Author Topic: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/30 Wolff]  (Read 14346 times)

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry (week 2)
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2015, 12:41:19 PM »
Thornton Jr. Wolff -- that suit!  Perfect.

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry (week 3)
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2015, 03:26:03 AM »
I LOVE this story, it's concept, and your creativity!  Good luck!
Thank you, I'll try to keep it going.

Really awesim! Its great to see some old/new faces!

Loving this story and rooting for Lucy! Go for Broke!!!
I know I'm not supposed to have favorites, but I want Lucy to win too.  She has the most in-depth story so far.

Poor Thornton! This is great stuff.
Thank you.  I feel like he brings it on himself most of the time.

I'm cackling with glee over the thought of him having to deal with nooboo for two weeks!  Love the way this is turning out.
It may be the most neutrally evil thing I've ever done, leaving a sim who hates children with an unaging nooboo.

This is so entertaining. Best of Luck!
Thank you, glad you like it.

Thornton Jr. Wolff -- that suit!  Perfect.
He was actually generated wearing it.  I took it as a sign.

Week 3, Burb

Dear Diary,

They should rename Newcrest Strangetown.  I've been with the watcher a week, and not only do I have no fears, I also have to do things myself.  No Eclectic and Enigmatic Energizer.  Needed to spend time replenishing my needs has made things progress...slowly...with my career and my shop.  I am only an Office Assistant, despite showing up to work all five days in a good mood.I'll need to invest in a coffee maker to get this energized moodlet my coworkers keep going on about.  But not all is lost.  True to the midnight gong, the watcher came to me, leaving that Thornton to his nooboo misery.

Unfortunately, Johnny picked up on my tense mood, and wasn't to be persuaded by my good looks.  Perhaps some other time.  I tried to hang out with him each day after work, but he always made it awkward when I tried to flirt with him.  Maybe it wasn't meant to be?

There was a nice guy at the bar next to me, who took pity on me by getting some chips from the bartender.
"You new to the game, or just to town?"   I couldn't help but laugh.
"I'm new to Newcrest, but not flirting.  My name is Lucy, I'm from Pleasentview."
"Nice to meet you Lucy.  I'm Devan Rushing."
I tried some light flirting with him, and everything seemed to be going well

And then the other shoe dropped.
"I can tell from our socialization that your outgoing and self-assured.  Let me just confirm what else you are."
He touched his forehead, and beamed me!
"Alas Devan, it cannot be.  I've chosen the Retail option, so you are barred from inseminating me."
He took it well, all things considered.  Even wished me luck.  I'll need it at this rate.  How did Thornton get a spouse so quickly?

I had spent a little too much on my store, so I decided to do something productive with what was left of my night.
"Hello Tycho."
"Greetings Miss Lucy Burb.  What  brings you to my abode?"
"I was wondering if I could use your bed for the night?"
"Why certainly.  It would be rude of me to refuse an old acquaintance lodgings."

"Cool,, your in on the Rival Dynasty challenge too, right?  That's why your in Newcrest?"
"Indeed.  My family thought it would be a good opportunity for me."
"And your...acquainted with the rules?"
"Cool,, I notice you haven't...pollinated yet.  We both need an enemy of our bloodlines, so guess what?
"We duel for glory and honor?"
"Not quite."

Thornton's Sim Fu watching hadn't helped him.  Tycho was smaller then Thornton, not even much of a challenge really.  I declared him my nemesis, and that was that.  "...but no hard feelings, right?"
"...can I still sleep here?"
"Certainly.  Lodgings had already been confirmed, and the Curious family is known for being honorable."
Yeah, and weird.  But the bed sure was comfy.  I even made it when I left.  The Burb's are nothing if not polite.  Just ask grandma Diane Pleasant.

I may have Pleasant blood in me, but I'm a Burb.  We get things done, and I now have my enemies made.  I convinced Johnny to move in with me on Friday.  he brought $29,000 with him, enough to renovate the store.  Since it has to be worth 100,000, I've decided to build an apartment o the second floor.

The week wasn't as successful as I would have liked, but it could have been worse.  With Johnny to help me with the store, and that blasted alien Devan employed as well, things should pick up the next time the Watcher takes interest in me.  Oh, I've got mail.

