@Sonshine Please keep playing the tournament! The more players, the more fun for us all!
And I assure you, you weren't the only one who got thrown off by the amazing score of
@reggikko even though it was only for four weeks!
I did 3-4 partial practice runs, thinking I should be able to get near the that score, but found I'm just not that good a player yet (being optimistic).
@Teresa @Playalot I laughed at what you said about your personal tendency to have your sims make babies or transform into fitness gods. For me, the one of the main reasons I enjoy these challenges is that they take me away from my usual style of gameplay. I have to try really hard not to build a super garden if the challenge doesn't center on gardening. I also wanted to experiment with a few new strategies (well, okay, in my case, they're just approaches, haha). I loved last year's Baby Boomer challenge and hope that we'll have another this year!
We're lucky that the Challenges team has put together these amazing challenges and that we have the leisure time to participate.
Edited to be shorter. Sorry Lena!