Author Topic: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge  (Read 31847 times)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge (updated 5/1/15)
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2016, 01:46:49 PM »
Loving the name puns!  Ro is perhaps my favorite of the puns and she is an absolutely beautiful Sim and I loved how you styled her.  I know you preferred Arrrr!, and he's cool, but Ro had the soft spot in my heart.
Loving learning more about this challenge through reading your updates.  Somehow it just makes better sense as I'm seeing it play out in story form than when I tried to read through all the rules.

Thanks ;D.  Ro was probably my favorite name pun as well.  There are a few I regret not using, so there may be a spin-off Dent story at some point.

I like this! Good luck!

Hello again, Rosa.  How's family life?

And thanks :).

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2016, 02:04:16 PM »
Matters of Life and Death

Up to this point, I’ve kind of skated over one of the less pleasant aspects of playing an Apocalypse Challenge.  Readers of a nervous disposition may wish to skip the rest of this update.

Elders are a bit of a liability in this challenge.  Early on, they can’t even go to work unless they have maxed the athletic skill.  Since they’re not controllable, most of them aren’t much use.  (Some will autonomously carry on looking after the house/kids/garden/whatever but you can never rely on it.)  On the other hand, they will eat any food that’s around, occupy beds and, pretty reliably, hog any fun items that the household is permitted.  And until Military is cleared, no-one can be moved out of the house.

To put it bluntly, Sim murder is almost inevitable in an Apocalypse Challenge.

Arthur wasn’t actually too bad as an elder (or maybe that’s just my favouritism talking).  Because he was a slob, he didn’t insist on eating fresh food.  I took to stockpiling dirty plates for him to lick, along with food that was too rotten to appeal to anyone else, in an inaccessible basement.  (Given that storing leftovers in the fridge is forbidden until you have a five-star chef, there was no shortage of revolting plates surrounded by green fumes and flies.  All I had to do was get there before the neater members of the family threw them away.)  When I noticed Arthur getting peckish, I’d leave a plate within easy reach.  It worked well.

The others were more of a problem.  I kept Tabbi around until mid-elderhood but then decided I’d had enough.  She was lured into the lowest basement by a daughter who made her escape up a ladder that mysteriously disappeared as soon as she’d climbed it.  Since Tabbi was already hungry, she didn’t suffer for long.

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I’d never tried death by ranting before.  Random got to test that out on the day she was due to age up to elder.

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Evvie suffered the same fate as her mother but Diffy turned out to be the helpful sort of elder and so stayed in the household until she eventually moved out with Ro.

There are several bonus scoring categories in the challenge and I’d already decided to have a go at most of them.  One is for large tombstones – but they all have to be from different causes of death.  Arthur had already provided the old age tombstone; if I wanted to get the maximum score of five points, I was going to have to be nasty to Sims – mostly while they were still under my control.

Prue and Jermaine both earned more than 150K points :-[.

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Ro, probably to her intense relief, was never on for anything more than a medium tombstone and so, as related above, moved out as an adult.  I thought the same was true of George and was rather surprised when I checked the mausoleum much later and found that he and Diffy both had large tombstones.

Arrrr! and Prezzie were a different matter – both had more than 200K points by the end of adulthood.  I seem to have forgotten to take any screenshots, but Arrrr! took an ill-fated swim in an indoor pool that briefly appeared in one of the basements, while Prezzie became my second Sim to rant herself to death.

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…And that was the tombstone collection completed.  At the start of the game, I’d intended to get as many as possible, even though the score’s capped at five – it’s been a long time since I had a Sim house full of colourful ghosts.  I found, though, that I didn’t like the normal sort of ghost nearly as much as playable ones.

The rules say that the bonus tombstones have to be kept on the lot.  On the plus side, it was nice that some of my favourite family members stayed around for the rest of the challenge.  On the minus side, they were far more of a pain than uncontrollable elders – at least living Sims don’t drift through their sleeping housemates and wake them up several times a night.  Full moons were particularly chaotic.

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So Martina and Decker, despite their large happiness point totals, were allowed to move out just before their elder birthdays and live out the rest of their lives in peace  – well, apart from the times when they, like George, were turned into zombies by the game.

