Author Topic: So, I Ran Away A Fond Farewell  (Read 12349 times)

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2015, 03:21:59 PM »
This will be a wall of text.  Apologies.  It will bring you all to where my teen is now and what I've been doing.

First, I had aging off because I wanted her to keep on being a teen.  Teens are fun!  I figured once she had completed 3 collections I would turn aging back on, although I'm still playing with life set at long.  I will try this again with aging on and life at normal and no nifty park that has everything for my teen to take advantage of.

Second, in order to keep going and not have her die from lack of everything, I had her work at school four days a week, with weekends and one vacation day per week off.  This gave her time to complete collections on the long weekends and work on gardening.

Third, gardening was a major time consumer and a royal pain.  I wanted her to collect every plant and bring them all up to perfect.  As the garden grew this became harder and harder even with spliced plants.  Again, in order to keep her alive and going strong, I first let the plants suffer some.  One day they would get water, the next weeded, the next harvest and bugs.  Once this grew impossible I put her plants in family inventory during the school days and only worked on them one day during the weekend.

Right now she is at week 10 or higher.  I lost track.  As her collections, or need for collections, grew, she began to have less and less time for friends and her love life definitely suffered.  At this point all she does is work on skills and collections with the rare chance to socialize out of school.  She is an A student so during the school day I click on "Make Friends" to keep her social needs up.

Here are some stats:

25/25 Frogs  Completed
31/31 Garden Plants  (most close to perfect)
16/20 My Sims
19/20 Metals
20/20 Crystals Completed
12/15 Elements
15/15 Fossils Completed
22/22 Fish Completed
12/15 Space Prints

Cooking, Fishing, Gardening and Handiness maxed.
Freelance Botanist, Angling Ace and Curator Aspirations Completed

She reached the ability to have a house.  Here it is:

The house was fun to build but is a royal pain to try to get screenshots in.  The higher up you go the harder it is for the camera to not float.  Inviting guests is a pain and she has to run up and down three flights of stairs, the only things holding the house up, in order to do anything.  A square house might have been more practical but I wanted her to be able to see all the views which are spectacular here.

I'm not sure I'll write more in her story line.  I've a lot of screenies but at this point there really isn't that much new going on except work, work, work on those collections and skills.  Let me know if the story is boring or too much or whether you are enjoying it.  If you like it I'll write more, if not I'll just update or end it.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2015, 11:17:52 PM »
The house is so cool! I can see how it might be impractical, but wow! I'm enjoying the story and I'm dying to know if she ever gets together with Van. I will definitely read whatever you decide to write.

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Offline Ferretmania

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2015, 11:47:37 PM »
Wauw I love this house. Very cool ,  but can see why it might be a bit impractical with the stairs.

I'm curious too ,as to whether she's going to get together with Van or not and i will keep reading , no matter how you decide to proceed with the story :)
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

Raven's Immortal Dynasty

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2015, 07:13:27 PM »
Thank you, ladies.  Workin' on it.  I'll have chapters soon.  Today is dh birthday so he gets my attention for today.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: So, I Ran Away - Romance?
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2015, 08:24:05 PM »
Kylie: (sigh)...Shayna,  I'm really not sure what to do.

Shayna:  Uhhh, homework?

Kylie: *snorts* Besides that silly.  Really Shayna this is important.  It could affect my entire school life and beyond.

Shayna: *sighs*  So you're just going to keep on interrupting me while I try to do my math until you finally spill.

Kylie:  No.  You're right.  Math comes first.  *sigh*

Shayna:  You know you're going to share it in about five, four, three, two

Kylie:  Ok,  see, there's this boy.

Shayna:  Isn't there always?  I mean they are the second main curse on a girl's life aren't they?

Kylie:  Right, but this is different.  See, he's really cute, and he's nice, and he doesn't try to get all handsie, and he almost never says something stupid, unlike his brothers, and......

Shayna:  Van.  It must be Van you're all gooey over.  Right?

Kylie:  Right.  But see he doesn't seem to move things along.  I mean, we talk at school, I've seen him at the park, but it's just like friends and not "boyfriends".  Know what I mean?

Shayna:  So maybe he's just not into you.

