Author Topic: The Riley Immortal Dynasty  (Read 8677 times)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2016, 01:44:11 PM »
Sorry for the double post: I think @LenaLJ might have made a spreadsheet for the Immortal Dynasty? I know there was one for the TS3 version, and it helped people keep track, so maybe take a look at the ID thread and see if there's one in the first post? Otherwise, you could make your own spreadsheet, or keep notes in a book (I prefer to have a hard copy back up in case my digital files fry!)

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I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Chickwit

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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2016, 02:11:41 PM »
@ reggikko Great tip. I just started playing Sims 4 last week. I’m kind of surprised by how much I’ve forgotten about, plus it’s different and I’ve been away from the Sims for about 4 years. Oh in the middle I played some but I just didn’t enjoy Sims 3 as much as the first two versions.

@Magpie2012 – Oh my goodness no, I didn’t even realize I could save the game any different than just hitting save. I feel like such a nooboo! Many thanks for all the tips, I need them. I’ll go back and revisit the Dynasty thread to see what I can find.

 I probably should have waited to actually get some experience/familiarity with the game but the stories are so much fun.

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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2016, 04:14:15 PM »
Ciao Watcher populace,

J. Huntington the 3rd here to speak with you regarding some very important details.

As you are aware; my roommate Elaoria has been searching all over the Oasis for the Knight of her dreams. She seems burdened with the stress of needing an heir to populate the Dynasty. Perhaps many of you already are aware of my proclivities towards commitment? My reputation has been getting around and though accurate I feel slightly deprived of understanding. I’m not attempting to sway your opinions of me. Well, actually I suppose I am trying to do that.

Elaoria is lovely! She’s not chatty and actually enjoys spending time quietly. Both very admirable qualities. She knows what she wants and I see myself as unstable. In a nutshell I come from a fairly dysfunctional family system. I get antsy and worry I don’t have anything valuable to offer. Especially someone like Elaoria. She’s not just great to look at but has goals, ambitions and wants a family. I’m undecided and have tried a couple of careers. None “feel” right to me. Ela, she’s going to be a famous writer someday. Something she and Gavin have in common. To be honest I’m surprised the two of them are just friends. Both are writers and she asked him to move in with her. He’s such a steady friend though, he didn’t want to leave the rest of us behind so when he called to say he was moving in with Ela. I thought that would be the end of it. Apparently he’d talked about us with her and she thought sharing the expense of a household would be a wise use of resources. Zoe was excited at the prospect of having a another female in the house. Wherever Zoe goes; Mitch follows. I didn’t want to stay in our apartment by myself so I came along too.

I felt bad when I saw who she was. She had tried to chat with me in town and I was already miserable about my dishwashing job. Ugh, you have no idea! Positively gross! So our first conversation wasn’t a good one. I’ve tried to be distant but it’s difficult living under the same roof. I even changed vocations; figured if I was working with the criminal elements, the hours would keep me away from her. It did!

Mitch and Gavin were talking about Duncan Knutson being around the house a lot. I don’t like him! I stayed home from work sick one night and while I was resting on the couch Ela came home. She was dressed up and looked even more stunning than normal. Yet, here I am in my pajama’s and stupid bunny slippers lazing about. All I could do was watch her wander about in a haze of hopeful bliss. She had been out on a date with Duncan. I wanted to vomit!

She smiled at me as she headed into the washroom.
“J can I get you anything from the kitchen?”

I sneezed, mortified I had snot on my face.
Mumbled a quick “No thanks” and pulled the afghan around me.

“Okay, well don’t hesitate to ask.”

I heard the door click closed after she disappeared behind the couch and quickly dug out the tissues to blow my nose. How embarrassing.

The next day Gavin and Mitch were talking about Ela’s date. Gavin was annoyed that Duncan became jealous. I grabbed some eggs, settling myself at the island counter. Both of them glanced at me and said hello.
“He was steamed Ela hugged me goodnight. Seriously we are friends get over it loser.” Gavin made a couple of rude, inappropriate to repeat comments. Mitch just nodded and kept stuffing his face with someone’s bowl of left over mac and cheese.

Gavin stared at me; “Hey, why don’t you ask Ela out on a date?”

I blinked, finished chewing and stalled by sipping some coffee.
“Come on Gav, you know me. I don’t do commitment.”

