Author Topic: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/30 Wolff]  (Read 14353 times)

Offline Joria

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/13]
« Reply #30 on: December 14, 2015, 07:27:26 AM »
Lucy is really having a tough go of it.  So much going on in her life with store, marriage, nooboo to be and the kids, not to mention the back story with the extended family.  Wow.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/13]
« Reply #31 on: December 14, 2015, 09:46:00 AM »
Just so you know, Lucy will have the baby while you're not playing her. And if you don't like the name given by the game, you can change it in CAS when the baby becomes a child.

It used to be that unplayed pregnant sims always had twins, but that doesn't seem to be the case any more. Even so, I'd recommend leaving one bassinet on the lot so that you can tell which baby is the first born in case you do get twins.
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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/13]
« Reply #32 on: December 15, 2015, 06:07:58 PM »
Lucy is really having a tough go of it.  So much going on in her life with store, marriage, nooboo to be and the kids, not to mention the back story with the extended family.  Wow.
Lucy has become the hardest family to play.  I'm not sure if it's the combination of extra kids and her trouble getting pregnant, or letting her husband keep his job while trying to run the store.  The story going on with the extended family is actually my favorite part so far, and I wish that EA would bring back some of the older families in the newer games.

Just so you know, Lucy will have the baby while you're not playing her. And if you don't like the name given by the game, you can change it in CAS when the baby becomes a child.

It used to be that unplayed pregnant sims always had twins, but that doesn't seem to be the case any more. Even so, I'd recommend leaving one bassinet on the lot so that you can tell which baby is the first born in case you do get twins.
Wow.  Thanks for the heads up, it was almost too late in the day to do anything with her but I had enough time to travel back home and place a bassinet just in case.

Week 7, Curious

Dear Father,

It finally happened.  I was out exploring, and trying to capture a frog to increase my aspiration points, and the beam came down for me.  I'm not sure how it was for you, but seeing that much technology was amazing.  I eagerly await for time to pass to see if I can carry as you did with me.

In other news, I have found a suitable host for progeny in case the experiments were not a success.  Her name is Alayna Ramey.  I met her at work after being promoted to Ufologist, and knew immediately she was one of us.  She knew the handshake.

I invited her to come over after the work day was completed.  She seemed skeptical at first, but after I informed her that the impregnation was only required if I was not with noo boo, she accepted the terms.  She was only here on a visitor visa, and our marriage would give her both a base of operations for her studies of sim culture, and a place to sleep that wasn't a park bench.

After being informed that Lacy was not only my own niece, but a quarter alien herself, Alayna took her disguise off.  I know in Strangetown all aliens are green, but here they have a myriad of colorful applications.  It seemed too rude to ask if Sixam was her native planet.  I'll have any prodigy we happen to have ask her once they are of school age.  The pink patterns on her pale purple cheekbones quite nicely accent her complexion, and I begin to feel a strange contentment when she is around.  Father, I know you had your brothers, myself and Saintpaulis around, but did you ever feel the requirement for a lifemate, were you lonely?

She has been making attempts to put her knowledge of sim culture to good use.  Lacy's birthday was fast approaching, so Alayna attempted a cooking of the birthday bread with frosting.  Lacy seemed to appreciate the gesture, but later quietly told me that she doesn't like sweets, and inquired if Alayana would be offended should she not consume the festive dish.  Luckily,Alayna seems to agree with the disliking of sweets, and only wished for candles to be blown out, in order to observe the sparkles of this world that begin the aging process.

Lacy has now become a full-blown adult.  She claims to be at teenager, but her height is the same as ours, and I can see no discernible difference between the two ages in this world.  Back home the teenagers are a hand shorter, and their features still have the remnants of childhood.  However, she does have an updated homework book, so I must take her word for it.  She has been talking to her paternal uncles lately, and has decided to embrace the ideal of Perfect Mind Perfect body.  She has also picked Renaissance Sim, which seems to have carried over from the previous installment.

She has also embraced the healthy lifestyle of yogurt, orange juice and jumpsuits.  I hope this is a phase, and that she will return to her studies before the baby comes.  I've come to think of her as a Curious, and I could deal with her being a Smith just as easily, but I have no idea how to handle a Grunt should she complete the metamorphosis.  Is it always this confusing to be a parental figure?

Alayna and I have begun our courtship.  We are now dating, and have plans to legalize our union. Lacy seems quite excited about this, though I'm not quite sure why.  She insists on creating the festive bread with frosting herself.  Apparently she was not satisfied with Alayna's attempt.

It would appear that I was not chosen to carry another of our species within my own body.  I convinced Alayna that it was time, and she surprised me with agreeing immediately.  It only took one try.  When next I write, you will be a grandfather.  I'll include picture for you.

