Author Topic: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Graveyard Please  (Read 23307 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The I'm Your Daddy Project-Graveyard Please
« on: February 15, 2016, 12:43:52 PM »
This is the set up I did to begin a new project I created.  Rules and details are posted at the end of this update and I'm seeking input on both the founder and the world I'll use.

Pippin:  Once upon a time, there was a young man with a famous nose.

Arlo:  Do you mean me?
Pippin:  Yes, but I need you to be older...

Arlo:  Is Lisa laughing at me?
Pippin:  Yes, but that's only because you're funny looking.  Now let's move you to Riverview!
Arlo:  Wait...what...?

Arlo:  Well, I'm here on an empty field, now what?
Pippin:  Once upon a time, there was a girl with fantastic ears.

Pippin:  Go get her, tiger!
Arlo:  Hi, I'm Arlo.  I'd like to marry you and have beautiful children together.  With you.  Together.
Yvette:  Well, I'm already married, so I'm afraid I'll have to decline your kind and awkward offer.
Arlo: about we play rock, paper, scissors, and if I win, you marry me?
Yvette:  Deal!

Pippin:  And a marriage was broken up, a proposal happened, then Laurel headed off to work.  When she finished work that night...

Pippin:  Boom!  Wedding ambush!  Now go make babies!

Pippin:  They have a house.  With an all-in-one.

Arlo:  Wow, that happened quickly.
Yvette:  And labor comes along quickly too.

Pippin:  And while Arlo freaks out about the labor and pending delivery, Laurel makes the bed.
Yvette:  Well, I can't very well deliver the baby in an untidy room!

Pippin:  One boy.  Try again.

Yvette:  Pregnancy number two!
Arlo:  Let's watch the kids channel!
Pippin:  Smart man.

Pippin:  Twins!  Try again.

Yvette:  Look, I'm pregnant again.
Arlo:  I love my life!

Pippin:  Triplets!  Delivered by the trash can.  Of course.  Okay, you can stop now.

Pippin:  The first son is Rythos and his traits are irrisistable, never nude, eccentric, and athletic.

Pippin:  The next pregnancy gave us Thayne who loves the outdoors, is unlucky, excitable, and clumsy, (and wished for a hair cut, so his hair had to get longer),

Pippin:  and Tryvan who loves the outdoors, and is eccentric, friendly, and grumpy.

Pippin:  Then we had the triplets starting with Ardent who is a hydrophobic, equestrian, grumpy diva,

Pippin:  then we had Argus who is hydrophobic, evil, cowardly, and unlucky,

Pippin:  and finally Alvnaso who is hydrophobic, hot-headed, artistic, and a natural born performer.

Pippin:  Finally, here are all six boys standing around looking like they're a boy band.

Pippin:  I already have in mind which one I think I'll use as my founder, but I'll give you about a week to try to convince me I should pick your favorite.  You can also give input on which world you'd like to see as the setting.  I am choosing among Hidden Springs, Midnight Hollow, Moonlight Falls, Starlight Shores, Barnacle Bay, Appaloosa Plains, and Lucky Palms. 
And as promised, here are the rules for the project I'm about to undertake:

This project is based on the idea of the "Who's Your Daddy Project" by CSquared2.  I was doing that project and had a brief chat with one of the readers (hearts, I think) about how there should be a version of this challenge from the masculine perspective.  Well, challenge accepted!  I then combined the idea of creating such a project with the fact that I know I don't end up playing several of the LTW's, so I added that feature in as well.

Starting the Challenge:  Create a male YA (or select a premade YA male and save him to the Simbin so you can place him as a "blank slate" in a new file).  Choice of traits is completely up to the player though one of the traits must be friendly, schmoozer, or flirty.  This male will be your founder and is to father (or engineer/grow/harvest) all of the children.  Therefore, life extending methods are welcome.  The founder will master no skills other than charisma and science (science is needed for the plantsim offspring).
Placement of the founder is to be on any empty lot.  Use the "familyfunds" cheat to adjust the available funds to $1,000.  This will be the only time cheats are allowed outside of "resetsim" being allowable only if necessary.

The Mothers:  The founder will "woo" women and move them in.  Marriage is not required, but can increase your scoring (those options are explained later).  The mothers can be moved out as soon as their children reach the child stage.  Scoring will be increased based on the variety of mothers used.  The career and lifestate of the mother cannot be changed by the player.

