Author Topic: The story of Audrey Houser  (Read 21298 times)

Offline Peaches

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #60 on: November 07, 2016, 04:26:58 PM »
The hottub looked pretty cool! Bjorn was the first to jump in, I had to fix my hair, didn't want to get it too wet!

Bjorn: "What do you think? Is it warm enough?"
Audrey: "It's lovely thank you."

Audrey: "You know what's even better?"
Bjorn: "What?"

Audrey: "This!"
Bjorn: "Audrey! There's a no splashing rule!"
Audrey: "Screw the rules!"

Bjorn: "If you say so!"
Bjorn managed to splash loads of water into my face, the ultimate revenge.
Audrey: "BJORN!"
Bjorn: "No rules, right?"

Audrey: "You got me there."
Bjorn: "You're really beautiful when you're angry, you know?"
Audrey: "Oh, stop it. I must've got water in your eyes. You're not seeing straight."
Bjorn: "But I have 20/20 vision. I can see perfectly!"
Audrey: "Yeah?"
Bjorn: "Yeah, I can also see that you've left half your swimming costume at home!"

I moved positions so I was on his left side. He wouldn't be able to splash me so easily then. I looked at him for a few moments, we both stayed silent for a while. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was pleasant.
Bjorn: "You know, even without make-up, you have the most gorgeous brown eyes."
Audrey: "Funny, I could say the same about you, only yours are blue."
Bjorn: "I only wear make up on the weekends!"

Bjorn then pulled me into a hug.
Bjorn: "Thanks Audrey."
Audrey: "What for?"
Bjorn: "I've just lost my family today, but even through that darkness, you've made me smile again."

He softly gave me a kiss on the forehead.
Audrey: "You don't have to thank me, you've helped me just as much. My life sucks 24/7."
Bjorn: "Don't be ridiculous, you have lots of ambition and love to give."
Audrey: "Love? I don't have any of that left to give..."

Bjorn came closer...
Audrey: ""

Our lips touched, and I swore I felt the ground move. The past month just melted away and nothing else mattered at this point in time.

The kiss was only short, and I suddenly found myself giggling like a shy schoolgirl.
Bjorn: "What's wrong?"
Audrey: "Nothing, I just wasn't expecting that. It was..."

Bjorn: "...magical?"

My heart pounded. I was also shaking from being so nervous, I had never thought of Bjorn in this way before, it's all I could think of.

Things had started to heat up, and it wasn't the temperature of the hot tub...
Bjorn: "Audrey...what're you doing?"

Audrey: "Something I should've done months ago."

When the deed was done, Bjorn was gasping for air, and I looked like I had passed out in the water.

We were both lost for words.
Audrey: "I..."
Bjorn: "That..."
I knew it was getting late and I should've been getting back to Hannah. Without saying a word, Bjorn gave me another kiss on the forehead, and helped me out of the hot tub. We both had a prolonged hug, and I made my way back home.

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #61 on: November 09, 2016, 06:50:17 AM »
Whelp, can't say I didn't see that coming.
I suppose the question is, what's next?

Also, Audrey's older sisters are pricks!
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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #62 on: November 09, 2016, 07:29:37 AM »
The morning after, I was munching away on my fruit loops and Hannah sat down opposite me. She was looking me up and down and humming to herself.
Hannah: "So...what's up with you this morning?"
Audrey: "Huh?" I said with a mouth full of cereal.
Hannah: "You've been sad for ages, but this morning you were singing in the shower, wearing your sexy underwear and dancing around like a Disney princess."
Audrey: "Can you keep a secret?"
Hannah: "Yeah?"

Audrey: "I had the most wonderful night with Bjorn last night."

Hannah: "Bjorn? Your goofy blonde friend?"
Audrey: "Yeah!"
Hannah: " had woohoo?"
Audrey: "Yeah?"
Hannah: "What the hell are you thinking? You love Cannon! You're going to throw all that away?"

Audrey: "But Hannah..."
Hannah: "You gave your word to Cannon. You devoted yourselves to each other. Isn't Bjorn still married?"
Audrey: "He's getting divorced."
Hannah: "But...he's still married, though?"
Audrey: "Oh my gosh, what have I done?"

