Author Topic: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/30 Wolff]  (Read 14357 times)

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The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry [updated 12/30 Wolff]
« on: December 03, 2015, 03:29:44 PM »
Welcome to a rival Dynasty Challenge, featuring contenders from the Sims 2 and Sims 3!

Lucy Burb, an outgoing self-assured athlete hailing from Pleasentview, had traveled to Newcrest to distinguish herself from her Pleasant cousins, Lilith and Angela, and to prove she is more then just a girl with a cute face.  Establishing herself in the immediately in the Business career, young Lucy also purchased an empty lot in order to start the Newcrest division of Burb and Broke electronics, in honor of her late business partner Dustin Broke.  She may only have a computer and stereos now, but someday Miss Lucy Burb will reach the top of the SimWealth 500 list, and create her own Burb lineage to compete with the Pleasents back home.  However, there are two others encroaching on this neighborhood who would interfere with her goals...

Lucy's Family Tree

Thornton Jr. Wolff, only child of Morgana and Thornton Wolff Sr, has come to Newcrest after graduating from Sim University and getting his degree as an architect, and a licence for real estate.  He has inherited his mother's creativity, and his father's dislike of children.  Growing up in Sunset valley left him feeling materialistic, but his painting career keeps him satisfied.  After an interview with the watcher, he plans on building mansions in Newcrest.  Unfortunately, he isn't the only one with an eye on this prime real estate...

Thornton Jr's Family Tree

Tycho Curious is making his way into the world!  After taking the bus out of Strangetown, he has arrived in Newcrest to begins his life a s a scientist, and reestablish his ties with Sixam.  Back home no one seemed to have a problem with his heritage, but the sims in this town are....suspicious of him.  Luckily his coworkers appreciate a genius with perfectionist tendencies, and loving the outdoors can only help with collection gathering.  Tycho hopes to begin a family, as he Lola and Chloe are the last of the Curious line.  Is Newcrest big enough for him and his two human neighbors?

Tycho's Family Tree

Offline sone

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2015, 03:41:41 PM »
Week 1, Curious

Coming to Newcrest, I was warned by my Aunts to try to blend in until I had some friends with the locals.  Despite the beautiful fadora left to me by Uncle Vidcund, It seemed nearly everyone I encountered was soon aware of my...genetic heritage.  Prehaps the greetings I used are too outlandish here?  Do those outside fo strangetown not salute each other with the fishing implements, or am I not doing it correctly?

Work has gone well thus far.  I have been promoted twice, and made two friends out of my co workers.  I took pictures, but it appears my tinkering with the camera has damaged it significantly.  Though my rooms is bare, the poster helps me to sleep.

Prehaps next week will be more interesting.  I hope this letter finds you well, Uncle Lazlo.

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2015, 04:29:25 PM »
I love your starting sims! Tycho, especially, brings back happy memories of Strangetown. Good luck to all three of them.
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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2015, 08:00:11 PM »
I love the fishing rod salute :D And now I miss Strangetown...
[they/them pronouns please]

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2015, 09:20:19 PM »
Great start, fantastic to see your story up already. :)
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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2015, 12:03:59 AM »
Looking forward to what happens next!  ;D

Offline crstasse

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2015, 07:59:21 AM »
Great start!  Curious has the typical yuppie rich young man look  8)  'Thornton Jr. Wolff, only child of Morgana and Thornton Wolff Sr', I had to smile at the name Morgana, being a Merlin TV Series fan and all  ;D  I'm going all different 3 options in my game play too, so it's interesting to see where you take this.  Look forward to the next update!

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2015, 05:08:46 PM »
Love the Sims3 and Sims2 references/people.  Wonderful start.  Ms. Burb is lovely.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2015, 12:40:38 AM »
I love your starting sims! Tycho, especially, brings back happy memories of Strangetown. Good luck to all three of them.

Strangetown was a happy time.  All the in-game jokes about it in the series ups the nostalgia factor for me.

I love the fishing rod salute :D And now I miss Strangetown...

I've been missing the Sims 2 lately, so I fished around for some characters from that era.  Originally I was going to have the third character be from Veronaville, but Thornton Jr. wanted to play.

Great start, fantastic to see your story up already. :)

Thank you.  It almost made me late to work, but I really wanted to get it up right after I finished setting up.

Great start!  Curious has the typical yuppie rich young man look  8)  'Thornton Jr. Wolff, only child of Morgana and Thornton Wolff Sr', I had to smile at the name Morgana, being a Merlin TV Series fan and all  ;D  I'm going all different 3 options in my game play too, so it's interesting to see where you take this.  Look forward to the next update!
Curious is an interesting mix of intellectual and eccentric, growing up in a household with two uncles and a mix of alien-sim hybrid cousins.  His personality is fun to mess around with.  Morgana ad Thornton Wolff are characters from the Sims 3 Sunset Valley, and Thornton Jr has a mix of traits from them.  Good luck with your game play, it's been a lot of fun so far, but it's also a lot to keep track of!

Love the Sims3 and Sims2 references/people.  Wonderful start.  Ms. Burb is lovely.

