Author Topic: Re: And the Winner Is..The End of It All - Graveyard Please  (Read 34529 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2, Jan. 22 update
« Reply #45 on: January 22, 2016, 03:37:15 PM »
I cracked up at the huge gap between your elegant sim and the ever-so-romantic Don in comparison with Sheldon's bad-spirited, uncouth parents.
And here I thought a childhood romance might be in the making. 

And yes, thanks for the invite. I'll have a tall cafe mocha and that blueberry and walnut croissant.

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2, Jan. 22 update
« Reply #46 on: January 22, 2016, 10:43:31 PM »
It was so nice to see Malcolm being a 'kid' and playing as the sea monster. He gets such a bad rep due to his traits, it just softened him a bit. And I too will have a hot chocolate and one of those amazing donuts!!  ;)

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2, Jan. 22 update
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2016, 04:03:38 PM »
Welcome to the bakery!  Here's your beverages, mine is Earl Grey tea, hot with milk and sugar, and your pastries.  Having an almond croissant myself.  Lol.

Your bakery is making me hungry! Sinead is such a cute kid -- I love the picture of her dancing with the group

The hardest part of this bloodline is "baking" all those tasty treats!  I wind up having a snack, usually a small piece of chocolate, because it drives me nuts with them doing all that baking~~!
Sinead is cute and I think as she grows she is going to be a fun one to play.

I cracked up at the huge gap between your elegant sim and the ever-so-romantic Don in comparison with Sheldon's bad-spirited, uncouth parents.
And here I thought a childhood romance might be in the making.

That huge, angry dad was actually pretty scary!  I had hoped for a future spouse/childhood romance myself.  They play so nicely together but no way to know what Sheldon's traits will be like as he ages.  With the parents he has they could go either way.  Right now his trait is loves the outdoors.  Would you like extra whipped cream with that mocha?  lol

It was so nice to see Malcolm being a 'kid' and playing as the sea monster. He gets such a bad rep due to his traits, it just softened him a bit. And I too will have a hot chocolate and one of those amazing donuts!!

Malcolm actually is a pretty good character to play.  If you can curb his evil tendencies and keep him away from doll houses he does very well.  I usually have him work on his homework getting him to the A and keeping his social interactions on the nice side.  The nicer his interactions, the less "evil" he is.  He often volunteers to be the monster, which is what he did in my screenshot.  Plain, glazed or jelly doughnut?

gaaahhhh.  Now you guys have me thinking about sweets again! 

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2, Jan. 22 update
« Reply #48 on: January 24, 2016, 01:02:09 PM »
I'm definitely one of those people who doesn't have time for Malcolm xD All your founders are so lovable I find myself routing for a different person with each update. Gorgeous build and usual!
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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2, Jan. 22 update
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2016, 02:37:36 PM »
Thank you, NJ!  Mal looks worse than he is with that snooty walk and unfortunate dna.  I've never allowed him to reproduce but it would be interesting to see what happens.  Those horsey faced Landgraab genes usually carry through.

Just an fyi everybody.  I'm putting three aliens in Windenberg and may just give this RD a try with three aliens.  Just for fun and to see how far I can go with them.  Aliens are the hardest to play in my opinion so this is going to be a challenge and a half for me.  Of course, I'll continue on with what I started here.

When I was moving the residents of Windenberg I noticed a couple of our favorite townies were no longer there!!  Yikes!  Instead, there were two new families in Willowbrook.  Missing?  Paolo and Joaquin and Ulrike and Maalke.  My two favorites for go to helpers.  Their houses were empty not even a greyed out shot showing they weren't at home, just empty.  It was a new file.  I keep this RD in three separate files, one for each bloodline so I'll pop in and check and see if they are gone/culled from the two files where they aren't part of my household.  Meanwhile, thanks everyone for reading.  I hope to post a new chapter today or tomorrow.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2, Jan. 22 update
« Reply #50 on: January 26, 2016, 10:41:09 AM »
You're going to play and narrate two rival dynasty challenges simultaneously!?
I don't mind--that's just twice as much of Joria's lovely sims and gorgeous builds. 

Oh and good morning, dear. A Sumatran roast blend with a blueberry scone, please.

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2, Jan. 22 update
« Reply #51 on: January 27, 2016, 08:22:19 PM »
Not sure about the narrate part, but yes.  I think insanity, or at least masochism must run in my family.  Sorry about no updates.  Hubby and I are hard core Trekkies and have been rewatching all the shows.  Just finished season 7 of The Next Generation and am getting involved with Deep Space 9, which is NOT my favorite.  Sigh, I miss Jean Luc.

Passes over Sumatran and blueberry scone, reaches for a new cup of Organic Earl Grey, hot, milk, one lump and biscotti.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2, Jan. 28 update
« Reply #52 on: January 28, 2016, 04:00:42 PM »
Geoffrey:  If you hurry up and finish your homework, Watcher has promised us an evening of fun while  skilling.

