Author Topic: Re: And the Winner Is..The End of It All - Graveyard Please  (Read 34512 times)

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion.....Heir 1 End of Week 1
« Reply #30 on: January 14, 2016, 06:04:33 PM »
While the Watcher was busy being sick,  I just got down to business myself and popped out my nooboo.  It was a lot of hard work, of course, but I was pretty satisfied with the results.

The only problem was I wasn't entirely sure what to do with her or how.  Sometimes she just baffled me.

At least I no longer had that huge protuberance in front of me and could sit down for a decent meal with my darling Jo and Maaike.  I am really becoming quite the cook!

Like our new remodeled kitchen?  Since Jo and I got connected finances have no longer been any kind of problem and we're more than ready for some remodeling.  Oh, that is why the "nursery" looked so empty in my first pictures.  We were moving things around getting ready for the builders to come in.

One of the first things we did was move our master bedroom and the heir's room away from Sergio.  He has the "hates children" trait and we didn't want him OR our darling daughter upset.  Here he is enjoying the small "laboratory/office" we built him.

Being right next to his bedroom and only accessible via his room made him very happy indeed.  He could lock us all out and just do his science thing as long as he wished.  Plans for improving bedrooms are in the works.

By moving him downstairs it gave our creative ladies a fine inspired room.  Maaike continues to write in her own room but Ulrike is in heaven with her own studio to paint in.

I'm glad to see my friends are keeping their noses to the grindstone.  We've a mansion to build!  Jo, however, has taken some time to show off our new lounge to his friend.

Joaquin and I are still madly in love.  Here is a picture of us taken on one of our "gold medal" dates!  Much better than that awful trip to the haunted house.

Finally the day arrived.  Megan just could not stand that bassinet one night more.  Out she popped, full of joy and wonder.  She is such a lovely and loving child.

"Mommie!", she cried, and threw open her arms for our first, great, big, hug.  I just know there will be many more.  She's so going to love being rich!

The family had gotten together over grilled cheese sandwhiches and decided they all had enough *points* to be able to get connected.  Can we say lotsamoney?  With the additional funds we did more remodeling.

Here's our front entryway with some new landscaping.

Who knew those jail house benches would look so nice around our fountain?

Our small garden area is doing well too.  Pretty much everyone works in it.  Nice to have the "club" tend the garden, and since they all live here, we don't even lose any produce!

Sergio wanted a scientific area we could all enjoy and learn at so we remodeled that as well.  He's hoping some day to have a space ship there too.  Notice the little "surprise" off to the right.

Surprise!  Yes, we got a hot tub!  Oh how our mansion grows! 

Between Ulrike's paintings, the connections "ploy" and Maalke's books we are doing very well for ourselves and this is before I've even spent one day at work!  Thanks to all that our "basement" is now a fabulous place for fun, games and exercise.  I even have our museum room!

We are all looking forward to party time down there for sure!  Oh, the museum room is the little pink room with the spare cot in it.

Gotta love that "Rally the Troops" thing.  With more hours to spend doing we've been able to cash in on a lot of whims.  I've been able to acquire three rewards so far, Connections, (duh),Frugal, and Carefree.  Only one to go!  I've done Gold Medal party, (our wedding) and failed miserably at two more.  Oh, well.  At least I've completed one of two aspirations, Leader of the Pack!  Mansion Baron is almost done now so with that, my parties and maxing my career I'll be done!

Remember that lovely fountain?  Well, I liked it so well I decided to ask Ulrike to do my portrait sitting on a bench in front of it.  Here's me posing for my picture.

