Author Topic: Re: And the Winner Is..The End of It All - Graveyard Please  (Read 34448 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, First Few Days
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2016, 02:38:15 PM »
Yes, Audrey Hepburn! I love your stories and can't wait to see the other ladies in action.
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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Ooooh, Nooboo!
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2016, 02:47:00 PM »
The time seemed to really zip by.  First came love, then came marriage, then came......well, you probably know the rest......Audrey with a baby carriage.  Don was taking this in stride and being the wonderful, caring man he is, took time often to just talk to our nooboo to be and feel my tummy.  Adorable man!

That picture was taken outside our new store on opening day.  We had done everything we could think of to get it ready.  It was well stocked with a variety of kitchen items and yes, even a few baked goods, and a lot of the clutter and spacial mess had been dealt with.  Customers could no longer go down into the basement kitchen area, and several tables and chairs had been sold off.  We hoped this would make it a lot easier to deal with the crowds we were expecting.  At first it was fairly slow, or rather, manageable.

Pretty soon we were swamped!  I kept feeling like I had to run to the jon every five minutes, but that's just what it's like when there is a nooboo on the way.  Today, for some reason, it was worse and just not what I needed for opening day.

I did manage to take some time downstairs and grab a nap on the sofa but something was telling me I had things to do and places to be and it wasn't here in the store.

We had finally closed up shop after making over 4k profit!  Yay us!  I decided maybe we should just spend the night there so we'd get a fresh start early the next day.  Don and I had crept up to our tent on the balcony while Nancy, Geoffrey and Malcolm finished stocking and cleaning up.  I had barely gotten settled in when I realized there would NOT be an overnight camping trip for us that night! 

Don of course, instantly went into expectant father panic mode.  Funny how it affects men that way, even the calmest of them seem to lose it when a nooboo is about to make it's presence known.  He rushed me home where our little one's room had been prepared well ahead of time.  You would have thought he was the one going to deliver the way he raced down the hall.  Thankfully, Geoffrey remained by my side.  He'd been through this before with Nancy so just made sure I was safe.

Typical male, once the actual work had started off he ran, "To boil some water or something" he said.  Yeah, right.  What does boiling water have to do with this?

Ok, I know, everyone has these funny shots of the faces we ladies make when we are in labor but I just gotta share.  Bear with me while I bear down.....(snicker)

And then it all stopped.

Ok.  What the heck?  False alarm?  It IS about that time.  I mean, it's Thursday already and if my tummy got any bigger I'd need a wheelbarrow to carry it around.  Ok, no matter.  I suddenly had this terrible craving for franks and beans.  Not MY franks and beans, oh no, that would have been too easy.  So I wandered over to the little park next door and sat down to a big bowlful of LEFTOVER franks and beans cooked by who knows who or when.

Maybe it was the beans but I soon knew I had better head back home and pronto!

And here she is, our beautiful Sinead Simburn.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Oooooh, Nooboo!
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2016, 08:46:06 AM »
I can't stop laughing at Don running towards the nursery then away. Talk about false alarms but welcome Sinead.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Oooooh, Nooboo!
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2016, 12:35:57 PM »
This whole birth thing took hours of game play.  I've never had a birth take so long, but considering there had to be time out for franks and beans I guess I should have expected it.  It was the funniest birth ever.  All I had to do was sit back laughing while it all happened and every so often hit the C.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Oooooh, Nooboo!
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2016, 12:37:31 AM »
Now that was one odd birthing!
I'd never seen a sim have a false alarm before. With all her funny facial expressions, we were all set to see the nooboo, but she wanders off to the park!?

I googled, but didn't understand your pun with the boy's name. Sinead. I get that it's an Irish name, but....are you alluding to Audrey Sinead? *puzzled

What a gorgeous bakery! You remarked that you keep customers out of the kitchen, but can't they just go down the stairs? (Share your secrets?)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Oooooh, Nooboo!
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2016, 03:01:35 AM »
The only Sinead I could think of was Sinead O'Connor (love her music)

It does seem like birth takes forever in Sims 4 now, I usually get irritated halfway through and just click on the bassinet! How cool would it be if you could do that in RL lol "yeah, this labour is taking too long... Oh wait... There's the crib, let's go pop one out" lol

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Oooooh, Nooboo!
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2016, 01:46:59 PM »
Now that was one odd birthing!
I'd never seen a sim have a false alarm before. With all her funny facial expressions, we were all set to see the nooboo, but she wanders off to the park!?

