Author Topic: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed (Completed)  (Read 92061 times)

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2016, 06:07:07 AM »
So funny! Gosh towel wearing men, gorgeous kids, melding parents, wading in open water lol and crazy work uniforms. Too good!!  RIP Denzel though, poor Naomi.
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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2016, 12:09:29 PM »
Thank you for reading my first attempt at narrating my Immortal Dynasty. I'm still not sure how I want to be doing this and I've been speaking through a different character each chapter, so I appreciate your encouragement and moral support.
@Magpie2012  If you do rob a bank, please come visit me in Montana. I moved this summer, lol.
@Nettlejuice  I've always enjoyed your fantastic scene settings.  Seems like you're preparing to start a new challenge. I can't wait!
@FrancescaFiori With a name like yours, I wonder if you speak Italian? I actually made a mistake about Italian and Japanese, because Japanese has only one "o" vowel while Italian has two. So much for my Italian!
@Joria You're the first forum member to say that you'd like me to write a story, so thank you for that. And I hope you get well very soon!
@Playalot You mentioned that you'd be interested in seeing my sims a few days after Joria did, by odd coincidence.  So you're the second reason I got up the courage to try this. And I appreciate all the gameplay help you've extended. Oh and Denzel wants to know if you'd like to be Vice-Prez of his fan club.

This last chapter, More Twins, feels very different than previous chapters because the images are snapped during actual gameplay. For my previous chapters, I had only a few images for each time period, so I improvised with copies of earlier save files. Also, I really do think my game was seriously glitching out during the last chapter. I have no idea why Denzel was wading in the water.
Sorry this is such a spotty narrative. I never even show you the moment each sim became an immortal...I hope I can change that. But then again, I'm lazy about screenshots and get easily distracted (like my sims).

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2016, 12:46:50 PM »
Montana? Oh brilliant! All those mountains and ranges and *sigh* heaven! Do you live in the city or out in the boonies? I think I'd prefer that to NYC actually :-) and I really would have to rob a bank to do it unfortunately :-( its about 16 rand to your dollar at the moment and climbing T_T

I absolutely love this story! And RIP Muscles Denzil! I swear, having that pool was your best idea EVER!!! And it looks like the Twins have inherited all that natural hotness... But then, look who their parents/grandparents are! I can't wait to see all the rest of the generations (Sims genetics fascinates me, probably because RL genetics does too lol I'm a biology nerd!)

If you ever get the chance to come through to Sunny South Africa (specifically Durban on the East Coast) send me a PM and we can meet up! (That actually goes for all of you to be honest!)

Edited to add: @Playalot did you know that I don't need a Visa to vacation in NZ? I learnt that this weekend! Now if only you weren't so far away lol
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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2016, 01:19:06 PM »
Still loving this story!  Your Sims are so attractive, and Denzel.....well, I agree with Magpie that pool was the best idea ever!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2016, 01:52:26 PM »
that pool was the best idea ever!

I know, right!!! Best. Use. Of. A. Pool. EVER!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9720 using Tapatalk
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2016, 04:47:01 PM »
Generation 4b: Cali Coughs Up the Dirt

W: Cali, I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m this dynasty’s watcher.
Cali: Oh really? What do you do?
W: Uh, watch?
Cali: Do you do make-overs, too? Aren’t you going to change me out of my matronly street clothes and French roll coif? I mean, I’m an adult but I’m still looking good!
W: About that, I’ve been having trouble with the game every time someone goes into CAS lately, so now I wait until multiple sims need a make-over. Last week, the game crashed and it took a whole day to recover this save file.  So, you’ll eventually get a makeover but not yet.  Anyway, as the newest member of this household, would you do us the honor of narrating this chapter?
Cali:  There’s so much I don’t know about living in a dynasty yet but, sure, I’ll give it a try.