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Prezzie had unlocked building outside the original 8x8 square, and Decker becoming a five-star chef made the old fridge obsolete.  I built the ghosts their own bunker in the far corner of the lot, with a couple of beds, a shower, a table, some chairs and the old fridge.  Shortly afterwards, I realised that I could now use the tea set and bought one for the ghosts.  Arthur was particularly fond of drinking tea, appropriately enough.

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As better appliances and furniture were unlocked, the ghosts benefitted at least as much as the active Dents from the improvements to their lifestyle deathstyle.  Even so, they were still inclined to prefer the main bunker.

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If I ever play this again, I’ll either forget about bonus points altogether or leave the ghosts until nearer the end.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge (updated 8/1/15)
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2016, 03:09:54 PM »
Oh my goodness!  This was delightful.  I always crack up when ghosts frighten each other.  "Ah it's a ghost!" and I'm watching them thinking, "You're all ghosts!  How is this shocking?!?!"
Another delightful update and I learned even more about this challenge just from your narration.  There's an apparently self-torturing part of my brain that is trying to talk me into to reading through these rules many more times and trying this challenge.  The rest of my brain is quite content to just experience the challenge through your bravery  ;=)

Offline KRae

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge (updated 8/1/15)
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2016, 05:37:39 PM »
Ghosts are a pain drifting through bedrooms and waking everyone up. Can you buy them rocking chairs yet? *off to read those blasted rules once again*

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge (updated 8/1/15)
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2016, 06:41:45 AM »
Oh my goodness!  This was delightful.  I always crack up when ghosts frighten each other.  "Ah it's a ghost!" and I'm watching them thinking, "You're all ghosts!  How is this shocking?!?!"

Somehow, non-playable ghosts never seem to get over it.  At least the Gooles only reacted like that when they met a new ghost, which meant there was an irritating (but also hilarious) round of everyone being terrified of each new baby  ::).

Another delightful update and I learned even more about this challenge just from your narration.  There's an apparently self-torturing part of my brain that is trying to talk me into to reading through these rules many more times and trying this challenge.  The rest of my brain is quite content to just experience the challenge through your bravery  ;=)

Thank you :D.  You might also want to read through the Instructional Apocalypse, which I found helped a lot with understanding how the challenge works, even though it was played under an earlier version of the rule-set.  *Feels a bit like a drug-pusher.*

Ghosts are a pain drifting through bedrooms and waking everyone up. Can you buy them rocking chairs yet? *off to read those blasted rules once again*

Re-checking the rules, they could have had the cheaper rocking chairs at this stage.  I thought any item with an environment score was banned but it appears that +1 is OK.  I did buy a couple later on but it made less difference than I'd hoped.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2016, 04:28:44 PM »
Generation 4 (part 1)

By the time generation 3 had finished their tasks, life in the bunker had become almost comfortable.  Thanks to Ro and Prezzie, the top floor had been considerably expanded and was, despite appearances, Beautifully Decorated.  Career rewards are wonderful.

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(The heir’s bedroom and the dormitory for everyone else, seen in the previous update, were Nicely Decorated.)

Arrrr! unlocking Athletic meant that the furniture could now be moved around freely and that they could train with proper gym equipment, rather than just working out to the stereo or playing ball games.  More importantly, they were now allowed to carry more than three items in their backpacks.

They could watch TV, within limits: only educational channels and only at weekends or after 5pm on weekdays.  In practice, this meant that the telly was mostly turned around to face the wall, to stop illicit viewing.  The computer was still essentially a typewriter – one of the dining chairs was moved over to the desk if someone wanted to write.  They were still limited to objects costing less than §1000 and to the cheapest appliances (with the notable exception of the chef’s fridge).

The biggest change was to their diet – they could now have more than one meal a day and the number of foods they were allowed had vastly increased.  Fish, fruit and veg were still banned, although some dishes that used them as ingredients were permitted – pancakes, spaghetti, ratatouille and cobbler were all OK.  The veggie versions of dim sum and fish and chips were allowed; veggie salmon and lobster thermidor weren’t. I gave up trying to work out the reasoning behind the rules and simply kept a list of what they could eat.  Ingredients still had to be bought from the fridge but the combination of Decker’s maxed cooking and Born to Cook reward, plus the bonuses from the fridge and the ‘improve meal quality’ upgrade on the cooker meant that all of their meals were high quality and most were perfect.  On the other hand, being limited to the cheapest cooker meant that food often gave the ‘unevenly cooked’ moodlet despite being amazing.  A few meals also tasted of fridge, presumably as a result of the ghosts having the old one.