Hannah: "You've made things a lot more complicated."
Audrey: "But Cannon is gone...he made his feelings clear."
Hannah: "But it's only been a month. If you loved Cannon, you wouldn't be woohooing with married men."

Audrey: "Hannah, I'm so sorry. I didn't intend to...I'm sorry."
Hannah: "I just want you to be careful, Audrey."
Audrey: "I shouldn't have...I need to tell Bjorn that I didn't mean...oh gosh."

I travelled to the nearest coffee shop after sending Bjorn a text to meet me there. He was quite eager to come today. I calmed down by ordering a cappucino before I spoke with him.

When he got here, he had a huge smile on his face. He didn't order anything, he just sat down at my table.
Bjorn: "Beautiful morning! How're you Audrey? Is everything okay?"
Audrey: "I just need to speak with you."
Bjorn: "I'm all ears."

Audrey: "Bjorn, I think was amazing but...I think we should stay friends and..."
Bjorn: "It shouldn't have happened?"
Audrey: "...yeah. I'm sorry. I still love Cannon."
Bjorn: "It was one of the best nights of my life, but...I agree."

Audrey: "I think it was just heat of the moment. You're still married."
Bjorn: "Oh heck, you're right. The divorce hasn't quite finalised yet. Oh no..."
Audrey: "Plus...I'm moving away."
Bjorn: "To where?"
Audrey: "Far from here...San Myshuno."

Audrey: "It's an amazing place, full of culture, things to do, I will be able to learn a lot."
Bjorn: "You'll really suit being there."
Audrey: "I need to. I'm causing too much trouble here, I need a new start."
Bjorn: "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't upset you're moving, but I can visit, right?"

Audrey: "Of course you can visit!"
Bjorn: "I like you too much to not let you go. You'll do great there."

Audrey: "Thank you, Bjorn."
Bjorn: "I know you'll kick San Myshuno's butt! Do you need help packing?"
Audrey: "No, thanks. I don't own much...I'll miss you."
Bjorn: "I'll miss you too."

I promptly went home and gathered my few belongings together. They all fit within a few suitcases and a couple of boxes. That's all I had. I had found a cheap enough apartment in San Myshuno, no-one had rented it yet as they say it's haunted. I wasn't too worried, plus, I needed the cheapest rent I could find. I still didn't have a job, and my funds were limited. I had a mass clearout of my fruit and vegetables I grew, and managed to gather enough simoleons for a deposit, and one week's worth of rent. After that...I had 20 simoleons to my name. I would need to get a job, as I no longer had a garden to farm for funds.

Hannah met me outside, she was shocked to see my bags. Equally, she was just as angry. I was her twin, we were supposed to be together, through thick and thin. I explained to her that I needed to be away from everything, and everyone. I wasn't thinking clearly, and needed to piece my life back together. If I stayed, I would surely hurt more people. I almost hurt Bjorn, but he was very understanding, he wanted me to go. I will miss him though.

Hannah gave me a huge hug, with tears in her eyes. She didn't want me to go, but I had to. Hannah told me to look after myself, and I assured her that she could visit anytime, since I gave her a spare key to the apartment.

This was an end of an era, and I was so excited!

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #63 on: November 09, 2016, 10:19:45 AM »
I was rather sad that Bjorn agreed with Audrey's "last night shouldn't have happened" announcement so easily.
I'd hoped, for some reason, that he would resist more the thought of her moving away.
Is he just that big-hearted (you should leave, Audrey, cuz it will be great for you) or hung up in technicalities (we haven't finalized the divorce yet...)

So excited to see how Audrey turns her life around!

Offline Peaches

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #64 on: November 09, 2016, 05:05:33 PM »
I was rather sad that Bjorn agreed with Audrey's "last night shouldn't have happened" announcement so easily.
I'd hoped, for some reason, that he would resist more the thought of her moving away.
Is he just that big-hearted (you should leave, Audrey, cuz it will be great for you) or hung up in technicalities (we haven't finalized the divorce yet...)

So excited to see how Audrey turns her life around!

