I just realized I never entered Ileana's good friends into the beginning of the thread
I fixed it!
So my first toddler experience was messy, but overall not too bad! I do wish I took the time to practice raising a toddler on another game file before going to raise Leo, but things went pretty okay anyway.
Leo has the Charmer trait, and it fits him well. He's so cute!
He was spoiled by everyone in the household. I'm pretty sure everyone had a turn teaching and playing with him.
While Ryan was playing with Leo I noticed that I let him get a little chunky. Whoops! I blame all the food Ileana makes.
Ryan finally found that darned uncommon metal and finished his museum collection of inventions! We have a satellite dish, two cloning machines, the portal thing-a-ma-bob, two momentum conservers, two sim rays, and two lamps. I'll probably throw some more things in just for decoration purposes.
Leo aged up unexpectedly. Really it was right on time, but there's always so many birthdays happening that I fail to pay attention sometimes
Sorry, Leo. But isn't he such a cutie? He picked up the Cheerful trait.
Around this time I felt like the house needed a refresher. Here's the new and improved dynasty house!
Leo still gets tons of attention as a child.
Here's a funny shot I caught of Leo trying and failing a mischievous interaction with Ryan
Ryan does not appreciate being invited to fake parties.
Here's Leo and his first non-household friend, Theodore Longo! He's either Miles or Robbie's son, I can't remember which
There's a pair of female Longo twins and then there's our lovely Patel twins, and I can't remember who this poor child's parents are! I'll have to take a peek at the family tree. Enjoy this shot of Leo and Theodore taking selfies with an invisible phone.
As a less exciting note, Otto, Robbie, Miles, and Nadia all aged up to adult relatively close together. None of them got parties or cakes. Sorry, guys.
Ryan is currently at level 9 of the scientist career. We just need to shape up his relationships with a few of his friends and make sure they don't die on us. He should be aging up to elder relatively soon. He's nearly reached immortal status!