Author Topic: Newcomers in Newcrest (Failed -- Move to Graveyard)  (Read 79131 times)

Offline MarianT

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Nov 23)
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2015, 08:39:57 AM »
Baird, Week 2

Newcrest was really pretty at night, its bright lights making a glittery reflection in the water. Dahlia was glad that she'd decided to move here.

And she was glad that she'd brought the Roomies along. Zoe had taken over the job of cooking their meals.

She was learning how to paint, too, getting ready to make a portrait of Dahlia.

Her boyfriend Mitchell was becoming quite the handyman. The two of them were very much in love.

They had a solid, steady, loving relationship. The same couldn't be said of her and J. For one thing, they hardly had any time together. When she wasn't at work, she was busy painting. In the morning, she had to put in some time on yoga in order to get into the right mood for work.

And usually she was so tired when she got home, that she went straight to bed. Alone.

But if she tried to spend more time with J, he would get antsy and start talking about his "commitment issues." Sometimes, he'd get so tense that he'd have to go work out at the gym.

Once in a while, though, he could surprise her with a sudden overwhelming kiss.

It seemed as if they only way they could spend time together was at the shop, where there was no privacy, and Dahlia was always under pressure to earn perk points.

Time was passing. It seemed like only yesterday that Maliya, Zoe's daughter, made the transition from infant to child.

Practically the first thing she did was to peer into the other bassinet. "Do I have a baby sister?" she asked. Zoe had explained that the baby was Azalea, the daughter of J and Dahlia. "But I'm sure the two of you will become best friends."

And now Azalea was a child, too.

She and Maliya spent a lot of time together, sharing jokes and secrets.

Maliya was the more outgoing one, the one who brought friends home from school. Azalea was more creative, the one who entertained the friend – Rusty, in this case – with tales of unicorns and dinosaurs.

"The unicorn was jealous because the triceratops had three horns, while she had only one," Dahlia overheard her saying one day. "But the unicorn could run faster, and the triceratops could never catch up. 'I'll always be in front because I'm older than you,' said the unicorn." Dahlia grinned – it sounded like a little bit of sibling rivalry there.

Azalea soon learned that she and Maliya were different. Maliya could spend time watching TV with her mother.

But Azalea had to practice the violin because she was a dynasty heir.

Maliya could take time to go and play in the park, too.

"And when your grades come up from a C to a B, I'm sure your mother will let you go as well," Mitchell explained. Dahlia was really grateful to Mitchell and Zoe and Gavin. With five adults in the house, there was always someone around to be a parent.

One day Dahlia woke up from a disturbing dream and painted the image right away. It was a butterfly trapped by a spider. She was the butterfly, of course. She couldn't think why she had had the dream. But then she looked at the spider again. It reminded her of the woman who lived on the other side of the lake, the odd blue-skinned woman, who had the annoying laugh. Dahlia mostly avoided her, but she didn't really think of her as an enemy. Perhaps her subconscious was warning her that she was being too naive.

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Nov 27)
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2015, 06:58:46 PM »
Zargon, Week 3

After she finished her best-selling screenplay, Personal Space Invaders, Aniara began work on a motivational book, How to Conquer a Planet. Glumly she reflected that the word "not" should be inserted into the title.

She had played chess with every young adult, adult, and elder male in Oasis Springs and Willow Creek;   she had even played with a couple of teens. None of them had turned out to be aliens.

Having made it into the Author branch of the Writing career, Aniara decided to take time to join the Science career and try to meet an alienor two. She made a serum successfully.

She ran on treadmill, and admired her form in the mirror.

But the only man she met at work was another elder, who wasn't an alien. Depressed, she poured out her heart to the Invention Constructor.

The Invention Constructor didn't have any advice to offer, but Aniara felt better after talking to it. At home, she started working on her rocket ship. Maybe once it was finished, she could go into space and find her missing contact. Surely Zargon Command would have sent a mate by now. Working on the rocket ship was tiresome and difficult, however.

While mopping the floor, Aniara had a brilliant idea: there were plenty of sims in town who could do these mundane chores – and work on the rocket ship, too, with a little direction from a superior intellect. She resolved to get one under her control.

She went to the spa – as usual, there were no possible mates there. But she did make friends with Kasey Masterson, her massage therapist.

Kasey and her teen-aged son, Zachary, joined the household and immediately began work on the rocket ship.

Aniara went back to work as a writer. If she wasn't going to meet anyone at the lab, there was no point in taking more time away from her job. While she was at work, Kasey and Zachary finished the rocket ship.

When she returned home, Aniara took the ship for a spin.