Unfortunately, our time is up.  That horrid alien girl gets to go next.  So, meantime, have a good one!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline KTK10

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion.....So It Begins
« Reply #31 on: January 14, 2016, 10:00:32 PM »
Your mansion is coming along so well! I really like Marina and the way you write her.  ;D

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion.....So It Begins
« Reply #32 on: January 15, 2016, 10:27:31 AM »
Megan is really cute. Joaquin makes a very loving spouse as my <ahem> sim knows. (But I can't be too jealous -- there just aren't that many available sims among the townies, even with Windenburg). Your mansion is great, and I love the idea of using pools to bring light down to the basement.
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Re: And the Winner Is.....Alien Bloodline...Week One Jan.17
« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2016, 05:26:10 AM »
Well, here I am.  Alone.  On my rather barren, (at the moment), lot.  Actually, I don't mind.  We don't really have these strange buildings Simlings call "homes".  I did my best to fit in though and at least seem like the others around me.  As for me, all I want is a nice place to live on this colony, and room enough for not only myself but also my heirs.  So here is my little "home".

After a few improvements, thanks to my Watcher, I was ready to cook a meal and take off for the day.  My program for the day was to make some friends, perhaps, with a little luck, find a mate, and hopefully find some people who could be my helpers.  If unable to find a mate I will have to have a ship which will carry me home to Sixam.  Let us hope I don't have to do that.

Well, unfortunately, good fortune did not shine on me.  I spent many hours at the "library" searching for friends and a spouse all to no avail.  Most of the inhabitants of this world are unfriendly and distrustful, even hateful towards those they call "aliens".  Silly people.  How could they have forgotten THEY are the aliens and we, mocked, scorned and relegated to children's tales, were the first people to ever inhabit this place.  Sadly, I pitched a tent in the library courtyard and went to sleep to try and face the new day. At least it was not a total loss as I got in some time programming and playing games, all to go toward my aspiration.

The next morning I awoke very hungry, and fortunate enough to see there were several people grilling off in a park like area.  I went over, and despite their lack of friendliness, was able to acquire a helping of potato.  It was quite delicious cooked that way.  Perhaps in the future I will try more "human" foods.

See that table over there?  It has someone who is supposed to become my enemy sitting at it.  She is merely another contestant, and really, she is quite nice.  I know we could become best of friends but the rules state we must become enemies.  (sigh)  I went and sat down, hoping maybe to make friends with a Mr. Bob Pancakes and Summer, and that maybe the "enemy" would simply get up and walk away.  You can see the sadness on my face as I knew what I had to do.

I started off with a "rude introduction", might as well get the point for introducing myself, and then immediately began insulting, calling names and saying really mean things.

To my surprise, she retaliated in good form.  I guess the rules were the same for her as well.  It was sad for both of us that we had to be so hateful.

Pretty soon we were on our feet, ready to really have a go at it, although truly, I think she was just going to leave.  Of course, I couldn't allow that.  Rules are rules!   I thought I'd start off by scaring her....

Unfortunately, she didn't scare that easily.  So I pulled out all the stops and threatened her with my probe...

I pushed the "scare" button but instead of a terrifying probe my little yellow ducky appeared!!!  I had been wondering where that had gotten to.  So much for scaring her!

I tried again, pushing button number 3.  Obviously someone had gotten into my equipment and was playing a joke on me.  It could not have been at a worse time.  This was not going very well.

I hid my embarrassment by pretending to mock her clothing.

While that seemed to hurt her feelings a bit, it wasn't having the desired result.  I needed her to be angry and hateful.  (sigh)  Ok, pulling out a few more stops I started to yell at her.

Finally, I just hauled off and smacked her a good one while telling her her family were a bunch of losers and saying even more mean things.  (sniffs)

  That did it.  We finally wound up brawling like a pair of wildcats.

For awhile it seemed like her friend, Ulricke something or other, would join in.  I would be a goner if she did.  Fortunately, all she did was cheer my opponent on to little effect.

Ultimately, I won the day.  We were now enemies and despised one another.  It should have made me happy and feel proud of myself, instead, I was sad and disgusted at what I had had to do.  I began to wonder if this challenge was worth it. 

