Author Topic: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 4/01/2016) Completed  (Read 76221 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/07/2016)
« Reply #150 on: March 07, 2016, 02:27:44 PM »
@KRae only do the hundred baby challenge with generations installed. Do it for science! and for maths. With a hundred babies (and potentially 100 imaginary fiend dolls) you could report a percentage on the names of the IF dolls! No, no need to thank me for the idea :)

Offline KRae

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/08/2016)
« Reply #151 on: March 08, 2016, 10:41:04 AM »
@oshizu , I did the naming thing so I could remember what kid went with which grown-up child. They are always out and about in town and not always in family units.

@Deklitch , What an interesting idea! How about you try it and let me know how it goes. I do miss generations, but I think the next thing I do will have to have way fewer nooboos. This file takes more than 30 minutes to load now. I think that's mostly because no one dies. I had the same problem with the Domination Dynasty. With the hundred babies, at least there would be death. How I miss you, Grim.

It’s time for a closer, slightly older look at the twins. Lita is Disciplined and Brave and is definitely a K-D boo.

Leon’s hair is more brown than black. I’m not sure where that came from, but it’s not blond. I was hoping for blond. He’s a Grumpy Couch Potato. Perfect.

Flip got home and started the potty-training.
Flip: Sorry if my hands are cold. Your mommy ice blasted me as soon as I walked in the door.

Flip is at level 6 in the violin, but his playing is still screechy. I think Lima may have been tipping him for the potty-training, or perhaps was trying to bribe him into playing at the park.

The parents took care of the less smelly parts of toddler training.

It was then time, once again, for cake. Lita added the Heavy Sleeper trait.
Lita: My favorite color is yellow. Can I get a yellow ribbon for my hair?
Sure, why not?

Leon added Angler.
Leon: My hair just sucked into my skull! My brain is itchy!

Leon is a witch. He took off on his little broom to take a fishing class.

After he got home, ribbons and itchy brains were sorted out and everyone was happy, even grumpy Leon.

Leon: I don’t know why you say I’m grumpy. I’m always happy.

The next day, Isla realized that child number 13 was on the way.

After an uneventful pregnancy of searching the galaxy through a window that looks directly into a hillside, Isla went into labor.

No one noticed, and soon little Mike Khan-Doe was born.
Finally, another girl.

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/08/2016)
« Reply #152 on: March 08, 2016, 01:35:21 PM »
Yay! Mike is a girl!

Sorry, I'm getting decidedly childish about this.

Offline KRae

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/09/2016)
« Reply #153 on: March 09, 2016, 10:11:16 AM »
@hazelnut , Me too! I love the gender bending names.

Isla took tiny Mike to her birthday cake immediately. Mike is a Heavy Sleeper who Loves the Outdoors.

What can I say, Flip did the usual.

Isla: Love is very important. Daddy will create someone in his lab who is just perfect for you.

The next morning Mike learned to walk and had her birthday while the kids were at school.
Mike: Quick, get me to a dresser and mirror!

Mike added the Ambitious trait.
Mike: And pretty braids.


It was a really busy day. Lima had completed his writing challenges days ago, but was still at level nine. He was less than $1,000 away from level 10 in his writing career. This book, Softballs Aren’t, took care of both.  He had already purchased the bookstore and named it Lima’s Libros. It was just a matter of waiting for his kids to finish up.

Lita and Leon made the honor roll that same day. Time for cakes 2 and 3.
First Lita.

Then Leon. 
Leon: Ouch! My brain!

Lita’s traits are Disciplined, Brave, Heavy Sleeper, and Genius – unbelievably good random traits.

Leon’s traits are Grumpy, Couch Potato, Angler, and Hydrophobic. Now that’s more what I expected.
I wish I could see more of their mother in these kids.

The next day, all the kids were off to school, totally unprepared.
Mike: Hey, make a left up here and take us to the beach.
Driver Lady thinking: *The wheels on the bus go round and round…*

Flip and Isla took a little trip to the park. This is Flip trying to hug Kilo who seems to be doing a little underground exploration. Hey, Kiki, you should be in school.
We see a lot of the grands wandering around town during school hours. This is probably why I haven’t had to add a second school.

Meg completed her painting career and supermaxed painting. She plays with magic a lot and loves casting good luck charms. It could be a lot worse.

This is why Isla has been working on her logic – auxiliary tutoring. She and Flip made sure everyone had an A on their second school day.

The house just wasn’t quite full enough so Flip hit the lab. Welcome to the empire house, little Gun Goth.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/09/2016)
« Reply #154 on: March 09, 2016, 01:06:14 PM »
Another pair of lovely Gen2 children! Leon is such a handsome teen!
About Isla's traits, I'd thought that many of their children inherited her luscious lips and perky pointed ears (just off the top of my head).
Seems her ample chest is not being passed on.

