Author Topic: Re: And the Winner Is..The End of It All - Graveyard Please  (Read 34508 times)

Offline Joria

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion....What's Going On
« Reply #60 on: February 13, 2016, 04:48:21 PM »
I've been working on trying to duplicate the things that have already happened in the story, although some things wind up a little different no matter what.  As long as I can get the Mansion Bloodline and the Alien Bloodline basically back to where they were when I lost my files I'll be ok.  Almost done with bringing Mansion back and hoping the heir that pops out looks like Meghan!  Fortunately Alien only got as far as Sixam and no nooboo to worry about.

EDIT: It's been difficult to bring things up to snuff the way they should be and it may wind up being a bit confusing for you readers, (and me!).  At the moment, Retail is at week two.  Mansion has been brought back up to date to the end of Week One.  I'll post some pictures soon.  The new nooboo was, thankfully, a girl but I had learned so much playing the No Buy game that the house is much nicer and they are much farther ahead than there were in the first attempt.  I am currently trying to bring the Alien up to snuff but there is a glitch in that she looks different in her disguise form.  She's a blonde this time around but otherwise the same.  I may not be able to find Desmond and Khloe Moon though as they were npc's!  Yikes.  For her it is now early Monday morning week one so we'll see what the day brings.  To make it easier on the readers I may actually remove the post for the first time around with the Alien, (except for the fight scene), so that it will be less confusing.  After that it's play Mansion up to the end of week two and the same for Alien.  Phew!
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Re: Re: And the Winner Is....What's Going On Feb. 20
« Reply #61 on: February 22, 2016, 02:44:36 PM »
Joria, I'm so glad to hear you're making progress in recovering your game, thought it sounds like considerable time and effort are involved!

I am currently trying to bring the Alien up to snuff but there is a glitch in that she looks different in her disguise form.

I'm no alien expert, but couldn't you just re-design her human disguise?
I forgot how to do this.
I pressed the wrong button when trying to switch a disguised alien to her alien form, and was able to completely change her human disguise.

Best wishes with your Salvage & Rescue Mission! Looking forward to reading your story again!

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is.....Alien Bloodline....Week One Redo Feb.24
« Reply #62 on: February 25, 2016, 09:19:53 PM »
Oh, your new alien contender is so beautiful! Congrats on squeezing in a wedding before her week was up!

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Alien Bloodline....Week One Redo Feb.24
« Reply #63 on: February 26, 2016, 12:23:41 AM »
Thank you!  It was touch and go with that for sure.  I always try to end on the Sunday so I can start everything fresh on Monday.  Now I'm finishing catching up to week two of Mansion and then back to Alien then week 3 of Retail.  It really does get confusing.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion Baron, Week 2-Feb 29
« Reply #64 on: February 29, 2016, 04:35:26 PM »
Our lives go on apace.  Both Joaquin and I are in the Culinary career.  He is aiming to become a Master Chef, which, since he is only my spouse, is allowed, and I am trying to become the best Mixologist possible.  Ulrike is still in the Painting career and doing very well for herself and our bloodline.  Our house would not be coming along as well as it is if it weren't for her paintings selling so well. 

I shouldn't forget Maalke and Sergio's contributions though.  Maalke spends almost all day typing away and her books are almost always best sellers, while Sergio has now made a cloning machine for us and has our yard full of scientific equipment, including a rocket ship he hopes to build.  Sometimes his endeavors are a bit scary, like the day he set himself on fire trying to make potions.

I was very happy to see him working on practicing analyzing instead after all that fire.

We are a mere $100,000 short of our goal for our Mansion Baron aspiration and I only have to acquire two more club members before I fill the Leader of the Pack aspiration.  I finally completed my goal of 3 Gold Medal parties!  It was my birthday and so we threw a party to celebrate.  It was Gold!!

With a Birthday Party, our Wedding and a House Party under our belts, Joaquin and I decided on one more celebration.  We set up a wedding arch for ourselves and future weddings in our yard and renewed our vows.  I didn't even care that he didn't change outfits.

We aren't the only ones that have been working hard.  Our darling Meghan has completed her Creative Aspiration.  Here's some shots I took of her at work and her triumphant tada! as she completed.

She continues to work on her violin portion as she wants to be well ahead in that skill before she becomes a teen.  Her "Aunt Ulrike" is very patient with her, listening to every note.  I sometimes wonder if she wears ear plugs.  Ha ha.

Of course, Joaquin and I see to it that she does not neglect her other studies.  Here's a picture of them both hard at work with her homework.  She is an A student.

She is definitely Daddy's girl and spends many happy hours with him while he reads to her.

He always makes sure to give her a hug before she's off to school each day.