Cali: About four days ago at the Shrieking Llama Bar, a polite teenager named Tetsuji came up to me and struck up a conversation.
Tetsuji: Haha, since you’re an adult and I was a teen, you were probably wondering why I suddenly came up and wanted to know your marital status, career, and interests.
Cali: Yeah, after I answered you questions, you left and seemed to be discussing something with two other men. Now, I know they were the founder and your grandfather Satoshi. Why you?
Tetsuji: In the family, I’m the only one with the Observant trait now, so I’d been scoping out “potentials” for my twin Minoru.
Cali: That clears things up. You were both cheeky teenagers at the time and I couldn’t understand why Minoru didn’t introduce himself to me until later.
Anyway, I’d like everyone to meet the latest addition to our family, Seimei, pronounced Say-May.

Ssshh, don’t tell Naomi I told you this, but our neighbor Otis Spencer-Kim is a son of Denzel from when Denzel worked as a pollinator. That makes Minoru and Otis half-brothers (and also explains why Otis is so cute, but you didn't hear that from me).  The two of them have been best friends since childhood. I used to feel jealous about Otis because Minoru wouldn’t ever let me talk to him. Minoru had to explain to me that, because of dynasty rules, his best friend couldn’t be good friends with anyone else in the household.
W: That’s why Minoru had to boot Otis from the family club. Every time he looked, someone in the family was hugging Otis. So now, Minoru and I are very protective about Otis’ friendship.
I can’t believe you won’t let anyone but Minoru even talk with him, Watcher! Why, the other day at the park I saw Otis and was walking over to say hello and you cancelled my interaction!  The nerve!
W: Just move on, Cali. No need to get all worked up over Otis.  Or is there?
Whatever, this is a shot of Minoru and Otis as teenagers.

I haven’t lived here long but even I know that a dynasty heir, like my darling Minoru, needs to satisfy a number of challenging requirements to achieve immortality, which is a dynasty heir’s ultimate goal. One of the requirements is to max a unique career (as you readers already know), so Minoru has been very attentive to getting in the right mood for work everyday. He often invites over Otis in the morning and asks for an aromatherapy massage to boost his Focus.
W: I wish I had a best friend who would massage me every morning before work.
Watcher, no one’s asking you.

Anyway, this household has many secrets, it seems. For example, the door to Grandpa Satoshi’s science lab is always locked for everyone except him.  He leaves crystals and potions around on the floor for cloning, which drives the maids insane.  They are dying to get inside the room to “put away” what’s on the floor. I fired this maid because he spent hours staring at the locked door instead of tidying up the rest of the house.

Yuta only socializes with one person, his best friend Naomi. He's let his relationships with other household members deteriorate, which is not hard since his work as third-generation dynasty pollinator keeps him pretty busy.  He doesn’t even eat with us anymore, except at parties.
Aside from all that, I think Yuta and Naomi provide an excellent example of how NOT to use a massage table. Why is Yuta outdoors giving Naomi a massage while Minoru is indoors trying to earn a gold medal on his house party?  Not to be disrespectful, Yuta, but you are wearing your flirty suit. Go back inside to the party and flirt! And Naomi is Naomi…she’s constantly asking people for massages!
W: The list of objects that need to be locked away during parties grows longer—computers, gaming mats, easels, and now the massage table.  *sighs wearily

Cali: Look who finally got makeovers! I got a pageboy and a very feminine sweater-skirt ensemble.
Minoru: When I aged into a young adult, I automatically got a haircut like Joaquin’s, complete with matching T-shirt and headphones. I was glad to finally be rid of that hobbit hairdo, but I’m not really digging this look, either. Watcher, can’t you give me another makeover?
W: You’ll have to wait until Seimei becomes a child, Minoru.
Minoru: Oh, all right. *pouts
Cali: Hey, the most important thing right now is that we look after Seimei the best we can!
Minoru: You’re only saying that because you’re happy with your makeover. Me, I look absurd.

Haha, this is only time I’ve ever seen Naomi give a massage. She’s usually the one asking for them.
Ah, the sacrifices they make for the dynasty!  Naomi has almost completed all of her requirements for immortality. All she needs is to make a fifth good friend. To kick her friendship with Shauna Wing up a notch, she resorts to giving a deep tissue massage.  Go Naomi!