Gavin rolled his eyes “Oh, I’ll tell you what I know. I know you like her and that she likes you. I know you are being a stubborn horses behind AND I also KNOW Duncan is not good enough for her.” He paused but I could tell he had more to say.

“J, you are a good man; no matter who your family is or what anyone thinks. Maybe if you gave it a chance Elaoria would be good for you.”

Just then Gavin’s ride showed up. He smacked me on the shoulder as he went by “Think about it, Ela and Duncan’s nooboos could be waking you in the night real soon my friend.”

Later that night my boss told me I needed to steal an old ladies purse. I quit my job on the spot; I don’t steal from old ladies. Heck I don’t steal from anybody. I’m a make your own way in the world kind of guy. Just because I can’t decide what I want to do with the rest of my life doesn’t mean I’m a slacker.

As I was getting out of the cab. I spotted Duncan kissing Elaoria on our doorstep. He was leaving so as we passed I bid him a goodnight. He smirked at me as he passed and that bothered me!

I went inside and Mitch gave me two thumbs up.
“We gonna have us some blonde nooboo’s if this keeps up.”

I ran my hands over my face, feeling the late day stubble. I was tired and had a crappy night. No way could I ignore the obvious. If I didn’t make a move soon Duncan would. With Elaoria’s birthday coming up she was anxious to have an heir.

Grabbing my dinner I carried it upstairs to talk with Ela. I felt silly and uncomfortable but the only place to sit was on the bed. I sat their listening to her gush about her date with the wonderful Duncan.

But I listened and let her talk. She was interested but didn’t really seem to have strong feelings for him. Nothing like when my sister fell for her boyfriend and she didn’t talk like Zoe either.  Her voice was mesmerizing and as I listened I thought.

I still have a chance.

To be continued…

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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2016, 04:28:25 PM »
Notes from Elaoria's Journal

Spending some time fishing I did a little self-assessment. I Contemplated how I treat people and my own quirks. I’m always nice to people, love the outdoors and I’m family oriented. One would think this dilemma should have resolved itself fairly easy. Perhaps I have been too picky? Maybe, I’ve been searching for good looks in lieu of a great personality? Of course I want beautiful nooboos. Who doesn’t?

Contenders are:
Duncan Knutson
Pro’s – Fun to hang out with. He likes to visit a lot. Of all the males we have spent the most time together. We like each other.
Con’s – I’m just not into blonde hair (oh boy, now I’m superficial). I learned he can be jealous in one of our conversations.

J. Huntington III
Pro’s – Handsome, quiet, easy access since we are roommates. Nice abs, oh heck nice everything. He wants to be a bodybuilder and spends a lot of time working out.
Con’s – He can’t keep a steady job and gets bored easy. Is very noncommittal. Oh and he sometimes gets annoyed for n reason I don’t understand. Spends a lot of time working out.

Also, has seen me at my worst.

Don Lothario
Pro’s –  Handsome and charming. Ladies, have you seen this guy? Vavava Voom he’s stunning! What a dreamboat. I bet all his nooboos are gorgeous too.
Con’s – He gets around. I know, I know, maybe he just hasn’t met the right sim mate. I’m not the jealous type but I’d have a hard time with him being so flirty.

Out of desperation I called Don and invited him to go to the park with me. All in all we had a great day. He even fished with me (as you can see by earlier photo evidence). I grilled our dinner he seemed pleased with my efforts. I love his smile. Definitely a candidate.

Duncan has seen me first thing in the morning before I’m out of my pajama’s. Kind of weird but I’m thankful watcher lady selected something modest. I’m not sure how I feel about the bunny slippers but she says they are cute and she also has her own pair somewhere out there where the Watchers live. Maybe I should ask her to send me a selfie as proof? Meh, whatever in the long run it really doesn’t matter. He invited me out on a date to the spa. We chatted about life and shared interests while relaxing in the sauna. He abruptly left the room though. I assumed perhaps he needed to use the loo (as I did) and was too embarrassed to say so. Later I found him in a yoga class. I joined a bit late but it wasn’t terrible. He even flirted with me and we had a great date I think we hit gold star status ((Watcher lady can’t remember)). I certainly enjoyed myself and we kissed, it was nice. I was practically glowing when I arrived home.

I'm still kind of floored by J's visit. He was so kind listening and really seemed to care about how I felt. He was so cute when he fell asleep, butt in the air and passed out on the floor.