So many had watched the whole thing.  Mortified within myself, I simply left to ponder the day's events alone at home.  Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.  At least I don't have to make any more enemies.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline KTK10

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Alien Bloodline....Week One January 17
« Reply #34 on: January 17, 2016, 11:13:10 PM »
I absolutely HATE that part! The part where you have to make enemies.. you wrote it so well though! I like her very much  ;D

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Alien Bloodline....Week One January 17
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2016, 03:49:08 PM »
I think if anything that is the one part of the rules I would delete.  I don't think it adds anything to the challenge and it's just ugly and unnecessary, but that's only my opinion.  I can see them not getting to be friends but why have to make them enemies?
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline MarianT

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Alien Bloodline....Week One January 17
« Reply #36 on: January 18, 2016, 08:31:25 PM »
The Founders don't have to be enemies. The heirs have to pick someone to be an enemy with from the other families, though. Anyway, I'd never seen the yellow ducky appear (my sims don't use the probe much), and I laughed out loud. 
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Re: And the Winner Is.....Alien Bloodline....Week One Redo Feb.24
« Reply #37 on: January 19, 2016, 07:10:35 PM »
Oh, goody!  That means my other founders don't have to go through that.  Have to admit though it was really funny seeing first a mixer and then a yellow ducky show up.  I was really enjoying the Alien bloodline at last, (dreaded that one), and then time ran out!  Here's what happens next.

After having lost my original files, the team allowed me to go to an earlier file and bring my mansion and alien bloodlines back to the point where I had lost them.  Some things could not be completely duplicated but this is about as close as I could come to have things basically the same.  The house is different as is Star's disguise appearance, her helpers and the husband she found.  Other wise she is the same and the events are basically the same.  I hope you enjoy her ongoing saga.

After such a difficult and tiring day, I decided I would head to the gym in Windenberg for a little shut eye before continuing to find friends and helpers.  I changed my tent color to brighten my mood and went to sleep.

Before long I had made friends with Eliza and Bob Pancakes.  They agreed to move in and I immediately set them, and myself to work.  I needed a spouse and it would just take too long to seek one out here.  Besides, one of my requirements was to build reliable transport back to the home planet.  As I worked on my vessel, Bob cooked up a bunch of meals and Eliza started painting.

With the funds gotten from Eliza and Bob, I managed to set up our little "camp" into something that would be much more comfortable for all.

I had forgotten to mention our other household member, Jamie Castro.  A quiet, shy boy who had a talent for writing.  I knew his books would bring in a steady income so he was invited to join, not only our club, but also our family.  With all the help I was getting it was no time at all before I was on my way to Sixam.

What a strange and glorious world it was. Dimly lit, (it was no wonder my eyes often hurt back in the Simworld), but with beautiful shining plants and pools to bring color and delight to the eye. I set up my little camp and immediately began my tasks.

I was in awe at the sights, but more, my mouth began to water as I imagined how wonderful it would be to eat the succulent fruits I found.  I harvested all I could, hardly taking a break.

Time was moving on, and I stopped my gathering to meet what I hoped would be the man of my dreams.  Three men were quite attractive, and seemed friendly enough, but each one had what was a fatal flaw to me.  I would not tolerate evil, insane, mean or other negative traits in the future father of my child.  Finally, he came along.  I wasted no time and quickly made him a very close friend and invited him to move in with me.  He agreed of course, but I doubt he knew it would mean leaving Sixam!

Back in the Simworld in Newcrest Watcher had built a nice little home for us.  It would have to grow, of course, and unfortunately she lost all of our garden plants, but it was adequate.  Here's a shot of Jamie working hard at his computer.

Meanwhile, Eliza continued her efforts at making things even better for us.

My future spouse, Matty Wyman was fitting in quite nicely.  The more I saw of him the more I wanted a much closer relationship. I found him very handsome!  His traits were acceptable as well, although he was a bit squeamish.  Still being neat and a foodie, with business savvy was good enough.  I'm sure we'd find something good for him to do.

Believing we'd make a great couple, I asked him to join me outside by the fire pit.  At first we seemed a bit shy, gazing back at the stars wondering how things were on the home world.

Matty seemed to be the romantic type so our shyness quickly dissipated as we got cozy with one another.

After a bit of flirting, we realized we had deep feelings for one another, and soon we were sharing our first kiss.

We agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend and took a quick selfie to commemorate the deed.

I wasted no time at all and immediately proposed. 

Sealed with a kiss, we decided to actually have a wedding.  Time was wasting as we had mere hours left before my time was up for the week.

