Author Topic: I can't interrogate suspects  (Read 22768 times)

Offline blackrogue

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I can't interrogate suspects
« on: August 08, 2015, 11:06:30 PM »
I was playing my sims and he is a detective. I catch the perp and did mugshots etc. but then when I'm trying to interrogate him, I clicked the table, then click the suspects picture but nothing happened after that. please help! that's all I need to get promoted :(

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Re: i cant interrogate suspects
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2015, 02:56:52 PM »
Hi blackrogue, welcome to the forum. What level is your detective? Interrogation opens up at level 3 of the career. Also, from memory, you have to click on the sim for the option for interrogation to appear, just as if your sim was trying to have an ordinary conversation with the 'perp' sim.
If you are at the correct level of the career for interrogation to be an option and you still can't interrogate you may have to travel away from the station and back again. When I did this my perp was still at the station, just standing around talking to other police.
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Offline Franki

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Re: i cant interrogate suspects
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2015, 02:22:24 AM »
Occasionally the game glitches and you have to either travel away from the station or wait until your next shift to interrogate the suspect.. there are times that when you arrest your suspect and you travel back to the station the suspect doesn't show up anywhere.. just travel away from the station and all seems to work again. interrogation is tricky cause your sim seems to want to be very chatty and not work, if you can x the action that helps a little bit.
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