She had a narrow escape and some damage done to the ship, but managed to land safely. One thing she definitely needed was a pair of landing stabilizers, though.

She had reached level 6 of her career, built the rocket ship, and achieved the Never Weary and Steel Bladder alien powers, but her highest priority now had to be producing an heir.

Note: A different sim painted this picture, but it expresses the feelings that Aniara and her Watcher have about the lack of alien male sims.

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Nov 28)
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2015, 10:37:35 AM »
Oirat, Week 3

Acting on the Oirat commander's hint, Lukas built a Museum first thing. The empty plant pots were there for Lipitor to use for his collection.

Lipitor had already completed the Whiz Kid aspiration and was now working on Rambunctious Scamp.

All in all, life was going well for Lukas. The one problem was that Tianna was not happy about her weight. And since she was hot-headed, she naturally blamed him. "If you weren't at work all day, I could exercise and lose a few pounds," she complained.

Lukas unwisely pointed out that Tianna seemed to prefer napping lazily to working out.

"I can't help it if I'm lazy. It's one of the traits I was born with. It's not fair for you to blame me," she stormed.

"I wasn't blaming you," Lukas tried to explain, but Tianna wouldn't listen. So when he discovered the Slimify serum, Lukas naturally thought that all of his problems were solved. He brought a vial home and gave it to Tianna.

Unfortunately, since it was his first attempt, the serum didn't work in quite the way he'd expected.

"What have you done to me?" Tianna howled. Lukas went into his home laboratory and quickly made the serum again.

The next morning Tianna went into the bathroom and took the serum, watching herself in the mirror to observe the miracle of thinness.

Nothing happened.

On the whole, it was a relief to Lukas when he went to work. At least he got away from Tianna's reproaches. There were a few strangers at work that day – other aliens. Lukas met one of them – Lee Culver. He tried to tell him a few good recipes that would make human food more palatable, but Lee wasn't interested.

Lukas invented a wormhole generator that day and – oh yes, created another Slimify serum. "This time for sure," he said, when he handed it to Tianna. He hoped it would work. He could tell by the painting that she was working on that she was in an angry mood. "I hope it at least takes me back to where I was," she grumbled.

Luckily, this time, the serum worked. "Ooh, wonderful!" Tianna exclaimed.

"Does this mean we can eat something other than fish tacos?" Lukas asked.

"If you do the cooking," Tianna responded archly. Lukas decided to try pancakes. They turned out okay, but Tianna's cooking was still better.

Saturday morning, Lukas set up his wormhole generator in the front yard and decided to try contacting some other aliens. He began by calibrating it, just to make sure it was in good working order.

The first alien that came through was Aniara Zargon, Lukas's least favorite person. He tried again, hoping it might bring through another Oirat. The person who came through was Guy Crump, neither Oirat nor Zargon.

Lukas left the two of them alone, figuring that Aniara's evil temperament would soon make them enemies.

It was time for his birthday, and Tianna had made him a chocolate cake. As he blew out the candles, Lukas reflected happily upon his progress. He was at level 6 of the Scientist career, and he'd obtained the alien powers of Never Weary, Steel Bladder, and Hardly Hungry. Tianna still had to do his portraits – he was hoping they would be masterpieces, but that wasn't necessary. And Lipitor was doing well, too. All in all, Lukas was pretty sure that he and his heirs would win Newcrest in the end. Even so, it didn't hurt to make a wish...

"Three cheers!" shouted Tianna.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline crstasse

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Dec 1)
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2015, 04:16:19 AM »
I'm so loving your story!!  I especially love the rivalry between the two Aliens.  Your introduction was entertaining and lots of fun to read.  I love the choice of images too  :)  Of course Lukas is the good Alien, and I'm on his team.  Glad to see he managed to make the Slimify potion work for his wife  ;D 

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Dec 1)
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2015, 06:34:54 AM »
So much progress already, Marian! Ba da da da daaaa...I'm lovin' it! :)

Offline KTK10

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Dec 1)
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2015, 09:20:16 AM »
This story is really tempting me to try this dynasty! It's wonderful  ;D

Offline Joria

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Dec 1)
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2015, 05:02:50 PM »
Hey, you think Oirat could make one of those slimify potions for me?  I sure could use it.  At least as long as it doesn't do what it did to his wife.  What a hoot!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Dec 1)
« Reply #22 on: December 05, 2015, 02:10:19 PM »
Baird, Week 3

One night, after she went to bed, Dahlia heard a light outside. Hurriedly she dressed, and it wasn't until she opened the front door that she thought how strange it was that she should "hear" a light. By that time she could see the column, and felt herself irresistibly pulled into it...

