I am starting to convince myself that a sim in the directing career can make a huge amount of money per week. Your directing and acting career guide states a Distinguished Director (level 10) works 20 hours a week (1 - 5 PM, Monday - Thursday) and makes $605 an hour. That's 12.100 a week, without a raise, celebrity gift, or selling scripts. Correct me if I am wrong, but a Distinguished Director needs a five star celebrity rating. So your sim can receive gifts worth $15,000 to $83. From my experience with a sim celebrity I have never received a gift under $1000. I have not played to far into the directing branch yet but if you have, How much can a director sell a script for?
If a sim makes $750 and hour and receives and sells $7000 worth of gifts, you can make $22,000 a week. I realize the business career can +30,000 per week, but thats by holding meeting when ever you can.
I am going to test my directors theory soon.
BTW their is an error on this page:
http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/careers/latenight/film.php. The directing branch requires a writing skill not Charisma. I also suggest you add a graph about selling scripts.