Author Topic: Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uh-uh...ME!) A Fond Farewell  (Read 14025 times)

Offline Joria

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Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uhuh...ME!)Problems, Dec. 20
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2015, 09:37:12 PM »
Absolutely got that perk immediately.  Didn't want to take a chance on forgetting.  Something interesting; if you buy a piece of club clothing when you go to put it on, (there is a shirt icon you click on), it sends you to CAS but it's a mannequin.  So you put on, say a hat and go back to your Sim.  Voila the Sim is naked with grey undies on plus the hat!  Then, if you click on change outfit and select every day, they remain naked!  I wound up with all my Sims wearing athletic gear.  I imagine I'll have to take all my club members, (family), into CAS and redo their every day, maybe have to do it via the club thing.

My retail Sim, Angelina, does not have a job yet.  I wanted to do the whole soul mate thing, get the points etc.  Can't hurt to have extra cash and goodies when you've got a retail store and the extra points, plus Connections will make it happen.  Using the club bonus, plus connections plus entrepreneurial should get her promoted very quickly.  Plus, if she and spouse both are doing the soul mate then it's double and I'll put him in a career as well, probably scientist to obtain the goodies and hopefully avoid abductions.  Nancy and Geoffrey are once again my helpers and they both have enough points without soul mate, (which I suppose they could do), to buy connections which will equal more cash and some sell-able items.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline KTK10

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Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uhuh...ME!)Problems, Dec. 20
« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2015, 09:42:15 PM »
Good luck! I've been thinking of changing my retail family to mansion baron as I am finding it very hard to earn money and also get my founder promoted at the same time.. I will be interested to see how you do it!  ;D

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Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uhuh...ME!)Problems, Dec. 20
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2015, 10:28:29 AM »
I'm really enjoying your story!!  I also had the two girls Ulrike and Maaike move in with my retail family option.  They bring in a good 50,000 with them.  Plus they both have the creative trait.  Ulrike paints one master piece after another, she is really good value.  But like you said, they are not good marriage material  :D  I'm not a fan of the 'snob' trait either, but at least it doesn't create many negative moodlets.

The retail option isn't that hard once you figure out how to really play it.  I've made more money with that than the 'mansion baron' option!  By the end of week 3 my store was worth $180,000.  I didn't have all the perks but all I have to do now is one day of super sale 5% mark up only and I get one of the perks.  Three days of this and I've acquired all the perks I need.  It's the only thing I've managed to do well in this challenge  ;D  But I did play test this option before the challenge started.  However I do find the slowness of the 'retail option' painful at times. 

I'm looking forward to reading your version of this.  Your families are really entertaining and fun.  I love the name Jadon!!  And your Mansion Baron dude is really gorgeous!!!

I wish I knew more about the 'soul mate' aspiration before starting this challenge!  It's sounds the way to go. 

Offline Joria

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Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uhuh...ME!)The Easy Button, Dec.22
« Reply #33 on: December 22, 2015, 10:35:27 PM »
Ok, I'll admit it, I like things easy.  No hard work and suffering for moi!  So I immediately followed my plan and went and snagged the Landgraab family.  The only drawback there is Malcolm, but hey, who knows, he might be manageable.  With the cash they brought in, and my meager nest egg, I was able to immediately take care of what I considered priority one; buy a bakery!  The Watcher had kindly worked day and night and came up with a pink confection for my confectionery endeavor.  It was fully stocked with all kinds of decorative items.  Hmmmm, looks like saleable stuff until I get some baked goods done!  Score!!  Oh, and you remember Malcolm?  Dude was due to birthday so we did.  Here's a picture of the sort of celebration taken in the kitchen of the bakery.

We spent some time cleaning up the bakery, setting up for sale items, and in general getting things ready.  It had taken me most of the day to get the Landgraab's to cave and move in so we were pretty tired.  The Watcher threw together some bedrooms upstairs and we crashed there for the night.  No sense in sleeping rough if you don't have to!

