I love the name "Salem." It's one of the names I have on my list for my random town jump (the name theme is places).
I must have watched too much Sabrina the Teenage Witch, but Salem makes me think of sarcastic talking cats
Poor Salem. I think he's my favourite of the kids at this point.
I’m pleased somebody likes the poor kid – his family certainly don’t.
Harry as a ghost toddler was very cute. RIP Pierre.
I agree about Harry, just adorable.
Harry says thank you
And, wow, some kids with decent traits. What's this sim world coming to.
I know! Weird, isn’t it?
Monts found a very effective way to spoil the mass birthday
So when Lolita aged up the following day, nobody was really in the mood for more cake and she aged up naturally.
Aside from deaths and birthdays, the big news is that Jackson has become Emperor of Evil. Oh dear. He was very pleased and rushed home to tell his minion over a leisurely game of chess.
And with his LTW complete, they moved out into Providence’s old house. Being evil, Jackson won’t mind the lack of windows, although Olympia might.
Harry’s also had a birthday and joined his siblings at high school. He’s become a Computer Whiz.
Like his namesake, he’s very good at Quidditch.
He’s also continued with inventing, and is getting fairly good.
Incidentally, on my first attempt to get that screenshot the dungeon was still loading and Harry showed up opaque – this is what he looks like.
Meanwhile, Salem has taken up alchemy, although he isn’t very good at it and keeps creating noxious fumes instead of elixirs. He has maxed the alchemy career, though – not that that’s saying much.
Madison has selected Renaissance Sim as her LTW. Her favourite skill at the moment is befouling the castle with spray paint...
...although she’s also showing great talents at contortion.
Though it’s hard to tell, this is a picture of Lincoln becoming an astronaut and achieving his own LTW. He reset immediately after I took this, so I missed the 30K point screenshot.
While he's conned his boss into thinking he's an upstanding member of society, really he’s still a git and likes nothing better than insulting his offspring.
Speaking of his offspring, the twins’ young adult birthday rolled around. That weird yellow splodge in the middle is Harry attempting to stab Lolita using only his head.
Just as I thought Salem might make a nice heir, he rolled Hot Headed. I didn’t think much of any of his lifetime wish choices, but Fairy Tale Finder was the best of a bad bunch.
Madison, however, rolled Genius, to go with Evil, Technophobe, Cat Person and Light Sleeper. I think I rather like her
She’s joined the Medical career, partly because she’s been working on her logic skill anyway, and partly because Lolita’s got a massive wish to see her reach level 5. I pity her poor patients.
She found herself a fluffy white kitten listed for adoption, and so Albany has joined the household.
She’s working hard on painting and street art. Her third skill will be either gardening or logic, depending on which she maxes first.
Salem continues to suck at alchemy.
However, he has managed to befriend a unicorn, although hasn’t persuaded her to join the household yet.
Lolita has become a Star News Anchor. She seemed rather pleased.
And Harry had his young adult birthday...
...and he’s got another good trait!
He’s added Angler to Loves the Heat, Eccentric, Lucky and Computer Whiz. His LTW is the Perfect Private Aquarium one.
I’m not too sure who to select as heir now – although I don’t think it’ll be Salem. Any thoughts?