Ruby.. the intended immortal artist of the family. Such a small beginning and the light of her daddy's eyes.
Ruby required quite a bit of attention during her first few days. and she kept her parents hopping trying to keep her social skill up there. Then it was birthday time and Ruby became a toddler.
She learned to talk..
To Potty..
And of course to walk.. Mommy helped her every step of the way.
Once the big three were learned, it was time for Caroline to introduce Ruby to the world of art. Here she is reading Handprints of the Masters to her.
In order for the Dynasty to continue, Caroline also painted Ruby's portrait, took a photo and made an ice sculpture.
More time went by, and it was time for another birthday for Ruby.
Looks like we are going to have a little emo artist on our hands. So far Ruby has earned 3 traits. Artistic, Excitable and Photographer's Eye.
Rufous hasn't been lounging around all this time.. let's check off how he is doing in his bid for immortality.
Lifetime Wish: Celebrated Five-Star Chef - completed
Unique Career Maxed: Cooking - complted
Unique Skill SuperMaxed: Gardening
Investments: Hogan's Deep Fried Diner;
Unique Rewards: Super Green Thumb; No Bills Ever; Fireproof Homestead - completed
Blackops: Fresh Cookies for Sale!; All-New Bi-Pedal Dishwashing Machine; Insider Dining; From One Chef to Another; Outstanding Tasting Ingredients; Uncommonly Good - Completed
6 Unique Best Friends: Wayne Bumble; Odine Perry; Alexy Fresco; Barry Tenderlove; Caroline Red;
Museum Portraits: Young Adult; Adult;
He's getting closer.