Author Topic: The Townsend Legacy (complete)  (Read 54308 times)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 29/8/15)
« Reply #76 on: August 30, 2015, 03:50:17 PM »
...his sister was actually trying to reach through her stomach to pull the baby out

Ouch!  Also :D.

I love the name 'Grannapolis'.  In the unlikely event of an Annapolis turning up in the family, I'm totally stealing that :).

Do I detect Cycl0n3’s nose on both boys?

(Also, the finished version of the castle looks even better than the sneak preview  :D.)

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Offline Alex

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 31/8/15)
« Reply #77 on: August 31, 2015, 10:42:31 AM »
By all means, if you intend to pull a baby through your abdominal wall, do so in the presence of a doctor.

Well quite ;D

Stunning house and stunning toddlers!
The house is just amazing. I could totally live there  ;D

Thanks both (and Hazelnut) – I spent an inordinate amount of time on the castle, so glad the finished product looks okay :D

Do I detect Cycl0n3’s nose on both boys?

I fear so... :(

With Annie gone, Yves and Monts seemed to feel that skilling was the best way to cope. Each of them threw up wishes to max their current favourite skills: cooking for Yves, and charisma for Monts.

Pierre fell back on his usual hobby and played, but even pulling faces in the mirror seemed to remind him of his mum... fact, the only thing that helped was trying to drown his sorrows – and Sacramento – in the bath.

(I kept catching Pierre trying to bath Sacramento – but usually I managed to cancel the action in time. It’s completely unnecessary as Sac’s bought himself a Pet Hygienator, but Pierre seems to find it enjoyable. Judging by the number of scratches Pierre’s been getting, I don’t think Sacramento agrees.)

Still, if there was one thing guaranteed to cheer them up, it was a birthday party:

Jackson (in yellow) has become my first Bot Fan, which is fine by me. Lincoln, however, has ruined a nice pair of baby traits by acquiring Mean-Spirited, which is the trait I hate most :(

With one twin being evil and the other mean-spirited, it was never going to be peaceful. Brave Lincoln never thinks much of Jackson’s evil plots, and he tends to fight back.

Jackson wanted to declare Lincoln a nemesis almost immediately, and the feeling seems to be entirely mutual.

This, naturally, makes life rather hellish for the adults in their lives (and their watcher). The trick seems to be to keep them separated. Sacramento is far more content to listen to Jackson’s plots than Lincoln, and as a budding Emperor of Evil, Jackson’s taking an interest in learning logic.

Lincoln isn’t really sure what he wants to do yet, so for the moment he’s taken to researching ways to harm his brother and then writing them down for posterity.

Yves escapes from his grandsons at work, and flatly refused to retire. One day, Grim was waiting after his shift.

His expression seemed oddly happy for a man about to have his soul reaped by a faceless ghost with a scythe. Is living with the twins really that bad? ???

The news of his death put a bit of a downer on the birthday party that was happening at home.

Pierre in particular seemed to be devastated, and keeps breaking down near family portraits.

The time finally came for the twins to get hormones and mood swings – oh joy.

Lincoln’s new trait is Unlucky, and Jackson is now Unstable. Real catches, these two...

They spent their birthday afternoon enjoying their newfound ability to fight each other:

And their birthday evening in time out.

(@KRae, I thought of you – this was only about half an hour after I left that comment about my sims never ending up in time out!)

Why do I get the feeling their teen years are going to be painful?

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 31/8/15)
« Reply #78 on: August 31, 2015, 11:20:35 AM »
Oh dear.  Whoever will you pick as heir?  :-\

As least the unstable trait means Jackson has a chance of replacing his bad traits with better ones.  Temporarily, anyway.

Offline KRae

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 31/8/15)
« Reply #79 on: August 31, 2015, 11:28:28 AM »
I got a case of the giggles when I read the teens newly gained traits. You need to find someone to marry one of these two? They look so dejected in time out.

Offline Alex

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 31/8/15)
« Reply #80 on: August 31, 2015, 11:58:22 AM »
Oh dear.  Whoever will you pick as heir?  :-\

As least the unstable trait means Jackson has a chance of replacing his bad traits with better ones.  Temporarily, anyway.

I got a case of the giggles when I read the teens newly gained traits. You need to find someone to marry one of these two? They look so dejected in time out.