I just realized that Mike represents the 13th generation! You're nearing the end of this challenge...

Offline KRae

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/11/2016)
« Reply #155 on: March 11, 2016, 09:00:28 AM »
@oshizu , Isla's daughters have inherited her ampleness, but not her granddaughters so much.

Gun Goth, the latest household member, is Brave and Eccentric – also a fairy. Those eyes are so adorable.

Mike really wanted to go to the local pool. Absolutely no one was there.

Even though Gun doesn’t have any requirements, how can you not teach a child his skills?
Flip: You’re a really cute kid. When you grow up, you’ll get calls from strange, married women asking you for dates. Just say NO.

Gun: How does she disappear like that? Mike must be magic.

This is just because he’s cute and doesn’t look like a Khan-Doe.

Birthday time again.
Gun: I’m folically challenged!

Gun Loves the Outdoors and has embraced his favorite color black and his desire for long hair.

Flip: You’re going to start school tomorrow with a good grade.
Gun: Can’t I just have another birthday?

A fairy in the house means dancing, lots and lots of dancing.

The next day, the kids shared breakfast. Three out of four will make the honor roll that day and one just wants to stay home and dance. Too bad kid, go meet Malcom Landgraab. Everyone else has.

Lima’s family had met all their requirements, and moved out right after school. Lima got to the new house ahead of the rest and discovered this lovely car, immediately hopped in and took off. 

See you around, Lima. You could have waited for your family, you know.
Lima: I no longer have to answer to you, Watcher.
Well then, I’ll just go

Offline oshizu

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/11/2016)
« Reply #156 on: March 11, 2016, 12:48:34 PM »
Ooooh, toddler Gunther is an overdose of cuteness!
I'd like to ask a noob question: Flip used a DNA sample from a Goth to create Gunther, hence the last name?
Haha, he looks very gothic in his frock coat and little ponytail!

Mike and Gunther will produce lovely offspring...can't wait!

Edited to add: hazelnut's comment below answered my question about Gunther's origins. Thank you, hazelnut.

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/11/2016)
« Reply #157 on: March 12, 2016, 07:02:27 AM »
Little Gunther's surprisingly cute.

The brown hair came as a surprise, although it really shouldn't.  I always think of Gunther as grey-haired (or possibly blond), because I never seem to notice him in-game until he's aged up to elder.

Offline KRae

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/12/2016)
« Reply #158 on: March 12, 2016, 11:33:09 AM »
@oshizu , Yes, Gun is Gunther Goth's clone. The game gives clones the last name of their donor and you get to select the first name. I like the combination of his black clothes and his bright yellow wings.

@hazelnut , I know, and he just doesn't seem quite right without a top hat.

After Lima’s crew completed their move, Mike had her birthday.
Let’s get that hair out of your eyes (I just realize that I sound like my mother).

See how lovely you are now that we can see your face (more mother channeling).
Mike: Lovely and Avant Garde.

The next day Gun stayed home from school and had his teen birthday. He now has a Green Thumb. Because Fairy. He’s starting to look like his DNA donor.

Flip: Let’s get you tutored up. It won’t take long and then you can just meet friends at school tomorrow.
Gun: Okay, just as long as we’re outdoors.

When Mike got home, she put her Avant Garde trait to good use.
Aw, her very first wall tag.

By the time she finished her fourth wall mural, she was at level 7 in street art. Not vampire fast, but really fast just the same.

Gun learned to garden, planted some beginning level perfect fruit, and signed up to be a professional gardener. Those are redberry beans he’s planting.

At school the next day 3 of Mike’s female cousins wanted to get to know Gun better. She decided it was time to make her move.

Gun: Right back at you.

Flip and Isla have a really pleasant life. Between bouts of extreme toddler training and tutoring, they fish and play in the sprinkler. Flip’s violin playing is really good now considering that after the first time I’ve never forced him to play.

Mike made it on the honor roll on Friday and started her cemetery job that evening. While she was gone, Gun became a young adult.
Gun: At least I have hair this time.

Gun’s final traits are Brave, Eccentric, Loves the Outdoors, Green Thumb, and Heavy Sleeper. I’d say his lips are very unique, but he’s a clone so I guess not.

After work, Mike made some more street art in her work clothes and that hair is back.

Meanwhile, Gun gardens. He’s ready to plant special seeds.

After 3 days of only average effort, Mike got her promotion and was ready for her birthday.

