The No Buy Mode ChallengeRulesCreate one young adult sim.
Pick a lot at least 50x40 in size and bulldoze it flat. Move in.
Open Build/Buy
Buy one indoor trash can and one outdoor trash can.
Pick a mailbox of your choice.
Wave goodbye to Buy Mode. You will not use it again.
Open build mode. Spend away until you have 1800 simloeans left. You may use build mode freely throughout game play except for styled rooms. No downloading rooms from the gallery either!

*points up*
Anything found in there including all landscaping, pools and fountains - if it's in build mode, you can buy it. Once you have spent your money, you may begin!
The goal is to complete the Mansion Baron Achievement, and you must be able to fill the Sim's need bars on the home lot.
Sleep - your sim needs an object that you can click on and select "Sleep"
Hunger - your sim must be able to cook food
Bladder - your sim needs a toilet
Hygiene - your sim needs a tub or shower
Fun - your sim must have some sort of object that raises their fun
Social - your sim needs something to raise social without talking to a sim
All aspirations, traits and rewards are allowed.
Clubs and club bonuses from Get Together are allowed.
If you have Spa Day, a Maxis created spa can be placed in the world. You may place Maxis created restaurants in the world if you have Dining Out. The Maxis created garden with a wishing well from Romantic Gardens may be placed.
No other lots may be placed.
You may buy an empty lot to create a retail store... but you still can not use buy mode except for a cash register and one outdoor trash can.
You may also buy an empty lot for a restaurant and may buy a host stand, waitress station, two chefs stations and one outdoor trash can.
Play OptionsSingle Sim Challenge - Never move anyone in. Turn off aging for your sim and unplayed sims. Your sim can marry, but the spouse cannot move in, and any babies need to be aged to children and moved out to their other parent's household. (Alien babies are sent back to their home world)
Legacy Challenge - recommend Outdoor Retreat or Get to Work is installed. Set aging to normal span, including unplayed sims. Set houses to fill. You can move in a Sim through marriage only. They must sell any furniture if they are the last sim in a house when they move in. Children may move out, but they can't come back once gone. Every sim on the lot must be able to sleep in a bed on challenge completion.
That's it! Have fun and find ways to fill your home!
Original post
This is a little idea that seeped into my brain while puttering around with various careers.
Can a Sim have a nice home without ever using buy mode?
I think the answer may be yes, yes they can.
I bulldozed down the Oakenstead 50x50 lot moved in a fresh sim and spent all but 1800 simoleans in build mode. If the item shows up in build mode, it can be freely bought throughout the game play. This includes pools, the pee/sleep bush from Get Together and the Lighted Trees from Movie Stuff and Holiday Stuff.
The only thing allowed from Buy mode is one indoor trashcan, one outdoor trash can and a mailbox of your choice (I haven't found a method to acquire a trash can otherwise).
With 1800 simoleans left, I started the game and took one day of vacation to Granite Falls. There I went and visited the kiosk and spent almost everything on a tent, cooler, chair, table and fire pit.

I then started my first career, Detective. After reaching the third level of the career, I scored a bed, a toilet a bench and several shelves. I also made sure to introduce myself to a very important couple... the Pancakes.

Having their friendship is going to be key, as they have a woodworking bench in their house. I promptly quit the Detective career after getting the bed and toilet and joined the Culinary career. This will be a long haul, as the stove reward doesn't come until level 10. Using grills and stepping up to tend bars is covering my skill gains.

At the end of two weeks of game play, the only need I can't fill on my home lot is hygiene, because the pool won't raise that. Handiness should rectify that, so long as the Pancakes continue to let my Sim come over and saw away!