@oshizu , I always felt so bad when Flip died, that when I discovered the Family Empire project he just had to be a founder. With Isla being the culmination of a town jump genetic experiment, how could I not use her. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who power reads stories here.
@Magpie2012 , Rest assured, whether poem or cheer or cheerful poem, Flip appreciates it.
Whatcha up to, Flip.
Flip: Science!
Soon a tiny pink bundle appeared. They named her Meg Fay. That should disguise her origins.
Meg Hates the Outdoors and is Clumsy.
Isla: Don’t you worry, sweetie. We’ll love you and care for you and teach you all your skills so you can have a nice personality.
Isla then took Meg out to the birthday cake table.
It was still early in the morning so she learned to potty and walk before Lima got home from school.
Lima: It’s so fun having a little person in the house!
And yes, that little person is a witch.
While Meg made her toys disappear, Lima became a teen adding the Hopeless Romantic trait.
You can keep the hair. At least it makes you look different from the rest of the family.
Meg learned to talk the next day and had yet another birthday. She’s now Artistic.
Isla: Don’t worry about what you’re wearing. You don’t actually ever have to go to school.
Flip, the expert tutorer, had Meg up to an A in no time.
Lima went to school as usual the next day. When he got home he found that Meg had changed in the most fascinating way. She too is a Hopeless Romatic.
It was Friday, so Lima had his first night’s work at the mausoleum. Flip once again tutored Meg.
Meg: I keep making mistakes!
Flip: Don’t worry, sweetie, you were an infant 3 days ago. You’re doing much better than anyone could ever expect.
While everyone else was otherwise occupied, Isla took a trip to the library. She’d been wanting to reach level ten in charisma for the longest time. She knows 323 sims, is friends with 316 of them, and best friends with 33. She has told zero funny jokes.
Saturday night, Meg had her young adult birthday and is now Lucky. She drank one of Flip’s wish enhancing serums to get the maximum benefit from Living in the Lap of Luxury.
These elixirs are only being used on spouses, not children or grandchildren.
Lima: How is she older than I am? Wasn’t she wearing baby shoes two days ago?
Flip: I’m so glad I cloned you correctly. You aren’t missing any limbs, and you have a head.
Meg: Ooo, magic is fun.
Yes, it is, but the first time you try to cast a love charm, it’s potent cure for you.
Lima: Yes, I know I just got a promotion, but I quit. I want to be a writer, but mostly I just want to never have to wear these clothes again.
On Monday, Lima reached the honor roll and registered in the writer career. Next stop: the birthday cake zone.
Lima’s traits are Heavy Sleeper, Excitable, Bookworm, Hopeless Romantic, and Family Oriented. He wants to be a Professional Author. No surprises there.
Better get to writing, Lima. You need to sell a lot of books.
Lima: That’s okay. I’ve started one called Red Rover Came Over. It’s sure to be a best seller. After all, Tag You’re It! was.