Author Topic: The Vitale Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 6: A Little Bit Of Romance  (Read 11406 times)

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Re: The Vitale Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 3: Making Progress
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2015, 04:19:20 PM »
Omg cliff hanger. lol Noooo!  Great house though. :)
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Re: The Vitale Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 3: Making Progress
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2015, 12:01:49 PM »
Aaaaaagggghhhh!  Cliff hanger!!  Great story as usual.  Zoe is so adorable, isn't she?
So now we get to guess who, (or what), is behind door number  1.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Vitale Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 3: Making Progress
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2015, 03:02:19 PM »
oh... suspense, please do not make us wait  :)

Suspense indeed! I'll do my best to get the next chapter up soon!  :)

Omg cliff hanger. lol Noooo!  Great house though. :)

Thanks! The interior turned out to be a bit small for everyone to have their own rooms, but I guess it'll do for some time, at least until we have nooboos.  :D

Aaaaaagggghhhh!  Cliff hanger!!  Great story as usual.  Zoe is so adorable, isn't she?
So now we get to guess who, (or what), is behind door number  1.

Thank you! I'm excited to show you what/who's behind!  ( hint hint, it's the latter! )
Zoe is indeed lovely! She resembles a good friend I have in real life that haven't seen for a while, so she just cheers me up.  :)

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Chapter 4: Meet "C."
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2015, 09:11:52 AM »
Sorry about the delay! I was somewhere with little internet access and my online time was limited to reading only.

Chapter 4: Meet "C."

Earlier that night...
Oakenstead, 10 p.m.

J: Gav? I think I saw something outside.

J: Gavin?
Gavin: Hmm... ?
J: I said, I thought I saw something outside.
Gavin: Heard you the first time, J. Go to bed. You're not in a good state of mind.

J: I feel perfectly fine.
Gavin: What did you see then? A "passing shadow"?!
J: Maybe. I'm serious, Gavin. Something's not right.
Gavin: Just go to bed, J. It'll take you some time to get used to living here. Everything's normal.
J: Really? How do you explain the storage door, then, hein?
Gavin: What about it?
J: Well, I'm almost certain that it used to be a different kind of door. I'm not familiar with the door names, but the last one had glass on top so it could be seen through. This one's... plain wood.
Gavin: We've only been in this house for two hours, J. It's likely that you're mistaken.
J: Oh, I don't know. Maybe you're right. I'll just go to bed then.
Gavin: Good move, bro. That should give me some calm to finish my novel.

Oakenstead, 3 a.m.

Continuing where we left off...

I woke up to a constant clicking noise coming from outside my room. I got up, and approached, on the tip of my toes.

What was that? I got out of the room. It was definitely coming from outside the house. I managed to have a few good trips in the living room, constantly hitting the furniture on my way to the back door.

The backyard was peaceful. And for a few minutes, the noise was gone. I turned around to reach for the door and go back to sleep, but there was yet another noise, coming from near the storage room.

I went forward, slightly frightened. I was at the door. With the noise now being stronger, there was no doubt it was coming from inside.
"Should I wake others? Should I get help?" I said to myself.

I closed my eyes for a moment, turned the knob and went in, with little hesitation to let the fear take over.

Expecting to see all sorts of nasty things inside, I opened my eyes to a rather empty storage room.

Feeling slightly more confident, I took a quick look around the room.
"Was that just a bad dream?" I said to myself, getting ready to leave, when I was shocked by a loud voice.

Hiya, pal!
Vera: ... whaaat! WHO IS THERE?
Do not freak out, Vera! We've already met, haven't we?
Vera: Is that ... you? C. ?!
What's C. ? I can't think of anything I'd call myself that would start with that letter.
Vera: Umm... "Creator"?

You have a point, but I'd much prefer it if you would just call me watcher.
Vera: What is the difference? You nearly gave me a heart attack!
I don't really think you guys can have heart attacks. So, no worries.
And there is a huge difference. Creating you was a very trivial job compared to what I'm doing now. "Watching You".
Vera: Now I'm "trivial"?

I never said that. You know what Vera, I really feel like we're getting off on the wrong foot here. Let's get you some fresh air.