Mike’s traits are Heavy Sleeper, Loves the Outdoors, Ambitious, Avant Garde, and Natural Born Performer. Her lifetime wish is to be Street Credible. She’s already at level ten in street art, has completed 20 murals, and has two masterpieces under her belt. Unfortunately those don’t seem to count toward the seven she needs.

Mike: I’ve got a new job. I’m going to be Magic Mike.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/12/2016)
« Reply #159 on: March 12, 2016, 11:55:28 AM »
*Throws a $20 bill at Mike.  Huh? Oh, not that kind of magic?  *blushes

On a serious note, Mike with her pale skin against her large dark eyes is very, very lovely!
When Gunther kisses her, a broken heart bubble appears over his head.  Why, I wonder.

Offline KRae

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/13/2016)
« Reply #160 on: March 13, 2016, 10:45:41 AM »
@oshizu , $20, you're very generous. That broken heart bubble always shows up with the heat of the moment kiss. I'm not sure why either.

Let the magic begin!
Why are you wearing that hair, Mike?
Mike: I’m going incognito.

Probably just as well.

Mike auditioned and got her first show at Performance Park.

Be careful. Don’t hurt your brother.
Mike: No promises.

Well, Delta came out alive…barely.

This is Mike’s 30th mural and also her 5th masterpiece….supermax complete.

Mike: Marry me?
Gun: Of course. How can I resist a woman in a top hat.

Here we have Mike playing in the sprinkler.
Mike: I’m also showing off my swimwear and psyching myself up for my next show.

Mike bravely tried that sword trick again.

Michael Bachelor found it very thrilling, or he’s just excited to be alive.

Tada! Level seven.

Mike and Gun celebrated her success by getting married outside, of course.

Mike: I just love the way your wings poke out through the wall.
Gun: Maybe our kids will have wings.

Mike went to the park to perform for tips, but the boom-box blaring kids music may have driven off most of her audience. It didn’t matter much because she felt really sick and decided to just go home.

For the next day or so, Mike had trouble accomplishing much of anything.

No one was really surprised by this.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/13/2016)
« Reply #161 on: March 13, 2016, 04:54:31 PM »
Mini M(ik)es are on the way!

Offline KRae

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/14/2016)
« Reply #162 on: March 14, 2016, 03:23:33 PM »
@Deklitch , Floorboos coming right up.

Gun was trying to detect the flutter of tiny wings.

Since magic is too dangerous for pregnant sims, Mike worked on her street art inhaling toxic fumes. She gained street credibility, completing her lifetime wish.

Mike wanted to complete a boatload of murals, so it was no surprise that she gave birth out behind her wall of art. Despite a maddening amount of kids’ music, she had a single tiny boy.

Max is Disciplined and Perceptive. He looks like a mix of Gun, Mike, and Flip.

Along with caring for her son, Mike worked for tips out on the sidewalk in front of the house. She didn’t make any money, but she did advance her career a little.

Isla loves nothing more than caring for little ones. Playing in the sprinkler is a close second though.

Gun: Never forget that Daddy loves you. You may not be a fairy, but we can always dance together.

Mike had a hard time working on her career as she kept getting sick.

Mike: We need to buy more baby bottles.
Gun: Yes!

Flip and Isla went to a party at the Goth house. Flip walked straight up to the third floor, picked up a football, and invited Isla to play – for the entire party.

Flip you stole that ball!
Flip: I'm just borrowing it long-term.
Let the new obsession begin.

Max had his birthday and is a Diva. Look at those lips!

Mike decided to decorate the town. Kiki, who should be in school, seems to have a driving need to discuss baby shoes. She is family-oriented and Mike is obviously pregnant.

Max: Diva! You’re such a diva! Oh, and how was your day.

Before long, Mike placed a tiny, non-fairy girl on the carpet.
Mr. Jacqueline Gnome, you are not a floorboo.

Maggie Khan-Doe had her birthday.
Let’s go get you some hair.

Maggie looks mostly like Flip, I guess. Her traits are Neurotic and Insane. This should be interesting.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/14/2016)
« Reply #163 on: March 14, 2016, 04:18:04 PM »
*clutches chest
Help, I'm dying of floorboo cuteness overdose!
Max and Maggie are two of the loveliest sims toddlers I've ever seen! I love the contoured shape of their faces with the high cheekbones and their upper lips are so finely sculpted and adorable.
Are those big eyes inherited from Flip?

Nice job, Mike and Gunther!

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Khan-Doe Family Empire (updated 3/14/2016)
« Reply #164 on: March 14, 2016, 04:24:56 PM »
I'm discovering at the moment how much fun insane sims are! I'm hoping for 8 of them. I wonder how painful an insane witch will be lol