"Greetings, simling," someone said.

Dahlia was in a room of gray metal with greenish light flickering in patterns on the wall. It reminded her of something – yes, that outfit worn by the odd woman on the other side of the lake. There were two other people in the room with her, one with dark blue skin and the other a deep olive in color.

"Where am I?" she asked.

"We're not here to answer your questions, simling," the dark blue one growled. "We're here to tell you to move."

"Now, now," said the olive green one. "You can't expect her to move just on your say-so. Do you know anything about the war between the Zargons and the Oirats?" The question was addressed to Dahlia.

"No," she answered.

"It's only been the talk of the galaxy for the past 500 years," the blue simnoid said snarkily.

"I won't bore you with the details of the previous battles..." the green simnoid began.

"Most of which you lost," interrupted the blue one.

"All you really need to know is that you've set your house in the middle of the current battlefield, so you'll have to move."

"Are you planning on taking over all of my world eventually?" Dahlia asked.

"Well..." the green one hedged.

"Yes," said the blue one bluntly.

"Then I think I'll stay right where I am," said Dahlia.

The two simnoids exchanged  looks.

"It could get very nasty," the green simnoid warned. "You and your family could get frozen and beat up."

"Not to mention the damage we'll do to your plumbing," the blue one added with a grin.

"If that's all, I'll take my chances," said Dahlia. "I'd like to go back, now." She really wished that she could exit the room haughtily, but there was no door that she could see, and her house was rather a long way down.

The blue simnoid and the green one conferred for a moment in a strange language. Then the green one spoke: "Since it is your planet, we'll give you the same terms we have to follow." She listed the requirements for Dahlia and her heirs – store worth a certain amount, heir has to max so many skills, etc., etc.

Dahlia nodded when she finished speaking and pressed her finger to the pad that the green one handed her.

"Oh, very sneaky!" the blue one exclaimed. "I see it now. With the simling involved, that means we could get five lots each and our battle to end all battles could result in a tie. I should have known we couldn't trust you Oirats."

"I didn't think of that," the green simnoid said. "You're right, with the simling involved, there is a possibility of a tie. Hmmm..."
"What's this about a Museum?" Dahlia asked, looking over the document they'd handed her.

"The usual," said the blue simnoid. "X number of items collected or made by our heirs, plus visual representations of the members of the faction."

"In our world, we tend to assign things a monetary value," said Dahlia. "You could decide that the monetary value of the Museums is a tie-breaker." She held her breath and tried not to look too eager while the two simnoids conferred again.

"Done," said the green simnoid.

The next thing Dahlia knew, she was landing in her front yard, a bit dazed by the whole experience.

She gave Zoe and J the gist of the conversation and then stumbled off to bed.

The next morning Zoe told Mitch all about the simnoids. Azalea was having breakfast and listened wide-eyed to their talk until Zoe noticed that she was there. "I'm sure your mom will explain it to you," she said.

Azalea had to go to school, but when she got home that evening, she drew a picture of an alien. Just the thought that she'd have to fight these creatures made her shiver.

"What's the problem, sprout?" J asked her.

"I'm scared of the aliens," she said. "I don't want them taking over the planet, but I don't know if I can do everything I have to."

"Well, we're all here to help you," said J. "It's our planet, too."

He and Azalea took a picture together, and Azalea felt better.

The next day Dahlia finished her finest masterpiece so far – one of the trees in full flower lit by a sunset.

She went down to the basement to ask J to come upstairs and look at it. To her surprise, he dropped to one knee and began to propose.

Dahlia accepted.

"Should we have the wedding now or wait and make a big party out of it?" she asked.

"Better make it now," said J. "Before my noncommittal trait kicks in."

Dahlia changed quickly into a jacket and skirt. "It's not a bridal gown," she said, "but I'm not getting married with sunblock on my nose."

"I love you," said J, "and I think you're very brave to stand up to those aliens."

"I love you, too," said Dahlia.

The next day she set up a museum containing her portrait, done by Zoe. "I've looked over the list of acceptable items for the museum," she said. "I'm pretty sure we can beat them if it comes to a tie. Of course, I'm hoping we'll be able to win, anyway – Newcrest for us simlings, eh?"

"I've been working on something you might find useful," Gavin told her later that day. "If you read this book I've written for you, you'll find that you don't feel tired or hungry or lonely. I've written one for Azalea, too, but you'll have to read it for her; she's not old enough yet."

Dahlia opened the book and read a few pages. To her surprise, all her needs were filled, just as Gavin had said. "This is amazing!" she exclaimed. "What an incredible writer you are."