The Dents could now move freely around Lucky Palms and even go abroad.  Prezzie was the first to take advantage of Martina lifting the final restriction on travel, spending three days in China in pursuit of a political opportunity. While she was there, she bought a cheap tent, a much-needed storage chest and some martial arts equipment – and then spent the rest of the time looking for Telescopic Metals.

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Stu, the eldest child of generation four, had probably the hardest task of the challenge – lifting Naturalist.  This meant reaching the top of the mausoleum and science careers, in addition to completing both Perfect Garden and Perfect Aquarium from scratch.  (The Naturalist rules were changed while I was playing and there is now an alternative method involving animal training, but since I had Pets disabled I stuck with the base-game method.)

Because his mother had lifted espionage, Stu was able to complete the part-time mausoleum clerk career as a teenager.  Now he had to wait until he started work as a scientist to begin gardening and fishing.  He filled in the time by maxing the athletic skill, thanks to coaching from various older family members, and by becoming the first Dent to be abducted by an alien.

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Early on, I’d been seriously worried about abduction.  If Arthur had gone off with the Vogons aliens and become pregnant, there would have been a difficult choice to make: should I send the baby back to its home planet or make Arthur give up his career to care for the nooboo?  Alien Tech is a powerful (if optional) lift and the baby would have been eligible to become heir and lift another restriction.  On the other hand, Arthur might well have run out of time to max a career and complete a lift.

On the whole, I was glad that there was no sign of aliens during Arthur’s lifetime.

Now, though, I was beginning to wonder whether they’d ever show up.  Did living in a bunker make Sims alien-proof?

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Stu proved me wrong.  He was too young to become pregnant – but at least I had proof that aliens were around in this universe.  Maybe I would get a chance to lift Alien Tech before the game was over.

Stu was originally going to be the heir.  No, correct that.  Stu was the heir.  He’d almost completed Naturalist and had a daughter who was about to age up to child, with a second kid on the way.  Then my computer, which had been increasingly dodgy for a few weeks, crashed in a very big way.  I ended up losing everything in My Documents.

When I set up a new account and retrieved the game from the latest save on the external hard drive, Stu was back at the beginning of young adulthood.  To minimise the repetition (which was going to be considerable whatever happened), I chose a different heir.

Disconcertingly, Stu’s boss at work this time around was Ashlee Tanner from next door, who’d been his wife in the previous reality.  At least he knew what conversational topics to choose when getting to know her.  (Don’t enthuse about art, whatever you do!)  They were best friends very quickly.

Gardening when the ground is mostly frozen is a little challenging.  The top floor of the bunker was extended again to include a plant room.

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The seeds that refused to be planted in pots were sown instead in the slightly expanded car-parking compound at ground level.

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Other family members were roped in to help with the watering but the main responsibility for caring for the plants was Stu’s.

I’m normally pretty relaxing about gardening (in Sims, anyway).  With the requirement to reach perfection so quickly, this game had to be different – as soon as a plant had been harvested once, it was deleted and replaced by one of a higher quality.  Sooner than I’d expected, Stu had ten plants that were excellent or better.  Indoor plants, that is – it was going to be a while before any of the trees improved their quality.

It was time to change focus and concentrate on fishing.  On the other hand, it was winter again: almost all of the water was frozen.  He turned to his younger brother for help.

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Indy Penn didn’t have it much easier than Stu.  The obvious way to lift Gamer if you’re playing with UL is via the Video Game Developer career.  With Late Night, film directing is the way to go.  Despite having both of these expansions enabled, I decided to use the base-game method.  I must have been mad.

As it was, I’d let myself (or rather, Indy) in for maxing two part-time jobs – at the bookstore and supermarket – and reaching level 4 in the business, politics, police, criminal and science careers.  In addition, he had to get to level 5 in logic, athletics, cooking, writing and handiness.  And hack a minimum of §5000.  Easy, really  :P.