Thank you.  Lucy was by far my favorite, I barely had to edit her at all, the game nearly generated her for me.  Originally it was going to be all sims 2 characters, but I couldn't find the right fit for the Mansion option, so I went with Thornton, son of Thornton.

Week 2, Wolff

Fear not Newcrest.  I, Thornton Wolff the second, have come to paint your town in my image, and turn this luscious grassland into a host of mansions you can be proud of!  But first, I shall admire this painting.

And then she arrived.  I almost missed her, the lovely Araceli Souza.  Would that I had known more about her, I may never have made my move.  Both my father and grandfather married as a means to an end, more of the proper thing to do then for love.  I am no different, though it pained my mother to learn so.  However, Araceli couldn't be all bad.  She had come to a museum, and to observe art!  How could I know we would be so ill suited?

That's not to say there wasn't chemistry.  I sat next to her, and after a few moments we were on our first date.  I proposed a crazy scheme to her, shared my dreams, and she got caught up in the moment with me.  I learned only afterwards that she had commitment issues, though to this day she has never felt them towards what we have together.

I also didn't know that her and her $20,000 would come with  teenage son.  At least he isn't a child.  I'm not sure I could have dealt with that...appropriately.

The house is looking much better now, even if we are destitute again.  But not for long.  I have gotten Araceli a job at the local culinary institute across the street from the art gallery I am apprenticing at  She often mentions feeling trapped there, but she has a child to support.  I really don't know how they've been making ends meet until now, they moved in with me the day she met me, and I learned they had been homeless.  Disgraceful.

We managed to have a gold metal wedding party, something I will rightfully boast about on my next Skype with father.  He will be most pleased with my progress.  Befriending a Landgraab is just sprinkles on top.

I managed to reach the fourth tier of painting during this, my week with the Watcher's guidance.  My....step son is now doing acceptably well in school, though I will be disappointed if he does not achieve an A.  He has begun a side-job as a short story author, but I don't know that it will lead anywhere.  Araceli and I...finished our wedding party, and an hour later she woke me to say she was pregnant.  Hooray...

"Honey, it's a noo boo!"
"Honey, I reached level 7 of painting.  It's an important achievement for both of us."

After failing to achieve a second gold metal party due to a lack of stereo, I went to a small shop Geoffery had told me about, Burb & Broke electronics.  The name should have tipped me off, and soon enough the proprietor herself greeted me.
"Hello sir, how can we help- oh.  It's you."

"Nice to see you too Lucy.  What brings you to Newcrest?  Another of Dustin's brilliant ideas?"  The look on her face made me wish I had never spoken.
"Bring it Wolff."
Lucy and I had met at my first university,  Académie Le Tour.  Things were fine until I caught her roommate, Dustin Broke, stealing from my dorm one night.  Turned out that Burb and Broke was more Burb and Break-in.  I had her business partner arrested, and almost succeeded in getting their business shut down, but Dustin convinced the police that Lucy was legitimate, and didn't know about his restocking activities.  Things have been unpleasant between us since, though I had nearly forgotten about her until today.  It has been 3 years after all.  So I could be forgiven for forgetting she knows krav maga, right?

I'd like to say I put up a good fight, but I only ever watched Sim Fu from the other side of a television, and Lucy..she may be small, but she's tough.  I guess you have to be, if your from Pleasantview.
"I heard you married Araceli.  Congratulations on the baby, I'll send you a stereo, full price.  But know this, next week is my week with the watcher, and my bloodline will knock you and yours out of the water."
I stared at her in shock as I fell to my knees  "Wait, you mean-"
"Oh, yes.  I'm here for the Rival Dynasty challenge too.  Oh, and Tycho Curious, from Strangetown.  I don't anticipate either of you being any real competition, so I'll allow you to live here.  But know this, Newcrest is my turf now, and soon I'll own this town."

I began to walk home, defeated and in a daze, when Lucy called out to me again.  "Oh, and enjoy the next two watcherless weeks with the nooboo.  Again is turned off for inactive households!"
I shuddered, feeling the dread kick in  "That's going too far! It can't be time yet-"

But it was.  I'm going to put Tesher in Grady's room.  Three days of nooboo is already too much, how am I supposed to wait almost three weeks? Lucy reached up to her head, and a light appeared as the watcher left me.  If I didn't know better, I'd swear her mother was a llama.

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry (week 2)
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2015, 05:44:23 AM »
I LOVE this story, it's concept, and your creativity!  Good luck!

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry (week 2)
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2015, 08:28:35 AM »
Really awesim! Its great to see some old/new faces!

Loving this story and rooting for Lucy! Go for Broke!!!

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry (week 2)
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2015, 08:31:07 AM »
Poor Thornton! This is great stuff.
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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry (week 2)
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2015, 04:38:59 AM »
I'm cackling with glee over the thought of him having to deal with nooboo for two weeks!  Love the way this is turning out.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Curious Burb Wolff Rivalry (week 2)
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2015, 08:51:59 AM »
The way you are writing Thornton, is exactly how I imagined him!! Enjoying this very much.  ;D