Vera: I don't see what's different.
A lot. For starters, you look happier. A little. You might want to take a deep breath and count to 10. Then we can talk.

Vera: I don't see that happening.
The talking? I do. By any chance, Vera, do you remember that we are in this together? And weren't we supposed to hold the first founder-watcher meeting a few days after your arrival? We have so much to discuss.
Vera: Well, I've been busy.
Yes, I can see that. Busy is the word.

Vera: There's just so much work I have to do, you know?
Yes, I do. It's just important for you to remember that we are on the same page here. Now, It's time you sat the guys down for a chat and explained this to them. We have to bring me in. I'm running out of ways to present the story from your point of view, so it's time we tried mine.

Vera: I guess we are on the same page. Please keep in mind that next time you want to talk to me, you don't have to use scary movie methods. What was the clicking noise, anyway?
Um... me "clicking"? Excessively, of course, to attract your attention. But I won't do that again, surely. This time I had to, because you were obviously neglecting the founder-watcher rapport.
Vera: Didn't know such thing existed.
Of course it does. It's the most important part.

Time to go back to bed, Vera! It was nice to talk to you, finally.
Vera: You, too, watcher. See ya!

Off she went. With the cheerful nature that she had, it was hard for her to stay angry for long. ( actually, just checked and cheerful isn't one of her traits, oops!  :-X I have so many cheerful sims I just forgot which was which. let's keep that line, though  :P )

The following morning in Oakenstead, she did in fact gather the household round to have a little "chat". She explained to them how there was a pair of eyes that would follow them wherever they went.
The family ( if I may call them so ) took the news as well as they could.

Oh well. With the awkwardness of my presence out of the way, I think I'll take it from here.

Author's note: I really hope this chapter wasn't a lame ending to a cliff hanger.  :P  I don't have much story-telling experience and at first I thought I'd do the story without the watcher. But then I realized it would be more fun to bring the watcher in and have more conversation between the characters.
I also had to take some unofficial screenshots for the last chapter. The storage room scenes. All of the other screenshots are from the actual file and I just take them as things happen ( even the Nancy thing wasn't pre-planned! ) I don't think I'll be taking any more of those unofficial ones any time soon though, I'm eager to play the dynasty file and make progress!  :D

I have a couple more chapters (almost) ready to go, and hopefully, with just a bit of editing, I should be able to upload them in a day or two. Thank you for reading!  :)

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Vitale Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 4: Meet "C."
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2015, 03:50:13 PM »
That was a cool way to intro the watcher. It's always fun to read other people's stories and I know what you mean about using another file for screenshots... all good and well but meantime your dynasty isn't moving forward at all. Sometimes I get these really 'great' ideas only to be stymied by the actual sims themselves, all part of the challenge.
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Re: The Vitale Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 4: Meet "C."
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2015, 08:54:15 PM »
I thought that was a neat way bringing yourself into the story. Your writing is great, if you ever feel you want a weird dynasty just bring in insane sims. I love insane sims.  :D

Offline Roxanne07

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Re: The Vitale Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 4: Meet "C."
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2015, 03:13:06 AM »
That was a cool way to intro the watcher. It's always fun to read other people's stories and I know what you mean about using another file for screenshots... all good and well but meantime your dynasty isn't moving forward at all. Sometimes I get these really 'great' ideas only to be stymied by the actual sims themselves, all part of the challenge.

Thank you! I'm guessing I'll need to keep a balance between the two, the story and playing. Slightly leaning towards playing, though. I'm more of a nooboo to the sims 4 and really want to have my playing time.  ;D

I thought that was a neat way bringing yourself into the story. Your writing is great, if you ever feel you want a weird dynasty just bring in insane sims. I love insane sims.  :D

Thank you!  I'm considering insane for later generations. I need to have a little more experience with the game before I feel confident enough to handle those mood swings!  It'd definitely be fun to experiment with the trait though. :D
( I actually had to give Vera the insane trait (in a separate file) for this chapter's screenshots. The" Talk and Tell story to self" animations were very helpful  :)  )

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Chapter 5
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2015, 06:24:19 AM »
Chapter 5: A Typical day at Oakenstead

Oakenstead, lunchtime

Um... Hi. Watcher speaking.
As mentioned before, Vera spoke to the guys during breakfast. At lunch, the questions continued.