Needless to say, Meghan and I have our times together as well.....

We both seem to love to take photos of one another.  Here we are doing a selfie.

Some things are just too much fun to not capture on film.  Joaquin was so proud of himself when he reached level 5 Mixology, but that's going to be it for him!  After this he's got to focus on his cooking skills.

As for me, I have to avoid the kitchen so as to not max cooking.  It is so easy to do.  I entertain myself by making a few sculptures instead.  I'll leave you all with the image of me at my work table.  Have a great evening everyone!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion Baron, Week 2- Feb. 29
« Reply #65 on: February 29, 2016, 08:45:16 PM »
Woot, Marina is over two-thirds done with Mansion Baron already!
I revisited your Jan 14 post to remind myself of how lovely the house is! Megan is every bit as lovely as her mother!
Nice work!

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion Baron, Week 2- Feb. 29
« Reply #66 on: February 29, 2016, 09:43:15 PM »
They are doing so well! Meghan is really sweet and I am looking forward to getting to know her personality.

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion Baron, Week 2- March 2
« Reply #67 on: March 02, 2016, 01:35:36 PM »
As time goes on I'm thinking it is going to be much harder for the heirs to accomplish as much as quickly as the founders.  It took the efforts of three helpers plus having them never have to attend to most needs to get to the point where the house is so close to "mansion" quality.  I have to wonder how the heirs will do it with the more difficult restrictions they will have, although at least Meghan is working hard on getting ahead. 

KTK10 I think you're going to like her a lot as she grows.  She seems to be a very determined young lady.

Oshizu it's almost time for an update on how the house is coming along.  Strangely enough they rarely have very much cash on hand and if it weren't for "Frugal" their bills would do them in.


Lately it seems the household is a bit emotionally off balance.  Maalke very much wanted to have a relationship with Sergio, why I'll never know since he is the least friendly member of our little group.  For awhile it seemed they would hit it off as they became very good friends, but then one night..........

Sergio:  Siobhan there is nothing at all to worry about.  You know you are the only girl for me even though I've never said much about it before. 

Siobhan:  I just wish I understood this whole Rivalry Dynasty thing better.  Why do you have to live here and put all your efforts into making THEM succeed.

Sergio:  I have a pretty good life here and it means when they have either won or lost I'll have a top notch ranking in my career.  It will mean a good future

Sergio:  I guess I haven't been very attentive or romantic lately. I.......I......oh heck!

Sergio:  There!  You are the ONLY girl I've ever kissed or will ever kiss.  I love you.

Apparently this was enough for the foolish girl to believe him.  Later on that evening Maalke caught this action as she went out to work in the garden.....

For someone who hates kids, Sergio sure was leading poor Siobhan down that old primrose path.  Maalke claims it's ok.  Just more material for her books. 

Later that night, after Siobhan had gone home, we decided it was time for a break of sorts.  There were more plants Maalke wanted for her garden, Sergio needed to find more crystals and metals for his job, and Meghan was feeling lonely and wanted to work on her Social Butterfly aspiration.  So off we went to the Oasis park. 

The group scattered each to their own means of having fun.  Meghan lost no time at all in meeting new kids to play with.

The two girls hit it off very well right from the start.  Meghan decided it was the perfect time to form her own club, so Cute Kids was started that night.  Meghan wasted no time and rallied her troops right away.  She didn't want to take the chance Joanna would become tired and have to go home.

Both girls were having so much fun on the monkey bars!  It didn't hurt to work on her motor skills either.

Next to join was this little red headed boy.  I'm not sure of his name but I've heard his parents are not the best.  Still, he seems like a good sort and I'm not going to step in at this point.  Meghan is smart enough to be able to choose her own friends, especially since she has such a big family to keep an eye on her.

Olivia with the big long name was the next to join.

Quite well done, Meghan!  You've got a club with five members in it already!  I can see where it's going to be interesting times at our house from now on, and what a good start for Meghan's future.  It's looking like this dynasty might win after all.

The next morning we congratulated her, not only on keeping on top of her school work, she's an A student, but also on how well she was doing for her future.  Speaking of which, it's time Joaquin and I got busy and worked on our skills!  See you all later.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion Baron, Week 2- March 2 Meghan
« Reply #68 on: March 04, 2016, 12:28:30 AM »
You got some fantastic screenshots there Joria! I love how you made the 'nasty' Sergio even worse! Although I think he is the better looking out of the two.. his traits are just AWFUL and I could never have him as a spouse. You are whizzing along and isn't Rally The Troops the best thing EVER?? hehehe

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion Baron, Week 2- March 2 Meghan
« Reply #69 on: March 05, 2016, 02:55:31 PM »
I agree, and actually Sergio was my first choice for spouse until I found out his traits!  A lot of Simmers have had luck with husbands/wives with the hates kids trait but I just didn't want the hassle.  Why are the good looking ones always the bad guys?  As for "Rally the Troops", it's the best "easy button" ever! 
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion Baron, Week 2- March 2 Meghan
« Reply #70 on: March 06, 2016, 02:19:33 AM »
You must agree that Sergio and Siobhan make a nice couple.

