Thanks everyone. I prefer scary to pretty. Well, with cemeteries anyway.
When Walt became a teen, he added Night Owl to Genius, Athletic, and Supernatural Fan. For a vampire, those traits make way too much sense. He is very odd looking though.
Marla is now an Easily Impressed, Virtuoso, Mooch, Vegetarian with huge eyes and lips, but overall less disturbing than her brother.
Marla got a guitar for her birthday, would rather play that than anything.
She wanted to learn charisma by taking a class, a very useful skill for a musician. After class a protest was in progress. Marla interrupted everyone to chat including Olga and her father.
Now that he could, Walt went to the gym to work out. This woman seemed to want to use Walt’s machine, no other, and when she couldn’t left in a huff.
Chloe is now a lovely Young Adult. Her traits are Flirty, Friendly, Genius, Dislikes Children, and Hopeless Romantic. Somewhere along the line she wished to become a Culinary Librarian and quickly completed her lifetime wish.
She’s also working slowly on her art career. She is now the legacy painter and chef. Chloe and Walt were teens together for about 2 days and were very attracted to each other. She’s the second hand clone of generation 3. He’s generation 7. I haven’t decided if that’s gross or not yet.
I think the school may have a head lice problem.
Hannah has been working on her magician career and lifetime wish in a half-hearted manner. I forced her to do one last show.
That was enough. Wish completed, and she never wishes for anything to do with magic.
The twins went to prom and were voted king and queen. (at my school that was not a couples thing) Marla got a babysitter romantic interest, and Walt has a girlfriend. She’s either head lice girl or her twin. The last three families to move to town have had twins.
Speaking of twins, these are those little park toddlers grown up to teen. They’re pretty cute.
Hannah had an argument with the tiny plant about gardening.
The tiny plant won.