Author Topic: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick  (Read 43257 times)

Online Metropolis Man

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Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« on: August 27, 2015, 08:15:58 AM »
Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick

Newcrest is a blank slate. So, you're going to plop down 15 identical Crick Cabana homes on Newcrest' empty lots and see if you can strategically add two items to each home to come up with more money in the end than your competitors. There are restrictions to making money too, so this is going to be a tough one.

General Challenge Rules
The General Challenge Rules always apply. If applicable, exceptions will be noted below.

Specific Challenge Rules
  • Create two Young Adult Sims — no restrictions on traits.
  • In Gameplay Options make sure Fill Empty Houses is NOT checked.
  • Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration is banned.
  • When you first enter Live Mode immediately pause your game and go to Options > Manage Worlds > Save and Go to Manage Worlds, then choose the Newcrest world. Choose Open the Gallery > My Library. On the left side choose the Lots Category, and then Residential Lot type. Finally, choose the Crick Cabana lot and Place Lot on your empty starting lot. Rinse and repeat with the 14 remaining empty lots in Newcrest.
  • You are also allowed to add one Maxis-made spa venue to Willow Creek, Oasis Spring, or Magnolia Promenade.  Choose between these four: Perfect Balance Spa, Center of Center Massage, Aham Ashram Yoga Studio, or Luxe Health Club.  Choose wisely which spa venue you want to add, no changing after you start your game.
  • You are allowed to use the Buydebug cheat for the sole purpose of purchasing a satellite to prevent abductions. Take the satellite with you when moving to prevent using Buydebug again.
  • Each Sim is allowed to purchase two Buy Mode items (including items sold on the computer) before the first move that they can keep permanently.
  • No adding to the household.
  • All household income is restricted to a) the Business career and/or b) the Charisma unlock Ask for Loan.
  • Loan restrictions: Each Sim is limited to asking for one small loan and one large loan while in any given house.
  • All moves are made at 7 PM — your first move occurs two days after starting your game (Tuesday at 7 PM). Your second move is 48 hours later on Thursday. Your 3rd move is 48 hours later on Saturday, etc.
  • You cannot live in any home longer than 48 hours (you can move earlier).
  • Each move must be to a home you have not lived in before. You should check "Sell furniture" when you move out and the "Furnished" option for the next house. Use the phone to make the move in order to get the pop-up screen.
  • Before moving to a new home each Sim is allowed to leave no more than one object. 15 homes = 30 different objects.
    These can be: a unique object purchased from Buy Mode, a unique career or party reward, a crafted object unique to a skill (i.e. one painting, one cooked dish, one gourmet dish, etc.) or an object unique to a collection (i.e., one fish, one metal, etc.).
  • Aside from the two objects left on your lot at moving time, your Sims' homes/lots cannot be altered in any way - you need to play them as is.
  • Gardening/planting on your home lot is banned.
  • This challenge ends when your two Sims have lived in their 15th Newcrest Crick Cabana for no more than 48 hours and have placed the allowed two objects in their home.


Your score is the total value of all 15 Newcrest Crick Cabana homes. Lena has made a spreadsheet where you can plug in the value of your 15 different homes and get a quick total. Thank you, Lena.   

Total Home Value — When your Sims has lived in their 15th Newcrest Crick Cabana home for no more than 48 hours (you can stop playing earlier than that) and they have added their two unique objects to the lot, then enter Manage Worlds once again to determine the value of all 15 homes. Use Lena's spreadsheet where you can plug in the value of your 15 different homes and get a quick total.     

The team does not want to edit and make changes to the ruleset once this event goes live, but we may have to. If an exploit is brought to our attention or we discover something else we reserve the right to ask affected players to redo their effort.

Have Questions?
Please think hard before you ask in the challenge thread because it may be strategy. What you may consider an innocent question could cause another player to go — “oh, I did not think of doing that.” It’s always safer to PM everyone on the team (Metro, ratchie, Nutella, LenaLJ, Trip, and MarianT) for clarifications. Thanks.

And the Winner is...
After this event has closed everyone is encouraged to discuss how they approached the event, but the winner especially is expected to do so in detail.