Our wedding was quickly assembled and destined for a gold medal.  Bob was busy whipping up the needed drinks and a cake, Eliza rallied the troops to keep everyone alert and all our club members attended as we took our vows.

Time for kisses and confetti!

A quick bite of cake......

And we're off on our honeymoon while the rest of the gang completes the wedding to gold.

When we come back let's hope it will be me with a fat tummy full of alienboo!  See ya then.

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2
« Reply #38 on: January 19, 2016, 10:44:39 PM »
Well!  That was awful!  Having to hang around being nondescript while my opponents had their shot at taking over MY neighborhood. I am, back again and really not too much to complain about.  My shop is doing very well for itself and is worth way more than $100,000.  I really could sell it at any time if it were not for having to have so darned many perks.  At the moment all I have is Serious Shopper, and you can see why........

With so many customers and such high sales, I've decided to go into phase two of the shop and start providing only food stuff, mostly baked goods.  I'm at Tungsten Chef level 8 cooking and am already a Line Cook at "work" so we'll see how my food goes.  Of course I have my helpers working at it as well.  Nancy Landgraab in particular enjoys baking things for the shop.

When I have to leave the shop to go to my "job", the shop has to be closed for business or I won't get those all important raises.  That doesn't mean my family can't remain in the building doing clean up things and cooking more.  Here's a shot of some of the guys doing some necessary reading while Nancy cooks their dinner.

My little darling, Sinead, has work to do as well.  She has at least one aspiration to complete, and more if possible.  We set her up with an art table and a violin so she can complete her Creativity aspiration.  She says she really gets inspired at looking out over the town and seeing how beautiful this world is.

Even Geoffrey has gotten with the program and when he's not painting up a storm he works on his mixology skill.  He loves making all the various drinks but is a bit disappointed that our Sinead isn't even allowed to have a root beer float.

Of course, there is always time for a bit of fun as well!

Once I'm home from work, or they are finished with the store chores, we all gather around for a delicious home cooked meal.  Pretty soon we'll have some fresh fruit and veggies from out little garden plot to make the dishes even tastier.

Time to rally the troops.  We have work to do!

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2
« Reply #39 on: January 20, 2016, 05:17:35 PM »
You would think with so much that needs to be done there would be no time left for just plain old fun.  Not true!  Each of us has their own way to just celebrate life with a few fun things to do, and if they also help fulfill an aspiration, why, even better.  Take my handsome husband for example.........

Don has always enjoyed working out and loves to be as fit as possible.  I can't say I disagree with him either.  Sure keeps him looking his best.  Health for him, eye candy for me.  Win, win.

The newest phase at our house is dancing!  You would think Geoffrey and Nancy were getting a bit long in the tooth for this but not at all.  Don takes over dj duties and the two lovers just rock on.

Mal normally gets his fun fix by playing his guitar but today was a special day.  He had finally achieved an A in high school, just in time for it to be his last day at school!  With his age bar bubbling away, Nancy barely had enough time to bake him a cake.  I've never seen him so happy.

Since I was at work we couldn't do a big birthday party, but there were enough family members and one friend there so it was a happy occasion nevertheless.

The family doesn't often get a chance to indulge in sweets, but today there was enough birthday cake for all.  Happy Birthday, Mal!

He was in such a good mood he even took time to become best friends with Sinead.  I doubt that will stop him from breaking the doll house but she keeps her room locked so no problems there.

Sinead was feeling particularly happy this day.  Not only had she completed her Creative Aspiration and maxed it out, but was well on her way to maxing Social Butterfly as well.  Here she is at our little near by park playing with one of her good friends.  They aren't fighting here but rather are making fun of adults!  How cute is that?

They both seemed to find it uproariously funny.

It was getting pretty late, and Sinead was at the park without an adult.  She knew she should be going home but was having so much fun she asked her friend to hang out and stay awhile longer.

After a few scary stories they had become really good friends.  I just hope he doesn't have any bad traits!

The next thing you know those two monkeys had decided to have a go at the jungle gym.

It was the first time for Sinead but she seemed to handle it quite well.