Kylie:  Well, I kinda keep getting this message he is, and there's been some talk about him liking me, but I dunno.  I don't know what to do.  Do I act subtle and just sort of accidentally on purpose keep meeting him like everywhere, do I bring up whether he has a girl friend, do I.........

Shayna:  Consider he might be shy around you and feel out of his depth?

Kylie:  Hmmm.  No, I actually never thought of that.  He seems so outgoing, ya know?  Has lots of friends, is real popular.  I mean, why would he be kind of shy around me?

Shayna:  Let's see; you're drop dead gorgeous, smart, talented, independent, successful, a straight A honor role student..........

Kylie: (ignoring Shayna) I really never thought......could it be......Maybe I should check out Oasis Park tonight and see......hmmmm

Shayna:  *sigh*  Math, Kylie, math.

Kylie:  Right. Math.  Almost done.

Shayna:  So maybe you should check out Oasis Park tonight and see if he's chillin' there.

Kylie:  Um hmm.  What?  Oh, .......

Kylie:  TA DA!  Homework done and I am going to take your advice and check out the park.  Thanks, Shayna.  I can always count on you.  See ya!

Shayna:  *giggles*  Anytime, Kylie.  Any time.  (and she's off......)

Van:  Kylie!!  Fancy meeting you here.  So what's happenin'?  What are you doing here?

Kylie: *stammers*  Errr, hi Van.  Oh, just practicing mixology.  Made some cool drinks.  Nothing lethal.  Just juice.  Teens ya know.  Want one?  *heavens that sounds lame*

Van:  Oh, no thanks.  I can't stay long.  Gotta rest up for the game tomorrow.  So, are you going to come see me play?  I'll look for you in the bleachers.

Kylie:  Wouldn't miss it.  Should be a good game.  I'm pumped!

Van:  Yeah, me too.

Kylie:  Sooooo, I guess I'll see you there then.

Van:  That would be great.  Hey, you wanna hang out afterwards?  Some of the gang are having this party and I think you'd have a blast.  Say you'll come.  Ok.  (phew! Did it!)

Kylie:  *I'm not gonna faint, I'm not gonna faint.  Be cool...*  Oh, that would be wonderful.  Sure I'd love to go.  Meet you after the game then?

Van:  Yeah!  All right then!  Yeah, after the game.  Glad I saw you here, Kylie.  Gotta run though.  Sorry I can't hang.

Kylie:  It's ok Van, (sweetheart), see ya tomorrow then.  *OMG I DID IT!*  Bye......

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: So, I Ran Away - Rescued by a Friend
« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2015, 09:16:48 PM »
So I'm convinced, most of the time, that I will certainly be able to prove my point with my not so homeless existence.  Only I've kind of forgotten what the point is.  I miss my parents a lot and it isn't always easy to just be alone with no one to care for you and keep you safe.  I really enjoy being in the park but days like this are not so much fun.  The creepy dudes that keep coming up trying to start a conversation are really scary sometimes, even when it is broad daylight.  I try to just ignore them and focus on my homework but......

Someone has kindly put up a couple of tents in the park but no way I can sleep in them.  I tried one night and these people kept coming in and wanting to share.  Imagine that guy I just showed you creeping into a tent you're sleeping in!  Yeah, not a happy feeling.  Lucky for me Malcolm Landgraab saw what was goin' down and came over, real casual like and sort of acting like my best buddy.  Let me tell you at that moment he was!

Malcolm:  Hey, Kylie!  What's shakin' my friend?

Kylie:  Oh, hi Malcolm.  So nice to see you!  *whispers*  Really nice.  I was getting creeped out.  So we're going to spend some time together, RIGHT?

Malcolm:  Of course, right. 

Malcolm:  Just play it cool and snobby, Kylie.  Like you don't even notice he's there. 

Kylie:  Like this?

Malcolm:  Heh, heh.  You almost look like a Landgraab with that face.  He's walking away so you're safe now.

Malcolm:  So ya wanna tell me why you're doin' this whole homeless thing?  I mean, what's the point?  Your family and mine have known each other for eons so I know you weren't badly treated or had to live like Simderella or anything.  This isn't safe you know.

