Author Topic: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed (Completed)  (Read 91908 times)

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #30 on: January 14, 2016, 12:17:22 PM »
@Joria I'm looking forward to your new builds for the Rival Dynasty Challenge, especially the Mansion Baron bloodline. Hope you've been feeling better.
@Magpie2012 Thank you for following this story. Makes me feel there's some point in continuing it. :-)

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #31 on: January 14, 2016, 03:32:58 PM »
I must congratulate you on this amazing dynasty that you have. I love the story (yes it is a story! xD), every single Sim is gorgeous (my favourite is Satoshi). The Witcher 3 reference had me giggling for so long I had to re-read it a few times (and admire the screenshots, of course ^.~). I absolutely love what you've done to the gardening area and museum room.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #32 on: January 15, 2016, 07:37:30 PM »
I must congratulate you on this amazing dynasty that you have. I love the story (yes it is a story! xD), every single Sim is gorgeous (my favourite is Satoshi). The Witcher 3 reference had me giggling for so long I had to re-read it a few times (and admire the screenshots, of course ^.~). I absolutely love what you've done to the gardening area and museum room.
Oh Nettlejuice, I am so happy that you read my dynasty story! I'm glad you got a chuckle out of the Witcher 3allusion. I had the founder travel to the Landgraabs with the two pollinators, not realizing that the two of them had been in the sauna. 
Yes, I've been lucky with my dynasty sims--they are each appealing in their own way, even though they are not looking very Asian anymore.
I'm surprised you complimented my museum. I posted it because I'm feeling so bad about it, haha. It's the smallest room size that still accommodates all four heirs' museum items in it. Your museum rooms were very lovely and genuinely commemorated each immortal. My game's very glitchy, so I will no doubt just do the minimum.
What are you planning next?  You've been posting on the challenge always have such incredible scene settings.

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #33 on: January 22, 2016, 02:11:58 AM »
Generation 6a: Koetsu Tiem

We haven’t really been introduced yet. My name’s Koetsu (like, Ko-eh-tsu), son of Seimei and Anastasia.  Let’s see, that makes me the great-great-great-grandson of the founder. In other words, Osamu Nishijima is my G3Gramps, but I just call him The Founder. I ‘d really like to make a strong impression on y’all, but my dad Seimei—teen troublemaker and now The Oracle—is too tough an act to follow. So I’m just going to relax and share with you a little of what’s been going on in our lives.

Remember that pink cap I was wearing when I aged up? Check out this snap of me and my friends playing the Arcade Machine. I met these two at Desert Bloom Park this afternoon, then invited them over this evening with the idea of completing the Social Butterfly aspiration. Only needed two more friends my age. When these two show up at the door, I almost die. Lol, all three of us are wearing the same dumb, pink caps! That’s me on the far right.
Grandpa Minoru tells me that he had to wear a pink cap, too, at the lower levels of his Tech Guru career. I hope it’s not a family curse.  Anyway, these two became my friends and Social Butterfly is now finito.

Today, Watchette tells us about this cool thread she read on Carl’s Forum about the ice cream maker, the many ice cream flavors, and the topping and garnish combos. Grandpa Minoru gets all excited about the ice cream maker and buys one. Everyone in our house either has the Creative or Genius trait, so Grandpa makes two kinds of ice cream, one with a topping and garnish that adds a buff for Creative, and the other for Genius. Looks like everyone’s having a great time: from left to right, Uncle Tetsuji (but he’s not really my uncle), The Founder, Grandpa Minoru, and Dad.

Mom and I are eating ours in the Focus room.  You ask why I’m sitting so far away from the desk? When Watchette thinks the elders are getting too obsessed with the computers, she pulls back the chairs so they can’t use them, haha. Sometimes she even locks them out of this room. It’s pretty funny to see them standing out there, looking at the door. And yeah, Mom spends a lot of time in her swimsuit.