Uh oh!  Busted!  Don had come running looking for her.  It had gotten very late and she was no where in sight.  As a good parent, he was worried sick.  His first choice was to look in the park and of course, there she was.  She tried to explain to him that she was perfectly safe and there was no cause for alarm......

Unfortunately for her I was on my way home from work.  She was at the park at this hour!?  Not acceptable!  I absolutely could not just let this go no matter how hard she whined.

Don was obviously ready to cave in to her cuteness, but I had to stand fast.  She certainly did her best with the apologies and promises to never do it again if only we would not ground her.  ( I so wanted to smile!)

Apologies accepted, I could finally give in to my relief at seeing her safe and sound.  We both needed a hug!  Don waved at the neighbors to let them know all was well. 

That was enough adventure for one day.  I guess I'll tell you more tomorrow.  All in all it was a good day.
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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2
« Reply #40 on: January 20, 2016, 07:47:38 PM »
What a gorgeous family the Retail bloodline are!
I hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions....why do you have multiple painting tables on the roof?
Does Sinead host Painting parties with her classmates?

Also, I usually get an adult to do the Encourage interaction whenever I have a child at the painting table. I'm not really sure what that does---does the child level Creativity more quickly?

Sinead really takes after her handsome father and I laughed when he showed up at the park and saw that the pair both wear red T-shirts and jeans. How very cute!
Again, the shop is very appealing. Do you accept disciples, Joria?

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2
« Reply #41 on: January 20, 2016, 09:54:46 PM »
I love the way you wrote the story around the screenshots you got, especially at the end! Don waving to the neighbours to let them know everything was alright was absolutely perfect!  ;D

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2
« Reply #42 on: January 21, 2016, 09:03:09 AM »
@oshizu :
What a gorgeous family the Retail bloodline are!
I hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions....why do you have multiple painting tables on the roof?
Does Sinead host Painting parties with her classmates?

Thank you.  I think they are quite lovely as well.  I have multiple painting tables both on the roof and in her home so that I can queue up several paint actions to make her skill up faster.  I do the same thing with easels when the Sims are older.   I never thought of doing a paint party and not sure I could.  I'll have to try that.

Also, I usually get an adult to do the Encourage interaction whenever I have a child at the painting table. I'm not really sure what that does---does the child level Creativity more quickly?

I've never done that so I don't know if Encourage helps or not.  I'm usually micromanaging several Sims so tend to just queue up a lot of actions on each one and then just keep checking back and forth to make sure the queue doesn't drop.  With Creativity the fastest way I've found is to start with the violin because they will just keep playing till you make them stop.  I think the part where they have to draw each of five shapes comes later so that's when multiple painting tables comes in handy.  I just keep removing the art work either to a wall or their inventory and click on the now emptied table again.

Again, the shop is very appealing. Do you accept disciples, Joria?

Lol.  Of course I do.  Just ask Mrs. Flynn.  She was struggling with building so I did a tutorial for her.  Then she outstripped her teacher in no time flat.  She's really quite good.  Just was having a bit of difficulty with the mechanics.

@KTK10: Thank you.  I hadn't noticed Don doing the waving thing when I first took the shot as I was focused on Sinead.  When I saw it I remembered how neighbors would help look for a "lost" or "runaway" small child, or how they would just be watching the family drama.  It seemed natural for me to have him indicate all was well.  I know how much I would have panicked if one of mine had been missing out past curfew!

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2 Jan. 22
« Reply #43 on: January 22, 2016, 02:50:01 PM »
It's amazing how much time and effort one has to put in to parenting.  Sometimes it's all giggles and fun, sometimes it's just hugs and understanding a weeping child, and sometimes it's doing what must be done to see they grow up healthy, strong, and the best person they can be while allowing them the freedom to be who they chose to be.  When you have a career or a challenge to complete things can be even more complicated, especially when you have a very creative child.  Sinead, fortunately, is pretty independent and doesn't require constant attention.  She's a cheerful, happy child who loves to accomplish the goals she sets for herself.  So when we have those rare, special moments, I take full advantage of them.  Even Malcolm enjoys story time with us.