Kylie:  Not sure what the point is anymore.  I thought I could just prove I'm grown up and should be able to make my own decisions and live my own life on my own.  I'm not really doing that badly you know.  And I do know it isn't really safe.  That guy was probably really a nice man who just wanted to chat a bit but he's an adult and it's forbidden.  Thanks for rescuing me.

Malcolm:  Yeah, I know.  I wouldn't give up all my great stuff just to prove any kind of point.  If you've got it, flaunt it.  Right?  And you're welcome.  Can't let an old friend come to any harm, real or otherwise.

Malcolm:  Maybe you should hit the gym.  Learn some self defense.  You know, just in case.

Kylie:  Me?  The original couch potato?  Besides, I'm not that physical or athletic.  Any other tips?

Malcolm:  Well, there's always the crazy, out of control, enraged mad person bit.  Like this.........

Malcolm:  Or the offensive ultra snob like this.......

Kylie:  Like this?  Like you smell something really rank or would if your nose wasn't so high up in the air?

Malcolm:  Right!  You got it!

Kylie:  Oh, Mal you're a riot!  How come you don't have many friends?  I think you're pretty cool.

Malcolm:  I dunno.  My less than charming evil personality maybe?  Seriously though,  first, I'm really glad we're friends.  Second, look into a self defense class.  There are a lot of classes designed for weaker women so they can protect themselves.  Give it a try.  Nothin' to lose there.

Kylie:  Ok, Mal I will.  And thanks again.

Malcolm:  Anytime.  Now I'm gonna jet before someone sees us and thinks I'm a nice guy.  Cya!

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #21 on: October 31, 2015, 04:32:51 PM »
Omg! So much fabulousness to catch up on! Love the house, love the teen romance, love Kylie! Love it all!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: So, I Ran Away - End of the Week
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2015, 04:50:16 PM »
Getting on toward the end of my first week as a runaway.  So far I've managed to elude any adults who might turn me in, have made a few friends, mostly boys, managed to not starve to death and sometimes have really nice days.  I wake up, check my mail, and go on about my business day after day with not much happening.  Here's a picture of me one fine morning.

You can sort of see my collections are starting to grow as is my garden.  Not much at the moment but it is starting to cut into "me" time.  I can see where this might get worse and it makes me wonder how my mom and dad did it all to begin with.  They weren't born rich like I was. 

On this day I met this crazy kid, I think his name is Taylor.  We sort of hit it off after a few llama/mama jokes.

He actually was pretty cool.  We didn't chat for long.  His mom called him home for dinner.

Then there are days like today.  I was just casually eating a meal in the park next to this girl.  I knew she was a teen because of the homework so I figured it was safe to strike up a conversation.

Kylie:  So, hi.  I'm Kylie and you are?

Random Teen:  Too busy to talk to a loser like you.

Well!  Harsh much?  I didn't waste any more time with her.  I had things to do anyway and it's not like she was the only girl in school or at the park for that matter.  I could have chatted with Olivia but that collection was not going to grow by itself.  So I hammered away at still another rock.

The day wore on as I ran around collecting whatever was available.  As evening drew on, I looked around for something to eat.  That morning meal just didn't last.  Unfortunately, I guess I was too late for leftovers.  *sigh*  Ah well, no worries.  We all know I can cook.

After a quick cookout I headed home again.  I still had time in my day for some extra credit homework and I knew I needed it to keep my grades up.  That straight A took work just like everything else.  Yeah......just like everything else.....

Doubts and the blue meanies came creeping in.  Here I was on a love seat with no love sitting next to me.  No mom to cheer me up and tell me it was going to be ok.  Too much homework and EVERYTHING else.  Is this what it's like to be an adult?

I couldn't help but think about my family and home.  It seemed so far away right now, even though the house was really just a few blocks away.  I could have gone back to my nice, cozy, pink bedroom, full of stuffed animals and posters and all my "stuff" I loved.  I could be taking a nice bubble bath or be having a sleep over or........I was beginning to think this wasn't going to work out after all.  It was just starting to not be fun anymore.  I'm a teen.  I LIVE for fun, (and drama, and boys, and drama)......I started to tear up.....

Maybe I should just pack up and go home.  Of course, that would mean giving up.  It would mean they were right and I wasn't ready to be all grown up and off on my own....maybe....