I have four more days until I become a teen.  This morning, G2Gramps Satoshi mentors me so I can finish leveling Logic. He’s the only immortal with the Mentor trait, so he’s the best at mentoring. Next, I go to our little Confident area and Practice Speech until my Charisma is maxed. In case you’re wondering, that is the back door to our house.

Meanwhile, Chad Spencer-Kim drops by to visit Grandpa Minoru, who’s already left for work. Watchette loves the way Chad looks. She says Chad still looks very Asian, like his great-grandmother Alice Spencer-Kim. The other day, Uncle Tetsuji told me a family secret on the condition that I tell no one! So, naturally, I have to share it with you. Chad is Grandpa Minoru’s son, because Grandpa started out trying to finish Successful Lineage but failed and had to switch to Computer Whiz. Shocking news, huh? Wait, if Chad is my uncle, why doesn’t he ever get me anything for my birthdays or Christmas?

The Founder is an author and here he is leaving for work.  As much as I love The Founder, I have to say that his outfit is one of the ugliest work uniforms in our world (okay, maybe second only to the Athlete’s purple llama costume). And when he doesn’t change before we all go out for the evening, it’s too embarrassing.
W: I totally agree! I’d have him retire so we don’t have to look at that green jacket, but then he’d be in my hair all day, every day.

Here’s Mom working in the sunken garden. Through the windows on the right, you can vaguely see the home spa that Watchette started to build but never finished.

After I finish up my last few levels of Charisma, I have Great-Grandma Naomi (I actually just call her Grandma) mentor me in piano. I won’t need Piano for my career or aspirations, but it’s a handy skill to max for mentoring children, like me. Grandma looks like nice in this photo, all soft and romantic, even. Watchette says Grandma is pretty annoying, though, always asking household members for massages when they're supposed to be doing their daily tasks. You can't take your eyes off her for a minute! And that's probably the reason why there aren't many pictures of Grandma today. I think Watchette's mad at her for something.

Done!  I’ve maxed Logic, Charisma, and Piano, with four days before ageing up. Watchette says every generation has an easier time with skilling because there are more elders in the household with skills they can mentor.
Dad leaves for work, so I go to see him off. He’s not wearing his work outfit today. Is that okay? My dad is super fly!  I really love him.  By the way, we all think he’s going to reach Level 10 of his career tonight.

Before going to bed, everyone heads down to our not-private beach for some fishing. Actually, this is only my second time fishing. You can’t see them here, but The Founder and Great-Gramps Satoshi are fishing at the next fishing sign nearby.

The other day, Uncle Tetsuji tells me he won’t be around much longer, just a few days after I become a teen, maybe. That news has everyone feeling sad lately.
Did you know Mom’s a lot older than Dad?  After Dad becomes an adult in five days, Mom turns into an elder four days later.  Watchette says I can get married and move in my wife, but we can’t have a child until Mom passes.  But I guess that’s why Dad didn’t marry a younger woman. And here I thought the Nishijima men all carried the "I-love-cougars" gene.  Being part of a dynasty is harsh. As Gen6, I'm the last heir who can move a spouse into our home, so I'm going to start keeping an eye out for that special someone.

Anyway, I’m trying to spend as much time as possible with Uncle Tetsuji these days. We each catch two-three fish then head home to sleep.

Morning arrives and Dad comes home.  Guess what? He earned his last promotion and is now The Oracle. Man, that Oracle outfit was made for my Dad!
Dad’s pretty boss—he maxed two aspirations, three skills, and a career and submitted his museum items, all before ageing up to adult. I guess Dad can take it easy for the next several weeks, until it’s time for him to start working on his friendship requirement. He’s been so focused on his other requirements that I don’t think he even has any friends. *whispers: That’s a little sad…

Just when Dad comes home, I leave for school.  I don’t mind the clothes Watchette picked out for me, even if the red knee socks make me look like a soccer player. It’s not a bad look. I think I get that confident little smirk from my Dad, haha.
I wonder who I’ll resemble as a teen.  Also, I wonder which aspirations I’ll do.

