Author Topic: The Townsend Legacy (complete)  (Read 56604 times)

Offline Alex

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 21/8/15)
« Reply #60 on: August 21, 2015, 03:17:19 PM »
Actually, for having Arlo's genes, Juneau doesn't look half bad.

And Arlo as the better choice in the spouse stakes?!  :o

I know - surely it's got to be a glitch ??? :D

I don’t think I’ve seen the chicken/egg pondering before  :D

I hadn't seen it either until now, but Annie does it all the time.  I tend to avoid the Brooding trait, but it's turning out to be fun.

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 21/8/15)
« Reply #61 on: August 22, 2015, 05:24:35 AM »
Finally all caught up! I'm just loving your story telling style, had me laughing! A lot! :)
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Offline Alex

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 21/8/15)
« Reply #62 on: August 22, 2015, 10:52:20 AM »
Finally all caught up! I'm just loving your story telling style, had me laughing! A lot! :)

Thanks :) I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Offline Alex

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 26/8/15)
« Reply #63 on: August 26, 2015, 01:06:49 PM »
There may not be any toddlers in the house at the moment, but I still have minimal toddler spam. This is Samuel Alto-Townsend, Holly and Frank’s new sprog:

Back in the main household, Monts has had a birthday.

She’s added to her lovely personality by becoming inappropriate. On the plus side, she’s far prettier than her brother, if scarily thin. I don’t remember for sure, but from the look of her I think Annie must have been on the treadmill shortly before Monts was conceived.

She likes to pull faces while she does her homework...

...which apparently is front-page news in Sunset Valley:

In other news, Annie has become an International Super Spy after cracking a major crime ring at the gypsy wagon.

The promotion came just in time for her birthday. Since Pierre doesn’t get birthdays to himself, he got to share her party.

Pierre is now childish as well as eccentric. ;D.

He’s decided he wants to join Ghostbusters, and ultimately become a Paranormal Profiteer.

Yves became an elder the next day: I don’t think he was too impressed.

Monts was far happier about her birthday.

She’s become disciplined. Three of the five LTW choices required travelling and I hate Canine Companion, so she’s going to be Leader of the Free World. Can’t imagine Grumpy and Inappropriate will help with schmoozing dignitaries, but who knows.

I really wanted a male heir this time, but (1) Monts is far less odd-looking than Pierre, (2) she’s inherited Can Apprehend Burglars and he hasn’t, and (3) there is one more surviving original townie, and he’s male. Bit of an age gap now, but hey.

Before we start marrying off somebody who was a child at the start of this chapter, Pierre would like to announce that he’s maxed out his career through the magic of Entrepreneurial Mindset, basil, and playing chess, and he got to meet the mayor. He also got a nice shiny Neighbourhood Hero moodlet that matches his outfit.

Anyway, back to Monts.

I’ve considered and rejected Cycl0n3 Sw0rd as spouse several times (and he once woohooed with Tally), but since he’s managed to outlive all the competition, I got Monts to invite him over. I think his aging must have gone buggy, because he only recently aged up to elder, which is good going even for a fairy.

Since he wasn’t going to have long to fulfil his LTW, I wanted to get an early start on it. They had a quick private wedding and he became Cycl0n3 T0wns3nd.

And whatever glitch was messing up his age immediately fixed itself and his age bar jumped forward to a few days off dying. Typical. Presumably this is Cycl0n3’s R3v3ng3 for not marrying him in sooner.

First things first, he and Monts took care of that whole ‘producing an heir’ thing:

Once chimes had been heard, he quickly dashed off the France to buy enough time to knock out Chess Legend. Good thing that wish is so easy.

Once he got home, he drank a Potent Cure Elixir, then ran off to find Monts to tell her about his new Grandmaster status. She was very impressed.

And then this happened. He’d only been home five minutes, and his age bar had only just filled up :(

So when Monts found out that she was pregnant, it all felt rather bittersweet.

Offline KRae

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 26/8/15)
« Reply #64 on: August 26, 2015, 01:43:40 PM »
I l0v3d this. So how are you playing the whole lifestates thing. If she has a fairy will the child be cured or will you wait until young adulthood?

Offline Alex

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 26/8/15)
« Reply #65 on: August 26, 2015, 03:09:45 PM »
I l0v3d this. So how are you playing the whole lifestates thing. If she has a fairy will the child be cured or will you wait until young adulthood?

I've been doing some experimenting, and I'm starting to suspect it's the lifestate the parents are in when the kids are born, not conceived, that affects the kids' lifestate for some reason: I've recently had a sim become a witch partway through her pregancy and then produce a witch baby. But if I get occult offspring, I'll probably cure them.