Best wishes from your son.

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/15]
« Reply #33 on: December 15, 2015, 11:39:18 PM »
That last photo is GREAT! He looks so happy. I also wanted to comment on Mr Wolff.. he is an unlikable fella isn't he? hehe.. great reading though! @MarianT - I am doing a test run of this challenge myself and just noticed my pregnant sim had twins but I wasn't playing them.. now I have no clue who the first born is.. oh dear.. Will post on the official board.

Offline sone

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/15]
« Reply #34 on: December 16, 2015, 04:55:48 PM »
That last photo is GREAT! He looks so happy. I also wanted to comment on Mr Wolff.. he is an unlikable fella isn't he? hehe.. great reading though! @MarianT - I am doing a test run of this challenge myself and just noticed my pregnant sim had twins but I wasn't playing them.. now I have no clue who the first born is.. oh dear.. Will post on the official board.
I was very impressed with Tycho's pose for the final picture.  Mr. Wolff would like to express his pleasure with you addressing him as so, and agrees that he is a rather unlikable person.  Tough luck with you twins,I hope you can figure something out so you don't have to start over.

Week 8 Wolff

Glorious news watcher!  Things are going quite well for me at this point.  I should never have lost faith in you.  Work is going well, despite the questionable uniform.  Can you believe they think I need makeup?  I've made Color Theory Critic, and landed myself an agent for my own works.  Not that I need an agent, per se, but it looks better to have one after completing a certain amount of paintings.

My step-son has aged up suddenly, and is now an adult.  I find him to be quite promising.  His silly hobby of writing is no  longer silly, as he has now published several short stories, works of non-fiction and screenplays, ringing in almost $2,000 a day.  As such, I supported his decision to bring in and marry Miss Wanda Ocampo, despite the permanent look of shock on her face.  Has she never seen a Dynasty challenge household before?

Young Tesher managed to bring up grades up to an A the very net day, and has moved on to creativity.  So long as he maintains his grades and stays out of my workshop, I don't care what the boy does.  His mother seems oddly proud.  It pleases me that she can take pleasure from the boys accomplishments, though her irritation at working remains.  I no longer believe I can convince her to continue with her job until retirement age, and will be speaking with her shortly about a potential transfer opportunity I heard about.

Grady's young wife is now with noo boo.  They have assured me that the child will remain in their room for the duration of the bassinet period, and we will revisit it's location problem when it becomes a child.  Grady has stepped up to the parenthood challenge by getting a career in writing, in addition to his hobby.  He has started out as an Advice Columnist, after my excellent reference.  His wife has decided to follow in my footsteps, and will begin painting on the morrow.  I find I quite like her.

Tesher has managed to make a friend, a girl named Faith Singleton.  She can't seem to match her socks, but seems to be from a good family.  Araceli and I have been discussing letting her age up at Tesher's birthday next cycle.

Wanda has been learning many things during her pregnancy and new job as a Watercolor Drabblist.  Apparently, if you pass out in a puddle, the game makes a cool noise!

Tesher has finished a second childhood aspiration, and now spends his time practicing typing on his brother's computer.  I could almost be proud if he hadn't been taking vacation days from school.  What good is personal enrichment at the expense of his education?  Araceli says I should be happy he is racking up so many points, but I worry what he will do upon reaching high school at the rate he is going.

I aged up into a full-adult, and enjoyed a lovely cake made by my wife.  Perhaps she doesn't need to maintain a job.  The house is now worth over $100,000.  Grady and Wanda are contributing more then I expected, and Tesher will be getting a job soon.  her constant anxiety is really beginning to take a toll on our marriage.

Wanda has given birth to a girl-child.  She has named her Alissa.  Normally I would have liked some input on the naming of a child, as this is legally my grandchild, but Alissa is not my biological offspring.  Araceli is thrilled, and dismayed at being a grandmother so young.

Tesher is attempting to get as much as possible out of the motor aspirtaion, though he seems more interested in socializing.  While I don't mind, and even encourage, his friendship with Faith, I cannot condone him hanging out with those horrid kids Burb has adopted.  I've been hearing rumors the blonde one is actually insane!  Probably a family trait, just look at where his older brother is.

Wonderful Wanda has managed to complete my portrait.  The Museum is built, I'm reaching the end of my career, we had a wonderful dinner party and I've purchased both Frugal and Professional Slacker.  By the end of next week everything should be done, other then perhaps one more promotion.  Thornton Wolff Junior, signing out.