Not often that the guy in the bunny suit can claim to be the most well-adjusted sim in the house... (Well, second most well-adjusted if you count the cat.) I have no idea how I'm ever going to marry off either of them!  ;D

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 31/8/15)
« Reply #81 on: August 31, 2015, 04:34:26 PM »
"Lincoln’s new trait is Unlucky, and Jackson is now Unstable. Real catches, these two..."  This made me laugh out loud... lol, so true! It's going to be interesting for sure!  ;D
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Offline Malley

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 31/8/15)
« Reply #82 on: August 31, 2015, 05:36:28 PM »
His expression seemed oddly happy for a man about to have his soul reaped by a faceless ghost with a scythe. Is living with the twins really that bad?

Apparently! I mean, look at the smile on his face  :o Nice to know you care, gramps...

Offline Alex

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 1/9/15)
« Reply #83 on: September 01, 2015, 12:01:40 PM »
It's going to be interesting for sure!  ;D

I think so - just not in a good way.

Apparently! I mean, look at the smile on his face  :o Nice to know you care, gramps...

 :D In his defence, his life did mostly consist of telling them off.

If there’s a plus side to Jackson’s new Unstable trait, it’s that it gives him something to do besides beat up Lincoln.

Otherwise, I’ve gone back to the old standby of keeping them apart. Lincoln has been placed in charge of repairs and making all the new plumbing self-cleaning. He’s decided he wants to be an astronaut, although I’m not sure any self-respecting army would be desperate enough to want him in it.

Maybe it was the instability, but teenage Jackson vacillated constantly between good and evil. He always had at least two LTW suggestions among his wishes, but the most common were Emperor of Evil and International Super Spy. Whichever career he chooses athleticism and logic will help, so he’s been working on his athletic skill. (He can’t actually do International Super Spy as it was Annie’s LTW, but Perfect Mind, Perfect Body is free if he really does decide he wants to be an evil cop.)

Speaking of LTWs, all hail President Montpelier. First to congratulate her was a paparazzo in a very fetching outfit.

None of the humans in the family noticed so she had to be content with telling Sacramento. Let’s hope he doesn’t look too closely at some of the patterns on that uniform.

It’s birthday time again – and for the first time in his life Pierre got to have a birthday all to himself. Sadly, I am a horrible person and forgot to buy him a cake. Two out of three of his adoring family took the opportunity to laugh at his impending elderhood – although Monts would do well to remember that she’s not much younger.

(I’m not going to comment on Jackson and that chair except to say ouch.)

And the next day it was birthday time again.

Here’s the young adult Jackson. His new trait is frugal, to add to evil, loves the heat, bot fan and unstable. You really don’t want to get between this man and his energy-saving light bulbs. Ultimately he decided to leave law enforcement to the Blair Wainwrights of the world: he’s going to become the Dark Lord, preferably with an army of plumbot minions.

The real surprise is Lincoln. In addition to mean spirited, he’s become good. He’s the second Townsend to have that weird combination – Miraj also had it, and it was a pain in the neck. Miraj used to use it to lure his kids into thinking they were having a nice conversation, and then turn around and berate their ignorance. Knowing Lincoln, he’ll do something similar.

As has been pointed out, no woman in her right mind was going to move in with one of these two willingly. Which left a really obvious loophole. Jackson’s immediate thought was extortion – although kidnapping ought to work just as well.

Lincoln doesn’t have much in the way of scruples, but he wasn’t quite desperate enough to consider kidnapping just yet. Instead, he remembered a story his Uncle Pierre had once told him about a secret passageway hidden away beneath their dungeons. He’d never been desperate enough to go there before, but with the family's future at stake, he decided to have a look for it.

He found himself in a room full of what looked a lot like Boxwood, but felt much scarier.

Fortunately a conveniently placed floor switch produced fire, which wilted the shrubs sufficiently that he was able to escape into the next room.

He emerged into a room covered in keys. For a short while he wondered whether he was going to need to fly, but eventually noticed that one of the chests had silver keys on it, which matched the key panel in the room.

Lincoln had always hated chess – it was Jackson who was the criminal mastermind – but it turned out that this chess set required at least as much brawn as brains.

Much to his disgust, the next room contained riddles – he’d always been rubbish at those.

Still, with the threat of fire to motivate him, he eventually figured out which liquid would allow him to cross through the wall into the final room.

A quick conversation with a magic mirror later, and he found himself facing the answer to all his problems: the philosopher’s stone. What better way to bind some poor unsuspecting person to the household?

He still needed an urn, but kleptomaniac Topeka took care of that a long time ago. Welcome to the family, Lolita Goth. And, um, sorry about the housemates.

And that’s me outed as a massive Harry Potter nerd :D. Apologies to anybody who hasn’t read the first Harry Potter book and didn’t follow any of that – next chapter is back to your regularly scheduled simming.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 1/9/15)
« Reply #84 on: September 01, 2015, 12:59:03 PM »
You really don’t want to get between this man and his energy-saving light bulbs.