W: I noticed an alien spaceship hovering nearby last night. Was that you I saw get abducted, Tetsuji?
Tetsuji: Yeah, but nothing much happened. *retains macho silence
W: Every time there’s been an abduction, the house has been full. I’d say we’ve been pretty lucky so far, but I’d probably jinx us, so I won’t.

Here’s Naomi at her birthday party, becoming an elder.  *whispers: that fairy look really isn’t doing much for her anymore
Her best friend Yuta and three of her good friends are already elders, so she decides to eat ambrosia right away. And now, there are three Nishijima immortals!

Minoru and I take a break from swimming laps to renew our marriage vows. Shocking that I'm an elder already, right? Yuta and I are the same age, so the family threw a double birthday party for us recently at the Shrieking Llama Bar. Old age creeped up on me so quickly, just two days after our son was born.
I’m not bitter. I’d been so focused on my career that I’d given up on ever getting married, becoming a mother, being part of a family. I’m thankful to Minoru for having chosen me. *sniffle

Tetsuji is having to mentor fitness as part of his career requirement. He’s disappointed that I joined the family with Level 10 fitness. The family has been pretty fortunate in their choice of spouses—the founder’s wife was a Level 10 Ms. Solar System, Satoshi’s wife Elise was a Level 10 Doctor, and I joined the family as a Level 10 Interstellar Ranger. The only drawback is that the three of us hadn’t already achieved the skill requirements for Level 10. I wonder if the careers of all the not-in-the-world townie people are like ours.
Oh anyway, Tetsuji is a personal trainer, but he and Minoru have been hitting the spa a lot recently. When they join a yoga class, everyone who sees them sighs in envy and longing. Their yoga poses are a sight to behold, yes? That’s my Minoru in green on the front right. Tetsuji’s in yellow.

So, Seimei aged up to a child yesterday. I’m so grateful to have lived long enough to be here for that. I’d show you a picture of him, but the Watcher wants to save it for the next chapter so that  Seimei can tell his own story.
Watcher, would you mind taking over? I’m going to go fishing for angelfish with Yuta for a little while before dinner.
Watcher? Watcher? I’m feeling so tired. What’s happening? I’ve hardly spent any time with new family yet. I’m not ready to leave!

W: Grim? Wow, you got here fast.
Grim: It’s not often I get two for one.  What gives?
W: Must be because we threw them a double birthday party since they were close to the same age.

Grim: So tell me. Why are they down here on the beach alone instead of at home?
W: I know, it’s mean of me, but the family still hasn’tl fully recovered from losing Denzel. If they had all witnessed the death of Yuta, who’s been with the fam for so long, and Cali, wife and mother, the household would have fallen apart for days…Am I being too selfish, Grim?
Grim: Yeah, you are. Relax, Watcher. Your dynasty won’t fail just because you let a sim die while surrounded by their loved ones.
W: You’re right, Grim. I’ll make it up to them somehow.
Grim: How? Build another pool? *smirks
W: Now, that’s a low blow, Grim, even for you! (How did he even know about that?)
Grim: Hey, don't underestimate the Reaper. I have my sources. *grins evilly

W:Speaking of pools…is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Satoshi doing a swan dive. Perfect form, too!
Satoshi: Nice try at changing the topic.  But, truth be told, ever since we made Diving a club activity, my diving has improved immensely!
W: Don’t get upset but I removed it from your club activities earlier. Your obsession with diving was making you late for work too often.
Satoshi: Hmmph. Unfair! Isn't there any fun activity that we would automatically stop when it's time for work?
W: If only....

W: Happy now, Minoru?
Minoru: Yeah, thank you for the new look, though you made me wait until Seimei aged into a child. I hated that hobbit look and the Joaquin look works for Joaquin but it’s so not me. I look like a different person!  If only Cali were around…
W: Your new hairdo makes your droopy eyebrows stand out. I hadn't noticed before that you'd inherited them. Very nice!
Uh, thanks?