The Watcher noticed something we had not ever seen before.  Nancy and Geof, after just a few social interactions and whims being completed, wound up with enough "points" to acquire something called "Connections".  Score again!!  After spamming quitting and joining jobs, we were so rich we could have become Mansion Barons, like that handsome guy down the street.  So, while we slept the sleep of the not so innocent, Watcher quickly threw together Chez Croft.  Pretty nice pad for a quick throw together and saved me all kinds of problems with sleeping arrangements.

The next morning it was time for priority number two; get a spouse.  I wasted quite a bit of time schmoozing the guys in Windermere but no one met my criteria and I wanted someone with good looks and an easy lovin' heart with decent traits.  One evil dude in the house was more than enough!  After finally becoming fed up with my choices, or lack thereof, I headed to the one place where I was pretty much guaranteed my choice of mates.  Zesty was there, of course, and J, but I don't much like blonde guys and J could be hard hearted.  My obvious option for a quick conquest was good ol' Don Lothario.  Decent traits and a big loving heart.  It took me four times of cloud gazing before he was receptive to moving in but move in he did.  Now it's pretty late at night so I had to move fast, or he did.  I wanted to become preggers before the dawn, exhausted or not. 

Don may have commitment issues for some but for me his sweet, loving self conquered that trait.  Our hearts began to beat as one as he took my hand and asked me to be his girlfriend.  (Do I suspect a proposal on the way?) 

It didn't take too many passionate kisses before he was down on one knee.  Girls, it's always best to let the man take the lead here if you can.  Makes them think it was all their idea. (snorts)

He was so adorable, and some how had come prepared with a gorgeous diamond ring.  This wasn't just dynasty or even destiny.  This was love.

Need I say more?

He led me into our bedroom.  I think he had all kinds of plans for that space, tired or not.  What a surprise to me when he took my hand and said, "honey, let's get married right now before I mess things up". 

It wasn't what I had planned for my "big day", but rings were exchanged, vows said and the deed was done.

When the magic confetti appeared I knew this was it, we were man and wife!

With the new day's dawn I knew we had been successful.  A nooboo was on the way!  Yay!  More magic confetti!

I immediately rallied the troops and got breakfast going.  I sure have a long way to go before I'll be even close to being a decent chef.  It was edible at least.

Most of us sat around in front of the tv with the cooking channel on, while Mal painted away.  Note the wonderful "free" items we got with doing the connections ploy!  Way to help furnish a house in style.

We planned on opening up the bakery today but while we waited for everyone to shower and get ready, the gang sat down for some serious studying up on skills, and simultaneously working on another aspiration. 

Before we left I broke the news to Don.  He just took it in stride, saying something about S.O.P. for dynasty challenges.  Who knew he could be so cool?

So now it's Tuesday and time to become a retail star!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline KTK10

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Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uhuh...ME!)The Easy Button, Dec.22
« Reply #34 on: December 23, 2015, 06:49:12 AM »
Your house looks amazing! Well of course it does.. you are a fabulous builder!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uhuh...ME!)The Easy Button, Dec.22
« Reply #35 on: December 23, 2015, 11:27:57 AM »
Oh my gosh @Joria !!!  How is that even a "starter home"?
Enjoying your story so far.  Haha, your sims just can't leave Don alone...
Congratulations on the pregnancy.  Wow, everyone's working fast!

Offline Joria

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Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uhuh...ME!)The Easy Button, Dec.22
« Reply #36 on: December 23, 2015, 12:15:51 PM »
Well thank you ladies!  Really, it's just one box after the other joined together.

