Hey team! First off, I absolutely LOVE this Dynasty idea! It's great.
That being said, I have a few clarification questions to ask. I've read the challenge a few times, read all 14 pages, checked out the Spreadsheet but there are still a few things I want to ask so that I have it straight in my own head.
1. Would I be allowed to choose three siblings to have my different bloodlines? I ask this because I had the idea to use 3 clean copies of Sims I had saved to my library from the Baby Boomer Challenge, so I was going to use the create a twin button to create a clean copy of them and put them in a house. So technically, they wouldn't be related in game, but wasn't sure this was legal for HoF.
2. With that in mind, if I choose Mansion Baron for all 3 bloodlines, the unique aspirations, careers, and skills only apply to the "family" as in, if Sim A starts family 1 with Mansion Baron, and their heir uses fishing as one of their skills, the other heirs in family 1 can't max fishing, but sims in family 2 still can, correct?
3. I have a good handle on how heirs work, but I'm trouble with understanding how the founder works as far as requirements. From what I understand, you play your founder of each bloodline for a week. Do they have to do their bloodline requirements before finding a mate or reproducing? Or is it as long as they get them done by the time the heir is eligible to move, that's fine?
Also, thought I'd add for those that were asking: if you wish to use Lena's spreadsheet in Excel, just go to File -> Download as -> then click the first option. It seems to work perfectly.