W: So, who’s the photo-bomber?
Very funny. You kept the uncropped version of that screenshot, too? That’s our alien maid. He’s a little odd so none of us talks to him much.
W: You best stay away from him, Minoru. You can’t see it in the snap, but he’s got a Romantic thought bubble while he gazes at you.
No worries, Watchette. He’s not my type.
W: Just be careful, dear. You seem to have also inherited Denzel's pheromones. That maid may not be your type, honey, but everyone and their mother thinks you're their type.
Okay, okay.  Now can we please just have a moment of silence for my dearly departed Cali and long-time family friend Yuta?  May you both rest in peace.

It's me, Seimei, Generation 5! Come hang out with me next time.  ;D

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2016, 09:37:02 PM »
Generation 5a: Seimei Sez

Yo, my name is Seimei and I’m generation 5, son of Minoru and Cali! I didn’t inherit the droopy eyebrows but I hope you’ll agree that I’m the sim providing the most fun value in the household. Watchette won’t admit it yet, but she’s actually enjoyed playing me the most.
Here I am outside the Harbor Gym. We’ve been going there every evening lately, so Uncle Tetsuji can mentor fitness.  Ho hum. It’s not a total loss…Watchette had me hang up a Confident painting near a mirror in the gym, so I can level my Social skill.

When I aged up, I was wearing a stupid outfit, but the Watchette quickly kitted me out in what I call my “Pre-Oracle Threads.” You see, I’m going to become an Oracle. Yeah, I know that’s a character from the film Matrix, but Dad says it originally means someone who can see the future. That’s why I’m named Seimei, after a legendary esoteric seer and astrologer in tenth-century Japan. Deep, right? I’m also aiming to complete the Chief of Mischief and Computer Whiz aspirations—I think they’ll both fit perfectly with my career path. One look at me rocking my Pre-Oracle Threads and you know my middle name is Trouble.

Watchette learned from the Children Guide by @Pam that I could start leveling Mischief as soon as I max the Social skill. So the first childhood aspiration I max is Social Butterfly, natch. Here’s a shot of me picking a squabble with someone on our not-private beach. On this glorious day, I begin leveling Mischief.

Dad (Minoru) is done with all his immortality requirements now except his second aspiration, his friends, and reaching elderhood.  Because he’s doing the Successful Lineage aspiration which requires various milestones to be achieved by yours truly, he’s forever on my case about homework, skilling, and other boring stuff. Why doesn’t he pick an aspiration he can complete by himself? Sheesh! Thanks to him and his pressure, I age up to teen as soon as I get the “rocking birthday party” message. Without any time to change clothes, I’m forced to attend my first day of high school in this embarrassing getup. Must be some kind of karmic payback that I get my dad’s hobbit hairdo.

So now I’m a high schooler. I’m leveling my mischief, playing video games, programming, playing chess, doing all the right things for my future career and aspirations. I even maxed the Manual Laborer job, so no more part-time work for me! My Chief of Mischief aspiration is almost done except to clog three drains and max the Mischief skill.  Here you can see me hard at work, clogging my third drain at the MacAlister home in Willow Creek. Note that I’ve shed the pink jacket and hobbit hair for a look more befitting my fabulous personality.

Dad has the “Have a child max an aspiration” milestone to complete for Successful Lineage, so he tags along and I tell him to go garden in the MacAlister’s backyard. I don’t need him to get all chatty with the natives and spoil my gig. How am I to know that, while I’m busy a-clogging, the Grim is busy a-reaping. The matriarch of the household passed soon after I arrived, I guess. Not one to pass up an opportunity to make mischief, I decide to prank Grim. 

Whoever says Grim is not a good sport is a complete liar!  I do prank after prank on Grim and he just chuckles the whole time, even when he falls for the hand buzzer. Thanks to Grim, I max my Mischief skill, complete the Chief of Mischief aspiration, and earn the hidden Problem Child achievement.  You’re the best, Grim. My only regret is that I was unable to bind Grim to a voodoo doll. Can't say I didn't try!