Mitchel: Even the bathroom?
Vera: Umm... technically, yes. The watcher can see you everywhere, but won't zoom in on you while you're taking care of your, well, business, surely.
Mitchel: Still awkward.

Vera: Well, in case you had any more questions, you can ask the watcher directly.
Watcher: Yep.

Vera and Gavin get to spend some time together since Gavin took up mixology as a second hobby. It helps him get his mind off things when he's not writing. He's not the best mixologist, but he tries.

They're actually having a very pleasant conversation. But without the speech bubbles, it's hard to believe they're talking at all.

Vera: So, mixology, huh?
Gavin: Yup. Mixes well with writing.
Vera: Well, Gav, while I do appreciate your taste in clothes, I'd say that as a mixologist you should try new ones. Shopping trip, say, this weekend?
Gavin: Sounds good.

Watcher: Look! Here comes J. This is a great chance to make nice to him.
Vera: Are you sure about this?
Watcher: He looks happy enough.

Vera: He does. Okay, here goes.

Vera: Hey, J! I've been meaning to talk to you. How you doin'?
J: Doing just fine, thanks!
Vera: Great! How are you liking your new bedroom?
J: It's great.
Vera: Well, you tell me if you need anything, alright?

J: Aww, thank you! Shake hands?

J: Heh, sorry. Just trying to work some humor in. Hope it's alright.
Vera: *still shaking* Yeah, sure. Very funny. Look J, there's something I want to...

J: Oo, what's that over there?
Vera: What?

J: *Boo*!

Vera: Okay, I think I've made enough nice for today. This guy here doesn't look like he's letting go of his grudge anytime soon. Back to my tiered cake.

J is doing better. In fact, he's chosen a whole new aspiration, quit his job, and is feeling marvelous. He's learning a few skills here and there and most likely will be a jack in some trades, instead to sticking to a single career. ( aka: the Renaissance Sim aspiration ) That was him practicing his new skill: mischief. (  ;D  ) That will be one of his specialties, along with the athletic skill ( obviously ), and handiness. If he's going to go around the house pulling pranks breaking faucets, he might as well be the one repairing them.

Could you ever imagine him being so calm? He's completing his aspiration's first milestone, finishing three books.

( He's actually so calm I almost feel guilty for making him do this. But then again, reading is good for all people, right? Including J.  )

Watcher: Um... J? I think it's the faucet.
J: It is? Don't know watcher. All of this repairing stuff is really complicated. Plus, seeing how often these sinks break I'd say the problem stems from elsewhere. Ya know?
Watcher: Yeah, I can see that. You carry on.

Watcher: Upgrading the toilet, are you?
J: Yes.
Watcher: You sure that's the way to go? Whack the surface with your wrench and we have "Superior Flush"?
J: Watcher, would you mind? Trying to focus here.
Watcher: Okay, I'll leave you to it then.

And of course, he's been exercising as well. Alright, that's enough about him, I suppose.

Mitch seems to be getting better at fishing. He doesn't yell at the fishing pole anymore.

He even caught the angelfish we yearned for. 1/3 way there? ( As it appears, getting the fish is not the most difficult job. I'm more concerned about the deathflower. Not having much luck finding the cherry tree -- Edited to say: just got the cherry, all is well  :P )

Mitchel: Anglefish, huh?
Watcher: Yup! Great job.
Mitchel: Doesn't look like an angel.
Watcher: Well it's an angel fish. And it does look like a fish.
Mitchel: We're not getting anywhere with this conversation. Might as well put the fish in my back pocket, along with the 14 kilogram trout and 59 kilogram salmon.
Watcher: It's called an inventory.

Zoe has really gotten into gardening. She seems to enjoy what she's doing.

And at the moment, everything seems to be going quite smoothly at the Vitale Residence. No surprises, everyone's committed to their work. And...