Gavin shrugged. "Us simlings have to stick together."

Using the two books, Dahlia was able to spend more time at the store. One evening she spotted one of her rivals – Aniara Zargon. She was tempted to pick a fight with her, but decided it would be better to make capital out of her visit. Dahlia answered questions, asked about price range, and discussed shopping preferences until Aniara decided to buy one of her posters, racking up perk points all the while.

And upstairs, Azalea was practicing on the violin.

When she reached level 5, Dahlia bought her a piano and placed it in the museum.

Even Maliya was helping, becoming good friends with Rusty Manley so that he could become a teenager when she and Azalea did.

Holiday season was approaching, and Azalea and Maliya got new dresses to wear. They were both excited and posed to show them off.

Time was passing quickly, though. All of a sudden, it was time for J's adult birthday...

...and then Gavin's.

In a few days, Dahlia would become an adult herself, and then Azalea would become a teen. Were they moving fast enough to defeat the aliens? Dahlia was still only a level 5 painter, and a long way from accumulating all the perk points she needed.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline Joria

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Dec 5)
« Reply #23 on: December 05, 2015, 05:29:49 PM »
Great way to break a tie!  Love it.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Dec 5)
« Reply #24 on: December 05, 2015, 11:51:55 PM »
Its such a wonderful family dynamic at the Bairds.  :D

Offline MarianT

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Dec 5)
« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2015, 08:27:31 AM »
Thanks for reading, everyone!

@Joria, I want the Slimify serum, too!

@KTK10, I think that the recent patch has improved interactions somewhat. My spouses are regularly getting a kiss on the cheek when they come home, etc. Mitchell and Zoe tend to be very affectionate with each other generally -- they were married in my Immortal Dynasty, too.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Dec 5)
« Reply #26 on: December 06, 2015, 12:30:40 PM »
Love your "prologue" idea to introduce the founders.

Offline MarianT

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Dec 5)
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2015, 05:10:31 PM »
Zargon, Week 4

Aniara wasn't surprised when the light outside the window began bubbling. She'd been expecting the summons for weeks now and was only relieved that it hadn't come sooner.

"Colonist 45B making an interim report," she announced, when she was brought into the presence of the High Zargon.

"And how goes it with you in --" the High Zargon consulted his archive – "Newcrest?"

"Fine," said Aniara. "Peachy-keen, to use a local expression."

"I would prefer it that you not use local expressions," said the High Zargon. "Expound upon your answer, if you please."

"Well, our allies the Crumps finally provided me with a suitable mate," Aniara began.

"He's making good progress as a painter.

"And when I suggested that we conjoin to produce a new colonist, he quickly agreed.

"As evidenced by the attached visual representation."

"I informed the Crump of our successful conjoinment, and he responded by sprouting the head adornment typical of his species.

"He then expressed his pleasure at the news.

"And suggested that we place our relationship on a more permanent basis.

"Which we did."

"Excellent," said the High Zargon. "Please continue."

"In order to get an official document of our new colonist's existence – a birth certificate, to use the local expression -- " The High Zargon frowned, and Aniara went on hastily, "I went to a place of birthing.

"After some discussion with the simling in charge, I was finally permitted to produce the new colonist.

"I named him Luthor after one of the simlings' most feared enemies, according to their Superior Person histories."

"And what progress has this new colonist made?"

"He's a proper Zargon," said Aniara. "In appearance, much like myself.

"I have set him to prepare for the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration, thus eliminating it for use by our simling rival."

"How much work have you done on the rocket ship?"

"The Crump and I tested its capabilities the other day," said Aniara.

"And the Museum?"

"It's been built, with pots ready for Luthor to fill with plants."

The High Zargon entered the information into his archive. "Hmm, well, at least I won't have to terminate your mission. We're still lagging behind the Oirat and the simling, though. Let's hope that your next report is more positive. You may depart."

Aniara returned to Newcrest feeling both relieved and annoyed. It wasn't her fault that she hadn't found Guy sooner. It wasn't fair for the High Zargon to blame her. "Terminate the mission," indeed. Still, her report was over and done with, and she and Guy could test the rocket ship's capabilities again later.

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Dec 7)
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2015, 08:51:05 PM »
I love your story! Even though Aniara isn't the nicest being, I am rooting for her to win it.

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Re: Newcomers in Newcrest (new -- Dec 7)
« Reply #29 on: December 08, 2015, 05:59:28 AM »
That was hilarious! "I informed the Crump of our successful conjoinment, and he responded by sprouting the head adornment typical of his species" had me snorting! Can't wait to see what else you come up with.  ;D