Indy did amazingly well.  Thanks to the toddler books and a series of snow days, he reached level 5 of writing and level 8 of logic as a child.  The other skill requirements and both part-time jobs were in the bag by his mid-teens.  He couldn’t start on the other careers until after his next birthday.  What now?

Well, if you’re called Indy, the answer’s obvious.  He took a couple of trips to Egypt, did some serious tomb-raiding and earned a level 3 visa (which meant that the family could buy a plot of land for a future holiday home, giving everyone more skilling time).  Oh, and between trips, he came close to maxing street art and picked up another trait.

Stu accompanied him on his second trip, leading to possibly the maddest micromanagement so far.  It was worth it, though.  By the end of the holiday, Stu had fifteen different perfect fish.

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I really regretted picking Perfect Garden as his lifetime wish  ???.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge (updated 9/1/15)
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2016, 05:50:48 PM »
While I feel bad for you having lost so many hours of gameplay with the crash, I really enjoyed getting more Stu time and having Indy Penn getting spotlight time.  And if he hadn't gone tomb raiding, I would have been disappointed  ;=)

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2016, 10:39:18 AM »
While I feel bad for you having lost so many hours of gameplay with the crash, I really enjoyed getting more Stu time and having Indy Penn getting spotlight time.  And if he hadn't gone tomb raiding, I would have been disappointed  ;=)

It did mean losing some funny screenshots, though.  Indy had a great line in work outfits the first time around - a whole succession of mismatched and/or skimpy outfits, topped off with wildly inappropriate headgear.  The funniest thing he did on the re-run was losing his hair for two days.

Generation 4 (part 2)

Arrrr! and Martina were great parents and would have had a load of kids if I’d let them.  I did briefly consider trying to finish the challenge in this generation but decided that Stu and Indy were going to need so much attention that keeping the family small and well-spaced was probably a good idea.  So Stu was almost a teenager when Indy was born and the final member of the family didn’t arrive until Indy was a child.

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Hugh (nicknamed ‘Imp’ from toddlerhood because of his evil but lovable nature) was one of those Sims who are incredibly easy to look after, which was probably just as well.  He decided two days into childhood that he wanted to be Emperor of Evil and was remarkably single-minded about pursuing his wish.  He’d maxed both athletics and logic long before starting in the criminal career and must also have had a high hidden skill in chess – he was completely obsessed by the game.

Of the three family members who worked in the criminal career, he was the only one to avoid being arrested – clearly, such a mastermind found it easy to outwit the police.  Just before his adult birthday, he achieved his lifetime wish and moved out.

His older brothers found their tasks much harder.  Just as Stu’s indoor plants reached perfection, they started going dormant.  I ended up deleting all of the lower-quality plants and cramming as many pots as possible into the room, with several plants of each species.  When spring arrived, some of them responded and finally his lifetime wish panel said 8/8 perfect plants.  Even so, it took another week or so for the wish to register as fulfilled.

Indy was struggling with his career requirements.  He kept narrowly missing promotions and finding that his bosses weren’t amenable to persuasion.  While he was waiting outside his business boss’s house, waiting to be refused his final promotion, a young woman came out and picked up something from the snow by his feet.

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Indy was instantly smitten but it looked as though she was already in a relationship – the object under the snow was a baby.  He started talking to her anyway and found that she was, in fact, single.  (It turned out that she was the younger sister of Indy’s current boss and the baby was her nephew.)  By the end of the evening she was Indy’s girlfriend and, a couple of days later, Renée Lancaster became the new Mrs Dent.

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Renée was descended from a lot of original townies: the Lancasters (obviously), Jaycen Hendrix, the Diwans, Arthur’s lost love Piper Sparks, the Kings, the Tanners, Lennon Sosa and Darleen Matlapin (but sadly not Darren Dreamer.  He and Darleen did marry in this universe but not until she was too old to have children.) Like Indy, Renée was a great-great-grandchild of Ezekiel Reid and Yolanda Shaw and also a member of the prolific Claremont/Steel/Loera clan, making her Indy’s third cousin by two different lines of descent.