... and whoaaa!! What do we have here?!

To be continued...

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Chapter 6
« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2015, 05:58:46 PM »
Chapter 6: A little bit of romance

... or maybe too much of it.

So we can't (publicly) discuss what's going on under those blankets, but surely, we can know about the people involved.

We'd have to go just a few seconds back..

When these young lovers decided to make use of the sole WooHooing object available in the house.

I would've bought them their own bed, but they were in a rush and Vera was at work, so they "borrowed" hers. Yes, I'm thinking, change of plans, we'll switch bedrooms and Vera will move her stuff out. This room makes a good couple's room, anyway.

This wasn't entirely out of the blue. They've been together for quite some time now. We've just failed to notice ( or mention  :P ) it.
Zoe: Watcher, would you mind? These are private affairs we're talking about.
Watcher: What are private affairs good for if I can't use them in the story?
Zoe: It's okay to talk about them, just let the right person do it.
Watcher: You want to tell your story? Well, you go ahead, Zoe.
Zoe: Thank you.

*clears throat* Well there was definitely chemistry between the two of us from the time that we first met. Which was a few days before we moved here. But none of us would make a move. That is, until we took a little trip to our hometown together.
Watcher: Hometown?
Oasis Springs. We went to the lounge. All of us went, except for Vera. She had to work.

The four of us talked a bit at the lounge, but then separated to take a walk around. I was planning for a nice evening together with Mitch, but let's just say I wasn't the only one looking for romance. J met Nina Caliente. He's not a romantic kind of person, but what he saw definitely caught his eye.

Let's not judge me for thinking that there's no future for them. Because I'm not the only one. From what J told me later, their suggestive conversation was interrupted by Nina's sister, Katrina, to warn her about falling for noncommittal guys.

Meanwhile, Gavin stayed in the building to practice mixing drinks.

Watcher: Hey, how you doin', Gav? Bartending?
Gavin: Yep! Linda here was kind enough to let me take her place for a few hours. She rocks, and says I'll be just as good with a little practice. She's very encouraging.

Watcher: The bar looks awfully deserted. Got any customers yet?
Gavin: I did at first, but most of them scattered after having one drink.

Gavin: ... or all of them.

Watcher: It doesn't mean you're not good. Keep going, Gavin. You're doing great.
Gavin: Aww, thanks, watcher. I'll ask Linda for tips.

But all of this wasn't the reason we came here.

I looked for the perfect romantic spot for me and Mitch, we sat down and talked as time flew by.

Was it time? I thought it was. After a long silence, looking deeply into each other's eyes, I held his hand and made my move, aiming for a gentle cuddle.

Mitch: Um... oh Zoe, I don't think...
Zoe: What, Mitch. I don't understand.
Mitch: Zoe, you're great. It's just I think the guys are waiting for us in the cab, to, go home, I guess? Oo, is it them? Not sure. Um well...

Zoe: Whatever, Mitch. I wasn't going for what you think anyway. I was just stretching my arms. Yep. Definitely stretching.

Rejection! Much to my ( and watcher's ) surprise, Mitchel was not at all ready for this.

We continued feeling awkward for the rest of our stay ( and for a few days after ).

We were all tired when we came home -- except for J, who was feeling particularly hopeful about his relationship with Nina.

The next two days were spent Mitch and I mostly avoiding each other. But we happened to go for brunch at the same time on the third day, so we got to chat.

Zoe: I'm gonna go look for the cherry tree in our old neighborhood. I think I miss our old place a little, do you?

Mitchel: I think I do. Care for some company?
Zoe: I'd love that.

And so we went together. Nope, no plans this time. I was just gonna go, find the tree, take the cutting, and go back. But apparently, not everything plays out as you thought it would.

Zoe: Here's the so-called "tree". Hmm, don't think I'll be getting any cuttings from this one.
Watcher: Apparently, you're supposed to hang out in the neighborhood for a while for it to grow. *shows guide page*

And so we did. We hung out in the park nearby. This time, it was Mitch who made the move that I wasn't by any means, anticipating.

Zoe: What are you doing, Mitch?
Mitchel: Oh just stretching. Hope it's alright.