Oshizu it really isn't a "starter".  When I got the Landgraabs in I had them sell all their furniture and what not.  Their funds and mine together came close to $200k.  I bought my store right off the bat then started selling off the extra stuff in the store which gave me back quite a bit of cash.  In other tries I had discovered that, while my store was really cute and pretty, it was also really difficult to keep track of customers.  Just too crowded!  So I got rid of extra rest rooms, cabinets and just plain decor and display stuff that was unnecessary.  This gave me enough cash to put in beds upstairs for that first night sleep.  Nothing else, just beds.  Not even wallpaper.  While my Sims slept, I practiced building them a house in another file.  It was really a struggle.  I'm not that good a builder, but I am pretty good at decorating.  Once I had Don on the home lot, I paused and built, tore down, rebuilt till I had something workable though fairly barren.  Nice beds were a must, a decent kitchen was also a must, and bathrooms.  I wound up eventually having pretty much everyone having enough points to buy them all Connections.  Now we're rolling in dough and some good items to use in the house which came "free", like a bunch of computers and extra easels.  I sold off most of the stuff, put some of it in my store, where I sold it at a much higher profit.  (Profit for one day sales was over $9,000!)  Really, if this had been Mansion Baron I'd already have finished that aspiration just by the connections ploy.  To keep my costs down I try to have as few walls as possible and buy the cheapest decor items and enlarge them to take up space, like taking a $20 plant and making it huge or a really cheap rug and enlarging it.  Looks good, costs little.  I never have sinks in my own builds although they are in the ones I upload.  Just selling off sinks can bring in some extra funds.  My heir won't have it quite so easy.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uhuh...ME!)The Easy Button, Dec.22
« Reply #37 on: December 23, 2015, 03:14:11 PM »
Sorry, I referred to your sim's home as a starter because she is still so early in the game, like Week

Ok, I'll admit it, I like things easy.  No hard work and suffering for moi!
Lol, for someone who likes things easy, your home and story took an incredible amount of planning, consideration, and practice. It really shows!
Your sim (Angelina?) and Don will produce a gorgeous child, I'm sure!

Offline Joria

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Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uhuh...ME!)The Easy Button, Dec.22
« Reply #38 on: December 24, 2015, 04:15:50 PM »
Phew!  What a busy time I've had of it.  Got my shop, got my helpers, got my spouse, got my house, got myself preggers, (with a little help from the love of my life), got connected, made a club, (panting hard), and even managed to squeeze in some meals and bathroom breaks.  Now it's time to open up my shop for all those anxious customers! 

The day dawned and we headed over to Magnolia Promenade where Croft's Creations was ready to go.  For some reason the customers and my helpers thought it would be cool to chat and hang around outside the cafe!  NOT COOL! 

Meanwhile I'd noticed some of my rivals had decided to make an appearance.  Checking out the competition, or just really wanting to shop?  Time will tell I guess.  I'm normally a really nice, laid back and very mannerly person, but when the "alien" showed up, no matter how sweet she seemed, I knew I had to take steps.  This could not be allowed!!  Suppose my customers got wind of an alien in my store?  Business would surely drop off fast!  I tried being kind and asking her if she would mind shopping at that lovely store across the street.  After all, she was rather sweet and pretty and I really wanted to like her and be a friend.  Rules were rules though.

After several references of her parentage and llamas, she finally was angry enough that we became enemies.  Still, even with all that, (and my struggling to be mean and angry with her), it took quite awhile and me demanding she leave before she finally got ticked off enough to take off.  My business was saved, but my heart was heavy.  How can I do such nasty things to someone I actually liked?

Maybe I was just hormonal?  After all, I was due to have that baby any day now.  My biggest fear was going into labor in the shop and having the baby there instead of at home where I had her nursery all ready.  I decided I needed a bit of a break, (pregnant ladies have to pee a LOT), so went downstairs, leaving the upstairs bathroom free for customer use.  Lo and behold who should I see taking his leisurely rest in my sitting room but Jason Masterson!!  OMG!  Not again.  I really wasn't ready for another confrontation at this point in my life, so I decided to just be friendly and see what was up.  Let's look at this logically.  His money would spend just as well as anyone elses, right?  (Note to self:  make employee/family break area off limits to customers!)

My schmoozing with him apparently worked really well because pretty soon I was checking him out, (for shopping.  Not for his gorgeous looks.  I'm married.  Remember self, you are married.  It doesn't matter if he's cute.)  I couldn't help but notice that annoying alien person was back.  Ah well, as I said, her money will spend just as well as anyone elses.  Maybe someone else can deal with her on a customer basis.  I sure blew that chance!