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Renée wanted to be a Vocal Legend but juggling a performance career as well as Indy’s many jobs and Stu’s garden seemed like too much work.  Instead, she became an architect.  Thanks to constant sketching at her drawing board, she was nearing the top of the career, without carrying out a single renovation, by the time Stu unlocked Naturalist.  It seemed like a good time for a belated honeymoon.

Indy and Renée went (of course) to the family’s plot of land in Egypt, where a small house suddenly materialised.  It was plain and basic, to say the least, but at least it was above ground.

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Renée had recently changed her lifetime wish to Descendant of da Vinci and was keen to learn to sculpt.  Indy worked out, broke numerous boards and spray-painted the walls and floor.

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They still found plenty of time for each other – and Renée was pregnant by the time they returned home.

Suddenly, the game started lagging.  Badly.  It didn’t take long to realise that something had gone wrong with Renée – whenever she was the active Sim, the game stuttered.  Decision time again: should I kick her out after she’d had the baby and maxed her career or stick to the plan and try to get her through her lifetime wish and a number of skill challenges?

With minimal attention from me, Renée reached the top of the architect career.  A few hours later, the first child of generation 5 was born.

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At this point, I went back to EA story (non-)progression and started a series of increasingly drastic resets.  Nothing helped with the lagging.

In the end, I bought Prepared Traveller for Renée and sent her back to Egypt on her own twice.  She was just as glitchy as at home but at least, with no other family members to worry about, I could read a book while waiting for her to work through her action queue.  On her second visit, she supermaxed sculpting and made a good start on inventing, mostly by reading books.

With little Stride growing up, Indy and Renée tried, successfully, for a second child.  Then, a few hours later, this happened:

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Soon after his return to Earth, it became obvious that Stu was putting on weight.

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There was going to be an unexpected addition to the final generation of Dents.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge (updated 10/1/15)
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2016, 12:30:17 PM »
Alien Dent!!  How very fitting. 
Sorry to hear that Renee gave you so much trouble, but I will say she is lovely (and seeing the image before reading the full text, I thought she might have been a tourist as she has a somewhat "exotic" look (as if Egytian or some such), which made her an ideal choice for Indy  :=)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge (updated 10/1/15)
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2016, 02:45:20 PM »
I really liked Renée, which was why I persisted so long with her, despite the glitches.  She was a sweet-natured Sim and well suited to Indy, as well as being pretty (and you're right, she does look rather exotic.  Left to themselves, townie genes can produce some interesting results.)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge (updated 10/1/15)
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2016, 12:29:22 PM »
Yup, definitely interesting *cough* Twinbrook *cough* but I have to agree that she is stunning! I hope lots and lots of those genes filter down to the rest of the generations!

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I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2016, 01:15:13 PM »
There's only one generation left.  I may clone Renée and use her again, though.

Fighting Boredom (generations 4-5)

Stu was out in the garden when the occasional green sparkles around his middle became more insistent.

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Axxi was born good and friendly, which seemed like a good start.

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Her few-hours-older cousin had been intended to do the optional Comforting Children lift (they wouldn’t get much use out of a moodlet manager this late in the game but I wanted to have a go anyway).  Stu’s pregnancy changed that – unlocking Alien Tech by the ‘alien baby’ method requires another alien to be moved in at a later stage and I’ve yet to see one appear in-game who was anything other than an elder.  Suddenly, I badly needed controllable elders.

Renée reached level 10 of inventing and received the ‘ultimate invention’ opportunity.  The family had several hunks of palladium, plenty of life fruit and, since Renée had blown up the life-size model plane at the film studio, a surfeit of scrap.  The only problem was the heart-cut pink diamond.  Indy had unlocked the cut ages ago but pink diamonds were proving elusive.

I ended up sending Indy back to Egypt on his own.  With a comfortable bed and all of the needs-reducing rewards, he could spend most of the day board-breaking.  He’d already become a Body Builder and Timber Terminator, so there was really nothing stopping him.  Well, nothing except the game’s reluctance to spawn a pink diamond.  It took fifteen long and boring days for one to appear.  Indy cut it and returned home…

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…and Renée built her SimBot.  She was already pregnant with the last of the Dents.  Once she’d given birth and gained her last athletic point, she moved out of the active household (and the lag almost disappeared).  Indy left Stu in charge of the kids and took the family’s first trip to France, working on his latest skill, photography.