I got up and went to my rather pathetic garden.  It needed weeding again but that was better than sitting around feeling sorry for myself.  So I tidied it up and decided to move things around.  Redecorating my room always made me feel better and in a way, wasn't this my room?

There!  Not too shabby.  I could see my fossils, my little adorable statues, those pretty minerals.  Even my garden didn't look quite so pathetic and I knew it was going to be a great source of food and income.  Better!

Ok, Back to that extra credit.  All that brain fog and defeated attitude miraculously gone!  I COULD do this.  I know I'm going to succeed!  I'm going to finish every collection I can, grow a perfect plant garden and build my own perfect and just right for me house.  *happy sigh*  This is more like it.  Even algebra isn't going to get me down now.

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #23 on: October 31, 2015, 04:52:46 PM »
Yay!  You're back!  Glad you're lovin' it.  Totally unrealistic but fun to write.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2015, 11:38:15 AM »
Great update . I loved the different expressions when her and Malcolm spend time together after he came to her "rescue" .

I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #25 on: November 04, 2015, 02:11:17 PM »
Great update . I loved the different expressions when her and Malcolm spend time together after he came to her "rescue" .

For some reason this particular Sim has the best facial expressions.  Just watching her as she goes along is a lot of fun because she comes up with the funniest looks.  Updating today.  Thanks for reading!
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: So, I Ran Away - Start of Week 2
« Reply #26 on: November 04, 2015, 02:58:41 PM »
So I'm finding life as a runaway isn't all sunshine and roses.  It's a lot harder than I imagined it would be even with me living right next door to a picnic area on one side and a park on another.  It's not so much from lack of facilities and all, but because I find I have even more chores and things I HAVE to do whether someone is telling me to do them or not.  Plus, I really do miss my family, my old friends, and especially, my room.  Worse, there is really no one besides my own self to tell me they love me, they are proud of me, and they'll take care of me.

Newcrest has got to be the easiest place in the world for a homeless person.  Maybe that's why there are so many of us here.  I find them all the time sleeping in the tents, taking showers, and in general having a pretty easy go of it here.  Someone told me it's because a "Watcher" built this town and put all kinds of goodies in it to make life posh, plush and easy, but you all know I don't believe in the myth of the "Watcher".  I haven't heard from one yet anyway!  So, I guess it could be worse and I'm glad it isn't!

Things have been moving along pretty well despite my occasional doldrums.  Today I even had my first "house guest"!  It began as a pretty normal day.  Lots of sunshine and me tending the plants in my garden.  Lookin' pretty good if I do say so myself!

As you can see, my collecting has gotten quite good.  Good enough that I'm now able to sell off a lot of duplicates so my cash flow has really improved. 

I am really taking pride in my little home and garden now, so I have to admit I wasn't expecting the kind of reception I got when she came in through my front gate.

Tania:  What?!!!  You live here?!  Are you insane or just terminally poverty stricken?  This place is a dump and filthy to boot.  And you had the gall to invite me to this?

Ok, do I back off, apologize, or what?  I guess it was "what" because I immediately began to give her a piece of my mind.  How dare she!

Kylie:  WHOA!  Back off lady!  First of all it is NOT a dump.  I have the best, high end camping stuff here.  I have a great garden, lots of great collectibles, a nice fire pit and every single thing I need or want.  Do you think YOU could do this, you pampered princess?  Well let me tell you Miss Snob of the Year, I come from one of the best families in Newcrest and I am no way poverty stricken.  I make my own money and plenty of it.  I just CHOOSE to do this because I CAN!  Unlike you who can't do, go, or buy anything without your Dad's credit cards to pay your way.  What have you ever done for yourself on your own? 

Kylied:  Furthermore, when I am through with this great adventure, and IT IS a great adventure, I'll be able to write a best selling book all about it.  And speaking of writing, didn't I hear you had failed the last English exam while I am a straight A, honor role student?  I'd be happy to tutor you in all the subjects you suck at.

Tania:  Whoa.  You sure do get feisty about things.  Look, I apologize.  It really is kind of cool and definitely brave of you to try this.  I guess I didn't understand and I was expecting what I usually see when I visit a friend.  Let's start over ok? 