Oh I can assure you he's dying inside! He's just putting on a front because that's his nature, he's a big softie, and Audrey is the complete opposite. He was afraid he'd lose Audrey if he went against her wishes to move away, so he'll just have to learn to toughen up if he wants her for himself!

As for Audrey...well her mind is all over the place, she doesn't know who/what she wants! I'm sure she'll figure it out ;)

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #65 on: November 10, 2016, 06:07:32 PM »
Well. This is it. On my own. The place is a bit bare, and it's a big shabby, but I'm sure I can change all that eventually. I have a good view of the festivities outside from my bedroom window, which I really like.

My neighbours brought me some fruitcake (yuck!). She was really nice! Makes a lot of noise in her apartment though which annoys the heck outta me! The fruitcake can be used to patch up some brickwork if needed. It's disgusting! However, everyone is really friendly here!

When I got back to my apartment, there was a knock on the door shortly afterwards!
Iris: "Stop gawping and come stand over here, Randy!"
Randy: "This place is so cool, it has a garbage chute!"
Iris: "If you don't stop messing about, I'll put you in it!"

I opened the door and was greeted by my parents! Hannah must've told them my address.
Iris: "Hi, sweetie! We've just come by to see you settle in."
Audrey: "Hi, mum. It's a bit bare at the moment."
Randy: "Come give your dad a hug! I've missed you!"

Audrey: "Hi, dad!"
Randy: "I've missed our cuddles, Aud. I feel like I haven't seen you in years!"
Audrey: "I visited last week."
Randy: "Exactly."

Randy: "Have you got enough food?"
Iris: "Where's the nearest hospital and police station? I just need to take note."
Audrey: "Just come inside, you two."

We sat inside, and my dad went straight for the TV, as usual! My mum wouldn't stop interrogating me also.
Randy: "You have quite a few channels on here! Any sports?"
Audrey: "Just flick through, I'm sure there's some on there."
Iris: "So, Audrey. Do you have enough money?"
Audrey: "Yeah, I'm good for now..."
I was lying. I had only enough money for one meal, but I didn't want to worry my parents. I needed to face my obstacles alone, I wouldn't learn otherwise.
Iris: "Have you got a job yet?"

Audrey: "Well, considering the internet is basically a human necessity nowadays, I'm gonna get a job within social media. I can work my own hours and it's super flexible!"
Iris: "Thats...not a proper job, sweetie."
Audrey: "It'll pay the bills though...just about!"
Iris: "Just be careful."
I really didn't want to have to get a job, but the rent is weekly in this place and it's over 600 simoleons each time, so considering I don't have a garden to grow anything, I was pretty much stuck. I needed to get a job, even though it went against my morals. This freebird isn't so free anymore!

My parents didn't stay long, and I couldn't wait to wander about! They call this place the Spice Market. There's amazing smells wafting through the air, and everything is so colourful! Even though I loved Windenburg, this place makes it look so dull in comparison!

I was super hungry, and I thought I'd use the last of my simoleons to buy some authentic samosas. I was able to haggle down the price due to my high charisma, which is always handy!

And I uh...soon regretted it! SO HOT!

Afterwards, I booed at a really rubbish human statue, and played some basketball on the court outside my apartment.

I just knew...I knew deep down...this was home. This was the place I belonged. It's so full of life, I never want to leave. It was a fresh start, and my story had only just begun...again...

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #66 on: November 10, 2016, 07:00:58 PM »
(I know it's a little fast-paced at the moment, but Audrey got through so much in her first few days in San Myshuno, it would take forever to go into lots of detail!)

One night, I ventured into a local karaoke bar! There was this really good singer, he had the voice of an angel.

Then I decided to give it a go and...I was terrible. Dying cats are better in tune.

The morning after, I woke up with terrible stomach cramps.

That's the last time I eat those samosas! They didn't last too long though, which was great. That meant I could check out the flea market festival!

Festivals made the place much more vibrant! There was a street musician, he was amazing, so I gave him a couple of simoleons for his troubles. There was also some vendor selling some fossils. A bit odd, I wouldn't want a human skull in my apartment. A fake one perhaps but not a real one!

