I don't agree that it is only based on luck. I agree there is some sort of 'luck' element but as I have already posted I have used this over an eight generation dynasty and only failed about 4 times. I believe it is about completion of daily requirements and stacking up the correct emotional moodlets for the career. I don't know about confident as I only used the career related emotion and it worked time after time. That HAS to be more than luck surely?
As for tips regarding dynasties challenges etc
@dodi90 this section is for general game tips so you are absolutely right to post here. Any dynasty rules etc are clearly laid out in that particular section and there is always heaps of people around with challenge related help in that section.
I guess it's just that most of us know who is doing a challenge or not etc because we read those sections too... and sometimes we get tripped up on all the little tips and tricks that are perfectly valid for casual play but lead straight to a 'fail' in a challenge!
Side issue... I have rotten success rate on hacking... I always fail at that even though I stack all the moodlets and have high skill. I just don't even bother trying to hack anymore. Makes me wonder if traits play apart in both these interactions. *shrug*