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/16, Wolff]
« Reply #35 on: December 16, 2015, 05:44:11 PM »
Nice portrait of Thornton. You're making fast progress!
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline KTK10

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/16, Wolff]
« Reply #36 on: December 16, 2015, 09:54:37 PM »
You are doing great! Well done Mr Thornton Wolff.. you have lived up to expectations!  :P

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Offline Joria

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/16, Wolff]
« Reply #37 on: December 20, 2015, 04:38:03 PM »
Wow.  Moving along so fast!  I absolutely adore the way your aliens speak.  "Festive bread with frosting" just cracked me up.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/16, Wolff]
« Reply #38 on: December 25, 2015, 12:41:37 AM »
Sorry for the long delay folks, I just finished working 8 days in a row.  Happy Holidays!

Nice portrait of Thornton. You're making fast progress!

Thank you, I was rather pleased with how it came out.

You are doing great! Well done Mr Thornton Wolff.. you have lived up to expectations!  :P

If those words would only come from his father, perhaps his character would have a revelation...ah well.

Wow.  Moving along so fast!  I absolutely adore the way your aliens speak.  "Festive bread with frosting" just cracked me up.
Thank you, the alien-speak is one of my favorite parts.

Week 9, Burb

Dear Diary,

Although I've been playing mother to Beau and Skip, something about those nooboo sparkles has changed something for me.  This is Karson, my son.

Beau is thrilled at having another sibling.  Skip...not so much.  Still, at least he's interacted with Karson.  Johnny seems almost bored with the idea of a child.
" we have to change it?"
"Only if we age up before he does.  I couldn't do anything with you, Dustin had to do everything when Mom was gone."

I'm beginning to regret having chosen the retail option, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.  The store is worth $90,000 now, but I haven't managed to get even the first required perk yet.  I've promoted Devan, but it isn't helping all that much.  At least I'm the regional manager at work now.

I wasn't prepared for the cultural differences here in Newcrest.  There are no toddlers, my nooboo leapt out of his crib and gained four feet in one fell swoop!  Apparently, my genes mixed with Johnny's produced a rather androgynous child.  Skip has twice asked me is Karson is a girl.  From a distance, I've made the mistake myself.

Karson has decided on Whiz kid, in the hopes of better preparing for a career.  He's nearly mastered the mental skill already, and I couldn't be prouder.

Both Beau and Skip have finished the rambunctious skamp aspiration in time for their birthdays.  We managed to get a visitation in with Dustin the day before Beau's birthday.  It...went ok.  Skip really didn't remember him, and Beau seems disappointed.  I guess his image of his older brother didn't quite match up to reality.
"Aunt Lucy, can we visit mom next week?"
"Only if her doctors okay it kiddo." a strange child.  I'm not sure what he's been reading in those books, but he's taken a vastly different approach to hugging then his older brothers.

Johnny stepped up and baked a cake for Beau's birthday.  I now have a teenager in the house.  Watcher help me.

The visit to Dustin may have been poorly timed.  Beau seems to have taken influence from his brother, and now had quite the jealous streak.  His school adviser has informed me that Beau is indeed insane, and may need more help then Johnny and I can provide.  Hopefully the planned visit with Brandi will help him adjust.

Skip had his birthday the next night, and has become gloomy.  Now that the boys are teenagers, I sat them down to explain that they have to live with me now because their mother's heart is giving out and their brother is going to be in jail for the foreseeable future.  Beau took it in stride, but Skip seems to be having a much more difficult time.  He's spending all his time in his room painting now.

Beau has been spending a lot of time with one of our regulars, Marlene Boyle.  I'm not sure it's very professional, but he seems happier.  Now that he and his brother are older, they've been trying to pick up the slack in the store, and we may be able to get sure sale next week!

When he isn't working the sales floor, Beau has been at the gym.  his grades arn't steller, but he was a B student before, and that's good enough for him.  I'd like it if he applied himself more, but he has no plans to go to collage.  He told me he wants to help Karson run his store when he leaves, and become a professional athlete.

Johnny's been talking about trying for a girl, but the apartment is already filed to bursting.  I had to put my desk in out room and put most of the kids stuff in storage so that when Beau and Skip had their birthdays all the kids could have their own rooms.  Seeing as how it's now Sunday, I have two weeks to think about it.  I'm almost a full-blown adult now, and it's time to decide if we're having anymore kids.  At least I don't have to worry about collage funds here.

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/24, Burb]
« Reply #39 on: December 25, 2015, 01:36:32 AM »
Good luck with the teens!  Story is doing so well.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline KTK10

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/24, Burb]
« Reply #40 on: December 26, 2015, 10:23:09 AM »
Such an engaging story!  ;D

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/24, Burb]
« Reply #41 on: December 27, 2015, 09:50:10 AM »
Really enjoying your story, all 3 families seam to do well :)
Looks like mister Wolff is the one closest to the target

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/24, Burb]
« Reply #42 on: December 28, 2015, 06:29:49 PM »
Good luck with the teens!  Story is doing so well.
Thank you.  it's actually a lot easier now that they're teens.  Hopefully they can help me save the shop portion, it's killing me.