I was very, very close to buying this lamp. Look at how cool it is!

I then rummaged around in random boxes that someone had dumped and found some pretty cool snow globes! A bit random, but it was so cute! Also, I know my art wasn't the best, but I got to grips with drawing murals! Not to mention I tried the bubble blower...I choked on the bubbles to the disappointment of the woman stood next to me...

The 'ol belly was rumbling yet again! I swear it was because I could smell the amazing food from miles away, I decided to get some Pho, which was Vietnamese I believe. It was a little spicy, but not as bad as the curry! I also tried to use chopsticks for the first time, it was really fiddly!

Since I joined the Social Media career, I updated by status and shared a few images for my followers. I gained a few followers, but not a massive amount.

I also updated my wardrobe a little when my first wages came in. I know I looked a little miserable, but the pho had given me an upset stomach again! I'm really sensitive to spice, which is a shame considering I live within the SPICE Market. I heard there was some kind of Geek Con taking place, so I thought I'd give it a go!

I thought I'd go as some knock-off version of Jean Grey from X-Men. The guy behind me wasn't impressed. I don't know why, his costume was rubbish!

I read a leaflet about what the festival was all about. Playing video games, dressing up as characters and taking pictures with cosplayers? My kind of festival! I found a few people to take a picture with, one woman was dressed as Llama-Woman, and some other guy had a really, really realistic alien costume. Would've fooled me! When I tried to buy merchandise though...the stupid vendor closed as soon as I approached him! Open up!

After all the geeky festivities, it was back to work! I had to keep up with my fitness, I had no room in my apartment for a yoga mat, so had to travel to the gym instead. I ran on the treadmill for about 30 mins, did some boxing for another 30 mins and finished it all off with some dunks at the basketball court.

My muscles were aching, and I relaxed on the rooftop. It was an amazing view, it took my breath away. I sat and thought for a long time. I was very grateful I was able to have the opportunity to live in San Myshuno, and I was having so much fun by myself, but...there was that small niggle at the back of my mind. I enjoyed doing things by myself, I had no-one to answer to, and it builds confidence. However, no matter how hard I tried to fight it, I couldn't help feeling lonely. Yeah, Hannah, Ulrike and my parents visit occasionally, but I wouldn't mind having someone to share all these memories with.

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #67 on: November 10, 2016, 07:03:14 PM »
A completely new start in life to heal her broken heart! How great that she's feeling so comfy in her new hood!
Hmmmm...tummy ache, huh?

If you're in the Culpepper apartment, it has a small balcony where you could have teeny-tiny garden.
You wouldn't, by any chance, be able to visit Hannah and harvest plants from your old garden to plant at your new apartment?

Offline Peaches

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #68 on: November 11, 2016, 05:45:30 PM »
A completely new start in life to heal her broken heart! How great that she's feeling so comfy in her new hood!
Hmmmm...tummy ache, huh?

If you're in the Culpepper apartment, it has a small balcony where you could have teeny-tiny garden.
You wouldn't, by any chance, be able to visit Hannah and harvest plants from your old garden to plant at your new apartment?

Unfortunately she's in the Culpepper apartment without the balcony! But she's been clever and figured out how to get around this ;)
Really, really enjoying City Living! My favourite expansion by far!

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #69 on: November 12, 2016, 07:01:16 PM »
I had done some thinking, and figured I could continue growing my plants in my bedroom! I bought a large lamp, which would keep them warm and provide them with light, and I quickly built a box to put them in with leftover wood I found in San Myshuno alleyways. I could only fit four plants, so I brought over only my best plants from Windenburg - Sage, Snapdragon, Strawberries and Roses. With each harvest, I was able to obtain over 1000 Simoleons, so that's rent sorted! One less worry on my mind! I had become quite fond of my social media job though, so I decided to keep it.

I heard someone at my door, it was Bjorn!
Bjorn: "I missed you, Red."
Audrey: "I missed you too, it's been quite an experience so far, come inside."