I googled, but didn't understand your pun with the boy's name. Sinead. I get that it's an Irish name, but....are you alluding to Audrey Sinead? *puzzled

What a gorgeous bakery! You remarked that you keep customers out of the kitchen, but can't they just go down the stairs? (Share your secrets?)

@oshizu: It was really quite funny.  She started off in the bakery and I fully expected the game to whisk her off to the hospital.  When it didn't, they all traveled home with Don running around like crazy.  Then he leaves her and she does what seemed like hours of funny faces.  Then she just stopped, and took off running to the park to eat franks and beans.  I totally was just watching to see what happened until she started making labor faces in the park.  I didn't want her to go to the hospital so "Watcher" sent her home where it took another several minutes till the nooboo was born.

Sinead is usually a female name as far as I know, (and for those reading who may not know it is pronounced Shih nayd).  In this case I had been thinking of my great-granddaughter and her Irish step dancing, which led me to her instructor, Sinead Yates, descendant of the poet and a lovely person.  Who is Audry Sinead?

As for the bakery, I didn't show it in the screenies but I added walls and a door around those stairs and then locked it to all but family members to keep customers out.  They were really beginning to be annoying down there.

The only Sinead I could think of was Sinead O'Connor (love her music)

It does seem like birth takes forever in Sims 4 now, I usually get irritated halfway through and just click on the bassinet! How cool would it be if you could do that in RL lol "yeah, this labour is taking too long... Oh wait... There's the crib, let's go pop one out" lol

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@Magpie2012:  I love her music as well!  I'm going to try for Irish/Gaelic names for my heirs.  Already have Siobhan , Saoirse and Brighdín, (Breeda, our Sinead's Mom).  Might even add my Ceilidgh's name, (pronounced Kay Lee).  S is often pronounced sheh, or shi and if you see an H after a consonant it makes the consonant silent.  A very confusing when written but musical sounding language. 
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, End of Week One
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2016, 02:38:48 PM »
With a full household, and several of us being able to acquire "Connections", we soon had quite a fortune on our hands.  Really we weren't "trying" to out mansion the Mansion Bloodline, our horrible rivals, but it seems like we may have just done it anyway, without even acquiring the aspiration to do so.  Here's a couple of shots of our house as it stands today:

We're starting to set off areas for our special emotional activities.  Little Sinead will have to have a space to do all her art work and such, and the more focused folk will need their space as well.  Can you see the big flaw in our houses design?  It's so spread out it takes forever to go from one spot to another and the gallery "halls" almost feel like a maze. 

Of course, it needs a bit of landscaping and there is always room to improve but we like it.  The basement level will be improved eventually to hold more fun and games stuff and of course, a room for our family museum.

Our family is pretty well settled in now.  The shop is already worth quite a bit of money, but not quite enough to be up for sale.  I've actually gotten a job but only spent a day or two working so no promotions yet.  Our extended family is doing quite well too.  Here are Nancy and Geoffrey taking some time off from their duties.  Nancy is our archivist and gardener and Geoffrey spends most of his time at his easels. 

Malcolm has been working very hard at becoming a better person and actually has a few friends now.  He still sometimes lapses into his evil personal but we find his guitar playing helps keep him happier and therefor nicer.  He is now a B student, quite an achievement for him and we are very proud of him.  He's also one of our best salesmen.

Don has settled in to fatherhood quite well.  I think little Sinead is going to be a daddy's girl for sure with all the attention she gets from him.

Being a "family" has affected us all.  Even Malcolm has managed to put aside his teenage angst and has become best friends with his Dad, much to Geoffrey's relief.

Don has been wanting to expand his horizons and is contemplating joining the Scientist career.  He eventually wants to track down the aliens currently infesting our world and find out if they really want to take over, or maybe it's just join in.  No matter, they are our rivals and just might become our enemies, despite being really good customers.  Here's Nancy helping him to learn some logical strategy.