Stu had already shown himself to be an enthusiastic autonomous gardener and so stayed in the house after his final birthday.  (He was also good with kids and housework.)  He eventually moved out with Indy Penn.  Indy was about to have his elder birthday; Stu was 94 and into borrowed time.  He died the following day :(.

Generation 4

Stu Dent

Traits: friendly, loves the outdoors, ambitious, green thumb, angler
Career: Science
Unlock: Naturalist
Maxed skills: athletic, gardening, fishing, handiness
New skill challenges: Master Planter, Amateur Ichthyologist, Botanical Boss, Master Farmer
LTW: Perfect Garden

Indy Penn Dent

Traits: friendly, heavy sleeper, genius, ambitious, computer whiz (+ avant garde – rebel social group trait)
Unlock: Gamer
Maxed skills: athletic, street art, martial arts, handiness, gardening, photography
New skill challenges: Gem Collector, Master Muralist, Precision Sprayer, Always Wanted, Timber Terminator, Architectural Eye, Photog
LTW: Renaissance Sim

Renée Dent (née Lancaster)

Traits: slob, loves the outdoors, easily impressed, night owl, virtuoso
Career and unlock: Architect
Maxed skills: painting, sculpting, inventing, athletic
New skill challenges: Chiselmeister, Ice Personality, Prolific Sculptor, Master Sculptor, Scrap Collector, The Ultimate Invention
LTW: Descendant of da Vinci
‘Imp’ Hugh Dent

Traits: evil, genius, athletic, ambitious, workaholic
Career: Criminal (Evil)
Unlock: Criminal
Maxed skills: athletic, logic
LTW: Emperor of Evil

The household became decidedly arty in generation five.

Stride went into the music career and proved to have inherited his father’s and grandfather’s taste in work clothing :P.

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Sue, who was headed for law enforcement, was mostly left to do as she liked until her young adult birthday.  She really should have been a horsewoman – I’ve never seen a child so obsessed by a rocking horse.  The others all preferred their new tree house.

Descen, Indy and Renée’s youngest, took on the Comforting Children lift that had been abandoned by his older sister.  He was read all of the toddler books, became best friends with everyone and easily reached level 5 of both writing and painting as a child.  (His still life of Stu playing kicky bag, which fulfilled two of his requirements, can be seen in the background of that screenshot of Stride.)

Like Sue, Axxi didn’t really have anything to do until she grew up.  With no need to sleep after childhood, she maxed athletic in her early teens and took over the cooking, cleaning and gardening.  As a young adult, she quickly reached the top of the part-time Test Subject career at the science lab.  Now she only had to wait for another alien to put in an appearance.  She ran around Lucky Palms looking for space rocks and stole more from the science lab every night – a few for brain food but most to leave around the house in the hope of attracting extraterrestrial visitors  For the rest of the time, she used the telescope.

Aliens continued to be notable by their absence.

With the benefit of the basil grown by Stu, Sue rose quickly through the ranks of the police and chose the forensic branch, in keeping with her lifetime wish.  Descen maxed painting as a teen and then turned to writing, while Sue took over the easels.  Stride hit the buggy upper levels of the rock career.  Axxi did nothing much.  Life was quiet and more than a little dull.

Then I had an idea.  With Ambitions and the right kind of luck, unlocking Alien Tech is easy.

I didn’t need luck.  Axxi could summon meteors.

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Definitely not one of my better ideas  :-[.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge (updated 11/1/15)
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2016, 05:08:23 PM »
The apt naming of Axxi Dent was a stroke of shear brilliance!  Also, love how you left us with a catastrophic meteor disaster.  Way to put us on the edge of our seats waiting for the next update!

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge (updated 11/1/15)
« Reply #28 on: January 11, 2016, 06:07:40 PM »
Unlike Pippin, I am opposed to the suspense. End it posthaste, please!
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By samoht04

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Re: Repairing Dents – An Apocalypse Challenge (updated 11/1/15)
« Reply #29 on: January 11, 2016, 06:52:26 PM »
That's a great screenshot of the meteor explosion. Everything in the background is so scenic and peaceful til boom.