Life is never perfect. Dad finds that my completing an aspiration didn't trigger completion of his Successful Lineage milestone. Watchette consults the Challenges Team then, based on the Team's advice, Dad decides to abandon Successful Lineage for Computer Whiz. He’s been writing Video Gaming skill books for his museum items, so when he switches to Computer Whiz, it completes instaneously. Nice for Dad, Watchette, but where does that leave me?
W: You have three options, my fun-loving Seimei: Serial Romantic, Party Animal, or Outdoor Herbalist.
What do you think, Watchette?
W: Well, the easiest out of the three would be Party Animal. In fact, you still have a week left of being a teenager. If we stay focused and get the entire household to help, I bet we can finish this before you age up.
I’m not a big fan of Party Animal, especially since the game’s been lagging, but completing both aspirations while I’m still a teen would be sweet!
W: Well, put on your party clothes. What are you waiting for?

And that’s how I ended up working on the Party Animal aspiration. Here’s a shot of the dinner party I'm hosting at the Bjergsens. I like partying at their place because the dining/living area is so open, but we have to bring our own portable bar and Playful/Flirty paintings, depending on the party type. Grandma Naomi has the Fresh Chef trait so she makes sure I always have a wide selection of dishes I can serve at my parties.

Party Animal should complete when I earn a gold medal at that party, but it does not. If the aspiration hadn't glitched, I could have finished both aspirations before aging up, darnit. I throw another party at the Villareals, which fulfills my dynasty requirement for five unique gold-medal parties but does not trigger completion of Party Animal.
Dejected, I continue skilling and reach Level 7 Handiness along the way. Here I am learning the woodworking schematic from the giant mascot sculpture in our backyard. Watchette is so miserly with our time. She bought that giant sculpture and usually keeps it in the house inventory. We don’t even need (get?) to go to Granite Falls to learn the woodworking schematic anymore, lol.

So what now?  Well, I’ll be a young adult soon, so I need to start looking for a potential significant other. I get an invite to a party at the Ruins, so I eagerly accept. Here’s a pic of the fam strutting our stuff. That’s me on the bottom left, Dad on the right (he needs a new party outfit), and Great-grandpa Satoshi in the back right.

Describing this party as a waste of time would be a huge understatement. I mean, I deeply appreciate that ghostly household members show up  to party, but this is ridiculous. How am I ever going to meet the love of my life if I only get invited to parties like this? There’s only one flesh-and-blood girl at the party and she’s my cousin.

And herein lies the tragedy of that pool fiasco. Watchette, please listen closely. When you are running a dynasty, an heir must never, ever marry a dynasty pollinator or the child of a dynasty pollinator. And why is that? Grandpa Denzel not only was the son of the first dynasty pollinator and but also worked as a pollinator himself. Because of that, almost every nice-looking single girl with positive traits I meet is either my aunt, cousin, or half-sister. Unbelievable!!!
W: I have to admit that I allowed Naomi and Denzel to get married in a moment of weakness. And another problem that I didn’t foresee was Naomi giving birth to twins. If she’d had a single birth, we could have moved in another pollinator. As it is, we’ll just have to keep our fingers crossed that Gen7 and Gen8 will meet nice spouses. Or we could just stop caring about the looks and traits of future spouses as long as they aren’t related.  So anyway, where were we?

Oh right. Finally, finally, I meet someone who is not related to me by blood. A young woman named Anastasia Behr, she is the grand-daughter of Candi Behr and Noel, and the daughter of Yuta. Again, this means our child will still be related to almost everyone in our world, but perhaps new townies will move into our world by the time they seek a spouse. To get back to me and Anastasia, I invite her to my birthday party and age up into a young adult. I move in for the kill. No, I'm not going to bite her neck. It's a passionate kiss, people!