Here's a shot Don took of me having Breakfast at Simburn's.  He just loves it when I dress up before I go visit my friend Joe.

I decided I really wanted to bring him a fresh plate of eggs and toast so here I go off to my favorite park.  It just seems more fun to eat there rather than at home.  At least when I'm eating by myself. 

In due time, and really JUST in time, Sinead aged up to become a lovely little girl.  Didn't even need the dresser right away!

Like I said, "Daddy's girl".

Don was teaching her how big kids eat.......

But little "Sassy Sue" had ideas of her own.

Let's hope this is not going to be a trend for the future!

It had been a very busy day at the shop, so afterwards the family decided on some relaxation time at our newly landscaped pool area.

It got to be pretty late so we decided to sit down for one final meal before we had to give up our time to the next set of rivals.  So we'll leave you just in the nick of time with our family all gathered around the table, discussing our rivals, our strategy and being generally gleeful knowing we have the BEST lot, best house, and best chance for the win! 

See you in two weeks!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, Oooooh, Nooboo!
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2016, 02:58:32 PM »
Such sass, she's a cutie. I love your house and the pool area, I want it in real life.
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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, End of Week One
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2016, 10:16:28 PM »
I just love Audry in her "breakfast at Tiffany's" outfit! You got her perfectly! Looks like Sinead is going to be the spitting image of Don, can't wait to see more close ups of her! Gorgeous house (of course) and I love your bakery. Well done household!  ;D

Offline oshizu

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Retail, End of Week One
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2016, 01:43:40 AM »
What a gorgeous hacienda-style home!  Love the sunken center courtyard with pool.
Apparently, Audrey Sinead is an indie singer-songwriter. I don't listen to that kind of music but her website came up when I googled Audrey and Sinead, lol. Here's the link:
Hmmph, no connection. What a coincidence, lol.

What a lovely meal scene!  The perfect ending to a wonderful day, it seems.

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion...So It Begins
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2016, 03:52:09 PM »
Author's Note:  Just wanted to say thank you for all your kind remarks and for reading this story.  I've been pretty sick and not really in the best spot creatively speaking so wasn't always in top condition for writing or taking pictures.  Thanks for sticking with me.  Now, here's the next bloodline ready to step up.  Again, done while I was sick so apologies for lack of pictures and content.

Writer's Note:  My apologies.  Due the massive mess Mediafire has caused, many pictures are missing.  I therefor simply deleted their ugly message saying they were missing and left you all with a wall of text for now.  It WILL improve I promise!

Ok, I guess it's our turn now.  Let me introduce myself.  My name is Marina Marr and if I look a lot like that Simburn creature, well, couldn't be helped.  She is a cousin after all. 

Opening day for the challenge came and here I am with a big lot of nothing except a big lot.  It's in a pretty good local being in Newcrest, but that other person was granted the lot I'd hoped would be mine.  After all, I AM the aristocratic one, am I not?  Rather than getting all depressed and defeated at the prospect of what would like ahead, I just pulled on my big girl panties and set to work.  I absolutely was NOT going to live like a vagrant for long so I immediately set off to find my willing slaves, errr...housemate helpers.  I knew exactly what I wanted and who.  I wanted cash coming in and a lot of it and fast so to my way of thinking an artist and a writer was tops on my list.  Ulrike Faust was the first on my list. I complimented her a lot on her charming little house, (ok, I lied a little), and we set off to cloudgaze.  It was so easy to get her to like me and the idea of moving in to a place where she would have unlimited time for her art was just too enticing.  She agreed immediately and she and her roomie, Maaike Haas, went immediately to our future home.  Wonder what they both thought when what greeted them was an empty lot?  Ah well, it will improve.  Just so they wouldn't be too uncomfortable I had my Watcher set up some tents and necessary things.  The money from the sale of their house would at least keep them under some sort of roof and I would pocket the rest for future house buying.

