As the team gets ready to discuss changes to the 2017 Challenge Tournament we want to give all participants the opportunity to throw in their two cents to help us create an even better experience for next year.
** did you like the variety of events offered this year? Would you like to see some specific types of events next year?
** did you feel rushed - i.e. there was not enough time to complete events? Was the balance between long and short events about right?
** compared to many Sims 3 events the participation has seemed to fall for the Tournament. Can the team do anything to bring that back or is it more of a reflection on the game's popularity?
** do you feel how the world ranking is calculated is a good indicator for players?
Talk it up, folks.
We want your input.
Thank you.
Late to the game here, but I have some (rather lengthy) opinions.

1) I think I echo others when I say that the ones I enjoyed most were the less grindy, more broad challenges with different tiers of goals. The Cloning Around challenge is a good example of this because once you accomplished one goal you had to do something completely different to achieve the final goal. I think I would like more time-scored challenges like that (i.e. less "do as much as you can in 6 weeks," more "accomplish this as fast as you possibly can"). I also enjoyed Restaurant Wars, even though I couldn't finish, simply because there were different goals that needed to be achieved and it was never boring (even though the bugs were frustrating). I think Voidcritters Go was my favorite though - closely followed by Competing Collectors.
Overall, I really liked the variety, and I think it did cater to all different types of players. I discovered collecting for the first time ever (for some reason I had just never tried it), and I've been collecting in all my non-challenge saves ever since. Also, I really appreciate how the team incorporated new packs into the challenges, and I hope we will do some kind of City Living challenge next year!
2) Sometimes I felt rushed, but other times I was done early. I would be very happy to see a 4/8 week rotation, but that's personal preference. You could also think about making exceptions to the 3/6 week rule (maybe a special 9 week challenge) for for those YA-Elder ones that require tons of micromanaging (i.e. Baby Boomer, Homeless Shelter).
3) I agree with what others are saying about decreased participation being mainly due to the current interest level in the Sims 4. I don't think it's due to your challenges at all, although it might be good to have an "easier" one every 3 months or so maybe (possibly less intimidating for newbies). Personally, I don't think I would play the game as much if I
didn't have these challenges, so I'm very grateful to the team for putting them together.

4) I like the way the world ranking is calculated - I think it's very fair and balanced.
Hopefully this is helpful! I really appreciate all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes. Like I said above... even though I love Sims 4, I honestly don't think I would play it as much if it weren't for these challenges. So thank you!