W: You’ll do Painter Extraordinaire for sure. I’ve been saving that one just for you.
Cool, what about the second one?
W: There are three aspirations without career requirement left: Serial Romantic, Nerd Brain, or Outdoor Enthusiast. I’m saving Soulmate and Friend of the World for Gen7 and Gen8.
But I’m not interested in Outdoor Enthusiast.
W:  Let’s wait until your teen birthday and see if there are 10 ladies in town who aren’t related to you. And who knows? You might even change your mind about Outdoor Enthusiast or Nerd Brain.

After I leave for school, something weird happens at the private beach. Grandpa Minoru goes to do the Rally the Troops social with G2-Grandpa Satoshi, but he wades in the water instead of just walking on the sand. Later when I see this photo, The Founder whispers that my Grandpa Denzel did the very same thing right before Grim took him away. It really feels like some kind of bad omen.

The last three generations, chilling on the couch watching TV. I have to listen to Watchette complain how hard it is to take good group shots: “How do members of this forum take those amazing group shots with seven or eight sims?”
Yeah, I feel the Watchette’s pain. After she gets rid of the family photo-bombers who decide to come stand between us and the TV, Grandpa Minoru (center) makes his zombie face.   Oh well, who cares as long as Dad and I are looking awesome, right?

Friday arrives and I celebrate my birthday after returning from School This shot shows the exact moment when I aged up to a teen, complete with tacky grunge threads and a pompadour.  Ugh.
And wouldn’t you know it? Where are all those family photo-bombers when you need them? I wanted my birthday pic to show me surrounded by my family celebrating (like in the other fabulous dynasty stories in this forum).
The Watchette mutters something about big lips not being at all appealing for men…Not nice, Watchette! Anyway, it seems I won’t have to do Serial Romantic. What a relief!

That same evening, we leave for Granite Falls. The Founder and Great-Grandma Naomi stay home, though, since they work on Saturday. Here’s Dad and I fishing while we wait for the herbs to grow. Dad is dressed in his black leather jacket and matching chaps, which usually look so awesome but seem strangely out of place here in Granite Falls. *covers mouth to avoid laughing out loud

On Saturday, we run into a “love child” of Uncle Tetsuji near our rental and invite him along with us to the National Forest. His name is Branden Shipman. In the top photo, Uncle T and his son are waiting for their turns playing horseshoes. Uncle T is happy to see Branden but looks sad because he’s homesick. In the lower photo, Branden looks like he’s not appreciating Uncle T giving him the woohoo talk.

We leave Granite Falls Saturday night after I make friends with that hermit.
W: Grrrr.
What’s wrong, Watchette?
W: I made a stupid mistake while we were still in Granite Falls. I gave you the Never Weary trait.
What’s stupid about that? That’s a fantastic trait!
W: It is!  But not before you complete the “Sleep 5 nights in a tent” milestone of your Outdoor Herbalist aspiration. Now I’ll need to run your Energy into the red zone to make sure you stay in the tent all night.
That doesn’t sound pleasant at all. Is it too late to switch to Nerd Brain instead?
W: Let's see if you can do that milestone. You’re almost done with the Herbalist aspiration, so just get through it. Please?

By the way, Uncle T is still going strong. He almost didn’t go on vacation with us to Granite Falls because he’d gotten his second notice from Grim already, but we’re all so glad he came. And we were lucky that his son was there that same weekend. We should have thought to invite Branden in the first place.

And now I leave you with a shot of me about to have lunch, right after my first day of work as Manual Laborer. Watchette believes I look more like my mom than my dad. To be honest, I’d rather look like Dad. What guy wants to look like his mother, anyway?

So, as Watcher, I tried to slow down and follow the Nishijima's daily lives with  little more detail.
The end result, though, is a boring chapter, so I think I prefer less detail and more quirkiness.
Until next time.