It's a match made in heaven! We fall madly in love and I propose, with success! I didn’t even have to use the Red Room! (I’m looking at you, Dad…)

Poor Anastasia, she really got the short end of the stick! This party boy is soooo tired of partying that we decide to just elope… the bathroom, on her way to take a pregnancy test. But don’t get the wrong idea.  Getting married in the bathroom doesn’t make our love any less genuine or deep than throwing a lavish wedding. It’s the thought that counts!

After our “marriage,” Anastasia walks the rest of the way to take a pregnancy test.  It’s positive!!! When she decides to share the big news, she doesn’t have to take a step because, for some reason I don’t even understand myself, I’m already there. (Hey, no one told me I wasn't supposed to watch her take the pregnancy test!)

Everything about our marriage is unconventional. The next day, I throw an incognito party at home, still hoping to complete Party Animal. I earn another gold medal (natch) then ask Anastasia out aon a date to work on her Soulmate aspiration. And that explains why, in case you are wondering, we are at Magnolia Blossom Park, dressed like a pizza delivery boy (me) and the protagonist of Assassin Creed (her). We started out sitting on a bench to chat but a homeless alien sits next to us and starts snoring. What a buzzkill when you're trying to create a romantic atmosphere.

The next day, I throw a dinner party at home and complete Party Animal at last. Hallelujah!! I’m done with aspirations and I've maxed Logic, Charisma, and Mischief. Now I’m truly ready to focus on my family and my career. I find the lovely Anastasia standing outside in the painting studio, eyes closed, wishing on a falling star:
Anastasia: May the rest of my days be as loving, wacky, and unpredictable as my beloved Seimei. May our child grow up just as brilliant and witty as his father.

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2016, 10:40:32 PM »
that pool was the best idea ever!

I know, right!!! Best. Use. Of. A. Pool. EVER!

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@Joria and @Magpie2012
I'm glad you both liked the pool :-)  Thanks for reading.

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2016, 06:30:51 AM »
Seimei is an absolute killer sim! What a hoot! I'm enjoying this immensely.  :)

@Magpie2012  no visa need because NZ has so few people, getting in the country's the easy part... lol wait till you try leaving!  ;) (Just kidding.)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2016, 07:01:57 AM »
Generation 5b: Tetsuji Tattles

Hey there, I’m Tetsuji, Minoru’s forgotten twin brother. I want to try my hand at talking with you about our household this time, since I probably won’t be around that much longer.  That’s me zoning out in the kitchen. Actually, I’m not sure whether I’m zoning out or waiting to get unstuck.

A lot happened in the last chapter: Minoru and Seimei got over their aspiration glitches and completed both their aspirations,  Seimei got married to Anastasia Behr, they had a baby, and started new careers. As the daily tasks for the Felonious Monk (Level 4 Criminal) job, Seimei has to perform mischievous interactions so he’s goes out front to harass the postperson. According to Seimei, a postperson is the perfect prey; they never fail to visit and they predictably arrive or pass by around the same time everyday.

Lately, I’ve started to wonder if we aren’t a household of zombies. For example, we left the baby at daycare and spent the afternoon at the spa this afternoon. When we arrive home to the baby crying, five of us make a beeline to the bassinet. Seimei leads our zombie conga line, while Anastasia forms the rearguard. Weird stuff.

Seimei reaches the bassinet first and picks up the baby, then Minoru walks into Seimei and they transform into a two-headed, four-armed creature. I’m standing behind them with a blank smile on my face. Oddly, Minoru and I don’t remember any of this at all.

Watchette (to borrow Seimei’s term of affection for our Watcher) tells Minoru to back off so he moves aside a little, then stands there like a robot. And moi? I haven’t moved or changed my expression since the last snapshot. Stranger and stranger.

Then Minoru and I finally unfreeze. Perhaps this is first good picture of Anastasia you’ve seen. She is as kind as she is lovely. Minoru (green shorts) grimaces and complains loudly about the foul stench, then realizes he's the one who needs to take a shower.  Oops!