Kylie:  Apology accepted.   I guess I do get pretty defensive so I apologize for the rude things I said. Starting over is good.  It may not look like much but Tania when I started out I had almost nothing and I had pretty much the same attitude you started with.  I was a pampered princess myself, and I admit it, I kind of miss some of it.  But this, this I can look at and take pride in knowing I did every bit of it myself and it will provide me with strength and a good future one day.

Tania:  Well, girl, I gotta give you credit for guts if nothing else.  You're right, I couldn't and wouldn't do it.  Just the idea of digging in the dirt makes my skin crawl, but hey, more power to ya!

Tania:  So then, friends?  And about that tutoring, I could use some help with that essay that's due.

Kylie:  Sure.  Friends.  Why not?  Be happy to work with you on the essay.  I'm sure you've done the research and have a lot of great ideas.

Kylie:  So, welcome to my humble abode.  Shall we sit by the fireplace and get to work?

Well, that was that.  I doubt I'll ever be really close friends with Tania but at least I know I have what it takes to defend my choices and my home.  Guess I'd better get to work on homework.  Cya!
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: So, I Ran Away - Back At Work
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2015, 06:29:50 PM »
Well, here I am again!  I had a lot of reading to catch up on and then there was that really tough course in learning architecture and actually building homes for the homeless.  If they only knew! Someday it would all come in handy when I built my very own house. 

So, time to catch up with my life.  The very first thing I did was go to the park, of course.  It is THE place to meet and greet everyone.  I dialed up Shayna who rushed over.  She was so excited at having achieved top score in blickblock and just could hardly wait to show me.

Kylie:  Wow, Shayna!  That's awesome!

Shayna:  I know, right?  I only have one level to go before I beat this thing!  I am so excited.  Just have to be careful to not get caught playing it while in class.

Shayna went on and on about it for a bit but then had to run off.  Her mom was coming down hard on her about her homework.  It seems her grades has slipped a bit.  Too much time with blickblock and not enough time with books I guess.  As for me, I had the munchies as usual so sat down for a nice meal of roast potato.  I hope I never get tired of them because it's one of the things I cook the most.

I finished my meal and decided it was time to make a few more friends.  You can never have enough, right?  So I introduced myself to this kid, Timothy.  He seemed like a really bright and pretty cool kid.

We hit it off right from the start.  It was a "yo, bro" moment for sure.
He was all excited over meeting a local celebrity, as he put it, and asked for a photo op. 

Timothy:  So, you really are THE Kylie?  The girl who ran away and lives in a tent?

Kylie:  Yep, that's me.  You should come over and see it sometime.

Timothy:  Coooool!  Hey, would it be ok if we took a picture together?

So we did.

Just enough time left for a quick hug before he had to run off home.  Kind of made me miss my little brother and cousins.  He reminded me of them a lot.

Next on the agenda, a trip to the bakery.  I didn't have a stove of my own, it not being allowed, but I really wanted to be able to cook gourmet meals.  The owner of the bakery agreed to allow me to use her kitchen as long as I didn't try to sell my baked goods there.  I even could eat a hot meal!  Of course, I had to use my own ingredients but that wasn't a worry at all.  It's a really nice place too.
You should come and try some of their pastries.

After a few basic gourmet dishes it was time for me to get on with the other things I had to do to succeed.  So off I went.

First, catch fish.  Hmmm, a little small but might be tasty.

Next, another meal of course!  Grilled fruit this time cooked in that adorable little picnic area right next to the fishing hole.  I was really getting pretty hungry by now.

I don't know why this snapshot came out so weird.  The food just looks abnormal.  Sure tasted great though.  You'd think I had the glutton trait but I don't.  Just working hard and growing.

It was getting pretty late but I couldn't resist trying for one more frog.  I checked to make sure there wasn't anyone watching or creeping up on me and reached in.  Ugh.  The things a girl's gotta do!  Ah well, this was a duplicate so more cash for me.  Nice one too, over 100 simoleons.

Back at the park for a little fun before heading to bed.  Tomorrow was going to be another long day.

Maybe I'll be able to see my guy tomorrow.  Meanwhile, (yawns), time for bed.  G'night.