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #34 on: January 22, 2016, 08:51:38 PM »
I loved this chapter! Koetsu looks great as a teen and his dad is just super fab completing everything so quickly, not to mention rather handsome. Easy to see where Koetsu get's his good looks.  :)
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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2016, 09:31:31 PM »
I loved this chapter! Koetsu looks great as a teen and his dad is just super fab completing everything so quickly, not to mention rather handsome. Easy to see where Koetsu get's his good looks.  :)
Thank you, Play. It ended up being mostly about skilling, haha.
The previous heir had a glitch with Successful Lineage and had to switch aspirations, so Seimei ended up with two aspirations that had no career requirements. 

And by the way, I mention the matter in my next chapter, but my speed has improved after heeding your advice about inventories.  :-)

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #36 on: January 23, 2016, 01:35:15 AM »
Generation 6b: Koetsu’s Krush(es) and a Birthday Bash

Hello, Anastasia here. You remember me, I hope. I’m Seimei’s wife, the family member who is left out of all the photos. Anyway, noticing her oversight, Watchette asked me to talk with you all today. I feel a little better, knowing that Watchette is making an effort to show her appreciation for my efforts to support the dynasty household.

Today is Tuesday, four days after Uncle Tetsuji (Uncle T) received his second notice. All the family is wondering how much time he has left. Does he get bonus days for maxing Fitness and the BodyBuilder career? He seems to think often about his legacy, what is left of him here after he’s gone. He paints a portrait of Seimei for the dynasty museum. It’s a masterpiece!

Today, I achieve a professional milestone. I earn my final promotion in the Business Investor career and become an Angel Investor! I’m looking mighty fine in my grey linen suit and pearl necklace. Also, I'm officially Watchette's first sim to max a Business career.

Recently, Watchette has been on a rampage to minimize the game lag. Today, she suggests that we sell our shop. No one minds. We’d only opened for business twice. It’s not like we need the moneyy, either.
The store’s exterior is designed to match the Enchanting Springs pool lot, which had been next door temporarily.

Several weeks ago, Watchette consulted @Playalot about the relationship between inventory and file bloating, then followed Play’s initiative in moving all our collections to the store’s basement. This basement, too, we sell off with the store today. But before the sale, Koetsu insists that we keep the insects, one of each, since we never completed that collection and still have a few herbal remedies to brew.

Next stop is the South Square Café where the family has a club hangout, expanded mainly with a child heir in mind. Watchette went a little overboard a few weeks ago with a basement expansion (see below), also replacing the first-floor study space with a kitchenette. Since this remodeling, this is the first time we’ve visited. Because we don’t use this hangout, we decide it must go but Watchette says she can’t let it go completely and simply downsizes the basement room by 40%. Because of the game lags so much at our home lot, we enjoy spending time elsewhere.

Our teenager Koetsu looks quite bewitched by the barista, named Brooke Wang. Apparently, she loves the outdoors, which makes her a good match for him and our household, not to mention she is also very pretty. Koetsu discovers that she’s an alien, which intrigues him even more. Most perfect of all, she isn’t even distantly related to any of us, having just recently moved to Windenberg. Alas, she’s an adult!  Koetsu will be a young adult in nine more days, so he’ll need to keep an eye on her ageing.

Jedidiah Spencer-Kim and Ashley MacAlister also show up at the café.
I wonder what outfit Jedidiah is wearing. Is it a new career uniform? He looks like a pilot?  He looks pretty cool.

We then proceed to Desert Bloom Park. We’re seeking an elderly gentleman who might possibly move in during the short interval after Tetsuji passes and before Koetsu becomes a young adult, thereby blessing our world with a few more citizens of no relation to our family in the existing households.
We meet no one new, although Koetsu introduces himself to 4-5 people and Uncle T gains yet one more opportunity to possibly leave behind a keepsake of his existence. Uncle T is still going incredibly strong! Or, perhaps, Grimm has just been busy elsewhere these days?