Such an engaging story!  ;D
Thanks, knowing people are enjoying the story is helping me keep this going.

Really enjoying your story, all 3 families seam to do well :)
Looks like mister Wolff is the one closest to the target

He's been leading by quite a bit, but Tycho is quickly catching up.  It all depends on careers now, though Lucy is in dead last thanks to the store being so much harder for me.

Week 10, Curious

Dear Watcher,

I'd like you to meet my progeny.  Her mother has named her Abigail, which the simpedia tells me means 'father's joy'.  I regret that you missed her birth and naming, but it seems apt, as I have been unable to cease smiling since I first held this perfect purple noo boo.  Her scales are nearly as lovely as her mother's.  I only wish Pascal could be here to meet his grandchild.

A few nights later I was beamed up again.  To Alayna's and my own shared sorrow, I was not implanted with a child, though not for lack of trying on my part.  I had just been promoted to Laboratory Leader, and the timing was perfect for another addition to our household.  Maybe next time.

Things have been strange at work.  Despite my efforts, I seem to be progressing more and more slowly in my career.  It's all very different from how it works in Strangetown, and I wonder if I will ever acclimate to the cultural differences here in Newcrest.  In addition, we had a bonding exercise at work this week were we all had to spend the day doing everything with our assigned partner.  Going to the bathroom was awkward.

In an effort to acclimate, I proposed to Alayna.  She accepted, and we eloped immediately.  We then spent the next few days working the soulmates aspiration to help me finish up with acquiring my alien powers.  I now have them all, and am one step closer to completing all of my requirements.

Unfortunately, we forgot to lock the door.  The good news is that I do not need to give Lacy the woo hoo talk anymore, though I should probably mention to her at some point that there are differences she should be aware of between sims an aliens at some point.

Abigail aged up shortly, and is a good mixture of myself and her mother.  In her sim form, she has her mother's eyes and my hair, which was unexpected.

I knew that I had a teenage girl living with us, but I wasn't entirely prepared for everything that entailed.  Lacy quickly got to the top of her class, got a job as a landscaper, began to show interest in her Curious roots at last, and invited a boy over.

"Skip, what's wrong?"
"My Mom just died..."

Hearing this news, we quickly acquiesced to letting Skip spend as much time over here as he wanted.  The combination of sibling jealousy over his adopted mother now having a biological child and losing his mother, with his gloomy disposition, meant Lacy needed to fulfill her duties as his best friend.  Though I do wonder where his brother is in all of this.

As teens are wont to do, or so my family tells me, they quickly became more.  They started dating only a few short weeks later, and though I wasn't sure what to do about it at first, I eventually decided it was fine.  I would have preferred an alien for my daughter-cousin, but Lacy has always made good decisions, so I'll let her do as she wishes.

Though I do wish she would spend a little less time around the family when she is...on a date.
"Hey dad, when do I get to do that?"
"Not until you've moved out."

Lacy informed me that she and Skip have gotten serious, and that hey have promised themselves to each other, the apparent teen equivalent to a proposal.  She's growing up much too quickly for my tastes, but she is also in all advanced placement classes now and looking at med school.  I cannot wait for her parents to come for a visit when their current contract expires.  They have a three week gap between assignments, and will no doubt be thrilled that their daughter has decided to become a doctor just like them.

Though she may want to be more careful.  Despite her explanation that Skip just wanted to see space with her, I suspect things may have gotten out of hand a mile above the atmosphere.

Alayna has decided to take up painting professionally.  The additional income, as well as her new skills, has come in quite handy.  We managed to build the museum for our Dynasty!

We spent a little more on updating the household.  The kitchen has been enlarged, and we though we added a roof the main house is still outdoors, as we did not complete the walls.  Both Abigail and myself love the outdoors, and the bedrooms are entirely inside now, so Lacy and Alayna agreed to the compromise.

I look forward to your next visit Watcher.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get back into shape.  Alayna tells me we have another child on the way, so I'll need to get back to looking like a parent, and keep up with yet another little one.  They'll outnumber us after this.

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/28, Curious]
« Reply #43 on: December 29, 2015, 05:28:22 AM »
All his Alien Powers and a new nooboo on the way? Sounds like he has everything under control  ;)

Offline Joria

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/28, Curious]
« Reply #44 on: December 30, 2015, 03:57:03 PM »
He's moving right along, isn't he?  Alien powers, check, nooboo, check, not too much more to go for him.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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