Hi, this is my first Sims 4 story. I'm doing Big Brother, Sims style. This is based off of the hit TV Show. Although, I did tweak some of the rules (such as combing the POV and HoH competitions) I might try to submit my personal set of rules as a project if this gets popular enough. Here are my rules:
- Autonomy must be turned to full, you are not allowed to control the sims in any way unless you are setting up for screenshots for story purposes. (Such as diary rooms, eviction ceremonies, etc.). You may tell your sim to drink orange juice or tea if they become sick. You can also have them take selfies for the memory wall.
- Aging is turned off everywhere, even outside households.
- Create eight (or more if you have mods) sims. Their personalities and looks are entirely up to you. The only restrictions are that they must be a Young Adult or Older and that there must be a 1:1 Male to Female ratio.
- Move them onto an empty lot. You can build the Big Brother House or download one off of the Gallery (like I did since I'm not the best builder) Money cheats are allowed and encouraged. You may make a large house or a small house, it's up to you. There are only a few requirements of the house.
- It must have a backyard, a sitting area for nominations and evictions, a a single-person bedroom for HoH winners.
- TVs, Computers, or any skill (with the exception of kitchen appliances) or mood altering objects are not allowed. That includes pools (unless they are used for a challenge).
- You can edit the house at any time or as often as you please.
- The Ice Cream maker is banned.
- If an object breaks, you can replace it.
- Each sim week you will place objects that contribute to the same skill around the house. At the end of the week remove the objects and the check the skill panel on each sim. The Sim with the most points and progress on the skill wins HoH (Head of Household) and the one with the second most wins POV. (Power of Veto)
- The next day, the HoH will nominate two sims for eviction, they MUST be the sims that the HoH has the lowest relationship with, the only exception is if one of them have the POV. If that's the case, nominate the sim with the next lowest relationship.
- The sim with the POV will remove the sim from the block that has the higher relationship with it than the other one.
- The HoH will then put up a replacement nominee, the sim with the lowest relationship with the HoH that isn't nominated or has POV.
- Then, voting begins. Every sim except the nominees and the HoH will vote. The way voting works is that sims will vote for the nominee they have the lowest relationship with of the two. The sim with the most votes is evicted and must leave the house at once.
- If there's a tie, the HoH breaks it by voting for the sim it has the lowest relationship with of the two.
- To remove an evicted HouseGuest, go to Manage Worlds and remove them from your household, you may place them into any unplayed household. Just don't forget where they are, you'll need them for later!
- In the next HoH competition, the previous HoH is not allowed to compete.
- Keep doing this process until there are four sims left.
- The same process follows, except there's no POV. The one sim who isn't nominated in the final four decides who gets evicted.
- In the Final three, the HoH winner decides who to evict.
- In the final two, bring all of the evicted sims back into the house. They will decide who wins by voting for the sim of the two who they have the highest relationship with.
- In the event of a tie in the finals, You, as the watcher, decide who wins.
And..that's it! Let me know if you have any questions.
Without further ado, let's begin!
Week 1Here are the HouseGuests. I customized their looks as well as their names.
Top: (L - R) Rebekah, Ethan, and Sage
Middle: (L - R) Elliot and LaToya
Bottom: (L - R) Matthew, Hilda, and Jamie
I sadly, didn't get a lot of screenshots during week one, sorry, but for the following weeks I did get a ton!
Anyways, the HouseGuests entered the house (I downloaded it from the Gallery, it's called Newcrest Family House) and the HoH skill was Comedy. All of their actions were autonomous. At the end of the week, Matthew had the most Comedy skill points, and was crowned the first HoH. Elliot had the second most, giving him the Power of Veto.
Matthew had the lowest relationship with Sage and Jamie, and he put them up for eviction. Elliot used his POV to take Jamie off of the block since he had a higher relationship with him than Sage. Since Matthew's next lowest relationship was with Hilda, he put her up as the replacement nominee.
Soon enough, voting time came!
Elliot was up first.
He voted for Hilda.
Jamie was up next. He too, voted for Hilda.
Ethan however, voted for Sage.
LaToya did the same.
Rebekah had the swing vote, in the end, her lowest relationship was with Hilda so she voted for her.
So Hilda is the first HouseGuest evicted. She placed 8th overall.
WEEK 1 Results:
HoH: Matthew
POV: Elliot
Pre-Veto Nominees: Jamie and Sage
Post-Veto Nominees: Hilda and Sage
Jamie – Hilda
LaToya – Sage
Elliot – Hilda
Ethan – Sage
Rebekah – Hilda
Who will be next? Find out next time!