The Offspring:  Each of the offspring will have different requirements based on ages and can be caked early in some stages
-Baby-No requirements, no cake
-Toddler-Learn all toddler skills and be best friends with both parents.  Can be caked when this is accomplished.
-Child-Must complete an opportunity or be awarded a trophy from an after school activity.  Can only be caked if they reach honor roll (honor roll is not a requirement for this stage).
-Teen-Must reach honor roll, learn to drive, have a romantic interest, and attend prom.  When these are completed, they can be caked.
-Young Adult-The offspring cannot be moved out until they have completed a unique LTW.  These are to be the LTW's from the base game done in alphabetical order (there are 32 of these, so a minimum of 32 children will be required)*.  In the event of twins or triplets, all children from an individual birth must complete the same LTW.
In addition to completing the LTW, the offspring must max (but not supermax) a skill, have a romantic interest (which can be the same as the teen requirement), and must purchase one property or building.  In the case of a property, it must be fully upgraded before the offspring moves out.
Finally, a photo, painting, or sculpture of the offspring in young adult life stage must be taken/created before the offspring moves out.
If one of the offspring age up to adult before completing the requirements and moving, the project is failed.  However, it is up to the player to choose when one of the offspring gets moved out, so an adult offspring in the household is possible without failure happening so long as the requirements are completed before the age up.
Additional offspring had with any of the mothers do not count towards the challenge and cannot be moved out until they have reached young adult.  Similarly, children can be adopted, but they do not count towards the challenge and must stay in the house until they reach young adulthood.

*This project could easily accommodate LTW's from other expansions.  Base game was just a good starting point.

Succeeding:  If you play it and enjoy it, success!  Beyond this, scoring explanation follows.
Failing:  If any of the children fail to reach a requirement for an age before aging up, the project is failed.  If the founder learns any skill other than charisma and science, the project is failed.  If one of the offspring age up to adult before completing their requirements, the project is failed.  If the project is not enjoyed, it is a failure.

The Scoring:  Each child born adds 1 point to the score.  Scoring for the completion of LTW's is based on the first number of the LTHP's gained from its completion (for example, a 20,000 point LTW would give 2 points while a 32,000 point LTW would give 3.  No rounding up).
The founder is never required to marry, but can receive additional points if he opts to do so (and to follow it up by being a bad husband).
Option One-(The multiple wife option) If the founder is married and manages to conceive and deliver another child before the wife's offspring has reached the toddler stage, an additional point is gained.  The wife can then be divorced and moved out to be replaced with another wife.
Option Two-The founder can stay married and keep the same wife in the house throughout the challenge (to provide a support Sim, perhaps).  If this option is chosen, the child of this mother is to be the last born.  Any challenge-eligible children conceived and born during this marriage award an additional 2 points.  However, if the wife divorces the husband at any point, an immediate penalty of -10 points is given.  The husband must also remarry this spouse or forfeit any of the marriage bonus points gained.  Any additional divorces from this spouse result in an additional -10.
The other way to gain additional points is to complete mother clusters.  The bonus is given only if the complete cluster is finished (or as finished as it can be based on the expansions you have).  1 point is given for each member of the cluster when it is completed.
-Social Group Clusters-
-NPC Cluster-
____Repair Person
____Pizza Delivery Person
____Newspaper Person (when they grow up, of course)
____Mail Person
____Babysitter (grown up, of course)
____Adoption/Child Services Worker
____Pet Adoption Worker
____Fire Fighter
____Party Dancer
____Venue Proprietor
____Barista Bartender
____University Professor
____University Mascot
____Food Stand Clerk
-Job Cluster-
____ business
____ criminal
____ culinary
____ journalism
____ law enforcement
____ medical
____ military
____ music
____ political
____ sports
____ science
____ education
-Location Cluster-
____Champs LeSims
____Shang Simla
____Al Simhara
-Zodiac Cluster-
____ Aries
____ Taurus
____ Gemini
____ Cancer
____ Leo
____ Virgo
____ Libra
____ Scorpio
____ Sagittarius
____ Capricorn
____ Aquarius
____ Pisces
-Occult Cluster-
____ genie
____ imaginary friend
____ ghost
____ vampire
____ witch
____ fairy
____ werewolf
____ alien
____ plantsim (father must be the one to engineer the seed and harvest it)
____ mermaid
____ clone from science table (clone of founder)
____ clone from voucher (clone of founder)
____ clone from clone drone (clone of founder)
____ frog princess

Mods:  Anything that makes the project easier (woohooer, for example) is out.  Something that is simply functional (such as overwatch) is fine.  No using mods to increase the number of Sims allowed in the home at any time.

Again, huge appreciation in this for CSquared2 who came up with the "Who's Your Daddy" project on which this idea is based!

Offline dontmindme

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Meet the Grisbunches
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2016, 04:02:50 PM »
Yay, the masculine version of this challenge! I did something like this a long time ago but where the women weren't allowed to care for the kids and had to move out after the baby was born. Best of luck to you in this version of the challenge!

Now, onto important I want an entertaining personality for the founder (Argus) or the perfect blend of genes (Rythos)? Decisions, decisions...I can't decide so I will just say that I am rooting for both of those boys.

As for locations: Barnacle Bay has a lot of fun genes, mostly including scary cheek bones and strange jaws so that's my vote!

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Meet the Grisbunches
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2016, 06:52:11 PM »
Yay, the masculine version of this challenge! I did something like this a long time ago but where the women weren't allowed to care for the kids and had to move out after the baby was born. Best of luck to you in this version of the challenge!

Now, onto important I want an entertaining personality for the founder (Argus) or the perfect blend of genes (Rythos)? Decisions, decisions...I can't decide so I will just say that I am rooting for both of those boys.

