Generation 3Prue and Jermaine’s first set of twins were both born insane, which made them an entertaining pair to watch.
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Evvie lifted the Education restriction in time for them to get a day or two of schooling as teens – but not soon enough to stop all of their traits from being random.
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Ro was an odd Sim: an insane, excitable perfectionist who was also proper and frugal. I’m not sure what the ideal career would be for such a character; as it was, the family was still limited to whatever appeared in the paper, although they could now turn down jobs that didn’t appeal. Ro went into business. She did pretty well, especially after she picked up enough lifetime happiness points to change her traits, something that nobody before her had been allowed to do.
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The first boy born into the family was always going to be called George. As with Arthur, George’s traits didn’t really fit his name – which was probably a good thing in his case. The greying hair he’d inherited from Prue, and ultimately from Tabbi’s father, was a good match, though
Of course, he should really have been a journalist. As it was, Jermaine was already doing that one and George couldn’t choose anyway. The next job in the paper, after Ro had claimed the coffee courier position, was in the armed forces and he accepted it. At least he wasn’t as badly suited as the original George would have been. As a daredevil, he probably relished the risk of being sent into battle, not to mention learning to fly and eventually going into space.
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(This is George celebrating a promotion. Unfortunately, his ejector seat malfunctioned after the collision with the mailbox and he stayed there bouncing up and down until I reset him
George becoming an astronaut really opened things up for the family. Now they could choose whatever jobs they wanted and could move out of the active household before they became old and uncontrollable. Ro left some time before she needed to and, as I had hoped, married her long-term romantic interest and colleague, Jarod Shaw. They remained childless, though
. I’d been hoping for another branch on the family tree.
George moved out about an hour before he was due to age up to elder, but, with bad luck befitting his namesake, reappeared on the lot a day or two later – as a zombie. In fact, he stayed like that for several days after the full moon and a number of family members ran into zombified George around town.
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Because there was such a large gap, the three youngest children almost felt like another generation. Prue and Jermaine were well into adulthood when they had their second set of twins, and their fifth child was conceived after Jermaine had become an elder and only a short time before Prue was also due to age up.
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Arrrr! was chosen as the next heir simply because I liked him best. He was originally intended to be a pirate, and to pursue a romantic LTW if I could choose traits by that point. Neither of those quite worked out – he wore a pirate outfit as a child, recoloured to something suitably drab and post-apocalyptic, but then I realised that most of the adults’ pirate clothes were just too smart for their situation and his eventual wardrobe was, um, eclectic, I suppose.
When he was given athletic as a random birth trait, I realised that firefighting would also suit his name and picked the rest of his traits to go with that instead.
With the benefits of an appropriate personality, a complete education and the useful rewards that had been unlocked by Evvie and Ro, Arrrr! got through his career in a matter of days and celebrated by proposing to his second cousin and best friend, Martina Bellamore.
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By this time, almost everyone in town was related to almost everyone else. Martina’s maternal grandparents were Tabbi’s younger brother, German Claremont, and his wife Aimee Loera (the eldest daughter of Marisol Loera and Donnovan Steel). On her father’s side, she was descended from Yolanda Shaw, Ezekiel Reid and Clark Bellamore (and his wife Constance, one of the few Sims to move into the town under Story Progression).
Arrrr! and Martina were married the following day.
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(Sorry for the engagement/wedding spam – I love these two.)
Firefighting had been a quick way to get Arrrr! through the requirements to lift Athletic but keeping him in the career long-term would take micromanagement and I was doing enough of that already, thank you very much. So he transferred into Professional Sports, which would use at least some of his skills and need far less supervision.
He started his new job on the first sunny day for quite a while. I think he may have overreacted to the prospect of better weather
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Arrrr! turned out to be something of an overachiever, supermaxing both the athletic and handiness skills – although getting the last couple of upgrades for the Tinkerer challenge proved rather more exciting than anticipated. On reflection, sending him off to bed right after finishing the auto-light upgrade wasn’t the best idea – although I’m still mystified by all those people appearing on the lot in the middle of the night.
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It was just as well that Arrrr! was also a fully-trained fireman. Once I’d managed to wake him up, he rushed upstairs and made short work of extinguishing the flames. Miraculously, the only damage was to the fireplace itself.