Hey Lucy

I had my hearing last week.  I was disappointed you didn't come, but your Mom let me know your in Newcrest doing that Dynasty thing.  Good for you.  You probably already heard my parole got denied, so it looks like I've got another ten years in here.

Lucy, I need your help.  Brandi- Mom, she isn't doing too good.  They've transferred her to a hospital in Bridgeport, something about better facilities, but she probably only has another year left.  Since she can't be in Pleasentview anymore, they're going to put my brothers in foster.  Beau is still at Dribbledine on scholarship, so they're letting him finish the term, but Skip is with CPS already.  I wouldn't ask if I had another choice, but Angela is still abroad in Champs Les Sims, working on her doctoral.  I can't ask her to give that up, not after what I've put her through.

I know money is tight for you right now.  Once I get out, I can reopen our place back home, and get you your due.  I know I still owe you for everything the cops took, and I'll get that too.  Our families have a history together, so I hope you'll do this for us.  If your up for it, the caseworker is Mrs. CrumpleBottom.

Of course perfect Angela is too busy to help the family.  Typical.  Aunt Mary Sue could probably do it, but she's getting old now, and there's no way I'm asking Lilith and Dirk to take them in, not when they're taking care of Angela's son already.  No, it's gotta be me.

RE: Hey Lucy

Dustin, you should have let me know sooner.  I'll head over in the morning to get Skip, and make arrangements to get Beau after the term is over.  I can't afford Dribbledine, but the schools here are ok.  I'll see about him getting into an athletics program.

You should try to do business school online, maybe with Fiesta Tech's program.  Some of your credits are bound to transfer.  I have Dirk and Darren running our old store right now.  We'll discuss how your partnership is affected when you get out, but you owe the Dreamer's more then me.  Lilith really has her hands full between taking care of the twins and Bobby.  I now Angela's directorial is important, but it really wasn't fair for her to drop your son with her sister.  Don't worry about the money, I'll just put it on your tab.  Besides, I happen to like your brothers.

I picked Skip up later that night.  Brandi called Mrs. CrumpleBottom, and it only took about an hour.  I left a voicemail for Beau, letting him know what's going on.  It's too bad about Dribbledine, but he and Skip should probably be living together until we know what's happening with their mom.  I just hope he sees it that way.  At least Skip was happy to see me.

"Hi Aunt Lucy!"
"Cousin Technically, but it's good to see you too kid."
Here's hoping this doesn't complicate things.  Dustin is my best friend, and kind of my cousin thanks to Angela, but he sure knows how to make life difficult for me.

"Hi, I'm Skip.  Who are you and why do you live with my Aunt Lucy?"
", Aunt Lucy?"
Watcher, why must you leave me in my moment of need?

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry (week 3)
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2015, 05:50:55 AM »
Fantastic! Just when I get invested with one moves.. then I get invested in that family.. and then.. hehehe! Great story

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry (week 3)
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2015, 08:30:51 AM »
Wow, talk about complications!

Incidentally, there's no reason why Lucy couldn't marry an alien. It's not against the rules. You could even have an alien founder who chooses the retail option.
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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry (week 3)
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2015, 11:20:49 AM »
I'm still #TeamBurb :-) Lucy is awesim!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Joria

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry (week 3)
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2015, 01:17:59 PM »
Sigh.  All that backstory is making me so nostalgic for TS3.  Loving the Burbs.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry (week 3) [Now with Family Trees]
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2015, 02:39:50 AM »
Note from the author:  Family trees have been created and posted on the first post, including all known information about sim's ancestors from the sims 2 and 3.  I have also included some non-cannon characters, based on how I liked to play the sims 2.  If there are any mistakes made, please let me know so I can correct them.

Fantastic! Just when I get invested with one moves.. then I get invested in that family.. and then.. hehehe! Great story
Thank you, I'm trying to keep all of the families interesting.  It's been hard to leave after only one week, I really wanted to stay with them longer.

Wow, talk about complications!

Incidentally, there's no reason why Lucy couldn't marry an alien. It's not against the rules. You could even have an alien founder who chooses the retail option.
Sadly it's only going to get more complicated for poor Lucy, with an extended family as large as the one she has.
I almost wish I had pursued Devan.  I don't know why I thought regular sims couldn't marry aliens.

I'm still #TeamBurb :-) Lucy is awesim!
I'm quite invested in her myself.  The broke family was my favourite when I played the sims 2, and I had a lot of fun with the extended Burb Pleasant Dreamer family tree.

