oh, look, I'm on the phone.  Yes, random purple-haired girl, I'll meet you shortly.

Pippin:  Lifetime wish...finished!  (Sadly, she was aging up to elder that same day, so no bringing in her genetics)  And how does Odessa handle the news that her not-yet-husband-because-he-hasn't-yet-popped-the-get-married-wish has finished his lifetime wish?

Odessa:  I left that salad here somewhere...

Offline CeresIn

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-The City of Romance?
« Reply #39 on: May 10, 2016, 12:33:09 AM »
I love Yvette giving orders in the background, she's like a puppeteer. And poor Thayne is always being misheard.  ;D

Odessa is well...

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-The City of Romance?
« Reply #40 on: May 10, 2016, 01:12:11 PM »
Oh Thayne! What a fantastic way to start off your daddy challenge!
Odessa is kind of adorable. She's got an obsession with food, I think.

As for Olive, well, her and Nervous make perfect housemates! I can't wait to see what you do from here on out, Pip. This is hilarious as always. ;D

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-The City of Romance?
« Reply #42 on: May 11, 2016, 06:49:06 PM »
I love Yvette giving orders in the background, she's like a puppeteer. And poor Thayne is always being misheard.  ;D

Odessa is well...
Yes, Yvette and Odessa are strong presences and Thayne's just there enjoying the ride  :=)

Oh Thayne! What a fantastic way to start off your daddy challenge!
Odessa is kind of adorable. She's got an obsession with food, I think.

As for Olive, well, her and Nervous make perfect housemates! I can't wait to see what you do from here on out, Pip. This is hilarious as always. ;D
Glad you're enjoying it.  I quite enjoy Odessa, but you'd probably already guessed that. 
Olive and Nervous are quite a convenient duo, though I tend to pay almost no attention to poor Nervous when it comes to taking screenshots.

I suggest that Olive should avoid making fried foods.
Good advice!  Can't believe some of the career outfits the game puts together  :=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The I'm Your Daddy Project-The First Bundle
« Reply #43 on: May 12, 2016, 10:02:08 PM »

Pippin:  Odessa is really getting into her housework.

Odessa:  I am the soup!
Pippin:  And meantime, Thayne keeps planning for the future.

Thayne:  Hello, townie teens!  One day, you will be grown and...
Pippin:  Perhaps you should just leave it at that?
Thayne:  I was just going to say I'll come visit you again!!
Pippin:  Anyway, Olivia magically stopped being pregnant.
Thayne:  I can solve this problem!

Pippin:  And a quick shower leads to...

Pippin:  And while babymama number one is filling her role...

Pippin:  Mai Lau.  Policewoman.  Fairy.  Good job, Thayne!
Thayne:  Let's tour city hall, Mai.
Pippin:  Yes, tour your not-yet-wife's place of work with the next babymama.  Such a good idea.
Odessa:  Hi honeycakes!  Hi honeycakes' temporary sweetie!
Mai:  What?
Thayne:  She said we look cute together.
Mai:  Aww, that's so sweet!
Pippin:  And after...things...

Mai:  What?!?!  You want to just be friends?!?!
Thayne:  Yep! 
Pippin:  What?  No smooth recovery?  Well, nice usage of honesty.  I guess.

Pippin:  And with two pregnant and rejected ladies, a crazy spouse-to-be, a kilt-clad heir, and a support Sim so nervous we never see him, what a nice, happy home this is.
Odessa:  I think I just sat in pumpkin pie!
Mai:  I think I'm pregnant.
Thayne:  I think my mother's calling me.

Pippin:  Looks like Mai knows she's pregnant.  Meantime, the teen girl next door finally did age up.

Pippin:  And she was kind enough not to make Thayne walk all the way back to his house (which, again, was next door).

Thayne:  Honey, I'm home!
Olive:  Hi, honey!
Mai:  I kind of hate you.
Odessa:  What if C is for cookie is not good enough for me?
Pippin:  And this happened.

Thayne:  Ahh!!!  I don't know what to do!!  I think I'll jump around and freak out!
Olive:  That's helping, actually.
Pippin:  Baby number one is on the way and can finally get a real name!

Pippin:  In a flurry of sparkles, the firstborn arrived.  In order to help us all remember which child goes with which mama, I'm giving them names that are reminiscent of said mama, therefore, Olive gave birth to Olivander whose lifetime wish will be to become an astronaut.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-The First Bundle
« Reply #44 on: May 12, 2016, 10:37:19 PM »
Welcome Olivander!
Let's see, there's Olive, Odessa, and Olivander!
Lot's of O's to go around! =)

Oh Thayne, best keep in touch with mother-dearest. She's the best at finding you more baby-mamas. :D
What a fantastic update, I'm always laughing whenever I read your updates!