Sinead:  Thank you, Uncle Geof.  You helping me has made it so much easier!  I'm done!

Malcolm:  Yes, Dad!  I'm almost done with this composition.  Be right there!

Sinead:  And then she said,  "You get right over there and park yourself down, young lady!"  She looked so funny!

Joanna:  You make me laugh so hard!  I'm really glad your Watcher let you all come play for a bit.  We "townies" get lonesome sometimes too.

Sinead:  Yeah, me too.  I love it when "skilling" is the same as playing!  We dynasty kids have to work so hard sometimes.  This last go round, none of us have even been allowed to converse.  Just someone telling what's been happening.

Geoffrey:  It's a whopper!  I just know it!  I haven't had this much fun in eons.  So nice to be away from the easel.  Thanks, Watcher.

Watcher: Enjoy it while you can Geoffrey.  Lots more work to do you know.  But everyone needs a break once in awhile, even Watchers.

Malcolm:  (thinking)  Maybe this time I'll get a girlfriend.  Maybe.  She's so cute.

Well, so much for fun.  Now it was time for the real work.  We were all sent off to the gym after a quick "rally the troops".  I guess that wasn't so bad either.  Hopefully having Geoffrey and Nancy working out hard would keep them around as healthy elders and that was the whole point of sweating our brains out at the gym.  Of course for Don it was pure heaven.  Me?  Not so much!  At least we all got to meet a lot of new people and Sinead got to practice violin to her heart's content.  We were spared the beginning sounds which made us all happy as can be.  Watcher even took some time to upgrade her outfits, although she kept that adorable red shirt that was just like Sinead's, Dad's.

She actually got quite good at her violin so it was a treat for us when she came upstairs and played a concert for us while some of us took a break from the machines.  Her daddy cheered her on while Nancy took the opportunity to practice as well.  How she got behind those stairs I'll never know.

Later, Mal and Sinead got their friendship vibe going on while they swam and played in the gym pool.  It was almost time to call it a night and head out.

Head out to where?  Why, the shop of course!  After her morning chores and meal was done, Sinead headed off to school.  The rest of us gathered around the table to discuss what we'd do for the opening that day.  We needed to make some changes and some big bucks for sure.

Audrey:  Ok, look; this is supposed to be a bakery.  Right?  So no more bits and pieces of coffee pots and decorative items.  We're going to fill this place with food of all kinds.  Ok?

Nancy:  I agree.  I'll share the cooking with you, and even Mal could take some time at the muffin machine.

Mal:  Yeah, I suppose.  I think I'd rather be on the floor though.  I'm good looking enough the ladies always fall for my sales pitch.

Don:  Yeah, me too.  Plus I can schmooze the jocks.

Geoffrey:  I'm always good at sales.  The older crowd seems to respond well.

Audrey:  Yes, Geof, but make sure you don't start going on and on about family and other things.  Conversation has got to be sales related.  So.......we ready?  Let's go!

We filled that bakery to bursting.  Nancy and I were just dripping with sweat keeping the food coming.  Everyone that came in was just going to be overwhelmed with all the good smells.  Today we'll have a chance to see what sells well and what is slow.  Here is a picture I took showing how well stocked we were.

Before we knew it the customers came swarming in.  True to his word, Malcolm did a bang up job with the young ladies. 

He sure was pretty proud of himself!

We had to really hustle.  I had work to go to that afternoon and it was our last day before we had to turn over the time to the next competitor.  By that afternoon, just before we had to close store so I could leave, we were pretty well done with all we had baked.  Watcher even had to keep busy moving things around so the store didn't look too empty!  Close of day for the store looked like this:

After I left the gang tidied up.  Some of the food would be fine for "day old" sales and some just wasn't good enough to keep.  Everyone worked hard and cleaned up everthing and locked it up for the next week off.  It was time to just chill at home while I tried for another promotion at work.

The crowning touch? I got my promotion!!!  See ya in a week.

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2, Jan. 22 update
« Reply #53 on: January 28, 2016, 04:17:58 PM »
Ooooh, success after success!

One silly question so I might learn from your experience.
I see only one Lice Cooler--is that because you gain more points (for buying retail perks) if sales are done by your sims?

Such a lovely shop!  *sighs

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2, Jan. 22 update
« Reply #54 on: January 28, 2016, 04:47:22 PM »
I see only one Lice Cooler--is that because you gain more points (for buying retail perks) if sales are done by your sims?

Actually, there are two.  One is outside where the patio tables are and I'm thinking of putting the inside one there as well.  I used to have two inside but there were just too many traffic problems.  I do think you get more points if sales are done by the sims because you have to spam sales interactions and each interaction gets you at least 5 points.  I only keep regular meals, (sandwiches, mac and cheese, salads, etc.), and food close to expiration in the Lice Cold.  I've found bakery items placed in the bakery display shelves do not sell as fast as those out in plain sight on counters or tables, but they do keep longer and eventually do sell.