Sigh.  All that backstory is making me so nostalgic for TS3.  Loving the Burbs.
Only Thornton is sims 3, the Burbs are sims 2, unless I've missed something in an expansion pack?

Week 4, Curious

Dear Jill,

I hope this letter find you well.  According to Aunt Jenny, both you and Buck are currently in Shang Simla, working with Doctor without borders.  Congratulations on the two of you both being accepted into the program.  Last I heard, your daughter was living with Aunt Jenny.  You can imagine my surprise when I heard "Cousin Tycho!" being shouted at me whilst walking back from work one night.  "Greetings Cousin Lacy.  What brings you here this evening?"  "I'm playing pirate!"

Apparently, young Lacy has completed the four year program at LeFromage Art in only two years, and decided with your mother that she would rather come here and study this culture's artwork...and assist me in my endeavors.  "I am happy to see you, but why have you decided to come here to help me?"
"Well, I heard that here kids have to learn the creativity skill before the painting skill.  I can learn a lot more here then at that frumpy old art school.  Besides, Grammy's so busy helping with Zoey, Creaon and Will, she doesn't have time to take me to art galleries anymore."

I am finding adjusting to parenting difficult.  Lacy did not like the Orbital Pudding book I chose for bedtime readings, nor did she appreciate the outdoor view of her bedchambers.  Really, if the family wished for me to put up lodgings, they should have sent along funds.  I may be a Technological Innovator now, but I also have to try to build the rocket ship, and it is draining my funds heavily.

Luckily for me, Miss Lacy is very self motivated, and skips around aspirations in order to stock up on points.  She gave me a sleep replacement.  I have been staying late at work everyday, interviewing my colleges, but alas, none are alien.  It's making me look good to our superiors at least.  They have given me a workstation for home use.  Lacy thought it was a punishment, a sort of homework.  I explained to her that Adults only have to do homework if they want to, and it is a reward.  I do not think she believes me.

The SimRay I developed at work has had wonderful home uses.  Transforming useless objects into furnishings has allowed me to improve our finances greatly.

There have been minuscule mishaps.

And a small miracle.  I have never encountered this plant before, but your father tells me they grow on the homeplanet.  I only hope it counts as a museum piece, as I transformed it from another object, and did not find it naturally.

I wish you and Buck the best in your work.  Know your daughter is in safe hands, and fully supervised at all times.  She has an A in school after only a week here, level 7 in mental skills and level 4 in creativity.  She spends her time almost exclusively at the chessboard, and never leaves home or my sight unless it is for school.
"Cousin Tycho, look, no hands!"

The Watcher also wishes me to inform you that they have excellent hospitals here in Newcrest, and that should anything happen, Lacy will be well taken care of.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/8]
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2015, 09:52:35 AM »
Lacy is cute. And there was a Curious family in Twinbrook in TS3.

If Tycho is planning to max the science career, then he doesn't need to build a rocket; the wormhole generator can be upgraded to give him access to Sixam. And he shouldn't put the quill plant in the Museum. As a founder he doesn't need a collection.

Tycho seems to be doing well as an uncle. Good update!
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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/8]
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2015, 10:04:13 PM »
It's funny seeing Tycho parenting Lacy.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/8]
« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2015, 10:17:59 AM »
I really like Tycho, you have him smart but bumbling as well which makes him very endearing.  ;D Lucy is so cute, and how wonderful she likes her studies!

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/8]
« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2015, 10:19:52 PM »
Lacy is cute. And there was a Curious family in Twinbrook in TS3.

If Tycho is planning to max the science career, then he doesn't need to build a rocket; the wormhole generator can be upgraded to give him access to Sixam. And he shouldn't put the quill plant in the Museum. As a founder he doesn't need a collection.

Tycho seems to be doing well as an uncle. Good update!

Ah, Twinbrook, got it.  I'll dig around on that next time I pop in the sims 3 for background research, thanks.

The Rocket is for temporary use for future generations so that they can travel and find spouses after moving(in case the generator breaks down) and story content.  Thanks for the museum info.

It's funny seeing Tycho parenting Lacy.
Indeed.  I always wondered how he would function as a parent after being raised by two uncles and a father who all had knowledge aspirations.