I actually think Siobhan is one of the prettier women that came with Get Together.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion Baron, Week 2- March 2 Meghan
« Reply #71 on: March 06, 2016, 02:44:22 AM »
Wait, Sergio is "nasty" as in ill-humored and grumpy? I've not played the Windenberg residents at all, so I never knew his traits--only that Joria keeps him somewhat confined in his little lab because of the "Hates children" trait. Sergio has a nice face but seriously needs a workout.
Is the thing between Sergio and Siobhan part of your story, Joria, or did they come with a little pink bar already? I'd love to see shots of their kid(s)!

With the Rival Dynasties Challenge, do you need to work at keeping the world populated like in an IDC? Or do the three bloodlines do the populating themselves by changing lots as well as moving in/out their helpers?

I love Meghan's proactive, take-charge attitude! She'll master that Social Butterfly in no time!

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion Baron, Week 2- March 2 Meghan
« Reply #72 on: March 06, 2016, 04:44:50 PM »
@oshizu rival dynasties don't turn on aging for anyone outside the active household so the worlds don't lose people very much.

@Joria Go Meghan!!!

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion Baron, Week 2- March 2 Meghan
« Reply #73 on: March 06, 2016, 05:12:04 PM »
@dontmindme  Thanks for letting me know! Much appreciated.

@Joria  I probably should refrain from commenting on your thread since I'm not actually playing an RDC so keep forgetting the rules, but who can resist your storytelling?
            And then I end up with so many questions! Sorry, my friend!

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion Baron, Week 2- March 2 Meghan
« Reply #74 on: March 08, 2016, 12:34:29 PM »

You must agree that Sergio and Siobhan make a nice couple.

I actually think Siobhan is one of the prettier women that came with Get Together.

I do agree!  I think as a couple they could be interesting townies to play.  They should have lovely nooboos.


Wait, Sergio is "nasty" as in ill-humored and grumpy? I've not played the Windenberg residents at all, so I never knew his traits--only that Joria keeps him somewhat confined in his little lab because of the "Hates children" trait. Sergio has a nice face but seriously needs a workout.

No, he's only "nasty" in my story because I can't let him marry Siobhan and move her in.  Besides, I was thinking having a pollinator might be a good idea.  So far it's only Siobhan, and when he is approached by other women, like Maalke, he gets very angry with them and basically tells them he is taken.  The really only bad part of the "Hates Children" trait is the breaking of the doll house, which is now behind locked doors.  I can't handle the tears when a child finds her doll house destroyed.  Other than that, he and Meghan actually get along very well.  Due to his career he loves playing chess with her. 

Yes, he and Siobhan were a romantic item when I moved him in with Joaquin.  Had I realized that I might have looked for a different spouse.  Sergio was really only a tag along because you don't break up households.

With the Rival Dynasties Challenge, do you need to work at keeping the world populated like in an IDC? Or do the three bloodlines do the populating themselves by changing lots as well as moving in/out their helpers?

I'm really suspicious as to whether the towns will have enough people later in the game but I'm playing it fairly slow.  I really am leaning more toward having a pollinator because one of the rules is you don't allow the game to fill houses, so no new influx of townies, or at least it's rare.  There is a game limit of 180 and people do get culled.  You aren't always aware of it because a lot of time it's NPC folks, the homeless.  While aging is off for none played Sims, I'm actually finding some folks aging up anyway, so I'm concerned about how it will be further down the road.  So my helpers will have children as well.  I think if worse came to worse, once an heir has moved out, or rather just before they move out, the founder or previous heir could adopt therefor keeping a pool of kids available.

I probably should refrain from commenting on your thread since I'm not actually playing an RDC so keep forgetting the rules, but who can resist your storytelling?
            And then I end up with so many questions! Sorry, my friend!

No worries and no problem.  Just keep on asking questions as they often lead me to think things from a different perspective.  And thank you for the lovely comments!

@dontmindme,  Meghan is a real delight to play!  She's basically doing all her things on her own.  I get so wound up with the founder and side stories I sometimes forget the heir!

Thanks everyone for reading and commenting.  I love hearing your comments.  It really encourages the writers to keep on doing what they are doing.  Right now I'm playing with my No Buy story because the idea fascinates me, but I have more on the RDC on the way.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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