Hi everyone! I picked the Dynasty file back up and just started playing, unsure what I wanted to do in terms of story, so this update's pretty jumbled.
A not-so-happy start: Gavin was the first household member to pass away. He got up at night to use the bathroom and Grim snatched him up before he could even wash his hands. Poor Iliana
I made the mistake of not paying attention to Mitchell or the cowplant and they had an unfortunate meeting. Mitchell came out of it alive, but unhappy. I really need to make sure I remember to feed that cowplant...
Ryan, now a UFOlogist, was making Clear Mind Distillations after work to sharpen his herbalism skill and Mitchell passed away at his feet, only a day after Gavin. The elders are dropping like flies, aside from Iliana of course. I'll have to start working on a memorial area for our Dynasty helpers.
.....And Zoe fell victim to the cowplant. I noticed the cowplant's udders were full and quickly moved him to family inventory so there's no chance of accidentally milking it. Plus I'm getting tired of coming back to someone being eaten by the cowplant whenever I leave the lot.
Ryan finally had to make a call to the Sadness Hotline with all of the tragedy in the household. He did feel much better afterwards, and it counted as one of his emotional whims.
Another update, I finally purchased the City Living expansion! Iliana went to visit the Spice festival when it came to town. I want her to learn those new recipes, because why not? The chef of the household needs to know them all!
Over the weekend Ryan threw a Weenie Roast. I learned that Weenie Roasts seem to be very, very buggy in my game. Many weenies were roasted, but it was a struggle to get them to all count up to three hot dogs roasted. I also struggled to get Ryan to tell everyone a group story instead of just standing in front of the fire and smiling at everyone, but somehow I pulled it off!
I also found that the guest have this need to compulsively add logs to the fire until it's roaring above their heads, which results in a fire. We lost some lawn chairs, and almost J as well.
I also sent Ryan out for a day to Granite Falls to catch some insects for his aspiration. He caught 15 insects without much of a struggle.
I sent Zoe along to fish a little, because it gets kind of boring just having Ryan run around looking for bugs. Unfortunately, Zoe met Grim while at Granite Falls. The house is getting pretty empty now.
Travis Scott passed away not too long before Zoe had. The twins are officially parentless. What a shame
But at least they still have J, Iliana and Ryan.
An emotional shot of Zoe's old bedroom...
Not long after came the twins' young adult birthday. Ryan's already thrown a birthday party, so I had him throw a Black and White party to celebrate. Here's the handsome boys! Robbie decided to forgo the black and white formal wear.
"I'm the caterer again, I guess?"
This was the beginning of the Birthday Cake saga. Iliana made a beautiful Black and White cake as one of the party tasks, then called everyone to eat for the "have three people eating at the same time" task. Oops. No more birthday cake for the twins.
That's okay, we'll make a cheesecake when the party's over!
Good idea, except the game wouldn't allow Miles or Robbie to blow out the candles. The only option that popped up was "Age Up Sim," and Elsa was the only sim that popped up as an option. Maybe we need a more traditional cake?
"Alright, chocolate cake it is!"
Except now nobody was able to put candles on the cake. I tried to hide the cake in the basement ambrosia fridge, but Robbie took a slice out of the cake, put it on the table, and left with Elsa.
"Patience, Iliana........"
Everyone was getting hungry and grumpy, so I gave up and let everyone sit and eat the cake. Not like they could put candles on it anymore anyway.
Once Iliana was fed, I had her try to make one more cake.
"Okay, finally getting somewhere..."
She put candles on the cake before anyone could eat it... and..
And Robbie aged up unprompted. Right in the kitchen, before ever touching the cake.
Before I could get Miles to the kitchen, he aged up as well.
Aaaand the candles go back off the cake.
After all of that, both twins got sad moodlets for not celebrating their birthday.
"Plumbob help me."
I actually forgot to get pictures of the twins after aging up! Probably because of all this cake drama. I have to give them some new outfits and fix up their sleeping situation, anyway.
By the way... According to his age bar, J was supposed to die before Mitchell and Zoe. Now Gavin, Mitchell, and Zoe are all gone and J is still kicking. His age bar is full and glowing, but he's still here. Despite having built up his fitness skill, I never had him complete the Bodybuilder Aspiration, so I know that doesn't have anything to do with it. I suppose his time will come. I've been using him as a maid while he's still here.