Offline KTK10

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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2016, 10:24:46 PM »
@Chickwit - that story was fantastic! I never really liked J myself (I think it's the jumper tied around the shoulder thing..)but after reading what you wrote I'm looking at him completely different! Going to bookmark this and can not wait for more!  ;D

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2016, 05:58:04 AM »
I really enjoyed reading about these sims from a different perspective. I think I might be on Team J!
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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2016, 02:09:49 PM »
@Playalot and @KTK10 Thank you very much!

Very few people seemed to like J and that got the gears turning in my head a bit yesterday. I wasn't liking him much until I started asking myself "Why does he act that way" and other questions.

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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2016, 02:21:46 PM »
Go with J xD I adore Elaoria, really love the voice you have for her.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2016, 08:21:56 PM »

I blinked a few times struggling to clear the fog in my head.
All I saw was darkness and didn’t immediately recognize my surroundings. I rolled to my side dragging a soft blanket over with me and listened. I could just barely make out Elaoria’s soft breathing. Clearly she’s a peaceful sleeper. 
“Oh darn, looks like I fell asleep.” I mumbled.
I stood up quietly and could just make out her still form on the bed. She looked like an Angel. An angel with fiery red hair covering her cute face. In a big bed made for two…
Leaving her room I went to the washroom and talked to myself in the mirror a bit. I’m constantly embarrassing myself around Ela and I needed to convince myself it’s just a normal sim life experience. It’s hard fighting an inborn trait and being non-committal was becoming a burden. I had to fight my natural tendencies if I wanted to win Ela’s heart. The idea of her woohooing with Duncan was like a physical blow to the chest. As her roommate I’d be expected to, at the bare minimum behave in a civil manner. In reality I’d have to move out. No way could I stay here knowing he was holding her and making nooboos.
“Ah heck no, that isn’t happening on my watch” he declared to himself.
It was still early so I crawled into my own single bed and fell asleep to my new mantra. “I can handle this by remaining positive and attentive.”

Since I quit my job, again. I had free time. Coincidently it was also Elaoria’s day off. Her bedroom door was still closed so I had a quick shower, primped myself a bit more than usual before heading downstairs to prepare breakfast. As I sauntered into the kitchen the delightful aroma of bacon, eggs and coffee filled the air. Mitch had beat me to it.
“Hey J!” I got in chorus.
Mitch did a fancy flip with the eggs and Zoe giggled next to him.
“So J, late night in Ela’s room?” Zoe teased with a grin.
I blushed and stammered “Errrr, well; I think I fell asleep while Elaoria was talking to me. Woke up on the floor covered in blanket.”
“Aw that’s so sweet” Zoe cooed as she cleared last nights goblets from the table.
Gavin gave me a look like a father getting ready to give the, after prom lecture.
“Sup” I mumbled to him.
Gavin just laughed and hip bumped me like a bro.
“We good my friend?” I asked.
“Only if you’re looking extra spiffy cause you’re asking Ela on a date today!” He wagged his finger at me.
I was sipping on coffee trying to look nonchalant when Ela walked in. She was ready for the day too. Hip hugger jeans, tall low heeled boots and a button up blue and green plaid shirt.  I wanted to whistle but I didn’t.
“Ding fries are done ladies” Mitch announced. We quickly filled our plates and the typical morning banter began.
I followed Ela out the garden while she watered the plants.
“Umm.” I began scuffing my toe on a weed peeking out. “Do you want to go to the club with me?” I looked sheepishly up at her.
Elaoria turned toward J smiling radiantly. “I thought you’d  never ask. Yes, that would be wonderful.”

((Apparently she thought her robe appropriate, J didn't seem to mind.))


“Oh Watcher lady… you whooooo.”
The screen flickered a bit. “Hello there Elaoria, how’s the search going?”
“Pshhh, as if you don’t know!” She grinned.

There was a bit of Karmic payback for Ela!


Meanwhile check out Zoe and Mitch.

Zoe and Mitch had a Gold star date.
They came back engaged!

Oh my stars… What a delightful surprise. My date with J was amazing!
He always looks nice but today he was so attentive. We talked, had some drinks and chips at the bar. We shared some secrets with each other. It was completely unlike my dates with Duncan. It was like J couldn’t learn enough about me. We flirted, he gave me a beautiful rose and kissed me so sweetly. He was hesitant; I could tell he was nervous and feared rejection. Apparently there’s some kind of meter thingy that rates how well our date’s going. I tried not to think too hard and just focused on getting to know J and staring into his eyes. As we were getting ready to leave he spun me around and asked if I’d be his girlfriend. Next thing I know I’m breathless. Wowza!!!
Tomorrow’s my birthday!