I’m so proud of brother Minoru! Except for ageing to an elder, he only needs to make one more good friend to complete his requirement for eating ambrosia. After Minoru gives Chad Spencer-Kim a foot massage, their relationship status goes from friends to good friends. Our household is now just days away from toasting its fourth immortal! And Chad, the next time you get a foot massage, take off your flip-flops first.

On the same day, the baby ages up. Seimei chose to name him Koetsu, after a superb sixteenth-century calligrapher and artisan. Koetsu's looks really favor his father now. I wonder what he'll look like as a teen.
Koetsu: Yuck, what’s with this ugly hat?
W: What’s with the attitude?
Koetsu: Who are you?
W: Ask nicely and I’ll change your clothes.

Seimei gets a job promotion and enters the Oracle branch. He’s looking very dapper in his new work clothes. He’s also pleased that his daily tasks consist of hacking and making viruses, so he won’t have to wait in ambush for the postperson anymore. Wow, Seimei looks so grown up, now!

Anastasia helps Koetsu work on his Whiz Kid aspiration by reading to him for two hours. You can see that they are both badly in need of makeovers. Who wears that kind of hat with a swimsuit?  Also, you can tell no one ever read to Anastasia when she was a child. She leaves Koetsu standing while she sits in a chair with her back turned. I don’t know anyone else who reads to their child like that. Oh well, it’s only for two hours.

The following day, Party Boy throws a birthday party for Minoru and me. My niece Naomi is so cheeky! She bakes a nice cake for her father but for me, she makes a Zombie Cake!  Before I can even take a slice of my own cake, Seimei’s brat snatches a piece first. See him in Minoru’s picture with a piece of my cake, looking all smug about it?

Watchette hasn’t had much luck taking group shots of us, but here’s one of some of us at our birthday party.
From left to right: Koetsu, me, nephew Seimei, twin Minoru, and Seimei’s wife Anastasia

The day after our birthday party, Anastasia gets promoted in her Business career to Regional Manager. No one in our family has ever done the Business career before, but filling out business reports seems pretty boring. Anastasia looks very professional in her suit, though.

On his birthday, Minoru thought he’d wait to eat ambrosia until the next time when Great-grandpa Osamu, Grandpa Satoshi, and Mom do. When he realizes that Otis is an elder and that he doesn’t know when Otis’ birthday is, he decides not to wait another day. The Nishijima Dynasty now houses four immortals. Yay!
Not to detract from his achievement, but why does Minoru have squirrel cheeks in this pic?

W: Speaking of ambrosia, Tetsuji, you are really the worst!
What are you talking about?
W: How many times have I had to throw away ambrosia ingredients because you got distracted in the middle of cooking? This time, I noticed you’d left the ambrosia in the pan to go repair the shower, so I made you go back and finish cooking in time. Sometimes, though, the ingredients can only be cleaned up and thrown away. Do you realize how hard it is to gather the ingredients for ambrosia?!
Do you realize I only have about a week left and wish to live the rest of my fleeting life as I please?
W: Do you mind fishing for angelfish?
Not at all, as long as I can fish at my own pace.
W: Thanks. Sorry.
No problem.

Hi, Satoshi here. While those two are working things out, I thought I’d give you an update on our house. The last time you saw it, the second floor was pretty empty. Since then, the house hasn’t really changed that much, lol. Plus, Watchette keeps selling off stuff, hoping that we’ll stop freezing. Still, let me walk you through it.

The first floor remains the core of household activities, so it was slightly remodeled. The downstairs bedroom was converted into Grandpa Satoshi’s lab, then the lab was moved to the basement and replaced with a massage room.
The creative patio was moved from the left side of the house to its right side. Now, all the skilling takes place on the right, while cooking, mixing drinks, and partying take place on the left.

It’s hard to get enthused about the second floor since, apart from the occasional woohoo, the sims simply disappear upstairs to sleep. But all the bedrooms are now minimally furnished and Tetsuji has a double bed in the former helpers’ room (bottom left). The notorious Red Room has remained the same over the generations. The second floor also has three baths, two showers, and four toilets that are almost never used. I am puzzled by how to deal with the second floor.

