@cydroblazer So I felt like beating my head against a brick wall and throw myself into a crash-course of installing a custom Sim. Ugh!! What a headache!! But I think I *Finally* figured it out with Hubby's brilliant help.. Like seriously!! All I could find is the help links I posted earlier, but since deleted as they were of no help. -- Hubby read up on a few things and poof.. helped me finish my howto. + Also found one reference links Hubby read up on.
Here's my example and howto.
For my example I have downloaded, installed
Rosetta Stone, the .rar file.
1. Download Sim. Make note of where you downloaded said sim. So you can find it later.
2. Go to the folder you downloaded the file to and unzip Sim by clicking the file and extract here - using your zip file program.
3. It will unzip as a .package file.
4. Copy it to:
----> \Users\<Username>\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Library
** This put the sim in the Household Library tab.
5. Load game, and find her in the Household Library. - It's the "Solid House" Tab.
** Note:** - Her icon in the household library may come up blank. - Due to her photo not being cached. But she does show up in game after you place her to play. To fix this, re-save her to the household library.
I hope this helps you as much as it helped me.
Reference Link:
How to Install Lots (and other CC) without using the Launcher