Jason was delighted with her purchases and said he'd bring his whole family over to shop!   Oh no!  We're not supposed to be friends!

Merchandise was flying out the doors.  My baked goods?  Not so much.  Plus, it seems there was way too much stuff in the way.  Once I sold off some of the clutter I decided I'd renovate a bit and not restock some of those items.  After all, it was supposed to be a bakery, not a small appliances shop!  Lots of customers, lots of cash, lots of work.  By the end of the day my "little shop" was worth over $200,000.  I could sell if I wish but boy do I need those perks!

Of course, leave it to me, my fears were justified.  Don panicked hard when we found out I actually WAS in labor!  No wonder I'd been aching so bad all day!

I had set a bassinet up upstairs, thinking I could just as well have the baby there, but unfortunately giving birth in a retail store is not allowed!  I was whisked off to the hospital where I faced that looooong lonely walk to the delivery room.

Don continued to panic, which had me quite puzzled and a bit annoyed.  After all, he wasn't doing any of the work, and besides, there in her little baby bed was our darling girl, Dongelina.

I got up to go see my little princess while Don just carried on!  What on earth was he all in a tizzy about?  Surprise!!!  I had twins!!  LaraLou was born so quickly after Dongelina I hadn't even noticed!  Now what do I do?  I guess, just love them both.  It wasn't in my game plan, but hey, twice blest.

When the Watcher saw this she was not happy!  Somethings had to change and fast.

Good ol' Watcher!  Now I'll always be able to tell them apart!  Dongelina got pink and purple and Lara got teal and green!  Oh, and from now on they are Lina and Lara.  Dongelina is just too big a mouthful.

Happy sigh!  We love our little ladies!  Before too long we were already best friends with both of them.  Don seemed to favor little Lara a bit, she was more the whiz kid and athletic type, just like him, while I seemed to pay more attention to my artistic heir, Lina.

Oh, here's a pic of our happy home.  We're well set up for those girls!  What a challenge they are going to be.  Notice my cleverness in choosing THIS lot for my home?  Play areas on two sides AND the biggest lot right next door where hopefully, my heir will reside, beating out that smart aleck Jason so HIS mansion will never be the biggest and best.

Days passed while we all worked hard on our skills.  I had a job in culinary and was working on mixology skills for my hoped for promotion.  It seemed just yesterday that I gave birth but we got the notice it was time for the girls' birthdays so we went to the nursery to watch it happen.  First up was first born, little Lina.  Isn't she a cutie?

Next Little Lara made her debut.  She looks just like her sister except for different hair styles.

I think the girls got the best of both of us.  Here's the heir.

After a quick trip to the dresser, both girls got busy right away on their homework.  They didn't need to have it done till Monday but this will free their time up for other things, and that A in school is all important to their future.

Time for me to go to work.  I guess I'll chat with you some more after the holidays!  May yours be blest!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uh-uh...ME!)Twins! Dec. 24 Happy Holidays
« Reply #39 on: December 24, 2015, 05:06:56 PM »
Happy holidays to you, too! The twins are adorable, but then Don usually produces good-looking children.
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Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uh-uh...ME!)Twins! Dec. 24 Happy Holidays
« Reply #40 on: December 24, 2015, 07:26:16 PM »
Dongelina! Too funny! Best heir name ever! The kids are gorgeous. Can't wait to read more.

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Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uh-uh...ME!)Twins! Dec. 24 Happy Holidays
« Reply #41 on: December 24, 2015, 08:00:32 PM »
@ MarianT:  Thank you!  Yes, he does, doesn't he.  Really he's one of my favorites for a spouse because of it.

@FrancescaFiori: I was thinking of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt and the Bradgelina thing that was going on.  Figured it would work.  lol  Glad you caught the humor.