Watchette really enjoyed playing around with the garden, which she moved to the basement then removed the ceiling.
It’s not a space-efficient build although the room does extend beneath the house a bit, but Watchette likes that she can see what we are doing from the first or basement floor. Plus she thought it might provide natural lighting to the spa area in the neighboring room (which she never finished).

W: And finally, this is one floor of the dynasty museum.
Satoshi: Wait a minute, this is the first time I’ve ever heard we have a museum.
W: That’s because it’s a stairless museum in the basement in the far corner of the lot. I’m not sure about what to do with this museum yet. The ones I saw in a few of the TS3 dynasty stories were splendidly-decorated museums, with one room each for the founder and seven heirs.
Satoshi: I didn’t realize there’s enough space on this lot to build something like that.
W: Frankly, I’m trying to minimize objects on this lot because the game is lagging so much. For now, I just have two smallish rooms, which I’m filling with items, four sets of museum items per room.
Satoshi: Are there any conventions for the dynasty museum? Does it need to be a building with eight separate rooms?
W: I don’t know. I figure as long as I have a two-room area separate from the rest of the house for now, I can always remodel it later by dividing the area into more rooms, making the space larger, and so forth. Haha, the room looks really crowded with the cloning machines.
Satoshi: Those aren't cloning machines! My museum pieces are Electroflux Wormhole Generators...

Tetsuji: I’m back and ready to take over again, Grandpa. Well, readers, because you see more photos of the long-lived dynasty heirs and much fewer of their mortal spouses (except in the case of he whose name shall go unmentioned because it’s been mentioned enough already), I'll close this chapter with another pic of Seimei’s lovely wife, Anastasia. If only I could be around to watch Koetsu grow up.

After this flurry of chapters that offers only generational highlights, I am now caught up with my gameplay.
Seimei, let's go work on your job promotions!

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2016, 11:19:20 AM »
I really like your house and the way you have the party area separated out.  The story continues to intrigue me.  Congrats on so many heirs!!  Sorry about the lag.  It really makes things miserable for you.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
My No Buy Story
Joria's Creations on the Gallery

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2016, 02:00:19 PM »
Seimei is an absolute killer sim! What a hoot! I'm enjoying this immensely.  :)
@Playalot I'm so happy to hear you like Seimei. He really was so much fun to play, doing wacky and unexpected things.
Finding an unrelated spouse was soooo hard! I'm still hesitant to bring a Slob or Mean sim into the household, but Seimei's sim is Evil.  Lots of townies, both in houses and homeless, seem to have that trait.

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2016, 02:46:36 PM »
I really like your house and the way you have the party area separated out.  The story continues to intrigue me.  Congrats on so many heirs!!  Sorry about the lag.  It really makes things miserable for you.
My sims are organizing to mutiny over having to living in that house.
Satoshi: So, Watchette, I'll give you that our house is very practical for dynasty needs, but why can't our house also be beautiful?
Seimei: Yeah, we're thinking we want to move into one of Joria's builds.
Osamu: What about we contract her to remodel? Huh, that's against dynasty rules?

I have settled with making a space that helps the household achieve dynasty goals. Your homes are also so gorgeous!
I need to download some houses by you and Playalot for some fun games to experience what an aesthetically pleasing home feels like to play in.
That's why I can't wait to try the Rival Dynasty Challenge.

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2016, 03:51:58 PM »
Check out Indira's builds also.  She makes some truly lovely ones.  I'm honored you like my houses.  I haven't been building much lately and am starting to feel the itch to do some bigger houses for the Rivalry Dynasty.  I was always trying to keep them very cheap but cheap doesn't leave much room for style!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2016, 04:48:16 PM »
Absolutely brilliant, I am so madly in love with this family! So many delightful personalities in one house must get insane busy...

@Playalot lol, yeah, your country is quite small (one tenth the population of mine lol), I've always fancied living on the South Island though for some reason.

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*