This Event is Now Closed

Player                            Total Home Value     
Nutella                            $388,184     
Teresa                            $369,092     
kirkbysims                            $367,485     
HelenP                            $359,852     
Ginj                            $355,688     
alyssa.cole                            $351,717     
_Annika_                            $350,957     
Nikitachi                            $338,735     
december22                            $335,351     
MarianT                            $322,414     
Metropolis Man                            $310,725     
krzyman21                            $285,011     
sdhoey                            $282,536     
Joria                            $263,767     
CynKuy                            $234,979     
Gheez                            $13,578     

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2015, 08:16:34 AM »
Lena's spreadsheet will be coming soon, so have no worries.

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Offline ClayMask

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Re: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2015, 10:04:42 AM »
How many unique objects are we allowed to leave at each home?  I'm confused because of this sentence: "Before moving to a new home each Sim is allowed to leave one unique object purchased from Buy Mode. 15 homes = 30 different objects."

Offline MarianT

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Re: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2015, 10:07:08 AM »
You have 2 sims, each of whom is allowed to leave 1 object at each of 15 homes. 2 x 15 = 30.
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Offline ClayMask

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Re: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2015, 10:08:41 AM »
That makes sense, thanks.

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2015, 12:41:12 PM »
When we start, do they move to a empty lot in Newcrest or one of the other hoods?
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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2015, 12:48:30 PM »
When we start, do they move to a empty lot in Newcrest or one of the other hoods?

You start in Newcrest at any of the empty lots.

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Offline sdhoey

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Re: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2015, 12:49:23 PM »
Thanks. Doing a practice run on these two

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Offline ClayMask

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Re: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2015, 04:57:43 PM »
I've thought of two questions about this challenge.

1.  If the Sims earn rewards from the business career, should they immediately sell these?
2.  Are they allowed to do activities that would add items to their inventories (harvesting plants, fishing, painting, etc.)?

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2015, 06:14:23 PM »
I've thought of two questions about this challenge.

1.  If the Sims earn rewards from the business career, should they immediately sell these?

You do not have to if you do not want to. It's still under the umbrella of job income which is fine.

2.  Are they allowed to do activities that would add items to their inventories (harvesting plants, fishing, painting, etc.)?

I suppose that's fine - let's hear from the rest of the team.

Offline Nutella

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Re: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2015, 07:11:42 PM »
I agree.

Offline MarianT

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Re: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2015, 07:33:36 PM »
I don't know -- if you buy a planter as the item you'll leave behind, will the plants in it count towards the value of the house? If you buy an easel, will a painting left on it count? I'd be inclined to discourage players from adding to their inventories.
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Re: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2015, 06:06:49 AM »
Let's be sure I understand correctly:

1. Before moving to a new home each Sim is allowed to leave no more than one unique object purchased from Buy Mode; i.e. no reward objects, planted items, hand-crafted items or found objects may be left behind.
2.  Each Sim is allowed to purchase two items before the first move that they can keep permanently; i.e. any later purchases that aren't being left behind must be sold before the next move.  Or are no new purchases allowed at all?
3.  Reward objects, found items, hand-crafted items etc. not purchased from buy mode must be carried forward so as not to run afoul of the restrictions on household income.

Offline Nutella

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Re: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2015, 08:23:30 AM »
1. Before moving to a new home each Sim is allowed to leave no more than one unique object purchased from Buy Mode; i.e. no reward objects, planted items, hand-crafted items or found objects may be left behind.
Correct.  It has to be purchase from buy mode, you cannot paint a painting and use that as your unique object.  You cannot leave anything else behind in the house except for the 2 unique items from buy mode.  This means you have to put all the hand crafted items or found objects in your inventory (can't sell).  Reward objects will depend on whether it is from the business career.  If it is business career rewards, you can sell them or move them.  If it is other careers then you have to keep them in your inventory and move them (can't sell) -- because your income is restricted to business career and ask for loan only.

2.  Each Sim is allowed to purchase two items before the first move that they can keep permanently; i.e. any later purchases that aren't being left behind must be sold before the next move.  Or are no new purchases allowed at all?
No can't sell.  Any later purchases that aren't being left behind must be put in your inventory and move with you.

3.  Reward objects, found items, hand-crafted items etc. not purchased from buy mode must be carried forward so as not to run afoul of the restrictions on household income.
Correct, except business career rewards can be sold.

Offline MissZoef

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Re: Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2015, 09:26:02 AM »
This one sounds awesome! I'm still a little bit confused on how this is going to work. The essential goal is to make as much money as possible? With only the use of the business career and charisma skill? (ask for loans)