As has been pointed out, no woman in her right mind was going to move in with one of these two willingly. Which left a really obvious loophole.

:D  Two, I think.  What about an insane (and preferably also evil) woman?

Loved the tomb - and Lolita's outfit :).

Offline Alex

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 1/9/15)
« Reply #85 on: September 01, 2015, 01:02:44 PM »
:D  Two, I think.  What about an insane (and preferably also evil) woman?

I thought about that one - but they don't know any insane female sims  :(. Also, I'm not sure the insane trait alone would be enough to make somebody want to marry one of them.

Offline Malley

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 1/9/15)
« Reply #86 on: September 01, 2015, 02:39:52 PM »
As has been pointed out, no woman in her right mind was going to move in with one of these two willingly. Which left a really obvious loophole. Jackson’s immediate thought was extortion – although kidnapping ought to work just as well.

Oh my  :o As a mystery buff, I am totally on board with this

Offline KRae

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 1/9/15)
« Reply #87 on: September 01, 2015, 02:52:19 PM »
I loved this post so much, I can't even begin. It was all just that wonderful.

Offline Alex

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 2/9/15)
« Reply #88 on: September 02, 2015, 04:38:18 PM »
Oh my  :o As a mystery buff, I am totally on board with this

Me too :D

I loved this post so much, I can't even begin. It was all just that wonderful.

*blush* Thank you ;D

Lincoln seemed absolutely determined to undermine my attempts to continue the legacy. I took my eye off him for one second to check on Pierre, and came back to find him yelling at Lolita:

Fortunately she’s a forgiving sort – and has traits that allow her to make romantic interests very swiftly (charismatic/hopeless romantic/great kisser). I got them to make things official quickly before she could realise what a very bad idea that was.

Just as I was doing a happy dance, Grim’s music started to play :'( Rest in peace, Sacramento. You were without question the sanest member of this household, and I’ll miss you.

At least he was kind enough to come out and haunt almost immediately.

The empty space in the family won’t be empty for long.

The leader of the free world became an elder, much to Lincoln's disdain. Interesting that the elder version of the uniform doesn’t have the Sacramento-print top.

Lolita’s been trying to take her mind off her new housemates by taking the chance to crack on with her lifetime wish, Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers. After making her reproduce with Lincoln, I figured that giving her the family guitar was the least I could do.

However, she’s going to have to take a short break:

This is Madison. She’s a light sleeper, and also evil – she’ll fit nicely into the madhouse.

And at home on the floor after a pathing error is her twin brother Salem, who is also a light sleeper and combines it with couch potato.

I really wish EA would fix the issue that makes parents take the baby back to the hospital after this sort of reset. Lincoln, you have a car, a limo, a broomstick and a bike, and Sunset Valley taxis are free –why would you walk back to the hospital?!

Once Lincoln and Salem got back home, and now that Lolita can fit in her wedding dress, the proud parents tested out the new wedding chapel.

Monts and Pierre seem to be losing it, judging by their choice of spot to view the wedding from.

Monts is delighted with her new grandchildren and never misses an opportunity to boast about them. Lolita was less than impressed – maybe she’d noticed that those photos look nothing like Maddy and Salem.

She’s going to need doting grandparents around to help, though: she’s expecting again.

At least the older ones will be somewhat mobile: they’ve aged up to toddler.

It took until generation 7, but I’ve finally got a sim with puke green hair, combined with Lolita’s grey eyes. Madison gets her colouring from Monts.

They were soon joined in the nursery by Harrisburg. Harry is eccentric, loves the heat, and either a baby or the imprint of a departed soul.

And Jackson has finally found somebody to try out his blackmail and bribery plot on. This is Jaime Avila, a repairwoman who deserves better. Jackson lured her in with the promise of diamonds and money...

...threatened her with death by flies if she didn’t agree to date him...

...and quickly sealed the deal before she could remember that that death only existed in Sims 2.

She certainly doesn’t seem very happy about the whole thing. Once Jackson went to work, I found her sitting and brooding into a flowerbed. Hopefully she’s plotting some sort of evil revenge.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 2/9/15)
« Reply #89 on: September 02, 2015, 05:20:48 PM »
Maybe it’s just my screen but Salem’s hair doesn’t look bad with the rest of his colouring and those clothes he’s wearing.

And Jackson has finally found somebody to try out his blackmail and bribery plot on.

Oh Jackson, you’re such a ladykiller.  No, on second thoughts, I take that back.  He’s much too likely to take it literally  :P.