I had this great idea. Since there are several buildings in the game with extra floors of wide open rooms up above, I figured it would be way cool to make an apartment for the building "manager"/ owner to live in. Well, guess what? You can build it, but no one can live there and call it home. I tried several different ways of making the building one you can call "home" but you can't. Oh, you can physically move the owner into the apartment any time it's time for him/her to cook, sleep, pee, bathe, but you can't send them "home" in anyway. They are basically homeless. As long as the lot shows up as being a community lot, it can't be a home.
Ok, then. So we build the apartment, go to edit town, rename the building as a house and not a community lot. Great! Now they can go home. Only now the building is no longer whatever it was before and none of the townies will use it unless they are personally invited in! Now it doesn't function as whatever it was before, be it laundromat, hangout, or whatever it was. I tried several different ways of getting around this but I couldn't find a way out. If any of you computer/game wizards know of a way to make this work, I sure would love to hear about it!