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 26/8/15)
« Reply #66 on: August 26, 2015, 03:37:39 PM »
Cycl0n3 T0wns3nd. *giggle* I l0v3d this too ;) really fun. Poor old Cycl0n3 passing away so soon after being married though. Especially after waiting for so long for such an event. lol
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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 26/8/15)
« Reply #68 on: August 27, 2015, 03:23:11 PM »
For some reason, 'Cycl0n3’s R3v3ng3' completely creased me up.  In fact, it still does.  There's just something about the word R3v3ng3  ;D

Poor, poor Montpelier.  Pregnant and widowed at such an early age  :'(

...enough time to knock out Chess Legend. Good thing that wish is so easy.

On Planet Alex, maybe.  I hate that LTW with a passion.  It always takes me ages  >:(

Offline KRae

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 26/8/15)
« Reply #69 on: August 27, 2015, 04:21:21 PM »
My problem with that LTW is all the sims who are just too busy, more like scared to lose!

Offline Alex

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 26/8/15)
« Reply #70 on: August 27, 2015, 09:30:50 PM »
Poor old Cycl0n3 passing away so soon after being married though. Especially after waiting for so long for such an event. lol

Poor, poor Montpelier.  Pregnant and widowed at such an early age  :'(

I know :( I'm not sure whether I feel terrible for hooking them up at all, or whether to be pleased that Cycl0n3 at least got to get his LTW before he snuffed it. Poor, poor T0wns3nds, either way.

At least you don't have to keep typing Cycl0n3 now...

True dat :)

My problem with that LTW is all the sims who are just too busy, more like scared to lose!

On Planet Alex, maybe.  I hate that LTW with a passion.  It always takes me ages  >:(

Have you tried playing it in France? There are only a few French sims with the logic skill (only the Fouchiers, I think), so Cycl0n3 cycled between two opponents (Henri and Eveline, who are now young adults - Estelle would normally be an oppponent, but she's died). Neither of them left base camp while he was playing the other one, so he didn't have to wait around at all. I may just have been lucky, though. I certainly had the usual problems when I briefly tried playing in Sunset Valley.

Offline Alex

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 29/8/15)
« Reply #72 on: August 29, 2015, 11:32:47 AM »
Monts spent a lot of her pregnancy hanging out with the ghosts. Perhaps she was hoping to run into Cycl0n3, but he didn’t come out to haunt. Tally did, though.

Then one evening the sounds of screaming filled the house.

Oh yeah, there were these screams too:

When Pierre realised that his sister was actually trying to reach through her stomach to pull the baby out, he decided it was time to rush her to hospital. They got there just in time – Monts gave birth just as they got through the doors.

Yep, it’s twins. Jackson is evil and loves the heat. Lincoln is brave and loves the cold. Neither of them is a fairy.

In Cycl0n3’s absence, the rest of the Townsends have joined forces to look after them and tend to end up queuing up in the nursery.

With the house so full, Monts and Pierre began to discuss building a larger house. Monts was so tired out raising two infants that she decided to leave the details to Pierre. Now, where might an eccentric, childish sim want to live?

In addition to a moat and gargoyles, it’s got all the mod cons:

A banquet hall


Formal drawing room

And a home wedding chapel. This is a legacy, after all.

Pierre made his room suitably spooky:

And there are bedrooms for the brave at heart...

...for the teen who is far too mature for lions and spiders...

...and for anybody who hasn’t had enough of castles yet.

Underground there are dingy dungeons for brewing potions nectar and chemicals, and there's rumoured to be a secret passageway or two.

By the time I’d finished building it, it was time for the twins to age up. They’d had a week (my time) as babies – a lot of my sims’ whole lives are shorter than that.

Here is toddler Jackson:

And Lincoln – far closer to lots of bottles of chemicals than any baby should be:

The Townsend hair’s still going strong, and they’ve both got Monts’ eye colour. This time Monts felt up to doing most of the childcare alone, although Grannapolis occasionally mucked in too.

There were a couple of birthdays. First Sacramento.

And yet again Pierre didn’t get a birthday to himself.

And then Grim came to visit, this time for Annie :(

I think her family were sad, although looking at these pictures, I’m not so sure:

Offline KRae

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 29/8/15)
« Reply #73 on: August 29, 2015, 02:28:47 PM »
By all means, if you intend to pull a baby through your abdominal wall, do so in the presence of a doctor.

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Townsend Legacy (updated 29/8/15)
« Reply #74 on: August 29, 2015, 05:48:48 PM »
Stunning house and stunning toddlers! And Pierre's bunny suit *snicker*
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