In our busy family all too often our time is taken up with all the things we believe we "have" to do.  There is a store to run, which takes a tremendous amount of time and work, our various jobs or careers, and the all important skills and aspirations.  This time my darling Don and I decided we needed a day that would mostly be just for us.  Sinead was off to school and the other three members of the household could just fend for themselves.  It was going to be our special day where we would fulfill our Soul Mate requirement, or at least give it our best shot.

 Our first date of the day took us to Willow Creek.  We had always enjoyed the beautiful area behind the museum by the water.  The flowers were gorgeous and the view of the river was enchanting.  It added just that special flavor to the day.  Cuddling with my lover, who could ask for more?

We both knew we had a special love that we would share for ever.

Don, being the romantic he is, took that particular time to express his undying love.....

Our next stop for the day was the park in Oasis Springs.  Here's a snapshot of Don and I as we sat and discussed our future together.  He looks so serious while "casually" putting his arm around me.

I felt so fortunate to have been able to marry such a romantic, yet very manly man.  He swept me off my feet and completely stole my heart away.  Lucky, lucky, me!

We did our three dates in no time at all it seemed.  The day just flew by.  I didn't have to be at work again for four days, which was a bit of a worry as I really needed more promotions.  Still, nothing was going to spoil this day!  It was time for Sinead to be home from school so we ended our dates and called the rest of the family to come join us at the park.  Sinead had accomplished one of her goals and gotten her first A in school.  Here is the picture I took of her Aunt Nancy congratulating her.

Remember that scamp Sinead had been playing with at our home park?  Well, after she had spent some time playing in Willow Creek she got a call from him inviting her to go hang out at his house.  We agreed to let her go but insisted we all go with her to meet his family and himself of course.  You can't be too careful about who your heir is going to hang around with, especially when it's a member of the opposite sex.  The Landgraab's nicely took her off  to the neighborhood play area while we got to size up the family.

Malcolm had a particularly good time playing Sea Monster while Captain Sinead, the terror of the seven seas, hunted him down.

I took the time to chat and get to know the teenage daughter of the house.  She seemed nice enough, and was friendly and polite.

Don, meanwhile, took Spencer aside for some cloud gazing and to get to know him better.  A little early to ask what his intentions toward Sinead were but not too early to find out what kind of a young man he was.

Time was moving on and as the shadows lengthened, Nancy and Geoffrey took some time to read to Sinead and calm her down after all her monster play.

Mal, gratefully took that opportunity to have some fun practicing his guitar.  He was actually getting quite good at it.

Just about the time we thought we'd best pack up and leave, Sheldon's mother and father came home from work.  Well!  What a piece of work they are!  The dad had a jealous streak a mile long and was a very unpleasant person to talk with.

Mom was no better, worse even if possible.  She had a mean streak that she decided to take out on Sheldon right there in front of Don.  My heart went out to the boy and it certainly did not bode well for how he would turn out.  It could be this was one friendship that needed to cool a bit.

We were not about to allow this to ruin our happy day so off we all went back to the park!  Rally the troops and time for fun!

We met a few interesting characters while there, took some time to mix up a few drinks, played some chess and then topped it all off by a group dance fest.  What fun!

We had more energy than we knew what to do with so we all headed to the bakery.  Sinead had to finish her homework and get ready for school and we had a lot to do to get that bakery going the way we wanted.  I had three days left before I had to be at work so time was of the essence.  Nancy and I headed down to the kitchen area where we started marathon baking and cooking.

Geof was upstairs getting the till ready and opening the store up for business.  The shelves weren't quite as full as we'd wanted but between Nancy, Mal and I we would soon have them bursting with sweetness.

Time to start the day!  Doors are open and as Don and Geof congratulated each other it was time for Sweet Thyme Bakery to shine.

Come on in and have a bite!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
My No Buy Story
Joria's Creations on the Gallery

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Week 2, Jan. 22 update
« Reply #44 on: January 22, 2016, 03:10:31 PM »
Your bakery is making me hungry! Sinead is such a cute kid -- I love the picture of her dancing with the group.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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