As for locations: Barnacle Bay has a lot of fun genes, mostly including scary cheek bones and strange jaws so that's my vote!
Thanks for the input!  Despite your name discouraging it, I'll pay attention to you and your thoughts  ;=)
So, since you split your vote, I'll credit that as half a vote for each boy you picked, so it may end up being a tie breaker if needed.

Offline KRae

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Meet the Grisbunches
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2016, 08:35:06 PM »
I find Rythos' picture rather irresistible. Some of the boys are just too normal looking (not Thayne, absolutely not normal looking). So, a full point for Rythos from me.

Online oshizu

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Meet the Grisbunches
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2016, 09:00:00 PM »
Do you mind if I vote even though I don't play Sims 3?
I recently read Who's Your Daddy by @hazelnut and loved it, so I'm excited about your project.

My vote goes to Alvnaso because he has such an intense look and a great haircut.
I initially liked Argus because of his traits and his spiky dark hair, but I couldn't identify him after his haircut and lost interest.

No vote for the world because I'm not familiar with them.
Can't wait until you start!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Meet the Grisbunches
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2016, 10:31:19 PM »
I find Rythos' picture rather irresistible. Some of the boys are just too normal looking (not Thayne, absolutely not normal looking). So, a full point for Rythos from me.
Agreed, Thayne is not normal-looking AT ALL!  So we're up to 1 1/2 for Rythos.  Any thoughts on which world you'd prefer?

Do you mind if I vote even though I don't play Sims 3?
I recently read Who's Your Daddy by @hazelnut and loved it, so I'm excited about your project.

My vote goes to Alvnaso because he has such an intense look and a great haircut.
I initially liked Argus because of his traits and his spiky dark hair, but I couldn't identify him after his haircut and lost interest.

No vote for the world because I'm not familiar with them.
Can't wait until you start!
Of course you can vote and I hope you follow along and find it enjoyable. 
It was actually Thayne who got the haircut (that made his hair longer), not Argus.  Argus is on the far right on the "boy band" picture.

So far, the voting is:
Rythos 1 1/2
Alvnaso 1
Argus 1/2

and Barnacle Bay has gotten the only world vote.  Looking forward to seeing where we end up in a week or so.  I'll probably bring voting to a close around about Saturday morning so I can start playing the file  :=)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Meet the Grisbunches
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2016, 10:53:18 PM »
I think that Thayne gets my vote due to his unusual and interesting blend of his parents' genes. :)

I also think I will be voting for Midnight Hollow as it has just the right amount of light to ensure his features don't scare off potential baby mothers. :D

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Offline KRae

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Meet the Grisbunches
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2016, 11:00:09 PM »
Is that Midnight Hollow and Moonlight Falls? If so, then I'll vote Midnight Hollow because I don't have that town and would like to see more of it especially if it runs smoothly.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Meet the Grisbunches
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2016, 07:52:57 AM »
I think that Thayne gets my vote due to his unusual and interesting blend of his parents' genes. :)

I also think I will be voting for Midnight Hollow as it has just the right amount of light to ensure his features don't scare off potential baby mothers. :D
Using the low lighting to hide the founder's features, eh?  Clever!

Is that Midnight Hollow and Moonlight Falls? If so, then I'll vote Midnight Hollow because I don't have that town and would like to see more of it especially if it runs smoothly.
Oops!  I inverted the names.  They're fixed in the original thread now.  Thanks for pointing that out.

Rythos still leads with 1 1/2
Alvnaso and Thayne each have 1
Argus has 1/2

Midnight Hollow has 2 votes, and Barnacle Bay has 1

Thanks for voting!  Looking forward to seeing who lands where  :=)

Online oshizu

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Meet the Grisbunches
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2016, 07:20:21 PM »
I'm wondering if I got the boys confused.
Could you confirm if I have the names right in the boy band picture?

From left to right:
Ardent (green shirt), Rhythos, Thayne, Tryvan, Alvanaso, Argus?

I can't wait to hear what happens!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Meet the Grisbunches
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2016, 08:04:48 AM »
I'm wondering if I got the boys confused.
Could you confirm if I have the names right in the boy band picture?

From left to right:
Ardent (green shirt), Rhythos, Thayne, Tryvan, Alvanaso, Argus?

I can't wait to hear what happens!
Yep, you've got them in the right order.  I'm also eager to see what happens!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Meet the Grisbunches
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2016, 07:05:57 PM »
Thayne and Hidden Springs!
Thanks for chiming in, hazelnut!

Looks like Thayne has stormed into the lead with 2
Rythos follows with 1 1/2
Alvnaso and Thayne each have 1
Argus has 1/2

Midnight Hollow has 2 votes, and Barnacle Bay and Hidden Springs each have 1.
Just a couple of days left before I start this!

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Meet the Grisbunches
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2016, 07:29:38 PM »
Thane and Hidden Springs for my two cents worth

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Re: The I'm Your Daddy Project-Meet the Grisbunches
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2016, 07:57:35 PM »
Deklitch voted for Thayne too so that's three total, maybe.