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #28 on: November 15, 2015, 01:32:14 AM »
Go Kylie! Telling 'princess Tania' to back off! Her collections look like they are coming along nicely.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: So, I Ran Away - Boyfriend!
« Reply #29 on: November 25, 2015, 05:20:25 PM »
@Playalot:  Yeah, she's a feisty one.  In this case I was just reporting what was going on.  She handled it all by herself with minimal help from the mythical "Watcher".  lol  I'd love to see her and Winston get together!  Wouldn't that be fun?


Another beautiful day in sunny Newcrest and here I am racing to catch up with Van.  He is sooooo gorgeous!  A bit slow in the romance department but I already had plans to get past the awkward conversations stage.  I just hope I'm not too forward and will scare him off.

Last night we had met in Willow Creek Park and just kind of hung out.  It was nice to see him and just relax.  I had spent the day collecting so was really ready for a break, some fun and maybe......well, who knows. Of course, I wanted to get past those first few, awkward, minutes so I started to compliment him.  I'd like to say he took it all in stride but boy, was he full of himself!

Van:  Just kidding!  Thanks for the compliments Kyleigh.  I'm really not all that conceited.  At least I hope I'm not.  So how was your day?

Kyleigh:  *giggles*  Phew!  I was beginning to think you were just like your brother Tom!  And it was a busy day.  Really glad to see you now.

Van:  Me too.  You, that is.  I mean......oh heck.  I'm glad we could get together tonight.

Kyleigh:  Me too. *giggles*  Soooo, you wanna have a game of chess or something?

Van:  Sure, that would be great.  I need to brush up on my game for chess club anyway. White or black?

Kyleigh:  White.  Ladies first. 

Van:  So you've been really busy at school.  Hardly see you anymore.  What's up?

Kyleigh:  Same ol' same ol'.  Projects, senior year stuff.  You know.  You?

Van:  Same, plus working out and constant practices for games.  I don't really need a scholarship but I still have to focus on sports a lot or coach rides my tail hard. 

Kyleigh:  I've had this poetry contest thing I've been working on.  Ms. Trent thinks I could win and go to nationals.  Wanna hear it?

Van:  Sure!

Kyleigh:  Roses are red, violets are purple, you're as sweet as maple syrple.

Van:  *laughing*  Awww, you're just saying that because it's true.  Really, let's hear the big one.

Kyleigh:  *reads dramatically*

Van:  Wow.  That's beautiful, Kyleigh.  Almost as beautiful as you are......errrr....I mean.....

Kyleigh:  *shyly*  Really?  Thanks.....

Van: Yeah.....*clears throat*.......I uh......uh....oh, guess I'd better go.  Curfew.  See ya tomorrow?

Kyleigh:  Yeah......tomorrow...(sigh)

I know he wanted to kiss me I just KNOW it.  But at the last moment off he ran.  So I guess it's up to me and that, my friends, is the plan for the day!  So here we are in Newcrest Park, and for once, not playing a game or cooking or whatever.  Just me and Van while the world disappears around us.

Van:  Hi!  You came!

Kyleigh:  Hi, Van.  Yep, here I am. 

Van:  You look.....great.

Kyleigh:  You too.

Kyleigh:  Ummmm, Van?  Ummmm there's something I've been wanting to......

Kyleigh:  Oh, heck!  I'm just gonna.....

Van:  Oh!  Wow!   Oh my!

Kyleigh:  I'm sorry.  Well, I'm not sorry I kissed you but.....was I too forward?  I mean,  I've wanted you to kiss me for ever so long and you didn't and I .......

Van:  No, no.  Not too forward at all.  I've wanted to kiss you too.  I was just too scared.  You're such a strong person and I didn't want to come off all pushy and macho guy and......shut up, Van and just kiss her back!

Kyleigh:  Yeah, just kiss her back.

Well, like I said the world just faded away.  Of course, we didn't stop there with just one or two kisses.  I mean, after all practice makes perfect right?  Only in this case it's perfect practice makes perfect, and my day was certainly going perfectly.
When we finally had to leave we both had big smiles on our faces and daydreams of love in our hearts.  Sigh!  It was definitely a good day to be me.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
My No Buy Story
Joria's Creations on the Gallery