Watchette gets so excited she forgets to take a shot, but we run into the perfect short-term populator at Hare Square in Windenberg, Leo McAlister. Leo’s also a criminal so he and Seimei became good friends really fast. While we're at the park, Uncle T invites a half dozen people there for the family to meet so we won’t lose contact with them after he’s gone.

Since it’s Tuesday, we head over to the Shrieking Llama Bar for Aliens’ Night in the evening. As Koetsu hopes, Brooke Wang from the South Square Café appears! They get to know each other and become good friends.  Great!
Then another attractive woman arrives at the Bar, Nicolette Esparza. She’s sitting at the far left in the brown shirt.

So, now Koetsu has a choice of sorts, though both ladies are adults.
A barista a South Square Café, the redhead Brooke Wang (right) is a known alien with the traits Loves the Outdoors, Cheerful, and Snob.
A regular at the Shrieking Llama Bar, Nicolette Esparza (left) has black hair and the traits Good, Creative, and Genius.

Koetsu hasn’t done his homework for tomorrow yet, so we leave the bar, without learning whether or not Nicolette is also an alien. Though Nicolette isn’t glowing in either snapshot, Brooke Wang wasn’t glowing either at first.  Who knows. Maybe a bar regular just shows up all the time, whether it’s a night for aliens, bears, or knights. (In the bottom center, Uncle T sits in his swimming trunks, chatting up the ladies. Give it a rest, Uncle T!)

Look who shows up while Koetsu’s attending high school! Seimei wants to know, once and for all, whether Nicolette is an alien or not. Like his grandfather and father, Seimei naturally wades into the shallows to chat, after which Nicolette surprisingly obliges by also wading to stand in front of him.  I wonder if this behavior is contagious.
Despite his mischievous past, Seimei makes good friends faster than anyone else in the household. I wonder why.

Later in the evening, we suddenly hear that weird music. Watchette looks around, wondering who the aliens’ target will be this time. Although Seimei is outdoors, writing a song on the violin, the aliens oddly choose to abduct me.

Meanwhile, Koetsu is cloistered in the reading area on the second-floor balcony, starting his second book for Renaissance Sim’s first milestone. Watchette’s been concerned about Koetsu lately. He’s been the most coddled and pampered dynasty heir of all, yet he takes longer to do certain activities; he takes forever to finish his homework and he couldn’t finish reading all three books in one afternoon, like the other heirs. The fact that he stands and stares for at least a half hour between books is not helping. Read, please.
W: Who me? Of course not, I would never lock him out on the second-floor balcony to read! That would be...uh...cruel.... *slinks away

And, of course, as soon as I criticize my son, he whizzes through the last two books, gaining four levels per book. Koetsu rose from level 1 to level 4, reading skill books written by The Founder. Only when he reached level 4 did Renaissance Sim recognize that he finished reading one book. Odd.
The Founder’s been replacing our store-bought skill books with ones written by family members. Seems to be a good practice, although we don’t know if it’s because Koetsu is brilliant or if a bestseller skill book is more effective.

After reading the two books, Koetsu now phones in to throw me a birthday party, as planned. Well, we’d originally planned to start the party much earlier, but whatever. Everyone gathers in the living area, then starts wandering off in their usual way, while Watchette gets busy locking the doors to the Focused Office, Inspired Studio, and Massage Room.
My age bar had been bubbling since the afternoon, so I blow out my birthday candles as soon as the party starts. Notice the enthusiastic support of my family (only Seimei is watching me).  I told you they’ve all wandered off.  Thanks. Sadly, it gets worse.

