My father was an extraordinary man. He owned his first dive bar mere days after his young adult birthday and skyrocketed from there, literally every skyscraper in Bridgeport bared the Comic brand before I was even able to walk. My father built an empire and then before my very eyes it was torn down. After my mothers death he lost all ambition and let his businesses fall. Soon enough every penny was gone and my father followed not long after them. Both of my parents were gone, my home, my lavish lifestyle, I was left with nothing. Nothing save for my determination to rebuild the Comic name with an empire of my own, or you could call it a Dynasty...
With the liquidation of my fathers last few assets I managed to buy myself a plot of land in Sunset Valley, the home town of an old childhood friend. Agnes Crumplebottom and I had spent numerous summers together as our families vacationed together in France, China, Twinbrook (though I'd rather forget that particular summer) and had remained friends ever since. So I sought a familiar face to help me achieve immortality.
My name is Clark Comic and I intend on heading a family of supersims, this is the beginning of an Immortal Dynasty
Dear, All
I arrived in Sunset Valley equally excited and terrified, I'd only heard stories of these families that managed to defy death itself and live beyond their years. No one seemed to have actual proof of these Immortal Dynastys existing, but I have hope. I will make my family proud. But before I can do anything I need to find Agnes, if only I knew where she lived.

I remember her mentioning a beautiful modern mansion overlooking the ocean they'd been looking at purchasing before the wedding, that was my best hope. So I took a leap of faith and went door knocking.

Hallelujah luck is already on my side. Agnes was to say the least shocked to see me after all these years. Now I'd found her the question was how to explain my 'plan'
The smile one her face as I launched into a much rehearsed proposal was...surprising, yet encouraging. Once I'd finished rambling she explained that her father had been obsessed with the same theory. He spent years researching parallel universes in which sim families recruited certain 'chosen' individuals a helpers in quests to not only obtain Ambrosia but fulfill the tasks required for its mystical properties to actually effect those who ate it. He believed that there was a certain genetic code found in some sims that made them ideal candidates to be helpers, a genetic code Agnes just happened to have. She told me that she'd kept all of her fathers research including a list of the requirements for immortality. Agnes was one resourceful woman, it was extremely difficult to contain my bewilderment at the fact that I would be so lucky that my oldest friend was about to hand me a step by step guide to achieving immortality. This was insane.
Given what she had just told me I really shouldn't have been surprised when she jumped at the chance to come on board as my helper and get this thing started. It looks like we were both out to honor our fathers in our own ways. She barely even gave me a chance to finish asking before agreeing to move in with me.
to celebrate we decided to hit up the summer festival, have a little fun before the work began. Well, after a quick stop at the salon.

Then it was off to the festival.

now let me take a moment to tell you about snow cones, specifically grape snow cones. They are delicious, even if it did give me brain freeze. I took a moment to enjoy my treat and observe the festival as sims went about their day, enjoying the various attractions of the festival. I liked this place, and i really liked this snow cone. That was until Agnes had a ridiculous idea.

I don't even like hot dogs, how on earth did she convince me to shove them down my throat for fun? Safe to say it did not end in my favor.

At least Agnes enjoyed herself. Or maybe she just enjoyed seeing me make a fool of myself.
After removing all remnants of hot dog from my throat I decided it would be safer to try my hand at socializing with the locals. Of course by locals I mean cute men. One in particular caught my eye just as he was strolling through the park. he looked like he'd just arrived, hopefully he missed the hot dog incident.
Why hello there Stiles...