I really like Tycho, you have him smart but bumbling as well which makes him very endearing.  ;D Lucy is so cute, and how wonderful she likes her studies!
Thank you.  I've always pictured him as being very intelligent in practical application, but almost oblivious in how to interact with others.  Lucy is a true Curious, despite her Grunt genes.

Week 5, Wolff

Watcher, you have left me alone with this occupied bassinet for two weeks.  While I realize this is a rotational play, you could have waited until today for my wedding, and subsequent impregnation of Araceli.  Doing something like this makes me question your impartiality to the challenge, and consider that you are in fact in league with that horrible Burb woman.

She came to rub her nose in it as well.  I was throwing a wonderful house party.  You might have heard about it.  Gold medal party.  My father himself would have been proud to attend, were he not so busy with his own work.
"Here's that stereo you ordered.  Araceli, I heard you just had a baby!  They must have been lying, your far too skinny to have just popped out a noo boo!"
"Oh, Lucy!  So wonderful to have you dear!  Tesher is just in the next room, you simply must meet him!  Oh, you can set the stereo on the counter over there, thank you again for such a lovely gift."

Araceli is a traitor to the cause!  How are my own wife befriend such a horrid enemy of mine!  Even her son seems susceptible to her 'charms'.
"Grady, you do know this woman is a known and convicted criminal?  How can you associate with her?"
"It's a party Thornton.  There's no need to be rude to our guest."
"Your taste in guests is as poor as your taste in clothing."

Grady has informed me that in the entire three day stretch that baby Tesher was under the watchful eye of you, dear Watcher, he never once had a dirty diaper.  Should we be concerned, or merely grateful that my offspring cannot empty his bladder?
"Hey there little bro.  Don't  worry about your dad, once your my age he'll stop being afraid of you.  He doesn't hate you, just your age demographic."

Soon enough, Tesher figured out how to escape the bassinet prison, and was one step closer to being a person.  In just 13 days time this ordeal will be over...
Although that will actually be 27 days, since you have two others to oversee.  At least I'm only required to produce one offspring.  I'm not sure I could do this a second time.

Can you believe that Tesher loves music?  I think Burb's stereo has unduly influenced Tesher.  How could any child of mine prefer music to art?  I took him aside and explained that a Wolff has certain responsibilities, and he will meet them.  Tesher must complete Whiz Kid before I will acknowledge this silly nonsense about a violin.

Thankfully Araceli supported me in this, at least.  She's been having anxiety attacks about feeling 'trapped' in her job, despite being promoted to caterer.  She gets to travel on a regular basis, I would have thought that would reduce her stress.  She has been helping with his chess games, and tutoring him in his homework.  He managed to his grades up to a B, which is acceptable since he only had 4 days at school this week.  I expect he will have an A by next Monday night.

Between parties and dealing with Araceli's anxiety, I only managed one promotion this week.  Level 5 is nothing.  I've nearly mastered painting, but my house still isn't' worth even $50,000, and I begin to despair of reaching the top of Mansion Baron before it's time for Tesher to move out.  The boy is doing acceptably well, thought he won't be able to complete Whiz kid until he returns to school for his A.  Since he mastered the Mental skill, I have allowed him to begin with the violin.  The noise is atrocious, and not even his brother can stand to be in the room with him during practice.  I have graciously allowed Grady to use my old easel, as he cannot use the computer in his room while Tesher is violating our eardrums.  He should shortly be able to capture my image appropriately for display on the walls of the Wolff family museum.  My blueprints are completed, and should we amass sufficient funds I shall begin work on it next week.

Burb's gift has shown it's longevity.  Grady has already had to fix it twice, and I can't help but wonder if she perhaps chose something with faulty wiring in the hopes of setting my house on fire.  Once a criminal, always a criminal.  I'v heard a rumor that two young boys have been seen around her store, which now apparently has an apartment upstairs.  I'll have to see if the rumors are true, and if so, find out how she has possibly gotten farther then me in the race to produce heirs.

Though our black and white party only achieved silver status during this week's attempt, young Grady managed to dress properly.
"Why didn't you dress this nicely for the house party?"
"Because it wasn't a black and white party."
Young Grady has managed to get an A in school, and is progressing nicely in both writing and painting.  I could almost be proud of him, though he needs to get a real job.  Perhaps Araceli will see my point, if I agrees she can leave her job should Grady pull his own weight around here.  She seems to think that cleaning, repairing and babysitting Tesher is enough of a job.  Chores are not a job.