By the way, you’ve only seen photos of our son, Koetsu, in his school or work clothes. Here he is in his party clothes. I disagree with Watchette that he doesn’t have what it takes to be a Serial Romantic.  Well, okay, Koetsu is not oozing with allure but he’s attractive in a most delightful and pleasant way.
Whatever, he’ll just have to be the cutest Outdoor Enthusiast ever. 

When we all grab servings of the meal, a most incredible thing happens. Can you believe that no one sits with me?  Not.a.single.person! This has to be THE most pathetic excuse for a birthday party ever. *sniff, sniff
Fortunately, “Compliment the birthday sim” shows up as a party milestone, so Watchette quickly arranges for me to be surrounded by sociable family members.

Remind me never to marry into a dynasty again! (Why, yes, of course I believe in transmigration. Why do you ask?)

Koetsu earns his first gold medal for my birthday party when it ends at 8:04 a.m., just in time for Koetsu and me to leave for school and work.  We get our “Time for school” and “Time for work” notices on time instead of 30+ minutes later, and we immediately change clothes and leave for work. We are out the door 5 minutes later at 8:09 a.m. 
So, our entire household gives a huge thank-you to Playalot! Getting rid of all that stuff has improved our speed conspicuously. *Crosses fingers that it stays this way

It is now Thursday morning, so Uncle T has lived nearly a week past his second notice, which he received last Friday afternoon. If you ask me, he’s carrying his “leave a keepsake behind” campaign a little too far. From morning to night, he flits around in his swimming trunks and now he’s going after our maid?!

While working on his daily task, Seimei looks out the window and spies another potential bride for our Koetsu as she strolls by our lot. Seimei gets his hustle on and learns that her name is Tamara O’Keefe and she is unemployed.
She is the third newcomer we’ve met in the past two days that might be a good match for Koetsu.

I wish Uncle T were there—his Observant trait lets him learn a person's traits so quickly, but Uncle T is "busy" right now. Seimei pursues her personal info until the “Become Best Friends” option pops up. Oh no, we do NOT want that, husband of mine. Uncle T “frees up” and we rush him over. After introducing himself, he learns her three traits with a single "Get to Know."

Seimei and Uncle T chat with Tamara until Koetsu comes home from school and can introduce himself.  Run along now, Seimei and Uncle T. You are no longer needed here.  (What I want to know is how they end up becoming good friends with her so fast? Uncle T and I are still only acquaintances!  Sheesh!!!)

So to recap, all three potential brides are adult newcomers to our world:
•   Brooke Wang: redhead, barista at South Square Café, known alien; Loves the Outdoors, Cheerful, Snob
•   Nicolette Esparza: black hair, bar regular (how is that different from “unemployed”?); Good, Creative, Genius
•   Tamara O’Keefe: brunette, unemployed; Clumsy, Bookworm, Family-Oriented

Koetsu met Brooke first and has the highest friendship with her, but I wonder whose company he'd prefer if his friendship level with all three were equal?
Any one of these three would be a welcome addition to our household. I must confess I'm rather partial to Brooke, since she’s the only working girl among them.

Of course, the main issue now is all three might all become elders while Uncle Dynasty-Bottleneck lingers on.  Watchette learned tonight from Big Grasshopper (a.ka. @Playalot) that an elder with the Active trait (like Uncle T) typically lives 20 days after Grim’s first notice. 20 days is the average adult life span!
Arrgggh, does that mean Uncle T will be doing his little “keepsake” number for another two weeks?  *Clenches teeth and pulls hair

I caught Watchette crying in the closet just now. She's taking the news about Uncle T really hard, too.

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #37 on: January 23, 2016, 01:46:04 AM »
Such an attractive bunch, although I agree with Watchette that a fat bottom lip in a guy just doesn't do it for me! Still really cute though!

