One fine afternoon, Isla went into labor out by the sunflowers. Flip, of course, was nearby playing in their beloved sprinkler.
Zelda had finally returned to work, but I swear I heard evil laughter coming from the direction of the theater.
Both Flip and Isla wished to have a daughter (Flip actually was hanging onto wishes for both genders). Still, they were delighted with their newest addition.
Kilo Khan-Doe immediately celebrated his toddler birthday. His traits are Heavy Sleeper and Loves the Outdoors.
Juliet has paid a lot more attention to his little brother than he ever did to his own kids.
Juliet: You know very well that it’s because I’ve completed all my requirements and you’re not forcing me to mass produce elixirs.
Another birthday….what are you wishing for Java.
Java: That this cake was a pile of tacos.
Java’s traits are Disciplined, Slob, Genius, and Friendly.
Now head out to the grocery store and get a job, ya little slacker, and come home for some tutoring. Your brother is going to complete his requirements tomorrow and time is wasting.
Kilo: It’s just you and me, Victor. It’s 2am and everyone’s asleep. Mom says they need to get me on a schedule, but Dad says why bother as I’ll be a Child sometime tomorrow.
Kilo: No! I don’t want a desk job!
With the all-important skill of learning to say “No” accomplished. Kilo had his birthday. He’s now an Angler.
Kilo: Yes, I am!
Kilo: I wish to Present the Perfect Private Aquarium.
Kilo: Hey, fish, you’re nowhere near perfect!
The next day, Java made the honor roll and was promoted at work. The family ran down the street to their new house. James was lagging behind as he was trying to complete his latest painting and hated to quit.
With ten children moved out, it’s time to recap their accomplishments.
Alpha: LTW – The Perfect Garden, Supermax - Gardening, Career – Gardener, Property – Alpha’s Green Grocer
Bravo: LTW – Swimming in Cash, Supermax – Handiness, Career - Firefighter, Property – Bravo’s Fixers
Charlie: LTW – Culinary Librarian, Supermax – Cooking, Career – Culinary, Property – Charlie’s Diner
Delta: LTW – Rock Star, Supermax – Guitar, Career – Music Rock Branch, Property – Delta’s Community Theatre
Echo: LTW – Bottomless Nectar Cellar, Supermax – Nectar Making, Career – Nectar Maker, Property – Echo’s Nectar Bistro
Foxtrot: LTW –Master Acrobat, Supermax –Athletics, Career – Acrobat, Property –Flying Foxtrot’s Coffeehouse
Golf: LTW –Super Popular, Supermax –Charisma, Career –Politics, Property –Golf’s Friendship Park
Hotel: LTW –Visionary, Supermax –Painting, Career –Painter, Property – Hotel’s Gallery of Art
India: LTW –Scientific Specialist, Supermax –Science, Career –Business, Property –The India Minds His Own Business Towers
Juliet: LTW –Alchemy Artisan, Supermax –Alchemy, Career –Alchemist, Property –Juliet’s Elixirs