I have another counter, for the cash register, and another register outside with a sign and display case etc.  I think it looks really cute but it's impractical as it takes too much micromanaging.  It's not my original idea but rather that of Larifari2009 who is one of my favorite builders.  I used her fabulous bakery to base my design on, though mine is quite different.  Hers is more for looks I think as the one time I played a sim and had her bakery on a lot, (teen runaway story), the one area where people could actually buy was crammed with people and routing was difficult.  Even the one I use now had to have some remodeling done because there was just too much stuff in it to make sales fast and easy.

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2, Jan. 22 update
« Reply #55 on: January 28, 2016, 05:27:55 PM »
Thank you for the detailed reply about how you're using the coolers, which types of food you're handling, and your strategy of leaving your goods on counters rather than in display shelves.
The baked items and foods look so nice in the shop!

I giggled at your all-male sales force. I thought you could have a "Stud Muffin Saturday" where they work in matching, skimpy outfits then realized you can only dress employees.
Once you get the required retail perks, will you continue selling baked items or will you switch to another product line?

Your shop is so lovely!
And Sinead is too cute for her own good!

Offline Joria

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2, Jan. 22 update
« Reply #56 on: January 29, 2016, 01:34:14 PM »
I giggled at your all-male sales force. I thought you could have a "Stud Muffin Saturday" where they work in matching, skimpy outfits then realized you can only dress employees.
Once you get the required retail perks, will you continue selling baked items or will you switch to another product line?

Stud Muffin Saturday, sounds like a good name for a store!  Lol.  I can just see them all selling in their speedos.  Too funny.

There are pros and cons for doing all food items, not just baked.  If I have a helper gardening I can put produce in the Lice Cooler, (I think) and sell off the extra produce so that means no extra cost to restock, same thing for baked or cooked foods.  There is little or no charge for cooking more food once your cooking level is high enough and if you carry the ingredients in your inventory/refrigerator.  So that's a pro for doing food.  On the other hand, the more stuff you have in your inventory the easier it is for your game to mess up or lag.  The other two cons are the amount of time it takes to do the cooking and the low cost of the sales means you aren't making a lot of money at one time no matter how much volumn.  Then again, if you sell an item you just "restock", that price comes out of your profits where I had not noticed that being the case with baked goods.  I haven't really paid attention to the time factor either.  How long it takes to produce a baked item, (not one done on the machine), vs. how long it takes to restock.  I imagine once I have the restocking perk it would be faster to have restock items vs. cooked items so turn over of merchandise could be faster.
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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion....Week 2 Feb. 1
« Reply #57 on: February 01, 2016, 07:26:12 PM »
Sometimes I just wonder why I am even bothering to do this.  I KNOW I can build the biggest, richest and best mansion, but all I want to do right now is have a life.  Just live my own story and not always have to tell it.  I want Joaquin, a few friends and our kids living together in harmony and happiness.  (sigh)  Ok, enough with the pity party.  Actually, life isn't so bad.  I've been practicing my mixology skills which sometimes feels more like aerobatics.

My so called "friends" were laughing so hard when I dropped the bottles they didn't have a chance to take a picture of my face when it happened.  Thank heaven for small favors!!  I prefer the expert look of when I first started out. 

Sergio went ahead and somehow acquired enough reward points to do "Connections".  So off he went to work on the job he had always wanted to do, Science!!  I'm happy because it means on my days off Watcher can follow him to work and make him work really hard so we can acquire a cloning machine and other goodies.  I certainly have plans for those!

Sergio took the opportunity to go look for crystals and things he'd need for his job.

After rallying the troops it was decided we all needed to go work off some of those calories we'd been indulging in.  Besides, both Sergio, the Scientist, and Joaquin, a wannabe Astronaut, needed to increase their strength and stamina for their jobs.  Space travel takes a lot out of you.  So off we all went to the gym. Maalke has already lost a lot of that baby fat she carried, and since her new hair do and clothes she's looking really lovely.  Matches her personality.  I think she's been eyeing Sergio a lot lately.

As for Ulrike, she seems to enjoy the work outs the most of all of us.  I can't help but wonder if she won't just disappear since she's so thin already!  She says she'll just bulk up and look terrific.  We'll see.

I, on the other hand, don't really see the point.  Yes, I'm a chef but that doesn't mean I'm going to get fat. They say exercising is fun.  Yeah.  Sure.  Fun for those watching folks like me not being able to do this stuff. 

Bye, all!  See ya soon.

Again, pics missing due to Mediafire mess up.  My apologies.  I simply didn't have them all.

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion....Week 2 Feb. 1
« Reply #58 on: February 05, 2016, 12:54:39 AM »
I've been given the ok to use an old save file to catch up so I will be continuing this story.  It will take a few days to get to the point where I left off.  Be back soon, I hope.
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Re: Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion....Week 2 Feb. 1
« Reply #59 on: February 12, 2016, 11:37:45 PM »
I'm so relieved to hear that your gorgeous sims in their gorgeous homes will be back!