I had made a garden salad earlier, I didn't have much else in the way of food, but Bjorn politely accepted the meal. He wasn't too fond of salad, but he was grateful nonetheless. He was in the middle of telling me about work. He was a Project Manager in the Tech Guru career. I remember him telling me that he chose that career because he doesn't have to interact with customers, just computers. This I found really cute. He's always been quite shy. He then started talking about Clara and his daughters...
Bjorn: "Sofia sent me a text."
Audrey: "What did it say?"
Bjorn: "It just said...'love you daddy xx'. I think Clara's took their phones from them. They usually text me everyday...I received that last week. I've heard nothing since."

Audrey: "Why is she being such a Cowplant? They're your kids too for Sim's sake!
Bjorn: "She's always been the controlling one in the marriage."

Bjorn: "Speaking of marriage, the divorce is finally settled! I don't have to listen to her yapping at me anymore."

Bjorn: "I'd much rather listen to you yapping at me."
Audrey: "Funny. I don't bark, I bite!"

Bjorn: "I just...want to talk about what happened. You know..."
Audrey: "We don't have to. I..."
Bjorn: "Did I tell you it was the best night of my life? Well...after the birth of my girls, of course."
Audrey: "Yeah you told me, in the cafe. Bjorn, we really don't have to talk about it again."
Bjorn: "But I want to. That night gave me so much more confidence that I didn't even know I had! How can a guy like me, spend an amazing night with a woman like you? I'm just a boring computer technician who has never even visited San Myshuno before, never had the chance to experience life like you have. All I've done all my life is work, get married, and be a father. I've never experienced other cultures apart from those in Windenburg, and I certainly haven't met a woman like you before. The only thing which which would make me happier right now is to get a cat."
Audrey: "I..."
Bjorn: "All my life I've been told I'm not good enough. By my parents, schoolmates, Clara..."

Bjorn: "She never let me have friends. Especially female friends. She was a very paranoid woman. I would go to work and just come home everyday. Sometimes she let me go to the pub, but only that one pub. She could see it from our house, so she knew where I was at all times. Meeting you, I was both...scared, but curious. I never thought of you as more than a friend, but that day in the hot tub, the way you smiled at me..."
Audrey: "Bjorn..."
Bjorn: "...I felt wanted."
After saying this, Bjorn started to tear up, so I decided to comfort him.

Audrey: "Listen, you're an amazing person. I don't find you boring at all!"
Bjorn: "Thanks, Red."
Audrey: "You always know how to make me laugh, and it's never a dull moment when you're around. I couldn't imagine life without you now! Also, if the country lifts its pet ban, I would totally buy you a cat."

Bjorn: "Thanks, Audrey."

As Bjorn wiped his tears away, he lifted his head to kiss me. I'm not going to lie, I didn't push him away. I didn't want to. He was a great kisser and...I liked it.

Bjorn: "That was amazing. Like always."
Audrey: "Don't mention it!"
Bjorn: "This is why I love you"

Audrey: "Wait, what!?"
Bjorn: "Oh, fudge! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud."
Audrey: "The L word? Seriously?"

Bjorn: "I'm such an idiot."
Audrey: "No...don't worry. I just didn't felt like that. So soon."

Bjorn: "I...I think I had better call it a night. I have a headache. The flea market is next week, I'll see you then."

Audrey: "I'll see you later."
Bjorn left the apartment quite quickly. I felt terrible. I really did like him, a lot. It's just the L word really scares me, even though it sounds silly. With everything that happened with Cannon, I felt like I didn't want to commit myself to anyone else for the moment, in case they break my heart again. I know Bjorn wouldn't ever hurt me, but I thought Cannon wouldn't either. But he did.

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #70 on: November 12, 2016, 07:17:17 PM »
Awww, Audrey and Bjorn are so cute together! I like how you've portrayed both as twice-shy.
What a nice touch to have Bjorn accidentally say the L word out loud!

Glad to hear that Audrey's got rent sorted!

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #71 on: November 13, 2016, 09:00:33 AM »
(Hi guys, I've finally added a family tree for Audrey on the very first post. It's quite a big tree!)

It was the Spice Festival that night, and you know what that meant? Fireworks! I had checked myself into this event on my social media page, and my followers loved it!