Zoe: Stretching, huh? It's all kinds of alright, Mitch.

It was the perfect time, for the perfect first kiss.

Zoe: Oh, watcher, my bladder's suddenly so full. Any bathrooms nearby? Can't afford to have bladder failure tonight.
Watcher: Right on that, Zoe! There's a bar just across the street. You hang in there!
Zoe: Will try!

I made it to the bar...

Went inside...

And after using the bathroom and freshening up in the mirror, I went straight back to Mitch.

Zoe: Mitch, I hope you don't find me too forward for doing this.
Mitchel: Doing what?

( Okay, so yes, they had their "first kiss", first, but let's skip that and keep Zoe's really cool move  :P )

Mitch: Oh, Zoe! I 'm so glad you "brought that up". Because I was just about to ask you, will you be my girlfriend?

Zoe: Are you kidding me? Of course I will.

Watcher: Oh, there's all that goofy romance I wanted to avoid.
Zoe:Let us have this moment, will you watcher?
Watcher: Sure.

And so, there it was. The perfect night. We capped it off with a kiss back home under the full moon.

Watcher: It was lovely of you to tell the story, Zoe.
Zoe: Welcome watcher. *runs off to browse wedding dresses online*

She does seem to be in a rush. Unlike her boyfriend, who wants to take his time. ( This is definitely not a one-sided relationship. They both have been popping whims to talk to each other from the start. But ever since they've gotten romantically involved, it's Zoe who's popping all the wishes. First, it's "First Kiss with Mitch", then "Go steady with Mitch" and then "Get engaged to guess who, Mitchel". Mitch's whims are just about hanging with J and Gavin, at the moment. He's a great guy but I guess he's not ready just yet) Who am I listening to, then? Definitely her. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a wedding to plan.

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Re: The Vitale Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 6: A Little Bit Of Romance
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2015, 03:26:18 AM »
Aww, this is so good. I love Zoe and Mitch's budding romance, how cool.  Your characterization of J is cracking me up, poor guy seems like there isn't too much going on up top. lol
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Offline Roxanne07

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Re: The Vitale Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 6: A Little Bit Of Romance
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2015, 04:33:04 AM »
Aww, this is so good. I love Zoe and Mitch's budding romance, how cool.  Your characterization of J is cracking me up, poor guy seems like there isn't too much going on up top. lol

Thanks! I wasn't sure about doing a whole chapter just on them, but I had a lot of screenshots ( have tons more! ) so I went for it. It was fun writing about them.  :)

Yeah, poor J!  ;D  I don't have a lot of plans for him now so I'm just seeing how everything works out.

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Re: The Vitale Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 6: A Little Bit Of Romance
« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2015, 12:54:51 PM »
Just caught up reading.  Love the switch to add the Watcher's voice.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: The Vitale Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 6: A Little Bit Of Romance
« Reply #27 on: September 18, 2015, 10:24:09 AM »
Thank you, Joria. Glad you liked it.  :)

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Re: The Vitale Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 6: A Little Bit Of Romance
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2015, 01:01:47 PM »
Really cool! Zoe and Mitch are so cute together and I'm totally shipping Gavin and Vera... Gavera? Vervin? Wait that last one looks too much like vermin lol yup, totally shipping Gavera!

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I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: The Vitale Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 6: A Little Bit Of Romance
« Reply #29 on: October 02, 2015, 11:28:32 PM »
Really cool! Zoe and Mitch are so cute together and I'm totally shipping Gavin and Vera... Gavera? Vervin? Wait that last one looks too much like vermin lol yup, totally shipping Gavera!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9720 using Tapatalk

Thanks! Can't deny having plans for them myself.  :P

I have so much to do in real life at the moment so that's why I don't get to update or play much. I'm really looking forward to some decent sims and forum time, hopefully this week! There are also so many stories I want to catch up on.

By the way, is it just me or do the pictures not show up anymore? I didn't have an image hosting website after the gallery so I just randomly picked one, now I'm thinking maybe I should've picked a more reliable one? Hopefully the website is just down right now or something, because it would be a pain to re-upload!