At least I'm not stuck with a noo boo for two weeks this time.  I'll just work on my painting until you return to me again, and hope the other occupants of this residence leave me be.  Fare thee well.

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/10]
« Reply #26 on: December 11, 2015, 08:32:36 AM »
Thornton sounds a bit -- grumpy? So happy that Tesher is being allowed to play the violin.
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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/10]
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2015, 10:16:36 AM »
What a meanie that Thornton is...stifling his family's interests for the good of the family name!

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/10]
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2015, 12:42:39 PM »
Oh, I just want to smack him one!!  Good thing Grady is so kind and nice and how Araceli puts up with him is beyond me.  Nasty man!  (great writing)
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/10]
« Reply #29 on: December 14, 2015, 02:09:25 AM »
Thornton sounds a bit -- grumpy? So happy that Tesher is being allowed to play the violin.
Thornton is the true embodiment of his parents, and though he lacks the snob trait it may be a hidden trait for him.  The combination of hating children and loving the arts leaves him with little room for anything else, so grumpy is about the right speed for him.

What a meanie that Thornton is...stifling his family's interests for the good of the family name!
Unfortunately Thornton is following his own father's parenting style...overachieve enough to do good for the family name, then you can do whatever you want, just stay out of my sight.

Oh, I just want to smack him one!!  Good thing Grady is so kind and nice and how Araceli puts up with him is beyond me.  Nasty man!  (great writing)
Grady is super-brother.  I was upset at first that Araceli came with a teenage son, but now I'm glad, Tesher really needs him.  Araceli and Thornton have their problems, but most of them step from trait incompatibility.  Araceli is both a slob and has commitment issues, which led to her and her oldest son Grady being homeless with zero income prior to meeting Thornton.  Theirs is more a marriage of convenience then love, though I hold out hope for something to change for them.

Week 6, Burb

"I'm telling you, Travis, this isn't how it was supposed to be.  She lured me in with some light store work, promised to help support my career in comedy, and a chance to participate in a dynasty challenge where I don't have to die.  Now it's all 'help me run the store Johnny', and 'I need to focus on my own career Johnny' and 'I have two kids to think about Johnny'."

Johnny wasn't the happiest camper in team Burb.  By 3 PM, Lucy was still at work, and Travis was the only customer in, so he didn't bother getting dressed as he ate a grilled cheese that tasted more like fridge then sourdough and cheddar.

"Dude, their mom is dying.  Besides, this is only the second week of the challenge, and these things are usually a lot of hard work with low needs, tons of skilling and mediocre furniture until at least the second generation is up and going.  What exactly were you expecting?"

"Besides, don't the kids help out around the store too?"
"Sort of.  I mean, Skip cleans up some, and Beau plays that little violin of his to improve the mood and create some charm, but Lucy and I are the ones running the show."
"Well of course you are, they aren't old enough to make sales yet.  Besides, shouldn't they be studying?"
"Eh.  They're both passing.  B's aren't bad.  Skip is 9 and Beau is 10.  They'll both be teenagers next time the watcher comes, I guess I can deal with another week and a half of this.  But being a C-lister kind of sucks, you know?"
"Not really.  I'm only in quality assurance, remember?"

"Alright, so school is going alright then.  Are they making friends?  Fitting in alright?  What about aspirations?"
"Jeez Travis, get your own kids already.  They're their own best friends, but Skip is going for the social aspiration.  He makes nice with the customers, and goes out to the playground every time a certain little girl shows up.  He hasn't brought her home yet, but it's just a matter of time now. having some trouble.  I think the kid is insane.  He keeps going back and forth between creativity and motor.  Hits himself in the head with toys all the time.  I dunno, maybe he just needs glasses.  I'll take him to the optometrist when Lucy gets the kids on her insurance."

" are things between you and Lucy?"
"Ok I guess.  Things were awkward for a bit, what with the sudden adoptions, but we're going steady now.  It would just be nice if we could have maybe two minutes without those kids around, you know?"
"Why not take a day off from work when she's off and the kids are at school?  Some alone time might be just what the two of you need."
"I think I will.  Thanks Travis, you always know what to do."