((Another Gold Star Date))


((A little after Ela went out to water the plants this conversation happened.))

J sauntered into the living room while Elaoria had a snack in the kitchen.
He laughed at Gavin and Mitch’s concerned expressions “Ha, ha; bye, bye Duncan Schmuncan! Gold star date my friends.”
“Bazinga” Mitch shouted.
Elaoria hurried into the room staring at Mitch “What the?’
“The game, killer touchdown for Sim U, we won!” He clicked off the television and skedaddled with Gavin into the back yard.

After work, I came home to a surprise birthday party! Woohoo….

There was a piano player, a lovely cake that Mitch made for me and our closest friends. Of course there was J all debonair with a big smile on his face next to me all night too. We rocked that party too (Gold star).
I was eating cake when J went down on one knee and proposed. Of course I said yes.
The ring is lovely, sparkling in the light. I just want to show the entire world!
Look at that rock!

We ahh, celebrated; with a little....

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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #24 on: January 07, 2016, 10:00:58 PM »
*throws confetti* Well done J for being so brave and asking her out and then proposing! Keep going Chickwit, this is great  ;D

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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #25 on: January 08, 2016, 07:53:40 AM »
Ela passing out in front of J, that was both unexpected and funny. Congrats to both couples ^-^
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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #26 on: January 08, 2016, 10:40:00 AM »
I've been having a blast with this.

I also deleted the second posting. Sorry about that and I'm not even sure how that happened.

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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2016, 05:39:44 PM »
Greetings from Gavin
Our household has been a bit busy the last couple of days. First off I must say how very pleased I am with the engagement of my fellow housemates.
Zoe & Mitch
Elaoria & J
I wish we had time to throw combined engagement parties. However; If it wasn’t for Mitch, Elaoria’s birthday party wouldn’t have happened either. Thank goodness that was a hit and we received the coveted Gold star status.

Here are a few pictures to enjoy.

Zoe looks just lovely in this oversized manshirt. Notice that it is pink!
I bet 100 simoleans that's actually Mitch's shirt.

I snapped this in secret. Maybe this explains why Zoe's been hogging the downstairs facilities lately.

Obviously someone else snapped this shot.
Why am I wearing an astronaut helmet? Seriously am I eating through the face shield here? Watcher's paying me back for my snarky Mitch comment.

Do you see what I see?

Maybe now?

Oh my! As the lone single adult in this house these moments are awkward.

Awwww! J looks rather excited.

Making the announcement to Mrs. Landgrab.

This guy just doesn't get it. He stops by and look at that face. He's thinking things of an unspeakable nature and there she is ready to pop. Is he even bothered she's pregnant? Well clearly not; he's thinking, well, urmmm, well you can just guess for yourselves. This picture says it all.

Not a poker player!

Elaoria's telling J he has nothing to worry about. She's just friends with "The Dunc"... Ha, Ha, I'm going to call him that from now on.

We've got guppies!

Now for the real meat and bones of this update.
We have NOOBOO’s!!! That’s plural in case you missed it.

First to be born; I introduce Miss Olivia Kalani!
Zoe and Mitch’s little sweetheart. Look at that; so beautiful.

I tried to get a family picture with them all together. But nooboos birthing is exhausting work. Dear Zoe had to take a quick nap While Mitch stepped in for some quality Daddy daughter time.

On to the main event.
Meanwhile downstairs Elaoria’s been eating up a storm. While J has been somewhat; ah how to say this politely? I’ll just go with freaking out. He’s trying to feed Ela then runs around the house in a panic.

I'm having a little bro envy over how ripped he is.

We have an heir! I repeat our very first heir has been born.
Please say hello to Elena Riley (Huntington).
Oh isn’t she darling.

On a side note; I’m highly encouraging my roommates to not have simultaneous pregnancies ever again! While the couples themselves are wiped out. I’m running back and forth taking care of the little tykes. My tension is through the roof and I’m not even a parent. I swear I get one fed, changed and asleep the other one wakes up.


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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2016, 06:22:08 PM »
Congratulations on the nooboos!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Riley Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2016, 04:14:31 PM »
Wow, that's a lot of nooboos all at once!
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