Hannah travelled over to visit me, she really wanted to experience the Spice Festival.
Hannah: "Hi, Aud. This place is amazing!"
Audrey: "I know, and it's right outside my door too!"
Hannah: "Lucky!"

Audrey: "How's you and Ulrike?"
Hannah: "She's great! She's all settled and moved in now, having the extra person there really helps with the bills!"

Audrey: "Here, take this."
Hannah: "A key?"
Audrey: "Come visit me whenever you want!"
Hannah: "You do know I'll be over, like, every night right?"
Audrey: "Fine by me!"

Another part of the Spice Festival was...the curry challenge! I phoned my mum before I grabbed my plate.
Audrey: "Mum! Curry challenge!"
Iris: "Your dad would like that, be careful, sweetie. You know how sensitive your stomach is."
Audrey: "I'll be fine!"

The curry was the tastiest curry I've ever had! I wasn't too affected by the heat of it though, I'd slowly gotten used to it!

However, I'd eaten too quickly, and I had those cramps again. It only seemed to happen when I ate spicy food. I was probably building up some sort of intolerance to it, which was a shame considering 99% of the food served by the vendors was spicy.

When they subsided, I wanted to have a go at the bubble blower again! Hannah joined me.
Hannah: "Thanks for giving me the rest of your curry!"
Audrey: "No probs."
Hannah: "So what did you do earlier today?"
Audrey: "Nothing much. Bjorn came over."
Hannah: "You're seeing much more of that guy, I'm surprised you haven't given a key to him yet."

Audrey: "I just like his company."
Hannah: "Yeah, I know what that means, Aud. I've seen that look on your face before. The last time I saw that look was when you were with Cannon."
Audrey: "Don't be ridiculous, we're just friends."
Hannah: "For now."
Audrey: "Stop it, Hannah. I'm staying away from relationships for now, they're exhausting."

Hannah: "Exhausting, but rewarding. I couldn't imagine life without Ulrike now. I'm actually thinking of proposing."
Audrey: "Hannah, that's amazing! But you haven't been together that long..."
Hannah: "Does it matter? I didn't realise there was a set timescale on love."
Audrey: "Yeah...that's true. I never thought of it that way before."
This got me thinking to what Bjorn said earlier today. I'd known him for a while, a few months now when I first moved to Windenburg. I know he said the L word, but was Hannah right in saying that there's no timescale in love? I really did like him but...was it love, or lust?

As Hannah was getting giddy from the bubble blower, I stopped to look at all the bright colours in the festival. A huge smile suddenly crept up on me, and I found myself looking like a madman. I felt happy.

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #72 on: November 13, 2016, 11:01:40 AM »
The next week, the flea market was on, and as promised, Bjorn was there to accompany me.
Bjorn: "No, Audrey, you don't need anymore snow globes."
Audrey: "But c'mon, they're so adorable!"
Bjorn: "No."
Audrey: "Just a small one?"
Bjorn: "Think of your rent."
Audrey: "I'm thinking about it, and...I think I'd prefer a snow globe."
Bjorn: "*sighs* Fine...but make sure it's a super cute one."

Bjorn tried the curry, but he really wasn't prepared for the inferno which followed!

Not to mention, my haggling skills were on POINT! Due to my high charisma, I was never turned down when I wanted a discounted deal! This allowed me to buy loads of stuff - including snow globes - on the cheap!

I did accumulate too much stuff though, which I had to end up selling. Bjorn helped me, he was better with numbers than I was, so he was able to keep track of our profits!

When the flea market was over, Bjorn wanted to try out some basketball. Which I thought was a terrible idea.
Audrey: "Bjorn, this is a bad idea, I know you'll end up hurting yourself."
Bjorn: "Don't be silly, I know what I'm doing."
Audrey: "If you say so...just be careful."

Bjorn: "Booyah! Oh, fudge!"

Audrey: "I told you, silly."
Bjorn: "I'm fine...just not as nimble as I used to be."
Audrey: "Haha, I know, we'll have to buy you a zimmerframe soon!"
Bjorn: "Hey! I bet you can't do much better!"

