Author Topic: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 1 - Letting Go of Grief  (Read 3926 times)

Offline kittenalive

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Re: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 1 - Letting Go of Grief
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2015, 10:43:24 PM »
So I did end up having to kill my games on my husband's computer, it was literally the only way I could play on my computer cuz of license stuff.
I intend to try again with the story though. I do apologize for the inconvenience to you readers. I may change up the story a bit though, merely because I do feel I was too close to another story when making this one. Next story I intend to finish though. Again, really sorry about it :/
If an admin would be so kind as to move this story over to the graveyard so it doesn't take up space I'd appreciate it.

Offline Nutella

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Re: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 1 - Letting Go of Grief
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2016, 06:59:55 AM »
I'm moving this to the Stories Graveyard due to inactivity.  @kittenalive - you can revive this story by contacting a moderator.

Original Storyboard:  Sims 3 Dynasty and Legacy Challenge Stories

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