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!  My kid's coming to visit from Seattle so I've already got the happiest Christmas ever!  (She's my model for most of my dark haired Sims and is just so pretty and talented.  She'll be on tv in March.  I'll let you all know when and where.)
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline Joria

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Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uh-uh...ME!)Breaking News!! Dec. 24 Happy Holidays
« Reply #42 on: December 24, 2015, 08:58:51 PM »
Stop the presses!!!  Just in to Station WCG, where The Watcher and Carl knows all,we're reporting the most alarming situation in our little town of Newcrest.  Yes, the Sim Nation was shocked today to hear what had happened at the residence of well known entrepreneur Angelina Croft!  Earlier today, Ms. Croft was peacefully enjoying her dinner before having to head out for work.  She had given last minute instructions to her close friends and housemates, Geoffrey and Nancy Landgraab regarding the care and comfort of her recently arrived twins.  We're withholding their names for their safety and privacy and to prevent any more shock or harm to the hapless duo.

Ms. Croft went cheerfully off to work while the Landgraab's served a delicious meal, previously cooked by the children's mother, to the charming little girls.  Apparently the meal was well received and all was going as planned. 

Their father, Don (the Heartthrob) Lothario, was busy on their patio painting what was claimed to be an alien prevention picture he planned on hanging in his work place at Sims Science and Research Facility.  His job was to start early on Monday morning.  Little did he or anyone know it may have already been too late.

The children and Landgraab's, according to sources, had already gone to bed for the night, and were totally unaware of the circumstances unfolding around their very heads.  Their son, Malcolm, (the Not-So-Evil-After-All), claims he saw nothing as he was busy repairing and mopping up several mishaps that had occurred earlier in the day in the family restrooms. Forgive our skepticism, but his reputation does precede him, and we are not entirely sure we can rely on his description, or lack thereof, of the events that took place.

Apparently, according to him, Don had finished the repairs he was doing when he claimed Don said he was going outside to investigate the source of, and I'm quoting here, some "weird lights" he saw.  Landgraab claims he saw the Watcher lock every door so Mr. Lothario could not possibly leave the premises, but this was to no avail.  Whatever was causing the lights apparently had the technology available to unlock anything, and therefor allow egress from the premises.  Unfortunately for him, Mr. Lothario proceeded to his side yard, where witnesses who had been jogging near by, say he was suddenly lifted up into the air.  They claim a "flying saucer with bright lights and weird sounds" was seen overhead, pulling Mr. Lothario up.

Witnesses claim they heard Mr. Lothario scream and, with a look of shock and awe on his face, say, "Oh no!  I wasn't supposed to see you guys till AFTER I'd been to work!"  It seems he and Ms. Croft had had a close encounter with a female they claim to be an alien who had invaded their neighborhood.  It seems they believe there is an alien conspiracy afoot to take over the Simiverse and they had plans to thwart this take over on their own, or with the help of various others, who had spotted this person.  The following photograph may be shocking to some, and parental guidance is recommended for those with children.

Meanwhile, Mr. Landgraab was last seen mopping up suspicious liquids in his parents bathroom.

Ms. Croft, who had remained at work, was unavailable for comment.  One thing we DO know is, this definitely was NOT, I repeat, NOT, a sighting of Santa and his sleigh which was seen earlier over Oasis Springs. 

We'll get back to you as soon as we hear of any further developments in this potential crises. This is Jon Biz E. Body, signing out for station WCG where The Watcher and Carl know all. 
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uh-uh...ME!)Twins! Dec. 24 Happy Holidays
« Reply #43 on: December 24, 2015, 08:59:49 PM »
Dongelina *snicker* brilliant :-D

Happy holidays and Merry Christmas!

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Re: Wish Me Luck, (No! Me...Uh-uh...ME!)Twins! / Breaking News! Happy Holidays
« Reply #44 on: December 25, 2015, 12:25:19 AM »
Fantastic!!! So funny .. Jon Biz E. Body.. the whole thing was so well written! Happy Holiday's Joria and enjoy your time with your family. ;D