With that under my belt it was time to go find item number two, the next most necessary member of our future household.  A spouse.  There weren't all that many likely candidates to choose from actually.  Most of the men were either too old, too ugly, too evil or too broke to suite me.  I wanted someone I could love.  That Simburn woman had already snagged the guy I considered the most eligible so I had to find someone else.  Most of my day was spent trying to track down a man of my dreams.  No one in the park.  No one I liked at the gym.  No one anywhere it seemed!!  Oh sure, I made a few friends, or at least acquaintences, but no husband.  I decided to go visit someone called J. something or other the third.
It seemed every other cloud he described looked rather like a ball and chain to him, so despite his obvious attractions, (well, he IS a looker!), I didn't feel like having to deal with his rather neurotic need to be unattached. 

My next stop, at what I considered to be sheer desperation, (it was getting quite late), was at the house of two young men in Windenburg.  The first guy, Sergio Romeo hated kids.  He right off told me that!  No husband material there!  The other one, you know, the cute one, Joaquin La Chien, was definitely a winner.  I sweet talked him into moving in with us, and since I wanted the extra cash, I took both of those guys.  Too late to do anymore, we all just headed to sleep.  Rather pathetic but I figured the next day I could get everyone busy making us some money while I wooed Joaquin.  I was determined to be pregnant before the day was out, wedding or no wedding.  It actually took a lot of work and time but........


With the magic of the Watcher and the accumulated cash from all three groups, (me, my helpers and my future spouse), we soon had a house.  It was rather a pink confection of a place empty of everything we'd need to make life liveable.  Good thing I'd put our necessary stuff in storage!  We sold off the tents and bought some beds and extra things we might need and voila!  Before the crew could even complain about the accommodations I was busy in our new kitchen whipping up some yummy meals for us all.

We spent most of the day working, skilling up and planning what our future would hold.  May, (short for Maaike), quit her job so she could spend more time writing.  Sergio took a job as a scientist, mostly to keep him out of our hair and away from our future heir.  Ulrike kept hers for a bit while we settled in.  Jo, (short for Joaquin), reluctantly quit his job as well.  He might get one later but for now I figured he could just learn stuff, garden and gather and mostly keep me happy.  We had soul mate ahead of us and that would take time, plus there was a wedding to plan somewhere down the road.

And what a wedding it was!!  We both looked pretty good if I do say so myself.  To my surprise, I found we both actually did love one another.  It made taking that big step a dream come true rather than just another item to click off my list! 

We had quite a nice shindig afterward with wedding cake, confetti and all.  A gold medal event and another item ticked off my list, one of three required gold medal parties.

Later that night, Jo was so tender and caring.  He was proud and happy to be a future father and let me know right from the start he would have married me even if I wasn't pregnant.  This just made him love me even more.  Sigh.....what a guy.

Just a heads up, if anyone out there is planning on going on a date to the haunted estate, don't!  The facilities are few and far between and sometimes you just don't make it on time! Fortunately, Jo overlooked all this and our date was a definite silver.  We ended it early but in time for the reward and headed home.  I REALLY needed a shower and change of clothes!

Well, best get back at it.  There's a lot more to go.  Be seeing you all soon!

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion.....So It Begins
« Reply #27 on: January 12, 2016, 10:14:02 PM »
Oh poor Marina! Thanks for the heads up on the haunted mansion..I do love Jo, so you picked the perfect guy (if you couldn't have Don that is.. :P) Looking forward to reading the rest.. but only when you feel better! Don't rush if your feeling sick, we will all be here waiting I promise1  ;D

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion.....So It Begins
« Reply #28 on: January 12, 2016, 10:31:38 PM »
Congratulations to Marina on all her progress in one day--a new home and roommates, a boyfriend/husband, and nooboo on the way.
Lol about your reaction to J, haha. I stil remember when I was first playing Sims 4, my sim met J in his white tux somewhere and looked for him for many sim days.  I'm still a J fangirl. :-)
I've not had much contact with Joaquin, but he looks quite nice after your makeover.

Your girls are such stunners, Joria! And of course, you built starter homes for this challenge but you are making your own.  Can't wait to see what happens with each of your ladies!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: And the Winner Is.....Mansion.....So It Begins
« Reply #29 on: January 14, 2016, 03:38:11 PM »
Poor Marina, what a nightmare to be so stinky on a date lol. Best of luck to her, I love the idea of two cousins competing.
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