Author Topic: Help with Sims 3 Install?  (Read 2597 times)

Offline melslittleworld

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Help with Sims 3 Install?
« on: January 31, 2016, 05:40:13 PM »
You are my only hope. I realize I am going to sound crazy and annoyed but, I swear it's not at you... EA has drove me to this point so I am gonna tell you the whole story and pray beyond prayers you or some kind person on this forum can help me.

Installed Windows 10, gdaughter (not being happy with S4 because of pets and such) harassed me to the point I reinstalled S3 a little sooner than I had wanted. It would not run.. forum search, Windows 10.. I set compatibility to Windows 7 base game ran so I was happy and installed EP's and SP's (I own all except the Movie SP).. origin said I did not own Seasons, University and Showtime so I thought fine I own all the disks except 4 (more on that in a minute) however then the game would not run 1 live chat and 5 calls later the 7th person I talked to walked me through quite a few steps and some the others had not.. everything seems to work like a charm.. however Supernatural, Into the Future, 70's, 80's and 90's SP and Diesel SP are not on the list for the launcher nor do they show up in my game. The Live Chat "specialist" I talked to today suggest I call back tomorrow and I know it's gonna be more of the same.. why is everything.. store, all the other EP's and SP's working and only the 4 I bought from Origin and do not own a physical disc to not work. My computer says they are installed yet they do not show up in either the launcher or the game. I also have a ingame store question.. the ones that say install.. how are they not in my game when I bought them from the store and how do I get them installed without the game sending me an error message about the download failed? I hope I have made sense here as I feel frazzled and afraid I didn't explain everything correctly. Thank you!!!

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Help with Sims 3 Install?
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2016, 07:11:08 PM »
Hi Melslittleworld,

We're hoping we can help with this. Hubby and I put a step-by-step together for you. :) It sounds like you've got some of the game on disc and some of it via download. So here's what we've put together for you:

1. In Origin go to the Origin Menu. (Upper left corner of the Origin client) Click Application Settings.

2. In the Settings scroll down to Updates, uncheck Automatically keep my games up to date.

3. Close and exit Origin.

4. Try a full uninstall of the whole game. (Including expansions, and stuff packs)

5. Run Ccleaner and it's registry cleaner. Or a similar registry cleaner.

Ccleaner, It's free
-  -- PC

How to use CCleaner to fix PC issues

6. Reinstall base game from disc, and then run the super patch.

Super Patch (1.67)

7. At this point the game is at patch level 1.67. Don't let Origin update past this patch level.

8. Install the rest of the disc expansions and stuff packs.

9. Run the FordGT90Concept's Patcher
** It will install the patches for the earliest games that got left out of the super patch.

10. Launch the game to make sure it works.

11. If the game is running okay, then go ahead and get into Origin and install your other expansions and stuff packs.

12. Open the launcher to see if your store stuff is there.

How-to: Backup and Restore Store Content,18945.0.html

After you've done all this, go into game and check to see if everything is running okay.

Thank you for asking!! Let us know if this works?

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Offline melslittleworld

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Re: Help with Sims 3 Install?
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2016, 08:40:50 PM »
I am patched to 1.69 and wondered if this is what has caused the issue.. origin updates it and it was announced on the forum yet no one at EA (help centers) even know about this patch. I will do as you suggest tomorrow as it is late here for me and I will report back.. thank you so much.. I know I have done some of those steps with "them" but not all so hopefully this will be the great answer I need!

