I'm trying a dry run through this and am finding out that writing isn't such a good choice now. They keep hitting writer's block and then they can't do anything more! If you can only work on one skill per week, then she would just have to sit and chat or do nothing while she "rests" from her writing. I'm not sure when EA changed this, but I don't like it!
Edit: I'd also like to say that Plasticbox's mod of a notebook to write in instead of a computer doesn't work. There is no saving of the book if they stop for any reason and if they do finish a book, it doesn't go into their inventory.
I tried used his notebook to try to save on spending.
Edit Again: I have seen others say something like a "work hard" option for their sim at work. I don't see this on the Secret Agent Career. Could somebody please show me where it is?
Also, for the final score, do I just count their cash reserve or do I count their total net worth?