Audrey: "A hole in one!"
Bjorn: "That's golf."
Audrey: "Still got it in though?"
Bjorn: "Yeah, that was a lucky shot! Let me have another go!"

Bjorn tried dunking again. He did get it in this time, but...
Bjorn: "Audrey?"
Audrey: "Yeah?"
Bjorn: "Um...I'm kinda stuck."
Audrey: "You're on your own hot-shot."
Bjorn: "AUDREY!"

I did eventually manage to get Bjorn down, but he had injured his back in the process. I really needed to pursuade him to take up yoga.
Audrey: "Turn round."
Bjorn: "What for?"

Bjorn: "Thanks Audrey. It's really helping."

Bjorn: "Listen, Aud. About last week, I don't want things getting awkward between us. I just wanted to say that..."

My phone started ringing. I answered and it was my dad. He was jealous that there was a curry festival going on and he wasn't invited.
Audrey: "Next time it's on, I'll let you know, Dad!"

I hadn't realised this at the time, but poor Bjorn was stood there. Completely helpless. All the courage he had, for whatever he was gonna say, was gone.

Offline Peaches

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #73 on: November 13, 2016, 01:49:02 PM »
Week 4 was the romance festival! It was another festival crossed off my list. I opted to wear a fitting outfit to suit the occasion. I really liked it, althought it was a big tight!

I was eating some ramen and waiting for Bjorn and Hannah to show up. Hannah was bringing Ulrike along, it would be nice to see her, I hadn't seen her since I moved out.

Bjorn: "Well that's a sight for sore eyes!"
Audrey: "Hi Bjorn, you took your time getting here!"
Bjorn: "Sorry, I was caught up in something."

Audrey: "Go grab some ramen! It's really nice, you may have to use a fork though, since I know you're rubbish with chopsticks."

Bjorn: "I'm not really in the mood for Japanese food. Are there any hotdog vendors around here?"
Audrey: "What's wrong?"
Bjorn: "Nothing, I just don't feel too good."

Bjorn then sat down, with a very dark look on his face. It was very...unusual for him. I thought I'd attempt to cheer him up.

Audrey: "PETAL SHOWER! Oh..."
Bjorn: "Audrey! What was that for?!"

Bjorn: "I'm a mess now."
Audrey: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"
Bjorn: "Give me some warning next time?"

Audrey: "Here, let me pick them off you."
Bjorn: "JUST. Just please, leave me alone."

I didn't say anything. I'd never seen Bjorn react this way before. If it was anyone else, I probably would've fought them by now, but because it's Bjorn...I knew it was out of character for him to be this snappy. Instead of talking back, I walked away and gave him some space. Something was definitely up.

To cool down, I grabbed some of that Sakura stuff. Apparently it was an aphrodisiac, but that's just hearsay, just like oysters and chocolate. Ulrike grabbed some too, she looked like she was on cloud nine. Had Hannah already proposed?

I found Bjorn eventually, stood in front of the wedding arch with a face like thunder. If he was really upset with me, he would've gone home by now. So I decided to interrogate.

Audrey: "Bjorn, what's wrong?"
Bjorn: "Nothing."
Audrey: "Don't give me that. Something is up. You're lucky I didn't knock you out! Spill."
Bjorn: "*sighs* you remember me telling you that Clara and I were trying for a baby?"
Audrey: "...yeah?"
Bjorn: "Well...the last time she tested, it was negative. She blamed me."
Audrey: "That does sound like something she'd say."
Bjorn: "Well the thing is, she really got to me. For weeks afterwards whenever she was angry, she'd make jokes about my manhood."
Audrey: "How vile!"
Bjorn: " know if someone says something to you enough times, you start to believe it?"
Audrey: "Yeah?"
Bjorn: "I took a trip to the doctors a few days ago. The fertility clinic."

Audrey: "What're you saying?"
Bjorn: "It's not good news. Clara was right. I'm the problem."
Audrey: "You're infertile?"
Bjorn: "Not quite, but I may as well be called that."
Audrey: "Is this why you've been moody?"
Bjorn: "I was worried you'd think less of me."