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Before she joined the family, Martina had been working in the music career and wanted to be a rock star, which seemed quite appropriate for an excitable virtuoso. However, getting through the later stages of the career would be tough at this stage, since she’d only be able to perform during her normal work shifts. (In fact, it’s arguable that the ‘perform’ work tone isn’t allowed at all, since playing for other Sims is forbidden until Entertainment is unlocked.) Anyway, I wanted Arrrr! and Martina to have several children, which meant that a profession or self-employment would work better for her. She handed in her notice and looked in the paper. As it happened, the first job advertised was with the police and she traded this off for private investigation. By the time she discovered that she was pregnant, she was already making progress in her new career by learning logic.
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Arrrr!’s twin was allocated the good trait at birth, which decided her future career as the family politician and, as a result, her name, Prezzie.
Her career progress wasn’t quite as meteoric as Arrrr!’s but still impressive compared with earlier members of the family. She also managed to supermax a skill: charisma.
Having both Business and Politics unlocked meant that the family could start to make money. They’d still lose all of their cash every Monday night but could sink as much as possible into property earlier in the day. Because Martina hadn’t yet lifted the Espionage restriction, I had to send a pair of Sims off together to each venue and keep one occupied outside it while the other went in and made the investment. It was a nuisance but worth it to do the criminals out of most of their protection money – I managed to get it down to §2 one week
Martina quickly built up enough points to change her lifetime wish and I gambled that she’d be able to Swim in Cash before she died of old age. In fact, she achieved it well before then, even though they were down to zero money again a few hours later.
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Decker might well have been the heir if he’d been born sooner – I’ve always had a thing for redheaded Sims. As the tenth member of Arthur’s line, he was going to be a girl called Deca – but, since eating fruit still lay in the future, the baby’s sex was random and Decker was as near as I could get.
He had a somewhat neglected toddlerhood – his older relatives (and their watcher) were mostly too busy to do more than teach him the basics.
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He amused himself with his teddy and the toddler books, and later with the rocking horse, the one toy they were allowed at this stage. As George neared the top of his career and was working fewer days each week, the two brothers became close friends – and George tutored Decker on to the honour roll in both elementary and high school.
Decker was destined from birth to be the chef of the family but didn’t start learning to cook until young adulthood: the toy oven is banned until the Culinary restrictions are lifted and I wasn’t clear whether starting to cook as a teen was against the spirit of the rules. Eventually, I decided it probably was - some of the others had picked up useful skills as teens but that was mostly because working out and playing chess were good ways to keep stay-at-home teenagers occupied. Instead, Decker picked up a few points in various other skills and made a good start on athletic, which I was trying to max with everyone.
Once he was grown up, though, he made rapid progress in both his job and the cooking skill – learned mostly from books, since preparing a single group serving of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or veggi rolls per day doesn’t make for fast skill gain
. After reaching the top of his career, he bought a load of new recipe books and settled down to filling his fancy new fridge with food - and yet another Dent sibling supermaxed a skill.
Generation 3Ro DentTraits: excitable, insane, proper, perfectionist, frugal
Career and unlock: Business
Maxed skill: athletic
LTW: CEO of a Mega-Corporation
George DentTraits: genius, insane, daredevil, frugal, snob (+ natural-born performer – jock social group trait)
Career and unlock: Military
Maxed skills: athletic, handiness
New skill challenge: Teacher Extraordinaire
LTW: Become an Astronaut
Arrrr! DentTraits: athletic, brave, ambitious, genius, handy
Careers: Firefighter, Professional Sports
Unlock: Athletic
Maxed skills: handiness, athletic, logic
New skill challenges: Marathon Runner, Fitness Nut, Tinkerer, Electrician
LTW: The Tinkerer
Martina Dent (née Bellamore)Traits: excitable, absent-minded, slob, virtuoso, born saleswoman
Career: Investigator
Unlock: Espionage
Maxed skills: logic, athletic
LTW: Swimming in Cash
Prezzie DentTraits: good, friendly, ambitious, charismatic, workaholic
Career and unlock: Politics
Maxed skills: charisma, athletic
New skill challenges: Super Friendly, Everybody’s Best Friend, Metal Collector, Comedian
LTW: Leader of the Free World
Decker DentTraits: friendly, excitable, ambitious, natural cook, workaholic
Career and unlock: Culinary
Maxed skills: cooking, athletic
New skill challenges: Menu Maven, Star Chef, World-Class Chef
LTW: Celebrated Five-Star Chef