Dear Diary,

A sad day today.  Despite two attempts and two tests, my uterus is still empty.  The watcher is puzzled, as she has never had sims try for baby and not be with noo boo after the first attempt.  I've managed to become assistant manager at least.  I'm worried about the kids all the time.  Skip seems to be doing ok, but Beau isn't the way I remember him.  HR says I can't put them on my insurance until either the adoption is finalized, or their mother's expires.  I'm not sure how she's still with her employer, she hasn't been to work in four months.  I'll leave the caseworker a message later.

Things could be going better with Johhny.  "Hey, Lucy.  Do you have work tomorrow?"
"No, I have the day off.  Why?"
"I think I'm going to sue a vacation day.  Let's wait a bit on opening the shop in the morning, I think we need to talk."
It might be time for me to ask Devan if he wants a more permanent position with Burb and Broke.

After spending the day together, our relationship is doing much better.  We did wind up opening the shop up after the kids got home, and it's worth over $60,000 now.  I spent some of it getting the upstairs apartments looking a little better.

A day off together was all we needed.  I wound up telling the kids about being pregnant before I told Johnny.  I probably should have told him first, but Beau looked so happy when he discovered he was the first one to know that it was all worth it.  That, and the headaches he was having seem to have disappeared, so long as he remembers to wear the new prescription lenses.

When I did tell Johnny, his reaction was somewhat unexpected.
"Ha!  Wait til I tell my family I'll be the first one to bring in the new generation."
"Does your family live in town?  I think now would probably be a good time to meet them."
"Uh..yeah, maybe.  Hey, hold on a sec, I dropped something."

"Lacy Burb, will you marry me?"
"Oh Johnny, I was hoping you would ask.  Of course I'll marry you, I'm 8 months pregnant and I have a family name to uphold.  Besides, the boys could use a father figure in their life, I'm sure you'll be a wonderful step-dad!"

"How did you manage to jump like that in your condition?"
"I know krav maga, a little jump like tht is nothing."
" it safe for the noo boo?"
"Of course it is.  The game prohibits unsafe actions during pregnancy."

We eloped immediately, and then Johnny headed off to work.  With a noo boo on the way, it would be really great if he could get more invested in his career.  I'm halfway up the ladder now, and HR still hasn't realized how pregnant I am, so I haven't had to go on maternity leave.  Back home as soon as you got a positive they treated you like an invalid, and you missed at least a week of work.  It's one of my favorite things about newcrest.

I should never have mocked Thornton about having to deal with a nooboo for two weeks.  It's Sunday and my time is up.  My back aches, my ankles are swollen, and my labor still won't start.  I guess now we'll find out if i'll have the noo boo while the watcher is gone.  I kind of hope so.  I don't mind if my baby is auto-named...much.  I don't knwo if I can handle being pregnant for another two weeks.

"Hey Beau, do you think Aunt Lucy will still like us when the baby is born?"
"Probably.  Mom still likes me and Dustin...well, she still likes me.  Think she'll ever stop being mad at Dustin?"
"I dunno, I barely remember him.  I was three when he went to collage, and four when they arrested him."

RE:RE: Hey Lucy

Brandi is settled up in Bridgeprot now.  They've got a diagnosis now, it's something to do with her heart.  I've got some medical files attached for you for my brothers.  The caseworker didn't want to release them until we knew for sure about you adopting the boys, but Mom trusts you, so she released them to me to give to you.  I guess legally they can't tell family not to share medical files, and I'm related to you by marriage, so this way everything works out.

It'd be nice if Beau could get into sports up there, but you should know he's been having some problems for a while now.  See the attached files from his shrink.  I'll do Fiesta Tech online if it'll make you happy.  I don't really see the point, but I guess I have to do something besides lift weights while I'm here.

I'm not super thrilled about the Dreamer's running our old store, but I guess it's alright.  Lilith deserves better then what she has, but Bobby, Darla and Lily won't be toddlers forever.  Things will get better for her over the next few years.

I don't want to talk about Angela, don't bring her up again.

What's my tab up to anyways?  Seriously though, if there is anything I can do for you let me know.  I can get online everyday here, so don't be a stranger.  Maybe bring my brothers in to see me sometime?  Mom wouldn't ever bring them, and over the phone just isn't the same.  I'm not sure Skip knows who I am.

Author's note: I got really lucky.  When I adopted 'Beau Broke', he happened to be a little older then 'Skip Broke', so their ages will almost line up with where they should be.  Huzzah!