Audrey: "Oh you, you absolute idiot."

Audrey: "Why would I think of you any less? You already have two wonderful daughters, and you've done a fine job raising them, you don't need to worry about things like that. You're no less of a man to me."

Bjorn: "You're amazing."
Audrey: "I know, you can hire me on weekends."
Bjorn: "No, I mean it, you goof."
Audrey: "Well you're the one telling me about your junk."
Bjorn: "Shush, just hug."

Offline Peaches

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #74 on: November 13, 2016, 04:05:31 PM »
Hannah had told me that during the Romance Festival, she managed to do what she'd been planning to do...

Hannah: "Ulrike, would you make me the happiest woman in the world by becoming my wife?"
Ulrike: "Yes! Yes!"

And then...with one impromptu marriage...they were finally wed.


Hannah had told me the good news on her marriage to Ulrike last night. They were planning on spending their honeymoon at the camping grounds again, since they loved it so much! Hannah and I celebrated over an online video game. We were beating the other players until...

Hannah: "Where you going, Aud? We need to finish this game."
Audrey: "I don't feel quite right..."
Hannah: "Hurry back! They're gonna beat us!"

As I entered the bathroom to cool off and wash my face with cold water, a sudden wave of nausea hit me, causing me to heave into the toilet bowl. I stayed there for a good ten minutes, unable to move without having to be sick again.

When I was actually able to stand again, my mind raced. What happened? Am I sick? I was terrified that I had contracted some sort of disease, or sickness bug whilst living here. I pass by hundreds of people every day outside, one of them could've had some ugly virus!

However, there wasn't any point worrying about it until I get checked out by a doctor.


I booked an appointment in the Windenburg General Hospital for the next morning. Luckily they had a slot and could fit me in.

I brought a book along to keep myself calm. It wasn't long before the doctor appeared before me.

Her name was Doctor Kennedy, and she was full of beans.
Dr K: "Miss Houser?"
Audrey: "Uh, yes!"
Dr K: "Follow me please."

She took me through various corridors of the hospital until we reached an examination room. She took all sorts of test. She tested my blood pressure, my heart rate, blood sample, urine sample, the works! She was a very thorough doctor.

She took me back to her office and sat me down. She flicked through her high-tech computer.
Dr K: "Well, Miss Houser, I hope you didn't find that too taxing."
Audrey: "No, well...I'm fine."

Dr K: "Well your tests didn't take too long to come back. Took minutes in fact."
Audrey: "Huh?"
Dr K: "Well, after all the examinations, I thought they were all pretty unnecessary, considering the circumstances."

Audrey: "What do you mean? Tell me straight, Doc. Am I dying?"

Dr K: "Quite the opposite, Miss Houser!"
Audrey: "Uh?"
Dr K: "Congratulations! You're pregnant!"
Audrey: "Yeah, very funny."

Doctor Kennedy came from behind her desk and sat next to me. The tone in her voice lowered, she wasn't so chirpy now.
Dr K: "Audrey, you're pregnant. Six weeks along in fact."
Audrey: "No...I..."
Dr K: "Would you like me to..."
Audrey: "That can't be right?!"

I burst into uncontrollable tears. This...was not good news for me. How was I going to explain this to Bjorn? To my parents? To Hannah? Not to mention that I was living in a tiny apartment, it was nowhere near big enough for myself and a baby!

Dr K: "Do you need anything? Do you want me to call a relative?"
Audrey: " I'm fine. But...after eating spicy food, I'd get cramps, is this the reason why?"
Dr K: "Uh, no. That was the spice. Someone from your background can't stomach such intense spices, take it easy on the samosas!"

Dr K: "Well, you just wait here one moment whilst I get you details of your midwife."
Audrey: "My...oh gosh."

What on earth am I going to do? But Bjorn told me he wasn't able to...have more kids, right? Maybe this is a mistake, surely the doctors have it wrong! But...on the other hand, I haven't been with anyone else within that time frame. I don't know what to do. Is getting rid of it an option? Do I really want to? I don't particularly want to but it's not just my decision. I need to tell Bjorn...