Don't stress about skilling chapters! It just adds to the realism, cuz honestly, who hasn't had a day where they just do the most boring junk! It's part of life and part of The Sims lol I love the way you write! So don't feel you have to change for some reason!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #38 on: January 23, 2016, 01:54:38 AM »
Aww I'm glad the lag has improved for you. I only learned these things the hard way so it's nice to be able to help out. I laughed at poor Anastasia sitting by herself on her birthday, her insight into marrying a dynasty heir is so true! lol
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #39 on: January 23, 2016, 02:04:37 AM »
Such an attractive bunch, although I agree with Watchette that a fat bottom lip in a guy just doesn't do it for me! Still really cute though!

Don't stress about skilling chapters! It just adds to the realism, cuz honestly, who hasn't had a day where they just do the most boring junk! It's part of life and part of The Sims lol I love the way you write! So don't feel you have to change for some reason!

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@Magpie2012   Thank you for taking the time to read about my silly family. I appreciate your kind words.
Do your sims wade, too, or is that a glitch peculiar to my game?  It's actually never happened to me until just recenlty.

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #40 on: January 23, 2016, 02:10:43 AM »
Aww I'm glad the lag has improved for you. I only learned these things the hard way so it's nice to be able to help out. I laughed at poor Anastasia sitting by herself on her birthday, her insight into marrying a dynasty heir is so true! lol
@Playalot    I've really benefited from your many gems of gameplay wisdom!

Also, I was so surprised at how everyone acted at Anastasia's party. When the "Eat food" milestone popped up, I sent her (cuz she's the birthday girl) to the food to do a "Grab a serving together" action. So she got her food first and sat down at the table, but no one else sat with her.  Those dynasty folks are so insensitive, lol. (Anastasia even seems to be frowning...)

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #41 on: January 23, 2016, 12:21:09 PM »
I haven't really noticed the wading, but them my sims very seldom fish (I tend to stick to house-bound skills like writing and painting and handiness) but I will definitely be looking out for it now, I'm sure there's going to be a fishing challenge of some kind in the tournament lineup this year.

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #42 on: January 24, 2016, 01:29:29 PM »
“How do members of this forum take those amazing group shots with seven or eight sims?” With great difficulty xD

Uncle T needs to get moving, I'm hoping Brooke will be the next spouse.

I'm surprised you complimented my museum. I posted it because I'm feeling so bad about it, haha. It's the smallest room size that still accommodates all four heirs' museum items in it. Your museum rooms were very lovely and genuinely commemorated each immortal. My game's very glitchy, so I will no doubt just do the minimum.
What are you planning next?  You've been posting on the challenge always have such incredible scene settings.

I love small builds myself so that's what I'm aiming to do for my museum rooms too but there's so much to share I have to be careful what I keep and what I sell. I'm playing at a snail's pace, it took me a week (real time) to play three days and I kept forgetting what was suppose to happen lol. I'll probably start posting when gen 3 is born so that's a long while away xD
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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #43 on: January 24, 2016, 02:48:24 PM »
I just wanted to say I really like this family and your methods of telling their stories. Hopefully Koetsu will be able to choose from the three lovely ladies (pulling for Nicole or Tamara myself, both have excellent traits and Nicole is so pretty) before they age up. Good luck!

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Re: The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed....
« Reply #44 on: January 24, 2016, 04:00:03 PM »
@Magpie2012  I love having my sims fish in Sims 4. Also gardening is one of my favorite activities, and fish make the path to a perfect garden faster!

@Nettlejuice  Haha, the great group shot will forever elude me! My sims won't even gather around a sim about to blow out birthday candles!
I'm excited to hear that you've restarted! And I'm not surprised you move slowly since you build such incredible settings.
When I played the tournament challenge earlier this week, Mitchell Kalani walked by my sims' home and I remembered how great he looked in your dynasty with that cc T-shirt!

@dontmindme Thank you for reading! I was really surprised the game spanwned three such lovely candidates so late in the game, and with good traits, too! Usually, if we find an appealing spoues, they will have the Evil, Slob, or Mean trait, hahaha. So far, three out of this dynasty's six spouses have had the Evil trait, lol.

